Silence the Hunger

Chapter 2

“Now that I have your respect, you will all line up in front of one computer to your right,” the officer nudged his head in the direction he had given as he wiped the blood from his hands with a cloth. Terminals with large touch screens popped up from the floor. There were hundreds of them.


Once you have entered your information into the database, we will organise you into classes and a guide will shout out your name,” the officer grinned before continuing. “For those who refuse to enter their information will be dealt with as a foreign intruder. You will be executed.”

The officer told them in a grim tone of voice and then left with no one even knowing his name.


Alphonse shook his head and walked up to the terminal. As he approached, the screen flashed on.


  • Please enter all of your information, from your name to your attributes. -


Well, I better go with the flow. Alphonse tutted to himself. It was an uncomfortable feeling of being told what to do.


It was straightforward. It was like using any touch screen from home as he entered all of his information that he had from his status page. Once he was done, Alphonse walked over into an empty spot in the gigantic hangar-like room. His eyes rested on what appeared to be spaceships. Large thrusters donned each side, with guns mounted underneath.


People soon joined him as they also finished the process. Soon everyone had completed their forms and some soldiers in green walked forwards. It seemed like they started from the lowest ranked and ended in the highest, based on the badges adorning their uniforms. The soldiers started calling out the names of the newcomers.


“What is your name?” A timid voice crept out from a petite girl to Alphonse’s left. The girl was shivering as she held her hands together, rubbing them to comfort herself.


Alphonse looked at her and gave her a gentle smile, one he thought was well practiced. “Alphonse, nice to meet you. You?” His pale hand stretched forwards.


The girl squirmed for a second as she looked at his hand until she finally accepted it. “Emily.” She muttered, although she seemed to perk up a little as she felt the warmth of Alphonse’s hand.


Alphonse scanned his surroundings as he looked at the people next to him. They were too scared to talk or completely not in the mood.


“Emily Park, class A. Please make your way out to the front.” The soldier with a five star badge shouted out the name of the timid girl next to him with a smile. She jumped at her name being mentioned, but she had no choice but to listen. Her dainty legs meandered through the crowd as she stood next to the other people in group A. The group was noticeably smaller than the rest.


Soon, Alphonse’s name was finally called out.


“Alphonse Khastal, Group E. Make your way forward.” There were no pleasantries, it was more akin to an order. The difference in treatment was clear. His voice was harsh, his foot was tapping the ground in annoyance and impatience.


Alphonse walked forwards. His legs were slow, like he was struggling to walk, and it seemed to only agitate the soldier further.


“If you don’t hurry those damned legs, I’ll remove them and beat you with them.” The soldier snarled at him.


“Sorry, my legs are still recovering from before.” Alphonse responded. It was the truth. The event from before had placed a great strain on his legs. The fresh wound from his lip reminded him of that pressure.


“I couldn’t care less. Even if you have no legs, you’ll still crawl as fast as I tell you to crawl!” The soldier yelled, spit spraying from his mouth.


Is he mentally unstable? Alphonse frowned at the berating he was receiving.


“You hear me, you little shit?! Get on the fucking floor and give me pushups, ill tell you when to stop.” Even people from the other classes couldn’t help but look over as the soldier held a grim smile. The frown on Alphonse’s face only made him angrier.


Alphonse’s face scrunched up in wrath. His patience had vanished.


“Ah, your breath smells like shit. Heard of toothpaste, you fucking rat?” Alphonse said, as everyone within the hall stood rooted to the spot, their mouths agape. They couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth even after witnessing the cruel death from before.


Alphonse looked defiantly at the soldier. His eyes were as calm as still water. Death? Who fucking cares. He watched as the guard moved forward, his eyes filled with an intent to hurt him. However, his movements weren’t nearly as fast as the Officer's. Alphonse could see the soldiers' movements.


He barely reacted as the soldier hurtled towards him and read the punch. Alphonse scarcely dodged the rocketing fist and rushed forward as he countered with his own. Alphonse jabbed forwards, covering the soldier's vision. Using his fist as a veil, Alphonse stepped in and sent a knee towards the soldier's groin. However, the physical difference was too great. The soldier just casually lowered his hand, catching the knee. He upped his speed and sent a punch forwards. Alphonse wasn’t able to react in time as the fist landed on Alphonse’s face, smashing him onto the ground.


The soldier gave no quarter as his fists rained down on Alphonse’s body, causing blood to splash and bones to break.


“What is going on here? A mere Lance Corporal dares mete out punishment on the new recruits?” An Ethereal voice filled the room as all the soldiers bowed in reverence and fear.


The soldier who had beaten Alphonse bowed as apprehension filled his heart. He reported the situation, but before he could continue, they heard a light chuckle. The sound was muffled and raspy. They looked at Alphonse as he desperately attempted to get up and onto his feet. His body was undoubtedly broken, but he willed himself upwards. Blood had covered him from head to toe.


“AHHH!” Alphonse screamed, gathering the strength to stand up. As he got to his feet, he coughed up blood and teeth and spat it onto the floor. His gaze was terrifying as he glared at the soldier, although he said nothing to anyone in the room could tell he wanted to kill him.


Everyone in the hall looked at him in aghast as they saw him in his current state. They wondered how he could even remotely stand up after that beating.


Esdeath walked forwards and stopped in front of him, their eyes locked together.


After a moment of silence, she raised her hand, hovering over his head. Alphonse could see the killing intent in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak as the soldiers were dumbfounded.


“Why do you refuse orders?” Esdeath kept her eyes locked with Alphonse.


Alphonse said nothing, but she could see everything from within his eyes. Lifelessness, despair, anguish and torment were but a few of the emotions she could feel hidden underneath. She felt… sympathy.


Esdeath twitched her hand and in the next instant Alphonse’s body collapsed onto the hard, cold floor.

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