Siheyuan: The young man starts off and beats the stick.

Chapter 231

As they make their way through a dark wood, they encounter a fox who seems to be extraordinarily intelligent. The fox's fur was as red as a flame, and its eyes shone with intelligence.

Su Ming asked curiously, "Who are you?" The

fox replied with a smile, "I am the fox fairy Yaoyao, one of the guardians of this forest. I heard that you are looking for the secret of this forest, right?"

Su Ming nodded, and Zehan stood aside, staring at this mysterious fox fairy.

Yaoyao continued, "There is an ancient shrine in this forest, which is said to be a gateway to another world. But the temple is sealed, and only those who have special powers can break the seal. Do you have enough courage

to find this power?" Su Ming thought for a moment before answering firmly, "Yes, I am willing to find this power and unlock the secrets of the temple.

Yaoyao smiled and nodded, gently brushing Su Ming's hand with her red tail, transmitting a mysterious energy. Su Ming felt a new power surging in his body, and he knew that this was what he needed.

Zehan also expressed his gratitude to the fox fairy, and then they continued on their way, heading in the direction of the temple. Along the way, they encounter many challenges, but Su Ming's strength grows, and he becomes more determined, determined to unravel more mysteries in the forest while protecting this mysterious nature.

Su Ming and Zehan continued to advance towards the temple, and they found that the scene of the forest became more and more mysterious. Between the ancient trees, strange flowers bloom and the meadows exude a wonderful fragrance. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, emitting a warm glow, and the yang energy in this mysterious forest is extremely strong.

Suddenly, they came to a meadow and saw a beautiful woman dancing there. Her dancing is light and intoxicating, with a blooming sunflower on her head.

Su Ming couldn't help but admire: "The scenery here is really beautiful. The

woman stopped dancing and looked at Su Ming and Zehan with a smile. Her voice was as clear as a mountain spring, and she said, "Are you here to find

the temple?" Su Ming nodded: "Yes, we heard that there is a temple here, and we want to unlock its secrets." The

woman smiled and said, "I am the Sun Elf, and I am responsible for guarding this meadow. The seal of the temple needs the power of sunlight to break. I can give you the power of the sun to help you move forward. The

sun elf raised her hand, and sunlight emanated from her palm, surrounding Su Ming. He felt a warm current running through his body, full of strength and courage.

Zehan also felt this power, and they continued their journey again, heading in the direction of the temple. This time, they possessed the divine power of the sun and moved forward with confidence.

Su Ming and Zehan's journey continues, and the blessings of the sun elves make them feel stronger. They traveled through the mysterious forest, and soon after, came to a clear lake.

There was an old man on the shore of the lake, who was sitting on a stone by the lake, holding an ancient scripture book in his hand. He had a long beard and blue eyes full of wisdom. Su Ming approached and asked, "Hello, respected elder, we are looking for the secret of the temple, can I ask you for advice?"

The old man smiled and nodded, closed the scripture, and said, "I am a monk in my previous life, and because of my good deeds, I was entrusted with the mission of guarding the lake here. The seal of the temple is made up of the power bestowed by the accumulated virtues of the previous life, and only those who understand the accumulated virtues of the previous life can break the seal.

Su Ming was puzzled: "How should I understand it

in my previous life?" The old man replied with a smile: "The accumulation of virtue in your previous life refers to the good deeds you did in your previous life, and only by recalling the experience of your previous life can you understand this secret." In the reflection of this lake, you may be able to find clues.

Su Ming and Ze Han sat quietly by the lake, staring at the reflection on the surface of the lake. They begin to recall their experiences, good deeds and good deeds in their past lives. Gradually, the reflections in the lake began to fluctuate, like ripples, showing a picture of the past life.

Su Ming saw all kinds of good deeds in his previous life, from helping the poor to saving trapped creatures, all of which were reflected in the reflection of the lake.

The old man smiled and said, "The power of your previous life to accumulate virtue has awakened. Now, you can go to the temple and break the seals to uncover more secrets. On

the way to the temple, Su Ming and Zehan felt that the power of accumulating virtue in their previous lives was constantly guiding them. The forest grows more mysterious, the trees grow taller, and the sun casts golden beams through the leaves.

Suddenly, they came to a gorgeous garden, where the flowers were in full bloom and exuded a refreshing fragrance. In the garden, a monk sits on the grass and closes his eyes in meditation.

