Seven Steps to Becoming a Superhero

Issue #21: initiation

The musty odor lingered in the air when the hood was pulled off and light blasted into Zack’s eyes. Zack instinctively clenched his fists into tight balls but one grabbed his hand while eyes finally adjusted to the intense light. As soon as he could see, he could fight out of this place. He could summon the Knightbrand armor - assuming it still worked. But someone was holding him down, stopping him from striking.

“Okay, pledges, welcome to the show!” Zack heard a familiar voice.


The hood was removed. Zack was kneeling on a hardwood floor. He was in a row of other students in similar positions, freshmen like him, judging by their awkward mannerisms and youthful expressions. Zack turned to see Scott by his side, holding his arm. preventing him from fighting back. He flashed his eyes at him, and shook his head.

Kaine stood in the center of the room wearing an Innshadow U hoodie and gym pants, flanked by No-Neck One and No-Neck Two from the party several nights ago. Zack scanned the room, recognizing it as the former library Scott had told him about. They were all kneeling in the party room, and Zack could tell by the stickiness of the floor it hadn’t yet been cleaned. He also hoped whatever stickiness stuff he was kneeling in was simply spilled liquor and not anything else.

“Welcome, welcome, one and all to the Sigma Alpha’s Candidacy program,” Kaine said. “You’re here because someone thinks you have potential to be one of us. But just who are we?”

Zack spotted shifting in the upper level above Kaine. A lone figure watched the proceeding from somewhere in the shadows.


Was he waiting to see how he reacted? Was this all his game…or Kaine’s?

“Attention!” No-Neck One or Two barked from behind Kaine, interrupting his musing.

“We are Sigma Alpha. We are the future of the campus,” Kaine said. “As well as its forgotten past.”

He began to pace around the room.

“Jeremiah Innshadow built this campus on the backs of hardened men. It was those same men who tamed the wilderness. Fought the bad guys. Won the wars,” Kaine puffed on his men. “And what happened to those men? They were pushed aside, replaced by the stuffy shifts who run the show.”

Zack had to admit, he liked Kaine’s sales pitch. It’s too bad the guy was a jackass.

“There was a time where men could be men, but those days are over. Now the weak have taken over,” Kaine said. “The inmates are running the asylum.”

“Sigma Alpha is the last, best and only line of defense left,” Kaine said.

By then, Scott had let go of Zack’s hand. Zack began to clap in a steady, slow manner. He could already see Kaine’s eyes narrowing at him, a vein already emerging from his thick neck.

“Sign me up,” Zack smirked. “Maybe send me an e-mail, or better yet, a Facebook invite and we’ll call it a day.”

He felt Kaine’s eyes drilling into him, but Kaine himself remained cool as a cucumber. He continued his speel.

“Not so fast,” Kaine said. “You all are pledges. You have to prove yourself worthy. After all, only the strongest survive.”

“As you can tell, the room has not been cleaned since this week’s mixer,” he said. “You want in? You need to clean it. With these.”

Kaine dropped several small sticks right in front of Zack. When Zack looked down, he realized they were toothbrushes.

“When I was in the Marines, we had to clean the barracks with these. I trust it won’t be too hard for a couple of future heroes,” Kaine said. “We have no trouble.”

“Of course, that was before they kicked me out. The military doesn’t want real men anymore,” Kaine said. “They’ll even settle for fake men.”

“Sigma Alpha is different,” Kaine said. “Prove yourself here and the future is yours.”

Kaine looked at Scott. “Senior Pledge Scott here will supervise your progress. He’ll let us know of any issues. Better get started.”

Kaine chuckled and left, with both of his bodyguards at his side. The other pledges grabbed the toothbrushes. Reluctantly Zack did just as soon as Scott did.

One of the No-Necks hauled in a bucket of water. Zack couldn’t see Max observing from the other levels.

For the first half hour or so, Zack worked in silence. Scott also grabbed a toothbrush, but he didn’t say anything.

Finally, Zack broke the silence. “Senior Pledge Scott? What’s that about?”

“I’m working up through the ranks,” he said.

“Seriously? So if I’m…what? Pledge First Class Zack?” he replied.

“Sigma Alpha is extremely exclusive. There’s only so many spots,” Scott said. “It’s an honor to even get nominated. I didn’t even get picked for six months.”

“Scott, this is a fraternity, not the freaking Illuminati,” Zack said.

“Beautiful, beautiful,” boomed Kaine’s voice as he entered the room again. “I love the smell of Pinesol in the morning. Smells like victory.”

“It looks like they missed a spot, Kaine,” one of the No-Necks said, indicating the bucket of water. Kaine nodded, and with one swift kick, knocked the bucket of water over, spilling the contents of all the pledges’ hard work onto the floor.”

“In fairness, I never said you could use the bucket. You should have listened to instructions better,” Kaine said.

That was the last straw. Zack stood up. He didn’t need this crap. He had come here to find his father’s killer, not deal with petty crap from a wannabe drill instructor.

“Actually, you should have specified. Feels like it’s on you,” Zack said. No-Neck One and Two started closing in on him. Kaine called them back before walking over with his arms crossed.

“You don’t like it? You know where the door is,” Kaine said.

“No, I want in,” Zack said.

That part wasn’t exactly true. Unlike Scott, he had no connection to this place. He didn’t need any of the perks a fraternity could provide.

All he wanted was access to Max, the only connection to his father on campus. He knew Max was watching from up high. Apparently, he was still testing him, seeing how he’d react. Forcing a confrontation seemed like the best bet. He’d already taken Kaine in a fight, and he was pretty sure he could take both No-Neck One and Two, especially if Scott was backing him up.

“Sure I can’t have a consolation prize,” Zack smirked.

“The only participation trophy we give out is a body bag,” No Neck One said.

“With you in it!” his buddy puffed up his chest. Zack let out a laugh.

“Not the best threat I’ve heard,” Zack said. “But A for the synchronized delivery. Did you two practice that?”

The two snarled at him in unison, but Kaine stepped forward, shushing his two lap-dogs with a raised hand.

“You should treat us with a little more respect. There’s no cameras in here,” Kaine said.

“You think I need cameras? Maybe I hit you harder than I thought,” Zack said. “Remember how last night turned out.”

If Zack’s intimidation display did anything, Kaine didn’t show it.

“So it seems you and I are at an impasse,” Kaine shrugged. “So what exactly do you want?”

“I want to cut through all the red tape. I proved myself when I kicked your ass,” Zack said as he neared Kaine’s face. “Now I want in.”

Kaine scratched his rough face. “I think I have just the thing.”


Five minutes later, Zack stood on the roof of the Alpha House. It was flatter and more modern than the sloped architecture of the former library. Thankfully, Zack was provided with a mop and bucket this time.

“You want to expedite things?” Kaine said. “Clean the roof.”

“And I can actually use the bucket? None of your goons are going to knock it over fifteen minutes in?” Zack said.

Kaine did his best to look hurt. It was unconvincing to say the least. “I won’t even touch it.”

“And after I clean the roof, I’m in. No Senior or Junior Pledge nonsense,” Zack said.

Kaine nodded. “You clean all the bird poop off, you’re in, simple as that.”

Kaine left soon after via the fire escape.

Simple as that.

Zack knew Kaine had a trick up his sleeve. This was too easy. Still, he didn’t let it get to him. He grabbed the mop, soaking it in the water. He drew out the mop and began to clean the roof.

The first raindrop hit him five minutes later.

Then another.

Soon a deluge of rain fell onto Zack, shivering him to the bone. He couldn’t see five feet in front of him.

He had walked right into Kaine’s trap.

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