Shinobinekoden: A Ninja Catgirl’s Tale

Chapter 6. Second Crush

   Lucy spent the rest of the day killing black-toothed hyenas, her number of victims exceeding 300. After defeating a group of 20 hyenas led by a level 12 hyena, which was as large as an ordinary lion, and receiving a notification that she reached level 10, Lucy decided it was time for a well-deserved break and looked for a safe place to rest.

   To be so efficient, Lucy purchased dozens of explosive papers, kunai, and hundreds of meters of steel wire from the Ninja Shop. Additionally, after each round, she bought two potions to quickly recover her Mana and Stamina parameters.

   As Lucy walked around the edge of the forest drinking a strawberry-flavored Ninja Milkshake and looking for a place to spend the night, she analyzed her progress that day and what she gained as she leveled up.

   'Yes, it was a very productive day. Not only did I gain 10 levels, but I also became much more proficient in fighting against beasts and using ninja weapons. I think the most impressive weapon I used was the steel wire. Not only can you set up all kinds of traps with it or hinder the movement of beasts, but you can also use it actively in combat, as when wielded with enough speed, it can cut through the flesh to the bone. Of course, I still have much to learn to use it properly. Maybe I'll find a manual with combat techniques using steel wire in the Ninja Shop...'

   Since there was no cave in the area to shelter her for the night, Lucy had no choice but to climb the tallest tree she could find, so she could sleep peacefully. 'Well, many cats sleep comfortably in trees. Sometimes they like it so much that firefighters have to intervene to get them down. Too bad I'm not completely a cat. In that case, my bottom wouldn't hurt from sitting on a branch...'

   In the end, Lucy activated the Ninja Shop skill to find a hammock or something similar that would allow her to have a restful sleep.

   'Hmm, even though I bought many consumables to deal with hyena groups without any issues, I still have 1570 points left to spend in the Ninja Shop. Let's see. A simple hammock costs 120 points. I think it will be quite comfortable, at least more comfortable than sleeping directly on wood.'

   After purchasing the hammock, Lucy set it up between two branches, about 10 meters above the ground. 'I haven't tested it, but I don't think a catgirl will always land on her feet like cats... I hope I can fall asleep, though. But now we have other things to do before we go to sleep. First, let's see the prices of the clothes because I wouldn't want to sleep in these blood-stained ones...'

   Lucy started browsing the items displayed in the Ninja Shop and eventually decided to buy a one-piece pajama that cost 80 points. 'It looks great. I'm sure I'll look very sexy when I wear it. Too bad I don't have anywhere to take a bath. Probably a shower cabin costs more points than I have available. Let's see what hygiene products they have. So, we have Ninja Antibacterial Soap, Aloe Vera Ninja Shower Gel,... oh, here's a Ninja Cleansing Potion, good to use when a ninja wants to get rid of all traces that could be found on them. Err, the problem is that it's quite expensive. Is it worth 200 points? But I have no choice. Even though I'm currently living in the woods, I can't turn into a savage. A girl always needs to look good, no matter the situation.'

   Lucy didn't skimp and bought the potion, then drank it in one gulp. Immediately, both she and her clothes started to shine, and in a few seconds, she was clean as if she just had a shower and put on freshly laundered clothes.

   'Definitely worth the money. Not only am I clean, but I also feel refreshed. If I had known that I would find something to clean my clothes, I wouldn't have bought the pajamas. Oh well, no point in complaining. It will be much more comfortable to sleep in light pajamas since it's quite warm at night.'

   Lucy stood up on the wide branch, almost a meter in width, and began to take off the kimono she had been wearing since she arrived in this world. After removing it and remaining only in her underwear, she couldn't help but marvel at how attractive her body looked.

   'Damn. For a girlfriend with such a body, I would be able to kill. These perfect breasts, this attractive ass, this silky skin... Stop Lucy, you're going to fall in love with yourself if you keep this up...'

   However, it wasn't that easy to stop, as this entirely new, incredibly attractive body, with breasts two sizes larger than she had in her previous life, and the animalistic instincts she now possessed, being part feline, caused Lucy to enter a state of excitement she had never experienced before.

   So, without thinking twice, she started caressing her breasts and playing with her own nipples, her moans blending with the chirping of the forest birds, creating a symphony of spring. But that wasn't enough. The heat in her body couldn't be quenched with just that. Pressing her bare back against the cool trunk of the tree, Lucy slipped her left hand between her legs and started pleasuring herself without any inhibitions, while using her other hand to firmly massage her right breast.

   Navigating through a sea of pleasure, surrendering to her desires like a ship with sails in the wind, Lucy continued making love to herself until a powerful surge ran through her spine, and she saw nothing but white before her eyes.

   When she regained her senses, Lucy was sitting down leaning against the trunk of the tree, with drops of sweat running down her delicate neck that was still convulsing due to her deep breathing, tenderly massaging her tail with one hand and tasting her own juices of pleasure from the other hand.

   Although Lucy realized what she was doing involuntarily, she did not stop but continued with more determination to tease her fingers with her lips and teeth until the taste of vanilla took over all her taste buds.

