SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 14 The Father and Son Meet

Next was another assassination target. The fox gave the information to Wesley. They chose to do it on the road. This time Wesley brought a grenade, because the other party's car window was bulletproof. I don't know if the scene in the movie will appear, so carrying a grenade will be much easier.

The target was sitting in the car, smoking a cigar, with a nasty look on his face. Wesley looked at the roof of the car, there was smoke coming out, but the target opened the sunroof, so he didn't blame himself, and drove directly to the target vehicle He held the steering wheel with one hand, took out the grenade with the other hand, bit off the tab with his teeth, released the safety, threw it casually, and moved away with the steering wheel.

The "boom" grenade flew in through the sunroof, and then exploded. The rear of the target car trembled, then began to shake on the road, and finally hit a tree on the side of the road. Wesley drove by directly, and the inside was already in a mess.

"I think I'm an assassin. I want to go back and get my father's pistol back. I should be ready to fight the 'Cross'." Wesley said standing in front of Sloan.

"Yes, you have passed the test. Come with me." Sloan led him to a room. "This is your father's room. Everything in it belongs to him, and now it belongs to you. Go in and have a look."

Wesley walked in and saw an old-fashioned desk with a photo on it. There were three people in it, Sloan, a fake father, and a cheap father. After he came to this world, he was not only taken with him A green hat, and two fathers, although knowing that one of them is fake, it is not enough and sad enough.

Looking around the room, he searched everywhere, but there was nothing worth taking, except for the clips and 92mm bullets of the Beretta 9 series pistol, he directly found a small bag and packed them all, then went downstairs to talk to the fox They drove his car together and left No.17 Textile Factory.

Sloan stood upstairs watching him go, "Follow him, 'Cross' will contact him, if there is a chance to kill 'Cross', wesley can be used as bait if necessary." His gun behind him The carpenter, the repairman and others nodded and walked out, while Wesley drove all the way to his little den.

"Do you want to go in with me?" Wesley parked the car at the door, and then asked.

"Of course." The fox got out of the car straight away, followed Wesley in, and came to the door of the house. When Wesley heard voices inside, he immediately knocked on the door, and it was Barry who opened the door.

"Hey, buddy, you disappeared for a long time, where did you go?" This guy's face is thick enough, and now he is chatting with Wesley with a smile on his face, without any intention of opening the door, and Wesley responded with a Smiling, he raised his leg and kicked them away, and half of Barry's face hit the door and fell.

Wesley strode in, "Wesley? Where have you been running for so long?" The woman was still yelling, but Wesley ignored her, they were over, very early it's over.

"Wesley? What do you mean? You have been missing for a few weeks and now you want to borrow the toilet?" When she yelled, Wesley had already entered the bathroom, and then took out a pistol in the water tank. He didn't immediately He went out, but began to disassemble it, then took out the prepared cloth and wiped it, and finally reassembled it, and then inserted it into the holster under his arm. This time he came prepared.

Kathy slammed on the door and said loudly, "Do you think you're a big shot? You're nothing, you're nothing, you're worse than half Barry." Wesley opened the door and came out, smiling at Kathy "Yeah, I'm just a little guy, so we're done, you can be with Barry now, hey Barry, this chick is yours." Wesley will not be scolded silently, a mocking , directly announced that the two were over.

The fox came in, "Wesley, who is she? Is it your new horse?" Casey was dwarfed by the fox, "Have you fallen? Did you pay for her?" Casey yelled hysterically , but Wesley couldn't hear it anymore, because the fox had kissed his lips, and the tip of their tongues touched.

Wesley had a taste of it, because he didn't want to be too obsessed with this feeling, so he directly pulled the fox out, regardless of what Casey and Barry were saying behind him, and walked out the door.

"Fox, find a car. The war is about to start. My car is registered. I need to find a place to hide it." Wesley said directly.

"Okay, go and hide nearby, don't drive too far, the 'cross' might be nearby." The fox didn't doubt, and went straight to the car, and Wesley glanced at the independent car diagonally opposite after getting into the car. Xiaolou, then drove away, parked in a parking lot after turning around a few times, then took out his luggage, and then took advantage of his familiarity with the terrain to start walking through the alleys, and came to Xiaolou when he was sure that there was no tail , followed the outer stairs to the second floor, pried open the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered, a pistol was held against his forehead, and Carlos the 'Cross' stood on his left side, holding a pistol in his hand and pointing at his head.

Wesley walked in without the slightest fear, and then closed the door, "Is it okay to point a gun at your son like this?" Wesley looked at Carlos and asked.

"You know?" Carlos asked suspiciously.

"Why don't you know? Be clear that I am your son, and I have the same ability as you. You have been observing me here, haven't you? I have no reason why I can't find you like this. Why do you observe a person for so long? Until the group of assassins showed up and they told me that my father was killed by you, so I had a new idea, why did they need me to kill you?"

"Watching the people killed by you carry them back one by one in their base every day, I know you are very powerful, and they are not your opponents, then they need someone you can't kill to execute, then I am Isn't your son very reasonable?"

"You're very smart." Carlos put away his gun directly, what can he do in front of his son?But as soon as he put away the gun, Wesley punched him directly in the face, and very hard, "Don't get me wrong, this is for my mother, I'm your son, I won't complain about you, so I'll just punch you."

"It seems that they trained you very well. When I left, I didn't want you to go the same way as me." Carlos wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing no sign of anger.

"This is not a reason, especially since you can watch me here all the time, your son needs neurosuppressant drugs, and his girlfriend is fooling around with his friends, you can watch all of these, I really have nothing to say, But the Brotherhood of Assassins is too much of a threat to me, they will kill me after they kill you, so we need to work together to eradicate them."

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