Su Ming walked towards the monk and asked, "Respected monk, we are heading to the temple, can I ask for your guidance?"

The monk slowly opened his eyes, with a quiet Buddha light flowing in his eyes, and said: "The Buddha light blesses you, I am the protector monk of this garden, the flowers here are all good fruits cultivated in the previous life, and the blessing of the Buddha's light makes them bloom." The doors of the temple require a pure heart, and only those with compassion and good intentions can touch the secrets of the temple.

Su Ming had compassion in his heart and expressed his willingness to go to the temple and accept the blessings of the Buddha's light. The monk began to chant the mantra, and a golden Buddha light surrounded Su Ming, and he felt a compassionate power seep into his heart.

Zehan was also blessed by the Buddha's light, and they once again set out on the path to the temple with compassion and kindness.

Su Ming and Zehan's journey continued, and the blessing of the Buddha's light provided them with inner peace and courage. They walked through the increasingly mysterious forest, and walked in the breeze.

Soon they came to a wide grassland, where colorful flowers grew and butterflies and birds danced in the air. In the distance, a practitioner sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and meditating.

Su Ming and Zehan slowly approached and greeted the cultivators. The cultivator slowly opened his eyes, his gaze was deep, and said, "Welcome, traveler. I am the guardian of this grassland, and the creatures here are the crystallization of good deeds from previous lives. The gateway to the temple needed to be integrated with the forces of nature, which only those who were in harmony with nature could enter.

Su Ming responded: "We respect nature, protect living beings, and I am willing to integrate the power of nature." The

cultivator nodded, stretched out his palm, and stroked a flower. The wind on the grassland began to blow gently, and the flowers stretched out, releasing a breath like a force of nature.

Zehan also began to connect with the natural world around them, and they felt that they were one with nature and connected to the creatures of the grassland.

The practitioner said, "Now that you have become integrated with the forces of nature, you can go to the temple, may the forces of nature walk with you."

Su Ming and Zehan continued to move towards the temple, feeling the guidance of the power of nature. The forest grows denser, and the flowers on the prairie become more gorgeous, swaying in the breeze.

Suddenly, they came to a quiet forest, with ancient vines growing among the trees, which seemed to lead to some secret place. Deep in the forest, there is a small hill with an ornate temple inlaid on it.

Just as they tried to move forward, a mysterious voice rang out: "Only those who possess a pure fetal image will have access to the secrets of the temple."

Su Ming couldn't help but think, what is the pure fetal image? Zehan was also confused.

Just then, an old woman came out, dressed in a white robe and wearing a flower crown on her head. Her gaze was gentle and kind, and she said to Su Ming and Zehan: "The pure fetus image is a symbol of good deeds and kindness in the previous life, and only those who know how to be grateful and love can have it. Have you ever done selfless

good deeds?" Su Ming recalled various experiences in his previous life, from helping others to forgiving others, and he understood the meaning of the pure fetus, he said: "I have had good deeds and acts of kindness, and I am willing to show my pure fetus.

Zehan also expressed his wishes. The old woman nodded and touched their foreheads lightly, and suddenly, memories of their past lives began to surface, and all kinds of good deeds and acts of kindness appeared in their minds.

The old woman smiled and said, "Now that you have shown the image of the Pure Fetus, you can go to the temple, may the good deeds of your past lives always be with you." "

Su Ming and Zehan entered the temple, but their current scene was completely different from the natural beauty before. The interior of the temple is desolate, with dry trees and decadent scenes filling the view. They felt a mysterious silence, as if time had stood still here.

In the depths of the temple, they met a lonely old man who was sitting on the ground with an ancient jade stone in his hand, silent in thought. Su Ming and Zehan stepped forward and asked, "Respected Elder, why is this place so deserted?" We came to the temple, but we found a dead silence. The

old man raised his head, his eyes full of wisdom, and said, "This is the deepest layer in the temple, and the barren land represents the seal of the mysterious power. Only by unlocking this seal can the true secrets of the temple be revealed. The seal of the temple requires a pure heart, a soul willing to sacrifice.