   'Nyaaa, I don't want to boast, but I taste fantastic. I'm like a vanilla ice cream that melts under the sun's rays on a beach of a tropical island...Damn, I didn't think my second crush could be myself... But who could resist in my place? I'm the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. Mmmm... Maybe I should stop... but it's not right to forget to show appreciation to your partner after satisfying your needs... even if in this case, the partner is myself...'

   After about five more minutes, during which Lucy fully regained her composure, she finally put on the pajamas to resist the temptation of her own body. She settled into the hammock, leaving all the things she had planned to do before going to bed for the next day.

   'I still planned to check my status and purchase the last passive skill that enhances attribute values, and also browse the Ninja Shop interface to find some ninja techniques manuals and a more suitable fighting attire than this kimono, but I'll leave it for tomorrow morning... It has been a very long day... I hope to wake up here again tomorrow...'

   With those thoughts, Lucy drifted off to sleep, the swaying of the hammock and the moonlight filtering through the branches of the tree creating the perfect atmosphere to transport her to the realm of dreams.


   'Fortunately, I'm still in another world. I'm still a catgirl. It wasn't all a dream.' Lucy thought as she opened her eyes the next day, awakened by the song of the birds that populated the forest.

   Lucy had nothing to regret from her old life. She had no one who was truly close to her, including her aunt who accepted her more due to her own financial interest. She had never been in a romantic relationship her whole life, the beginnings of such a relationship being severed along with the lives of her parents and her leg.

   Before the car accident, she had a crush on the girl who had managed to defeat her in the national karate championship. But because the girl lived on the other side of the country, Lucy had no chance to try to get to know her better. At first, Lucy was unsure of her feelings, as the irregular beating of her heart could have been caused by the emotions of participating in an important competition, and not by that charming girl to whom no one could have attributed the strength and the skills she possessed. However, a week after the competition, all that remained in Lucy's mind were the girl's face and the scent of her body, which Lucy felt when the girl had her in a chokehold. But what could she do? Lucy didn't even know if the girl could accept being in a relationship with another girl. So she could only look forward to the next edition of the championship to try to get to know her better and maybe impress her if she wins.

   Unfortunately for Lucy, she never got the chance to fight for her love, and all she could do for four years was to see a picture of her crush every time the girl won the gold medal in the national karate championship.

   But now, everything was left behind, and Lucy didn't intend to live in memories that didn't bring her any pleasure, while her future looked very promising. So as soon as she woke up, she started to finish the remaining things before going to bed, First, she allocated the point she obtained with the advance to level 10 to the Strength attribute, and then she purchased the remaining passive skill that could increase the value of her last attribute, which was the Luck Increase Level 1.

   'Finally, I've collected them all... Hehe, let's see what my current status looks like.'



   Name: Lucy Everlynn 

   Race: Catkin 

   Classes: Magic Powered Ninja 

   Level: 10 (130/2400) 

   Titles: Master in increasing attributes


   Health: 130/130 

   Mana: 215/215 

   Stamina: 110/110


   Strength: 12 (+2) 

   Defense: 6 (+1) 

   Vitality: 9 (+1) 

   Agility: 21 (+4) 

   Dexterity: 21 (+4) 

   Magic: 21 (+4) 

   Intelligence: 13 (+2) 

   Luck: 11 (+2)


   Ninja Shop (S) 

   Nekohoshime (S) 

   Steps of Light (E) 

   Strength Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Defense Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Vitality Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Agility Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Dexterity Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Magic Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Intelligence Increase Level 1 (E) 

   Luck Increase Level 1 (E)


   'Huh, it seems I received a title. Let's see what effect it has...'

    [Master in increasing attributes: a title given to those who attach great importance to all their attributes, possessing skills that increase the value of all attributes. The effect of this title will double the points obtained with level increases.]

   'This is great! I didn't think titles could have such powerful effects. So from now on, I'll be able to increase my attributes twice as fast. But is it such a special thing to have skills that increase the value of all attributes? Maybe it is. I can select my skills myself, but from what I've heard, others don't have these functions.'

   Lucy thought this explanation was sufficient for now, and after reviewing her status, she activated the Ninja Shop skill and started navigating through the interface that appeared before her, looking for manuals with ninja techniques specific to the use of steel wire and shuriken throwing.

   'It seems there are manuals for almost any type of weapon. Hmm. Let's still buy three manuals, one for steel wire, one for shurikens, and one for kunai. It wouldn't hurt to learn from an expert how to use a kunai properly. Well, I hope they were written by an expert...'

   After Lucy purchased the three manuals for 100 points each, she continued to search for a set of clothes more suitable for battle. Fortunately, there were hundreds of sets of fighting clothes to choose from. The downside was that Lucy didn't have unlimited funds, so she had no choice but to buy a set for 250 points, consisting of black pants with a blue belt, a white sleeveless blouse, and two cut-resistant elbow guards. After dressing in her new clothes, Lucy also bought a backpack in which she put the rest of her things, then she had breakfast while starting to browse through the manual called "Ninja Art: The Deathly Wire."

   After half an hour of reading, Lucy descended from the tree where she spent the night, ready for a new day full of adventures in this fantastic world, where she could once again feel truly alive.

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