Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 222: What Is It?

I woke up in a bed and there were warm bodies curled into me. One was small and the other big, and I opened my eyes to find Kyla and Kyra cuddled into me. I was in my room on the ship and it was only the three of us, but then I felt it.

The purple stone that had flown into my arm, I could feel it, but my arm was being held by Kyra. I moved my arm that Kyra was held and her eyes shot open, making me stare into them.

"You're awake? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" 

Kyra rushed me with questions, but I pulled her into a kiss with my one arm. I felt my little girl start to wake up on the other side of me, and then moved my head to look at her. 

Kyla was letting out a long and drawn yawn that exposed her sharp double incisors. What was she? A wolf or a vampire? Not that it mattered, she was so damn bloody cute and she could have been a werewolf and I would still cuddle the shit out of her. 

I pulled my arms from my girls and put them around the two of them, pulling them in tight. Both cuddled into me and I closed my eyes; I just wanted to enjoy the moment. It felt like it had been forever since I could just lay back and relax, but I couldn't do this forever, there were things to do.

Still, I had just woken up, so I had to be allowed a bit of time to spend with my loved ones. I kissed both girls and got them to get up. I could still spend time with them as we walked around, and I wanted to know what they had figured out about the gem, then something happened that brought me to my knees.

It was like a heartbeat that pulsed through my body, and I could feel my skin get hot. I let go of the girls and hopped out of bed, my skin was starting to spark.

"Girls! Leave the room and close the door! Go get the others, but wait for me to come out! DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR BACK UP!" I roared and the two ran out of the room. 

I hadn't meant to yell at them, but there was electricity coming from my body and I could feel it running through my body. The gem wasn't glowing or doing anything, but the power was radiating off from it. 

I sat down and crossed my legs, I was only in my underwear and the floor was cold, but my mind was already trying to construct the Gate. Suddenly, I was there, floating over my body that was standing in front of the Gate. I could see the sparks trying to shock the lines of blue, but they just were repelled, nothing could break into the power of the Gate. 

Now I was left with nowhere to direct the power and it was trying to escape my body now that I was conscious.

"Focus! Open the next Gate like you have been doing and the lightning element will be absorbed by the Gate, infusing your power with the power of the storm!" Keepa told me in his deep and growling graveled voice.

I listened to Keepa and did as he said without question. I knew without a doubt that he was on my side; something inside me told me that this was the only person I could really trust in this game because he was a part of me. It was hard to explain how I just knew, but I did, and I slowly opened the third Gate.

The power washed into me, sucking up all the electrical current that was running rampant through my body. I could feel my body start to cool, but it took a while to absorb all of the Gate's power. While I waited, I had a conversation with Keepa about the power after he used another Memory Download to give me information about the third gate.

"So, what is the Gate? I have been using it as a buff, but only to make me stronger. Now, I am learning that it isn't that at all. Well, it is, but not in the way I have been using it."

"The Gate is a personification of the body's own natural power that runs through your body. Each Gate is a law, and every time you open one of the Gates, you break the law," Keepa explained.

"What are the laws then? And what does breaking them have to do with the Gates power?"

"The first three laws are Limitations, Reach, and Control. The first law allows you to break past your body's set limitations allowing you to use strength and speed that the laws of the human body do not allow. The second Gate breaks the limitations of being able to extend your body's power outside of you. Using power to stick to things or extend past your normal reach, like when you righted yourself and pulled yourself back down."

"And the third law? Control? Now I can put my power into something and control it? That's what I am getting from the information that you sent to me; is that right?" I asked.

"You do not make them move with your will, but instead the energy will infuse the object with your will and it will act in accordance to your thoughts. This will be enough for now, you should get used to using the powers you have before you absorb more. Go back now, and see the ones that are waiting for you."

Then I was back sitting on the ground in my room, staring at my lap. My body was cool and I was no longer sparking, so I stood up and went to the door. I pushed the button and opened the door to find almost everyone on the ship waiting outside.

"Hey, guys...have we run out of things to do? Do I need to put another hole in the wall so you have something to do?" I asked, but then I was mobbed by all my friends and family. 

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