Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 395 - Still remember me?

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! …”

As the loud noises became more frequent, the earth shook more violently; the surviving demon hunters and night watchmen either looked around nervously, or stared at Carl Colin’s every move.

The earth and rocks are constantly falling, and the Golovin hills at the foot are like a living, very uneasy wild beast, who wants to clean up the “lice” that disgusts him.


Unforeseen, the coming stairs suddenly collapsed and collapsed with the shock, and turned into cracked earth and stone from 300 meters to the ground.

The demon hunters who had been cut off even did not even think, and watched the severely dying robe and gravel rubble fall together; and they had already stood on the edge of the cliff and could not look back.

“Luther, Robert … and Rosa they fell!”

“Collect the formation and stay alert!”

“No! At this time, the formation should be dispersed to reduce the possibility of being affected!”

“No! It is time to launch an attack on the Sky Dome and defeat the Black Cross Serel now!”

“Ridiculous! Is the Black Cross so easy to defeat?”

“There will be no better chance than now!”

… The deafening roar, mixed with countless panic-stricken sounds, is an uneasy breath over everyone’s heart.

“Everyone get down!”

At this moment, Karl Colin’s roar sounded like a Hong Zhong.

Without hesitation, the crowd fell to the ground for the first time, widened their eyes filled with fear in the shock, and squeezed their mouths tightly.

The source of the vibration is the Sky Vault.

Although I do n’t know what Isaac ’s plan is, but from the shock, Kalkorin could clearly feel the entire hill of Golovin … descending.

The hills of Golovin, forcibly twisted by the power of the void or some kind of evil spirit, are being restored by Isaac to their original appearance.

Karl Korin did n’t understand exactly what principle was involved in it; he only knew one thing … that is, no matter what force the entire hill was forcibly pulled into this look, once that force suddenly disappeared, Ge Lovin Hill will never resemble a spring, and restore its original appearance.

More likely, it should be like a tower or a castle, collapsed suddenly.

If the hill of Golovin, which was forcibly dragged to 300 meters, suddenly fell, then at least it is at least enough to turn the entire capital of Golovin into ruins.

As for its true power, that is not what he can imagine!

So they do n’t need to do it at all. This kind of explosion that can destroy everything. The body of a hundred evil spirits is also finished. The entire emperor ca n’t have anything alive, and even the ground can sink into the whole, becoming indescribable. Natural giant pit.

If even this level of power can’t kill the Black Cross Serior, then dozens of exhausted demon hunters have no meaning at all, just go to death.

“Isaac Grantham …” Lying on the shaking stairs, the expressionless Karl Collin sighed:

“I knew that he was by the side of Lord Loren, the most terrible guy …”


The loud noise of the collapse of the hills wiped out all the sounds.



Inside the temple of the church, a “man” exuding light and shadow stared at Serior and spoke softly.

If Loren is here at this moment, he can recognize at a glance that “he” is the guy who helped himself when he mastered the second valve … The existence of the self-proclaimed “Holy Cross”.

The roaring and shaking of the collapse never stopped, but the small temple was still as it was, and there was no trace of it at all.

“End … What are you referring to?” Staring at the light and shadow, the serene Serel dismissed:

“I admit that Isaac Grantham is a very good wizard, and one day he will surpass the Logan wearing a hat … leading the change of the era, even with the lowest level of prediction, at least it will be created not worse than the dragon Kingdom achievements. “

“One day … not now.”

Cerior shook his head:

“I noticed my flaws and deficiencies, which is very good; but it is far from enough to stop me. If you can open the second valve, there is still a hint of possibility, but now … his level of void is far below me, and I want to hinder I ’m just delusional. “

“Isaac Grantham, he can only be considered a stumbling block at most.”

“If you want to stop me, you really have nothing to do, Holy Cross, mine …”


The voice fell, the figure shimmering with light remained immobile, clinging to the holy cross sculpture, blocking the holy grail of the nine-man star hidden in it.

In the dim and dead temple, the figure seemed to be a lone lamp at the end of the midnight road, illuminating the last little light.

“I know.”

The figure said: “Isaac Grantham cannot beat you, or even stop you.”

Cerior gave a slight meal.

“I also know very well that no one in this world can beat you; because I am your shadow, the creation of your thoughts and the brand that used to be; I know very well what your existence means to this world.”

“Everything is within your expectation; everything is … prosperity, decline, destruction, rebirth … all in your plan.”

“For them, time is continuous, but the seemingly continued time is a closed-loop existence for you. The beginning is the end; every step is a set fact, and no one can change it, because they appear for the sake of fact. Is there to make things happen. “

The calm narrative of the Holy Cross seems to feel the continuation of time.

But the Black Cross sounds more like a mockery.

“Yes, there can’t be enough in this world to defeat my existence for thousands of years, or a closed-loop layout, your birth, control the void, erode the material world, and even destroy … A complete plan, perfect implementation, I count every step.”

“Success is inevitable, because there is no such thing as a world that can beat me.”

“this world……”

The indifferent Serior accentuated his tone, mixed with unspeakable anger.

The “people” shrouded slightly by the shadows.

“Loren … He is not the existence of this world, he is a ‘foreigner’.”

“You can feel how fearful and desperate this world is for you, so that this world will extradite everything that does not follow all the rules to this world, betting on the possibility of ruining the world, but also to stop you.”