Su Ming and Zehan began to think about what kind of test their hearts needed to go through. The old man continued, "This seal requires the sacrifice of a soul, and in order to unlock it, you must sacrifice a part of yourself, letting go of your desires and attachments. Su

Ming and Zehan decided to accept this test and were willing to let go of a part of themselves. They begin to go into the depths of their hearts and explore their inner desires and obsessions. It is a difficult process that requires courage and determination.

As they overcome their inner obstacles and prepare to let go of a part of themselves, the mysterious seal begins to slowly unravel. The old man smiled and said, "You have taken the first step, and now you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the temple."

Su Ming and Zehan continued to advance towards the depths of the temple, and the unsealing of the seal seemed to release more mysterious power. They felt a terror begin to haunt them, and it grew stronger with each step.

In the depths of the temple, they encounter a mysterious woman who wears a black robe and has a dark face. Her gaze was filled with an ominous atmosphere. Su Ming and Zehan felt uneasy inside, but they decided to talk to the woman.

Su Ming cautiously asked, "Who are you, why is there a

sense of terror in your heart here?" The woman smiled, but the smile was full of mockery, and she replied, "I am the guardian of this temple, and this sense of terror is the shadow in your heart, a reflection of your obsessions and evil thoughts. To break the seal of the Temple, you must face the horrors within yourselves.

Zehan asked, "How should we face our own horrors?"

The woman pointed to a dark passage and said, "Enter that passage, face the dark side of your heart, and let go of obsessions and evil thoughts." Only then will you be able to break the seal of the temple.

Su Ming and Zehan were uneasy, but they decided to take this step and enter the dark passage. In the passage, they begin to experience the shadows of their own hearts, looking back on the mistakes and evil thoughts of the past. It was an unsettling journey, but they knew that they could only move forward if they overcame the horror in their hearts.

When they successfully confronted the dark side of their hearts, they felt a sense of relief and the sense of terror began to dissipate. They reappear in the center of the temple, and the seal is gradually broken.

Su Ming and Zehan felt that the terror in their hearts had dissipated, and they continued to the depths of the temple. The interior of the temple began to look even more fantastical, with the walls inlaid with precious stones and the floors covered in ornate patterns.

In the center of the temple, they met a mysterious deity whose eyes shone brightly, and she said, "You have faced the horror of your hearts, but now, you need to go one step further and be brave enough to break your boundaries."

Su Ming asked, "What does it mean to break your own boundaries?" The

deity replied, "Everyone has their own boundaries, which are limitations and obsessions on themselves. To break the seal of the Temple, you need to rise above yourselves and face your weaknesses and vices.

Zehan nodded in understanding, and they decided to take on the challenge. Under the guidance of the gods, they began to go deep into their hearts and explore their inner boundaries and vices.

In the process, they discover their weaknesses and mistakes, some of which are from the past and some of which are the vices of the present. But instead of backing down, they worked hard to overcome it and bravely broke their boundaries.

When they succeeded in transcending their boundaries, the temple's seal began to crumble rapidly, and a bright light flickered. The deity said, "You have bravely broken your boundaries, and now you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the temple. Su

Ming and Zehan's journey continued, and they felt that they had overcome their inner fears and broken their boundaries. The interior of the temple became more and more mysterious, filled with ancient symbols and incantations.

In the depths of the temple, they met a wise man who sat on the ground and closed his eyes in meditation. A deep wisdom appeared between the wise man's eyebrows, and he said, "You have shown bravery, but to unlock the seal of the temple, you still need to find your own Dao heart.

Su Ming asked

, "What is the Dao Heart?" and the wise man explained, "The Dao Heart is a pure heart, an inner belief in the pursuit of truth and good deeds. Only by finding your own Dao heart will you be able to reveal the true secrets of the Temple.

Su Ming and Zehan began to go deep into their hearts and find their own Dao hearts. They look back on their lives, reflect on past decisions and actions, and strive to find inner purity.

As time passed, their hearts gradually became peaceful and peaceful. They understood the meaning of the Tao heart, which is the pursuit of truth and good deeds, love and care for the world.

When they found their Dao Heart, the interior of the temple began to change, and spells and symbols began to flicker. The wise man said, "You have found your Dao heart, and now you can move on and reveal the secrets of the temple. Su

Ming and Zehan's adventure continued, they felt that they had found their Dao heart, but the depths of the temple were still full of mystery and challenges. They move on with a quest for the truth in their hearts.

