SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 559 Serum

Wesley came home, but Kayla wasn't there, and Wesley called Kayla, "Hello? Kayla?"

"Yes, Wesley, you're back? Why can't I get in touch with you?" Keira spoke in a hurry.

"There is no mobile phone signal where I go, where are you now?"

"I asked for leave. I am now at my cousin's house. General Zod was once the general of Krypton, but he was imprisoned because of the rebellion. Now he has found the earth. My cousin and I are discussing how to do it. Krypton is the last to exist." Keira's voice was a little low.

"You think so and it's dangerous, they don't think so, okay, you can discuss it first, but this is not your problem on Krypton itself, and the earth is included, you think about it, I still have some things to do. ' Wesley hung up the phone.

There are some things that cannot be forced. If his serum is successful, then even if the brothers and sisters don't want to do it, they can do it themselves.All the Kryptonians brought by General Zod are Kryptonians, and they can also have superman-like abilities. Now Wesley can single out their strength, so the serum must be successful.

Apple's supercomputing capabilities, as well as the technical information obtained from multiple parallel universes, are Wesley's biggest cards.At the same time, his X gene ability is also good, at least it is difficult for the opponent to attack him, now it depends on the serum.

It is very difficult to increase one's ability without changing the gene. This is the most difficult part. How to do it depends on Apple. Wesley took out the experimental tools, and then took out the T virus and the blood samples of the Flash , Superman's blood to Ben, and then began to re-analyze.

"The T virus is indeed powerful, and through the reverse reasoning of the antidote ingredients, we can further improve the T virus and get rid of the bad things inside." Apple said.

"It's not difficult, but can it be used as a neutralizer after improvement?" Wesley asked.

"I don't know, let's take it step by step. I need some chemicals now, and you need to buy them." Apple gave the list, and Wesley left the house in a hurry to make a big purchase.

When I got home, the phone rang, "Wesley, the earth is looking for Superman's real identity, what should we do?"

"Huh? No one is looking for you?" Wesley asked in surprise, "By the way, how is Hank Henshaw?"

"Him? He has been released, and he is still serving as the Minister of Supernatural Operations. This is a **** order from the President."

"Oh, that's good. Isn't he a Martian? The strength is also good. The three of you should be able to fight each other together, right?" Wesley asked.

"It should be possible, but the damage is huge. My cousin is wondering whether to surrender, but Louise disagrees. What should we do?"

"Krypton has disappeared, and General Zod will definitely not let the earth go. They can be said to be gods here. It is impossible to let them leave. If the earth really makes a wrong decision, then it will It's disastrous, you tell Hank Henshaw about this, and he reacts."

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

After hanging up the phone, Wesley immediately started the synthesis of the new T virus. This kind of thing is very scary, so Wesley made a small closed environment for the synthesis, and then the new T virus was completed.

"Mix the two blood samples with the new T-virus and see what happens."

"Okay." Wesley carefully mixed them together, then waited for the change and observed under the microscope.

The cells in the two bloods were very irritable at the beginning, constantly conflicting, but the new T-virus joined them, isolating the two sides, and some electric arcs appeared in the genes of the Flash, but the new T-virus was not disturbed at all, isolating the two sides After that there is no further action.

Superman's cells are very active, and at the same time they are constantly absorbing ultraviolet rays, which are extremely powerful, and the three parties are temporarily in a period of balance.Wesley frowned, this situation was not what he wanted, and there was no sign of fusion at all.

"Add the energy of the space gems and stimulate them," Apple said.

"Okay." Wesley directly began to input energy, and when they got the energy, they began to get more excited, especially the new type of T virus, which was originally the weakest one, but after waiting for the energy, it absorbed the most, and then It continued to grow, and finally began to swallow the other two types of cells. Knowing that it was completely swallowed up, it quickly calmed down.

Wesley's spirit lifted a bit, "How is it?"

"Yes, this new type of cell is now absorbing ultraviolet rays, and there are lightning arcs on the periphery of the cell wall. This is a characteristic of the Speed ​​Force, but it cannot be used now. This will change your genes. We must find a way to allow your cells to absorb their abilities. , without changing your genetic makeup, or use the X gene alone to absorb and mutate the X gene."

Wesley's X gene was formed during time travel, and he has nothing to do about it, but the X gene is very special, like an independent individual, meaning that it does not affect Wesley's original genetic structure.

"Choose the X gene. Not only can it reduce the difficulty, but since I have the X gene, I won't reject it."

"Okay, take your blood sample, let's continue the experiment." Apple said.

After some busy work, Wesley finally completed the new type of serum. The injection of serum into the human body is uncontrollable, but with the help of Apple, he can completely make specific improvements in the body. In this way, the serum will interact with the X gene alone. Fusion without changing other genes, and only Wesley can do it.

The final production of the serum consumed the last blood samples of The Flash and Superman, as well as all the T viruses, and finally got a tube of golden serum, "It's so beautiful." Wesley held the golden serum and looked at it in the sun with.

"It's really beautiful." Apple also admired, "Only such a beautiful serum is the best."

"Well, if you really don't want to touch things like genes, it should be a forbidden area of ​​science." Wesley has always disagreed with the science of genes, but now he has to do it too, Wesley The point is that the human genetic program should be gradual.

"There is no way, there are too many genetic mutations in superheroes, people can't turn a blind eye, and if you don't have super speed, you can't go home at all."

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