Shokuki: My daughter is Erina

Chapter 15

Although Seiichiro Saiba said before that he hoped that Fukiyuki could provide some suggestions for his cooking, to be honest, in his heart, he didn't think Fukiyuki could give any constructive advice.

Seiichiro actually just wanted Fukiyuki to taste his own food, but he didn't expect that Fukiyuki really wanted to express some of his opinions.

Now, Seiichiro is interested.

He really wanted to see what this elementary school boy, who didn't like to deal with people very much, whether in school or in the dormitory, could say something.

Under Seiichiro's gaze, Fukiyuki slowly expressed his opinion on this dish.

"The sauce made from fresh lemon juice and mint juice is the highlight of this dish!"

"But again, this highlight also brings a blemish to the dish!"

"The mint juice is a bit pungent and it masks some of the aroma of the cod steak and breadcrumbs..... This is also taken into account, so you will use lemon juice to neutralize the smell of peppermint juice, citric acid can effectively reduce the menthol content in peppermint juice, so that the smell emitted by it becomes softer and more appropriate to the dish itself..... But I don't think lemon juice alone is enough!"

"When I was tasting the food just now, I noticed that the aroma of the mint juice was still a little too strong, and because of this, the aroma of the cod was lost in the process of blending with it.... I think the so-called flaws in the mouth of Senior Caibo are here!".

"My personal opinion is that Senior Caibo might as well try to add one more seasoning to the sauce, Senior Caibo, what do you think of vanilla juice?"

"Vanilla juice?".

Hearing Blowing Snow's words, Seiichiro lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, after Fuyuki said those words just now, he immediately realized that Fuyuki really accurately captured the subtle flaws in his cooking.

It's mint juice!

The whole dish is fresh and fresh because of the mint juice, but it also makes the cod flavor mask a little.... I used lemon juice to blend it, but it didn't seem to be perfect.

If you can add some vanilla essence made of vanilla to the sauce, and use vanilla to match lemon juice, so that the pungent taste of mint juice can be better offset.... In this way, the aroma of the cod can be completely released.

What's even more interesting about this idea is that vanilla and cod are a perfect match.

Because the whole dish is cooked in a pan-fried way, the aroma of vanilla can definitely be extracted to the fullest, and when the vanilla smell is cleverly combined with the smell of cod and breadcrumbs, coupled with the freshness of menthol and citric acid, Seiichiro can be sure that this dish will definitely go to the next level than it is now.

Thinking of this, Seiichiro suddenly became excited.

"How could I not have thought of such a simple solution?".

"Cod with vanilla, it's a perfect match!"

"Blowing snow, wait a minute, I'll go make this dish now, and when it's ready, you can taste it again!"

Seiichiro took the plate and couldn't wait to run to the stove.

With a new idea, he really wanted to turn it into reality right away.

Looking at Seiichiro Caiba in a hurry, Fuyuki said helplessly.

"Senior Caibo, I have something to deal with, you can let other seniors taste the dishes later, I'll go to the room to deal with private matters first, by the way, I won't come down to eat dinner today.... You don't have to call me on purpose..."

After Fukiyuki finished speaking, regardless of whether Seiichiro listened to his words or not, he went straight back to his room.


Seiichiro's mind was completely on his own cooking at this time, and although he heard Fukiyuki's words, he didn't have time to answer.

Twenty minutes later, he quickly remade a snowflake fish steak dish.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Seiichiro sniffed it gently.

Soon, a happy smile appeared in his eyes.

"That's what it tastes like!".

"With a little vanilla, the flavor of the dish is completely sublimated, and that's what I really want!"

"This guy who blows snow still has this hand..."

Seiichiro was originally muttering to himself, but suddenly, his face changed.

At this time, Seiichiro realized why Fukiyuki was able to put forward such a key constructive suggestion for his own cuisine in such a short period of time.

If it's an unpalatable dish, it's easy for the chef to pick up on the shortcomings.

However, the dish he made before was perfect in all aspects, and it was difficult for ordinary chefs to capture the trace of deficiency buried in the deepest part of the dish in a short period of time.

I'm afraid that even Ah Yin and them can't find out the slightest deficiency of their cooking in just a few seconds...

Blowing snow, has this guy been hiding his true strength?

Seiichiro couldn't help but look at the stairs that Blowing Snow had just walked on.

"Blowing snow, this little ghost, it's kind of interesting......


Just as Seiichiro was muttering to himself, Dojima Gingami pushed open the door of the Polestar House and walked in.

"What's it?, it smells so good.... Seiichiro, are you making food?".

Wenyuan Yuri walked up to Seiichiro, looked at the food he was holding in his hand, and said with a light in his eyes

"Wow, snowflake fish steak, Senior Caibo, is this the dish you just made?"

"It looks delicious, can I taste it?"

Nakamura Thistle also smiled:

"Thankfully, Mr. Caibo didn't make dark dishes in the public kitchen, otherwise, I'm afraid I'd have to run out again.....


Seiichiro glared at Nakamura Thistle and said:

"Is my food so scary? Since you've said that, thistle, the next time I cook dark food, I'.......ll let you taste it."

"No, what kind of dark cuisine, the food I make should be called delicious in the world..."

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