In the labyrinth inside the temple, they suddenly lost their way and felt dazed and helpless. The walls of the labyrinth are filled with psychedelic patterns that seem to be casting illusions on them.

Su Ming couldn't help but be confused, he said, "We have found the Dao Heart, why is the interior of the temple so confused?"

Ze Han also fell into a daze, they felt that time seemed to have lost its meaning, and everything became chaotic.

Just then, a mysterious teenager appeared in front of them. His eyes were shining, and he said, "Confusion and confusion are part of the test, and only in confusion can you find your true direction." To unlock the seals of the Temple, you need to trust your instincts and your inner strength.

Su Ming and Zehan began to listen to their inner voices, ignoring the psychedelic patterns and illusions, and they intuitively advanced and crossed the obstacles of the labyrinth. As they move forward step by step, their sense of dazedness gradually disappears, and they resume their pursuit of truth.

When they finally got rid of the illusion of the labyrinth, the seal of the temple began to tremble, and the patterns on the walls began to dissipate. The boy said, "You have overcome your confusion and can now move on and reveal the secrets of the temple."

Su Ming and Zehan overcame their confusion and continued to go deeper into the interior of the temple. However, they found a dreary atmosphere in the air inside the temple, as if a catastrophe was about to befall them.

In the center of the temple, they met a mysterious deity who sat on a throne with a vicissitudes of life. Her eyes twinkled with warning, and she said, "You have overcome your confusion, but now you face an even greater challenge." The spiritual power of the temple is gradually dissipating, and in order to break the seal, you must find the source of the spiritual power.

Su Ming asked

, "Where is the source of spiritual power?" The god replied, "The source of spiritual power is in the depths of the temple, but the interior of the temple is full of traps and illusions. It is only through wisdom and determination that you will be able to find the source of your spiritual power, otherwise the temple will remain sealed forever. Zehan

expressed his willingness to accept the challenge, and they began to search for the source of spiritual power inside the temple. Each step is a test of wits and determination, and they must bypass the trap and see through the illusion in order to get close to their goal.

After overcoming a series of challenges, they finally reached the depths of the temple. There, they found a bright gem that radiated the light of spiritual power.

When they touched the gem, the seals of the temple began to be unsealed, and spiritual power was re-infused into the temple. The deity said, "You have found the source of your spiritual power, and now you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the temple." Su

Ming and Zehan's adventure continued after unlocking the seal of the temple, and they felt that the mysterious power was getting stronger and stronger. The interior of the temple is becoming more and more ancient and mysterious, as if there are traces of ancient wisdom.

In the depths of the temple, they met an elderly wise man who sat on a stone couch with a long beard hanging down to the ground. The wise man's gaze revealed deep wisdom, and he said, "You have found the source of spiritual power, but now you need to understand the true meaning of Fengshuang's question.

Su Ming asked, "What does it mean to ask

the wind and frost?" The wise man explained: "The wind and frost ask refers to the ups and downs and setbacks in life, and only through the experience of wind and frost can we understand the truth." To unlock the seals of the Temple, you must understand the storms of life and learn to draw wisdom from them.

Zehan expressed his willingness to accept the challenge, and they began to reflect on the ups and downs and setbacks they had experienced in their lives. They looked back at the difficulties of the past and how they learned from them and how they learned from them.

In the process, they understand the true meaning of Fengshuang's question, that is, to grow and comprehend the truth through the setbacks and ups and downs in life.

When they succeeded in understanding Windfrost's question, the interior of the temple began to change, and mysterious symbols and spells began to be cracked. The wise man said, "You have understood the Storm Frost and asked, now you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the temple."

Su Ming and Ze Han continued their exploration, and after understanding the true meaning of Fengshuang's question, the interior of the temple became more and more mysterious. They felt mysterious power surging around every corner, as if a challenge awaited them.

In the depths of the temple, they encounter a purple smoke that seems to hide endless mysteries. They walked into the smoke and their vision gradually blurred, but they were determined not to give up and keep going.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared in the smoke, her eyes flashing with a purple glow. "You've understood the true meaning of Storm's Question, but now it's up to you to face the challenges in the purple smoke and unravel the mysteries," she said.

Su Ming asked, "What kind of mystery is hidden in

the purple smoke?" The mysterious figure replied: "The purple smoke is the mysterious power of life, which contains information about the past, present, and future. To unlock the seals of the temple, you must decipher the messages in the smoke and find the clues inside.

