Shokuki: My daughter is Erina

Chapter 13

"Looks like Fukiyuki-san's confidence is very confident!"

Nagi Makai stretched out her jade-like little hand and stroked her waterfall-like hair

She said with a smile

"Then I'm looking forward to the growth of Fukiyuki-san!".

"Actually, I'd love to see what kind of cooking Fukiyuki-san's cooking style can create!"

The two chatted while walking on the trail.

Soon, the two came to a manor.

"I'm home! Thank you very much for chatting with me today, and if we have the opportunity in the future, we can discuss cooking together, and Fukiyuki's understanding of cooking is really amazing!"

If Nagi Nagi was only a little interested in blowing snow at first, then now she can be said to be really curious about blowing snow.

She very much agrees with the idea of blowing snow, and it can even be said that she admires the idea of blowing snow very much.

The way to cook snow blowing is very simple.

Before he began to study his own cooking, he had been repeating the process of accumulation.

The process of accumulating knowledge is very boring, and the perseverance of Blowing Snow can endure it, and delving into the most basic knowledge is enough to amaze her!

Through the conversation with Fukiyuki, Nagi felt that she had a new understanding of cooking.

In the case of potatoes, for example, if Nagi uses them to make dishes, then the final result must be within the basic scope of her mastery.

How well she knows a certain ingredient, how much she knows, and the dishes she makes will eventually be within this level.

And Blowing Snow is now consolidating the foundation, which means that he will know much more about these basics than others, and once he decides to make a meal with a certain food, he will definitely have a much broader imagination and vision than ordinary chefs.

Nagi felt that she needed to learn from Fukiyuki and build a more solid foundation for her cooking.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and while moving forward, we must also take every step under our feet more steadily.

If you think of cooking as a vast ocean, then the knowledge you have accumulated is like a stream.

As many streams as there are confluences, there is an area of the ocean.

I haven't thoroughly studied these streams, and I blindly pursue the vast ocean, which is indeed a bit of a sacrifice ........


Fukiyuki didn't know that his insights into cooking also had a huge impact on Nagi Managi.

After saying goodbye to Nagi Shinnagi, he set off for the Polestar House!

After eating, Blowing Snow began to exercise again.

In the study space, Mr. Peter also talked to Blowing Snow about the importance of exercising.

Physical strength is the foundation that supports him to move forward, and without a good body, he can't get a foothold in the kitchen.

Of course, exercising is only the first step that Blowing Snow needs to take at present, and when he has improved his physical fitness, he also needs to work on various details at a deeper level.

After practicing in Dojima's private gym until he was exhausted, Fukiyuki returned to his room.

Others fall asleep to rest, and for Fuyuki, this is also the time for him to study.

Teacher Peter is already in the space, waiting for the arrival of the blowing snow.

Yesterday, Mr. Peter spent the whole night talking about the origin and development history of French cuisine for Fuyuki, but because the content was so expansive, Mr. Peter did not finish the story.

So today, Mr. Peter continues to explain the development and history of French cuisine for Blowing Snow along the part that was not finished in yesterday's lesson...


Day by day.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

During this time, Blowing Snow has maintained a strict study routine.

In addition to the classes that he had to study at school during the day, he either worked out in the gym or went into the system space in his sleep.

One pays, one receives,

During this time, the changes in the blowing snow can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

His body began to grow stronger and stronger, and the lines of his muscles began to become clearer.

Now in the Polestar House, Dojima Gin, who has always liked to exercise, is slightly better than Fukiyuki in terms of physical fitness, but Fuyuki knows that with the excellent workout program provided by the system in hand, it won't be long before his physical fitness can definitely crush Dojima Gin.

In the study of theoretical knowledge, the study of blowing snow is also extremely serious and hard.

In addition to Mr. Peter's explanations, Blowing Snow also uses his spare time to read books in the library.

In addition to French, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, American, Brazilian, Russian, ..... In almost all countries, we have a certain understanding of the development of cuisine.

Mr. Peter in the system space, after teaching the theoretical knowledge he needed to explain to the blowing snow, he began to organize the test stage for the blowing snow.

Every night, Mr. Peter would provide a theory test paper to Blowing Snow and let Blowing Snow answer.

In Peter's eyes, there are only two results in the exam: full score and zero score!

If he can't get a perfect score, Fukiyuki won't be able to pass his test.

As long as Fuxue can get a perfect score in the theory test three times in a row, he will be able to complete the project taught by Mr. Peter.

Therefore, it is not enough for Fuyuki to understand this knowledge, he must thoroughly engrave this theoretical knowledge in his mind in order to be considered qualified.

In addition to memorizing these theoretical knowledge outside of class, Fukiyuki often discusses these basics with Nagi Shinaki.

Ever since Nagi Nagi became interested in Fukiyuki, she began to have some contact with Fukiyuki, and Nagi felt that discussing the cuisine of the old times with Fukiyuki was a very obvious help to confirm her way of cooking, so Nagi often went to the library and other places with Fukiyuki.

For Fukiyuki, communicating with Nagi Makai can not only deepen his impression of the knowledge he has learned, but also establish a friendship with Nagi Managi, which is definitely a good deal to kill two birds with one stone.

(PS: As an aside, the cover of this book was painted by the author for 1000 yuan to find an artist, just to draw the type I like, Alice and Erina are really cute, I like it so much.....! By the way, the pace will be accelerated later, and the protagonist will embark on a time of his own as soon as possible. )

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