Shadow of the First Sin

27. Visions of the Coming Age Part 1

In one of the many potential futures...

Today marks my eighteenth birthday, a milestone where human customs deem me an adult. It's hard to fathom that seven years have passed since I found myself among mortals. These past seven years have stretched on like an eternity compared to my former celestial existence. Each day was different from the other one, I experienced joy and sorrow, showing me the raw beauty of mortal life.

As the years went by, I've changed countless times, sometimes even for the worse. The person I once was has faded into the past, a distant echo of my former self. I've long lost my old desires for revenge, thrilling adventures, and power that once consumed me. The younger version of myself would likely loathe the person I've become, for back then, my heart was cloaked in nothing but bitterness. Love was foreign to me, a strange riddle I have only recently begun to understand. I once sought vengeance to cling to the past, craved adventure to escape reality, and hungered for power not to protect, but to destroy.

It was a sorrowful existence indeed. However, the day the orcs attacked and I unintentionally took the life of an innocent boy, I had a revelation. I realized that my powers were not meant to protect, but to destroy. I understood then that I had no control over my powers, and if I continued on the path of a hero, a day would come when I would be branded a villain. Thus, from that moment, I concealed my powers for good and pledged not to take to the skies ever again. I embraced the soil as my home and allowed the celestial aspect of myself to wither away.

During those quiet moments of soul-searching, I began to grasp the essence of love, a peculiar sensation that isn't always soothing but can inflict a pain sharper than a thousand cuts. The day when I chose to put others before me, and they, in turn, did the same for me; was the moment I began to truly live.

"Brother! Come here for a moment!" my little sister called out. Though, she was no longer so little.

"Coming!" I eagerly responded, already anticipating her request.

"Hurry up! Put this blindfold on," she instructed, handing me a piece of cloth.

As I covered my eyes, my sister's gentle hands guided me toward our home. I could discern from the familiar pathway that we were heading to the living room, where a surprise awaited me. Every year, she would lead me like this on my birthday, and I played along to keep her excitement alive. Just a few more steps, and we would reach our destination.

"Happy birthday!" my mother, along with Silas the bard and a childhood friend of mine, shouted in unison.

"Happy birthday, brother," Iris said as she removed the blindfold, revealing the warm smiles that awaited me.

"Wow, what a surprise! I did not expect this," I said with a smile.

"Come on then, make a wish, birthday boy!" Cecilia chimed in cheerfully.

Cecilia was my one and only friend who was my age. In the past, as I trained rigorously, I would often catch glimpses of her in the woods picking berries. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to others, but as time passed, I found myself becoming more curious about the people around me. So, I started greeting her with a simple hello whenever our paths crossed. That small gesture sparked the beginning of our friendship, formed by the simplicity of a greeting.

While some may see her as a humble village girl, with no magic and grand ambitions, destined to lead a life confined to the fields; she was much more to me. When I couldn't talk with anyone about my little problems, or I didn't want to burden my family and Silas was always too immature to speak to; Cecilia was always there to listen as I was there for her. I was perceived as a shy kid in the village, for I would often keep things to myself out of the habit to protect myself. But she was different, around her, I needed no protection, and the walls I put up simply shattered. Thanks to Cecilia, I embraced my mortal side and found the beauty of a simple mortal life.

"Here we go!" I exclaimed, blowing out the candles, my wish silently echoing in my heart, a wish for the well-being of everyone in the room.

"Excellent!" Silas clapped his hands, his fingers itching to strum his lute. "But now, my dear guests, prepare yourselves to witness greatness! I have spent the past week crafting and perfecting this piece! Oh, goddess of fine arts, bestow upon these mortal souls the capacity to comprehend the magnificence of the verse to come!" Silas declared, his voice resonating with a touch of madness as he looked up at the ceiling, perhaps envisioning a flashing stage.

"Here we go again..." my mother sighed, her hand covering her eyes.

He put one of his legs on a round tea table, attracting vicious stares from my mother, as he dramatically strummed his lute. The melody was a merry one, making your body move instantly as if enchanted.

Once upon a time, in a world beyond ours,

There lived a boy, his spirit burning bright.

Roaming under the golden sun's gentle rays,

Valerian was his name, ready to find his own way.

The boy told stories, the stories of past glory,

From dusk till dawn, he shared tales untold,

A heart so kind, a spirit uncontrolled,

He was once known, as a golden boy.

From boy to man, his journey did unfold,

A new chapter began, in a changing world

No longer bound by the echoes of old,

His story takes a twist, adventures yet untold.

The legends of the past, gently fade away

As Valerian steps into a brand-new day.

A boy turned man, embracing the unknown,

Let us raise our voices, in a joyful tone.

The bard's voice resonated deep into the night as the world gradually succumbed to a deep slumber. After bidding farewell to our guests, my mother and I watched as drunk Silas swayed back and forth, still singing as he made his way out.

"From boy to man...Lalala..."

"You could stay the night here, you know?" I offered.

"No...The barn is my home," he replied, his voice carrying the whimsical melody as he continued to sing.

I shifted my gaze towards Cecilia, who was standing on the doorstep. Whether it was the alcohol or the radiant full moon casting its glow upon her, she appeared exceptionally beautiful at that moment. It was as if I had never truly noticed her features until now. Her red hair flowed in gentle waves, resembling the flickering flames of a campfire amidst the night. Her fair face was adorned with freckles, while her lips held a natural pink hue. And oh, her captivating green eyes looked at me as if tempting me to express my thoughts aloud.

"Um...Cecilia, I... I hope you had fun today..." I managed to utter, feeling my words falter. There was something else I wished to say, but it got caught in my throat.

"Yes, it was a lot of fun," she replied, her gaze fixed on me, a hint of sadness lingering on her face.

"Would you like to accompany me to town tomorrow?" I blurted out suddenly, the words tumbling out before I could fully process them.

"Yes! I would love that!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up as she took hold of my hand, her eyes sparkled with excitement.

As my mother helped Silas out, she threw me a teasing grin. As they left, I stayed until I could no longer see them. When I finally turned to head indoors, the night sky turned white. It grew brighter than the sunniest of days, nearly blinding me, and then a sound reached my ears, an echo I hadn't heard in ages. The deafening symphony of thousands of wings fluttering through the air intensified with each passing moment. A feeling of dread overcame me as never before, as I witnessed an entire army of avians descending upon Emberfield.

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