Zehan expressed his willingness to accept the challenge, and they began to take a closer look at the purple smoke, trying to decipher the message. The smoke seems to contain a myriad of images and symbols, making it dazzling.

As they continued to observe and think, they began to gradually comprehend the information in the smoke and found a clue that led to the next level of the temple.

When they succeeded in solving the mystery in the purple smoke, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the mysterious figure said, "You have solved the mystery of the purple smoke, and now you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the temple."

Su Ming and Zehan continued their quest to find the secrets of the temple. They have faced various challenges, but mysterious forces still seem to be waiting for their next step.

In the depths of the temple, they came to a room with a huge door. However, in front of the door stands a mysterious gatekeeper with a wary expression on his face. He said, "Who is messing with ghosts?"

Su Ming and Zehan were confused, and they explained that they had just come to find the secret of the temple and had no malicious intent. The gatekeeper continued to watch them vigilantly, saying, "The temple has been subjected to a malicious intrusion, so it must be guarded against. If you are sincere, you must pass My test. "

Gatekeepers began to come up with a series of puzzles and challenges, asking them to show their intelligence and honesty. Su Ming and Zehan accepted the challenge and did their best to answer questions and complete tasks.

After completing a series of tests, the gatekeeper's wary expression faded and he said, "You have shown sincerity and wisdom without malice. Now, you can move forward and reveal the secrets of the Temple.

Su Ming and Zehan continued their quest, determined to reveal the secrets of the temple. They have gone through various trials and overcome many obstacles, but the mysterious power still seems to be waiting for their next step.

In the depths of the temple, they came to a huge hall with an ancient idol in the center of the hall. The idol seems to be the final key, and the mysterious power it represents awaits their challenge.

Suddenly, the idol began to speak, and its voice was full of ancient wisdom. It asked, "What are you here to pursue?" Su

Ming replied, "We have come to pursue the secrets of the temple, to find truth and wisdom. The

idol nodded, and then continued to ask, "What price are you willing to pay to get these?"

Zehan thought for a moment and said, "We are willing to give everything, including our own destiny. The

idol nodded in understanding, then said, "To reveal the secrets of the temple, you must accept a final challenge, a test that will determine your fate. With

the idol's words, the floor of the hall began to split, revealing a pitch-black abyss. Su Ming and Zehan stood in front of the abyss, ready to accept the final test, not knowing what it would be.

Su Ming and Zehan stood in front of that abyss, ready to accept the final test. The abyss seemed to be filled with mysterious power, tension and anticipation intertwined in their hearts.

Suddenly, triangular stars began to rise in the abyss, and the stars emitted a dazzling light, as if to convey some kind of message to them. They stared at the starlight, trying to understand its meaning.

The light in the stars began to flow, forming a series of images and symbols that seemed to tell an ancient legend. A voice rang out in their hearts, saying, "The triangular star represents balance, wisdom, and courage." To reveal the secrets of the Temple, you must maintain inner balance, wisdom and courage in the face of the unknown. Su

Ming and Zehan comprehended this message, and they knew that only through balance, wisdom, and courage could they overcome the challenges of the abyss.

They took a step and slowly descended into the abyss. The challenges of the abyss are full of unknowns, but their hearts are strong, and they believe that with balance, wisdom and courage, they can overcome this final test and reveal the secrets of the temple.

Su Ming and Zehan descended into the abyss, challenging the unknown like never before. At the bottom of the abyss, they found a huge bronze door carved with ancient symbols and triangular stars.

In front of the door there is a stone tablet with the inscription: "Only through inner balance, wisdom and courage can this door be opened and the secrets of the temple revealed."

Su Ming and Zehan faced the door and began to think deeply about inner balance, wisdom and courage. They realize that balance is not swayed by malice or excessive emotions, that wisdom is rational and calm thinking, and courage is fearlessness in the face of the unknown.

They began to act according to these principles. First, they calmed down and ruled out fear and doubt. Then, using their wisdom, they analyze the symbols and patterns on the door. Finally, they didn't hesitate to push open the bronze door.

The door slowly opens, revealing the ultimate secret inside the temple. The interior is filled with mystical treasures and ancient wisdom that seem to await their exploration. The mystery of the temple seems to have been solved, but more mysteries await their unraveling.

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