Showdown, here is the pirate chat group

Chapter 541

Is this guy of yours colluding with the redhead, how can one bet on the future with his hands and the other bet on the future with his feet, and both are people from the protagonist group?

You say, have you read the script?

Instead of asking the question, Sakaski said, “Do you mean the blonde boy just now?” ”

“Exactly, but he has nothing to do with pirates, and he hasn’t done anything bad, just an ordinary teenager, I will take care of my affairs alone, please don’t implicate others, and this sea restaurant, please let it continue to open, this is the home that many people rely on to survive.” Jepp said.

Jepp is very comfortable with his fate.

After becoming pirates, especially those who have left a record in the Navy, most of the fate of pirates is only these few, either caught by the Navy, or dead, or powerful and at large, or hiding themselves so that the Navy cannot be caught.

He had chosen to hide this path before, and now in front of him was Sakaski, who knew his strength.

Having lost his strongest right leg, he was not Sakaski’s opponent, and now he is even less likely to defeat Sakaski.

Instead of sending others to death, it is better to voluntarily surrender, so that the result is only one less him in Bharati.

As for the other cooks on the ship who used to be pirates, Jepp was not worried that they would be caught by Sakaski, because although they were pirates before, they did not have a bounty, which means that there is no record in the navy, as long as they do not admit that they are pirates, then it is fine.

This is a blessing in misfortune, and with them, Bharati can still continue to drive.

“People who have not committed crimes, I naturally don’t count, but as far as I know, most of the other chefs in this restaurant except for the teenager were once pirates.”

Zhepu’s face changed slightly when he heard this, “There is no such thing. ”

“Whether there is such a thing, I will investigate it myself, although you have given up being a pirate and chose the golden basin to wash your hands, but this does not mean that the sins you have committed before can be written off with your abandonment.

Everyone pays for what they’ve done before. Sakaski said, looking at Jepp.

“What the hell do you want?” Jepp asked.

He didn’t understand what Sakaski’s purpose was.

Since he found out that he was a red-footed Jep, judging by Sakaski’s strength, it was effortless to catch himself, and there was no need to talk to himself at all.

There was no need for Sakaski to separate the others and talk to him alone.

And since Sakaski knew that ElBaradei’s cooks were also pirates before, what he should have done now was to send someone to the back kitchen to control them all and arrest them all, but he didn’t do it.

Instead, they just sat here and chatted with him, they had not crossed paths before, nor had they met.

The only intersection is that he was previously a pirate who was rewarded by the Navy, and Sakaski is a senior admiral, which belongs to the relationship between catching people and being caught, and there is nothing to chat about at all.

In this case, Sakaski did not directly arrest him, but sat down with him to talk, there must be some intention that he did not know.

For what exactly? …… Jepp looked at Sakaski suspiciously.

“I want to take someone.” Sakaski smiled and said.

“Who?” Jepp asked, and as soon as the words came out, he suddenly remembered what Chef Yamaji had just said to him, and just now Sakaski seemed to tell Yamaji that he wanted to take Yamaji as an apprentice.

Before, he had always thought that this was what Sakaski said on a whim, but now… Is Sakaski serious?

“Could it be Sanji?” Jepp said.

“Exactly.” Sakaski said, “I can pretend that I didn’t find you pirates who chose to wash your hands in the golden basin, even though you were pirates before and committed the crimes of pirates.”

I was supposed to catch you all and make you punish accordingly, but now I can ignore it.

As long as you can persuade Sanji to join the Navy, then I can get away with all this, and I can even eliminate the bounty order in the Navy for you, completely solve your worries, and let you open this sea restaurant in the future. ”

To be honest, the red-footed Jeep is already meaningless for the Navy, the guy has lost his right leg, there is no threat to the Navy, and there is no idea of continuing to be a pirate.

A large number of new pirates appear on the sea every day, and the navy is too lazy to gather people and horses to spend time and energy to deal with these guys who gave up being pirates, preferring to put manpower and material resources on the guys who need to be dealt with to maintain the current order.

For Sakaski, capturing Jepp and them can certainly allow the pirates to accept punishment and restore justice to the world.

But if you exchange this punishment for another option, let Jepp persuade Sanji to join the navy, so that one punishment can be exchanged for a potential navy, and Yamaji will be the navy to atone for their sins.

Such a choice makes more sense than punishing them.

And Sanji is also a special existence, a member of the protagonist group, an important role in his plan, far more important than Zhepu and these pirates who have turned careers.

It is about whether the future can reverse the current dusty justice and let the real justice appear in the Navy.

For Sakaski, there is no need to think about what choice to make.

Hearing Sakaski’s words, Jepp finally determined that Sakaski really wanted to take Sanji as an apprentice, not on a whim.

But why?

Why Sanji?

Sakaski’s offer was indeed very attractive, eliminating his naval bounty, and he would be able to open a sea restaurant in the future.

This condition is not tempting for pirates, and even some pirates want to become Qiwu Hai in order to eliminate the bounty.

After all, when pirates are always faced with being hunted by the navy, there is always a tired day when they run for so many years, and there is a bounty in not only the pursuit of pirates, but also the pursuit of bounty hunters for bounties, and there will never be a peaceful day.

Although the conditions offered by Sakaski were tempting, he did not choose to agree to let Jepp use Sanji as a bargaining chip.

“You should ask Yamaji about this, whether to join the navy or not is his own choice, I just took him here as an apprentice, if he decides to become a navy, then I will never stop it, I will not interfere in his life.” Jepp shook his head.

PS: First more

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