Shenhao's Daily Life of Ordinary People

Chapter 1 He Really Can Dance

Chapter 1 He Really Can Dance


"Did you see that? Someone was going to jump off the Pitai building this morning."

"real or fake?"

"It can't be that unscrupulous Internet celebrities are making eye-catching performances again?"

"how is this possible?"

"It's true, a middle-aged man, many people are watching!"


From the subway station to the company, along the way, Chen Yu heard the pedestrians beside him discussing the incident of jumping from the Pitai Building.

Such news is not uncommon in this impetuous and high-pressure society.

As a white-collar designer who was hollowed out by blessings, Chen Yu didn't care much about these things.

He's neither an employee of Pee Tai's group nor a superhero.

He's just a social animal who has only worked for a year.

Downstairs in the company, he stopped his bicycle. As usual, he bought an egg pancake and a cup of hot soy milk at the breakfast shop downstairs, and prepared to take it back to the office to eat.

"Chen Yu, Chen Yu, can you give me a ride to Pitai Center Building? It's very urgent."

Chen Yu was carrying breakfast, and when he was parking his bicycle downstairs in the company, he was stopped by a hurried voice.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Shu Tingnan who was galloping in high heels.

Shu Tingnan is the manager of the design department of their company and Chen Yu's immediate boss. He usually has a cold face, calm and steady, and has an elegant demeanor.

Such a high-cold person set up a beautiful woman, but at this time she looked flustered and undecided.

The contrast is huge.

Looking at her expression that was too late to explain, Chen Yu was also unambiguous, raised his legs and stepped on the bicycle, and said, "Get in the car."

Their company is not far from the center of Lipithai, hundreds of meters away, and riding a bicycle is faster than taking a taxi.

Carrying Shu Tingnan and rushing for tens of meters, Chen Yucai asked, "Manager Shu, what's wrong?"

Shu Tingnan's mood was not stable. Hearing Chen Yu's question, he paused for a long time before saying:
"My dad went to the Pitai Group to ask for funding. I thought it was nothing. Who knew. I just received a call saying that my dad was climbing on the roof and was going to jump off the building."

His tone was full of anxiety and helplessness.

There was a hint of crying indistinctly.

Pitai Group is a large-scale Internet company whose main business is super TV.

The group has developed rapidly in recent years, with a very wide industrial layout, involved in dozens of fields, and has been successful to a certain extent.

Unexpectedly, just last week, Pitai Fortune, a subsidiary of the Pitai Group, was overdue in payment.

In the following week, the flames of asking for wages burned all over the country.

"Is your dad saving money or is his salary unpaid?" Chen Yu asked.

"As for financial management, the important point is that the principal is not my dad's alone. It was gathered by many of his friends and entrusted my dad to manage the money together." Shu Tingnan said helplessly.

"how much is it?"


Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

30 is an unreachable hurdle for him. For a manager-level person like Shu Tingnan, 30 is a lot, but it will never overwhelm her.

Feeling that the clothes on both sides of the waist were being pulled tightly by Shu Tingnan, Chen Yu comforted:
"Don't worry, Uncle Shu may be trying to put pressure on Pi Tai in this way, he won't really jump, just go and persuade him and everything will be fine."

False jump is just a common routine.

There is only one purpose, to achieve the established goal.

Of course, no one would really bet on their own lives, so much gain outweighs the loss.

"No, my dad can really dance."

Shu Tingnan shook his head and wiped his eyes with a free hand: "My dad is stubborn and has a bad temper. If he doesn't get a refund today, he will really dance. I know him too well."

isn't it?
Not so much, right?

Chen Yu suddenly didn't know what to say, and comforted the girl that he was inexperienced.

Apart from burying your head and pedaling your bike hard, there is nothing else you can do to help.

When he arrived at Pitai Center, Chen Yu realized that Shu Tingnan's eyes were already red and swollen.

Before the bicycle stopped, Shu Tingnan rushed into the crowd.

At this time, the entrance of Pitai Center Building was full of onlookers.

A line of security guards stood in front of the building.

A few media people carrying cameras shuttled through the crowd.

Logically speaking, this should be a very noisy scene, but at this moment, everyone looked up and watched quietly, like ducks with their necks pinched.

On the eighth floor of Pitai Building, a middle-aged man stood on the fence of the podium platform.


"Sir, don't get excited. If you have something to say, talk it out."

"That's right, it's too dangerous up there, come down first, everything is easy to talk about."


Someone yelled up.

Someone held up a mobile phone, not knowing whether to take pictures, record videos, look up or broadcast live.

Some people stayed around with great interest with an attitude of eating melons.

Seeing Shu Tingnan enter the building after negotiating a few words with the security guard, Chen Yu also hurriedly followed.

"Sorry, outsiders are not allowed in the building." The security guard stopped Chen Yu.

Chen Yu pushed away the security guard and said with a bluff:

"Get out, I'm a negotiator, don't let me go up, if something happens, will you take the responsibility?"

The security guard was sent to the army, and he hesitated for a moment, but after hesitating, he saw Chen Yu follow him in.

There is a small podium on the eighth floor of the Security Building. When Chen Yu and Shu Tingnan came up, several security personnel were negotiating with Shu's father who was standing on the fence.

Behind Father Shu is the eighth floor.

If you fall, you will be smashed to pieces.

"I said, I want to get back the principal now, not a penny less." Father Shu roared emotionally.

"Mr. Shu, you come down first. We are negotiating with Pi Tai's senior management. Your principal will be returned to you."

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a leader spoke in an official tone.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Father Shu yelled at the middle-aged leader, and said furiously, "I don't believe even a single punctuation mark. At nine o'clock sharp, if I don't get the money, I will jump off. I will do what I said. You forced me to do it. It's you!" Forced me to die."

Father Shu's large movements startled everyone.

On the unprotected fence, any small movement may cause Shu Dad to fall to his death.

Shu Tingnan was even more frightened. He originally planned to help his father negotiate with Pi Tai's people, but he forgot all about it.

"Dad, I beg you, you come down first, I will give you 30, you come down first, and I will be responsible for helping you get back the 30 from financial management, I promise, can you come down first."

Shu Tingnan begged in a sobbing voice, that cold melon-seeded face was already covered with tears.

I see pity.

When everyone on the rooftop saw the client's daughter appearing to intercede, they immediately lifted their spirits. In their view, this was a turning point.

You can play the family card.

No one wants to kill people here.

"I don't want your money, you go back, I will get back my own money."

Father Shu didn't buy it at all, and his attitude was tough.

The fire of hope that everyone had just ignited was extinguished immediately.

Shu Tingnan had no choice but to beg repeatedly.

Begging her father to come down, and begging Pi Taifang to pay back the money.

But no gain.

She knew very well that this was a dead end.

Up to now, there is not even a senior executive from Pitai Company, only security guards and firefighters are present.

This means that Pitai Company has no intention of compromising at all.

As for her father, she knew very well that if he couldn't get the money, he would really jump.

The ending seemed doomed from the beginning.

She hated herself for not discovering that her father had such thoughts earlier.

Self-blame, guilt, anger, grief, helplessness... All kinds of emotions are intertwined, squandering her stamina and physical strength.

Finally, she slumped on the ground exhausted.

Muttering to himself over and over again:

"He can really dance, he can really dance"

Chen Yu looked at the time and shook his head helplessly.

In this situation, there is nothing I can do to help.

At this time, at 8:50, there were only 10 minutes left before the nine o'clock that Shu's father said.

There is not much time left for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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