SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 546 Exploration Plan

Keira finally recovered, but her mood was a little low. Wesley accompanied her back home, and after a few words of comfort, she returned to her own home.

"I can't wait, now start to study the blood of Reverse Flash and The Flash." Wesley is very envious of this super speed, if only this speed, then it is very possible to defeat the crazy titan Thanos.

The first is to observe the reverse flash, "the cells are very active." Wesley said while observing. "However, there is no lightning between the cells, and the reverse flash is still weaker than the Flash, but it is compared with the Flash at its peak."

"The blood of Reverse Flash can only be used for experiments, you should still focus on the blood of The Flash." Apple reminded.

"Of course, it's up to you whether you use it or not, but if you want to use it, you need the best one. Now let's see how the Flash's blood is." Wesley is extracting a drop of Flash's blood, and then observing it under a microscope , Apple is responsible for recording and analyzing.

The cells are also active, but there are occasional electric arcs between the cells. "It's amazing. The particle accelerator is overloaded and diffused, and then it is struck by lightning. The chance of being struck by lightning is not necessarily one in a billion." Wesley sighed, Barry . Allen is lucky. "Is it possible to make serum?"

"I need to analyze, wait for me for a few minutes." Apple started to analyze, and Wesley waited quietly.

"You can make your own serum, but it still needs electric shock assistance. We may fuse the serums of Superman and Flash. It would be best if we can create a serum, otherwise unknown changes will easily occur, but this process takes time. It is very long, and it may not be successful."

Apple gave a conclusion, but in the end Wesley still needs to decide for himself, "Okay, it doesn't matter how long it takes, you take your time, if you can, that's the best, if it doesn't work... then I want the Flash serum more , The limit speed is what I want." Wesley is more optimistic about the limit speed.

Wesley continued to work the next day, and his new article was published. Many people are very concerned about the accident at the Central City particle accelerator. After all, such a dangerous experiment is something that no one wants to see. Even if this will promote the advancement of technology, it is not important compared with your own safety.

Keira returned to normal again, and her clothes were still a little rusty, which surprised her colleagues, but no one asked about it, and Wesley couldn't help it. This was a problem in her heart.

However, Wesley began to prepare a new travel plan. Even though it is estimated that the DC universe is not far from the Marvel universe, there must be a direction. In addition to the direction when I came, I still need to conduct a general exploration now, otherwise I want to go back in the future Sometimes it is still troublesome.

Now there is no war here, and I have a lot of time, so Wesley is going to travel again. Traveling requires some preparations, that is, asking for leave. He doesn't know how long it will take to travel, but this time it is to explore the road, no matter what. He won't stay long, but there are exceptions to everything, what if there is something he likes?

This is very contradictory, but Wesley still decided to ask for leave, just half a month of leave, "Boss, I want to ask for leave."

"Ask for leave?" Ms. Kate Grant was very surprised that Wesley asked for leave. Generally, few people in his company ask for leave. After all, it is hard to find a job and the competition is so fierce. Generally, people who ask for leave think carefully about it. , but Wesley is now a well-known reporter, and he still has to approve it when he asks for leave.

"What reason?" Ms. Kate Grant is not an ordinary female boss, she is a strong female boss, even a well-known reporter under her own needs a good reason to ask for leave.

"Some private matters." Wesley said very tactfully, that means I have something to do.

"Can't say?" Miss Kate Grant raised her eyebrows.

"Privacy, it's not convenient to say."

"Oh well, how long?"

"Half a month."

"It's been so long, but you just became the art director." Miss Kate Grant said dissatisfied.

"There is no way to do this. I don't know how to handle the specific things, so I took half a month's leave. If everything goes well, I might come back tomorrow. The main reason is that things are more difficult."

"Well, I hope you go well, but I hope you can concentrate on your work when you come back."

"Boss, don't worry." Wesley breathed a sigh of relief. He really couldn't find any reason to ask for leave, so he just used a personal matter as an excuse, so the other party couldn't ask more questions.

Wesley packed up his things, and then dragged Keira into his office, "I'm on leave, and I need to leave for a few days."

"Why are you leaving again? Something happened to me just now, and now I don't know how to face the people from the Supernatural Operations Department." Keira wailed, then lowered her head, you can figure it out.

"Sorry Keira, I do have something to do. I think you should be fine. Isn't your sister trying to find out the source of the radiation? Just wait until you find out the source. You don't need to worry. That kind of thing is on Earth There won’t be many, will there be?”

"Well, I hope you come back soon."

After finishing Keira, Wesley hurried back home with his things, and then went to leave by plane. The location where he arrived here was not close to the city of Nesonaar.

All the way back there without talking, Wesley asked Apple to upload Elizabeth's program again, and then controlled the satellite in the sky, recording the realm while recording. This is also a desert, so it is relatively safer.

"Preparation for crossing, and final inspection." Wesley sat in the cockpit and asked Apple to check it one last time.

"After the detection, you can go through."

Wesley started the aircraft, and then began to accelerate. The crossing was easy, and Wesley arrived safely again.It was still a desert, but this time he was sure that he had indeed crossed, put away the aircraft, and then took out the satellite signal receiver.

"There are satellite signals here, reverse intrusion, and see what kind of world this is." Wesley finished, and then it was done by Apple. It was simple and fast. First, the location was determined, and then the satellite invaded the network of this planet.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special, everything is very similar to the origin of the universe, wait..." Apple searched and talked to Wesley, but it seemed to have found something. "There's an umbrella company here."

"What? Umbrella company?" Wesley was taken aback. The T virus is a famous thing. "Is the T virus useful to us?"

"I don't know. We don't have the specific molecular structure, but we can take a look at it. After all, it is not easy to synthesize a serum from the blood of Superman and Flash. It needs a neutralizer. Maybe the T virus can do it." sure."

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