She’s Always Flirting with Me

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: He Wants To Kill Two Birds With One Stone

Chapter 33 He wants to kill two birds with one stone

Yuyin has always insisted on not deleting videos.

Lin Lixuan made a big noise in the studio, almost everyone in the entire industry knew about it.

Jiang You was worried about the lingering sound, so she called and asked her to go out to dinner.

Yuyin was busy with a new round of field tests and couldn’t find time. Jiang You packed afternoon tea and went directly to the studio to watch Yuyin.

The people in the studio are very familiar with Jiangyou, especially Fang Huaiyang, who is Jiangyou’s fan brother.

As everyone knows, they all looked at Fang Huaiyang ambiguous and winked.

made Fang Huaiyang blushed and stammered, unable to speak.

In the end, he could only pretend to be serious, and said solemnly: “You can’t keep your mouth shut with so much food, eat quickly, and give me these sets of data when you’re done.”

Yu Yin brought Jiang You into her workroom, and smiled jokingly: “Every time I come, I will make a mess of my people, so I can’t work well.”

“You are still in the mood to tease me, it seems that I really don’t need to worry,” Jiang You softened and sat back on the chair.

She asked, “Is this Lin Lixuan matter resolved?”

Yu Yin poured her a glass of water and sat down opposite her: “No, how could it be so easy to solve, this is just an appetizer.”

Jiangyou frowned: “Appetizer, maybe he also prepared a big meal.”

Yu Yin nodded, called Lin Lixuan and threatened her to delete the video.

Jiang You had an angry look on his face: “This Lin Lixuan is really despicable and condescending. You said how did you provoke such a partner.”

Yu Yin calmly replied: “Actually, it’s good, it’s not a bad thing.”

“Could it be that this is still a good thing?”

“I posted the video on the Internet, and Lin Lixuan was in a hurry. He revealed his cards and let me know the trick he hid in the end. It’s not a good thing, but it’s definitely not a bad thing.”

When Yu Yin just heard that Lin Lixuan was threatening her with Shihang Technology, don’t look at her decisiveness in hanging up the phone, her tone was clear and positive.

Actually, she was also a little panicked.

The whole heart, ups and downs, ups and downs.

Because she is very clear, it is useless to say that she is innocent.

She was originally blacklisted by the GM. Just saying that I am innocent, not me, has a 100% possibility of being expelled from the competition by the GM.

But calm down and think about it, since GM gave her a chance to compete.

It is impossible to just listen to Lin Lixuan’s unilateral words and directly convict her and let her withdraw from the competition.

She has to give her a chance to prove her innocence.

Lin Lixuan said it in advance, but he gave her time to find evidence to prove her innocence.

Jiang You nodded: “Fortunately, you are not too stupid, you know to post his troubles on the Internet, but how to prove this leak?”

“Unless you can prove that someone else sold the data to World Air Technology, you are the biggest suspect.”

“Because Senior Lu Zheng is in Shihang Technology, you have always been in touch and have frequent academic exchanges.”

Yuyin: “If it’s because of the senior brother, it proves that I sold the data, then there are not many in this circle who are innocent. Everyone is either a senior brother or a senior sister.”

Jiangyou: “But Lin Lixuan is so confident, he must have hidden tricks, why don’t you strike first and go directly to the GM to tell them about it?”

The lingering sound is not without thought.

Would you like to send a message to Xie Beici and tell him about Lin Lixuan threatening her.

After all, Xie Beici was there yesterday, and he saw Lin Lixuan’s rogue likeness with his own eyes.

But people have already helped her and gave her a chance to compete, and this matter involves core data and concerns the interests of GM.

Whatever you think, it’s a bit inappropriate.

When Yu Yin and Jiang You said this, Lin Lixuan had already arrived at the GM building.

He was very angry. After waiting for a long time without seeing Yu Yin delete the video, he knew that Yu Yin planned to fight him to the end.

Even if he can’t get the item back from the GM, he will be ruined.

In this case, he naturally did not hesitate any longer and directly contacted the person in charge of the GM project.

Lin Lixuan walked into the GM building. As soon as he reached the entrance, he saw a tall and handsome man in a black shirt and trousers walking out.

Seeing him, Lin Lixuan was stunned for a moment.

This is not Yu Yin, that little white-faced boyfriend.

“How will you be here?”

Lin Lixuan said subconsciously, his eyes fixed on Xie Beici.

Xie Beici’s face was full of indifference, he gave him a cool look, and just left.

That look was very light, without any emotion.

simply ignored him.

But in Lin Lixuan’s view, the other party’s eyes were full of contempt, as if looking at the meanest and most obscene mud on the ground.

Lin Lixuan gritted his teeth angrily.

went directly in the direction that Xie Beici left, and slammed “Bah”.

In order to find out why Xie Beici appeared in the GM, Lin Lixuan turned back to the front desk.

pointed at Xie Beici’s back and asked the lady at the front desk, “What is that person doing in your company?”

The lady at the front desk looked up and saw only one man walking out of the large conference room.

She smiled and replied, “That’s a colleague from our project department.”


Lin Lixuan was shocked!

That little white face actually works at GM.

It’s no wonder that Yu Yin could see Xie Beici.

No wonder that the competition announced by GM, Yu Yin can also participate.

Obviously Yu Yin was blacklisted by GM, how could he still get a chance to compete.

So it was this little white face who helped Yu Yin in GM.

I thought he was a useless little white face, but I didn’t expect that he still had some means, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Lin Lixuan was angry and hated.

On the way to the project department, he began to feel a little uneasy and uneasy.

This little white face must know the person in charge of the project.

If they have a good relationship, his purpose today will definitely be in vain.

And what kind of competition, whether it will be just a formality, I am afraid that the reverberation has already been decided in private.

It’s no wonder Yu Yin was so confident that he must sue him.

Lin Lixuan sat in the rest area hesitantly, flustered and his legs trembled.

In the pantry next to   , two colleagues were chatting.

“Why did you suddenly re-check Roche’s accounts, haven’t they been reviewed before?”

“Mr. Xie came and found a loophole in the account, so I have to check it again.”

“Then you have to work overtime tonight.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what time to add!”

The two chatted and left.

Lin Lixuan listened, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Mr. Xie, that Xie Beici who traverses the financial world, the biggest boss of Gm.

He came to GM today.

If you let him know, his employees, because of the relationship with Yu Yin’s boyfriend and girlfriend, are helping Yu Yin to get the project back.

Then, can this little white face continue to stay in the GM?

Lin Lixuan smiled sinisterly.

Suddenly very excited, very excited.

He will kill two birds with one stone today, not only to make Yu Yin never get the project back, but also to let this little white face lose his job and become notorious in the financial circle!

Mr. Xie is going to lose his job, what should I do? Everyone, please help us, Mr. Xie, to think of a way, haha~~

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(end of this chapter)

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