“The Wimpal College, which should have been destroyed by the wandering wizard rebellion, escaped her disaster; the ancient wood forest elves that were annihilated in the ogre chaos can continue;”

“Ainland, whose identity was exposed and tortured, did not die in the hands of the Lothal Church; Isaac Grantham, who bears all responsibilities in the Ebdon riots, was killed as a result of …

The paused Holy Cross seems to be feeling the irony:

“Lucien, the illegitimate son of the Wiltz family … should have died as a deserter on the Boundary Mountain, but now stands outside the gate; the unknown church knight became the only you who tried and almost succeeded in stopping … The sword of oath. “

“That’s your little trick.”

Cerior said coldly.

“Yes, but who caused it, who made the change, who changed it all, and made the established facts turbulent?” Holy Cross said softly:


“Asterell, Dalton Kander, Rout Infinite, Metzka, Corona, Brandon, Eckhardt, Connold, Fitronai … Lothal, Ancient Wood Forest, Ebden, Boundary Mountain, Dragon King City, Golovin, Red Blood Castle, Great Green Sea, Silver Helmet Mountain … “

“Your plan, the perfect plan, among his opportunities again and again … fragmented!”

“So you have to understand that this time and time of change, in my opinion, has indeed verified a certain possibility … The qualification of this stranger really transcends the level of stumbling blocks.”

“He … is enough to threaten you.”

The light of the Holy Cross gradually became dim, and the light and shadow emitted seemed to be swallowed little by little by the surrounding darkness.


The tone of the Black Cross became colder:

“I can understand the dying struggle of this world, I wouldn’t be surprised at what it does, but you … Holy Cross …”

“Why reject your mission? Don’t you know what all this is for, and what does all this mean?”

“Or do you rather give the life and death and destiny of the world to a stranger who has nothing to do with the world, to an existence that has no plan at all, and believe unconditionally that he can change all these destinies and let The whole world can continue? “

“I don’t know, no one knows.” Holy Cross shook his head:

“Before Loren Turin appeared, the destiny of this world was already doomed, everything was already confirmed facts, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, everything … there will be no change.”

“But now, everything is changing.”

“The people who were supposed to be alive are still alive, but the existence that was supposed to be alive is wiped out; the dragon king city is destroyed, and the evil gods once again stood on your opposite, even me … your shadow … has become one against you member.”

“What a ridiculous and terrible change this is … No one knows what the future will look like.”

“Everything that has been established is in the hands of this stranger, with countless possibilities, the possibility of changes, different and even new messages. Everything is no longer something that can be predicted and clearly known.”

“For this unpredictable, uncertain, terrible change …” Holy Cross murmured:

“I can do it at all costs.”


It was still indifferent, but Serior ’s mood fluctuated significantly:

“Unpredictable, uncertain future … For those who put the world in the hands of a stranger, I can’t believe it, this is what I used to say.”

“Of course you can’t understand.”

In the gradually dimmed light and shadow, there was a trace of sadness and desolation in the voice: “You … Sériel … is no longer the one you used to be. It is no longer an existence full of longing and pursuit for the future, knowledge and uncertainty.”

“The moment you peek into the end of the world, carrying the world has become an unbearable weight to save the world, avoid the end, and has become a closed loop that imprisons you.”

“shut up.”

Looking quietly at Serior ’s slightly distorted expression, the Holy Cross did not stop the conversation: “But to this world … no matter what is void or material, there is no new thing to inject, no new power, wisdom and information. Make it change … Quantitative existence, destruction is inevitable. “

“The flame will eventually extinguish, the water will eventually dry up, no new things will appear in the repeated messages, it will certainly cause the existence of these messages to be swallowed up to the end.”

“shut up.”

“I know that your purpose of creating me is to change the void, but the fact is that my existence only speeds up this process. When all the existence of the void is destroyed, the void without new information will definitely collapse.”

“And if the void collapses and relies on corrosion, what will you eventually dominate the material world, and what will this world become? The broken world and the lonely ghost wandering in it will bring everything to silence, waiting for a certain day of fire Relight the darkness … “

“shut up!”

In the angry roar, the last light illuminating the darkness was almost strangled by the Black Cross.

Behind the gradually translucent holy cross, the holy grail of the nine-pointed star emerged from the sculpture and suspended in mid-air.

A faint gray-blue radiance connected it to the dome’s gray-blue vortex and the ground at the same time; the slowly rotating cup was engraved with various complex runes.

That is to set the rules by contrasting the information in the void with the existence of the physical world, and interconnecting them … ancient runes.

“You can’t understand my plan, the importance of all this … I don’t blame you, I just pity you, the shadow I used to be.”

After a pause, as if calming the waves of emotions, Serel shook his head: “But I will not give everything that originally belonged to me to a stranger; your ridiculous idea is ultimately just false.”

“The world, the destiny, the future … will continue in my hands, and in my hands …”

“The end is coming.”



The huge arm fell suddenly ~ ~ soot raised.

Holding the unconscious little wizard, Vira the night watchman closed his eyes tightly, and the world fell into darkness.

One second, two seconds, three seconds …

Am i dead?

The body trembles coldly, the wounds that haven’t had time to heal, and the pain from fatigued muscles all over and over again, turning fainting into a very luxurious thing.

So … am I still alive?

Inexplicably, the ridiculous Willa opened her eyes carefully.

The huge arm of Evil God hovered less than two or three meters above her head.

And what blocked it was a figure with black hair and a robe, who was facing the evil **** … laughing?

“It’s been a long time, do you remember me …”


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