Seraph of Net King

Chapter 19

PS: Readers, dads, give Bo flowers and collect!


"Ghost score, 15:0!".

The referee took a deep breath to suppress the shock in his heart, and then announced in a loud voice.

"Sure enough, they're all monsters!".

Shuji Tanejima couldn't help but say.

"There's one more, Shuji. "

Irie Sota smiled, his eyes moving from time to time, "Didn't you pay attention?"

Hearing this, Tanejima Shuji was stunned for a moment, and then said meaningfully: "That's what I said." "

Hearing the words of the two, Yu Shenchi rolled his eyes, ignored them, and continued to focus on the court.


U-17 in the monitoring room.

The three coaches, Yukio Kurobe, Ryuji Takuue, and Toji Saito, looked at the situation on the screen without blinking.

"Sure enough, it was the ghost who won the score first. "

Saito looked at the tennis ball that had sunk into the wall and exclaimed, "These two people are no longer comparable to ordinary people. "

"Nope. "

Yukio Kurobe's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, "It's above high school students, there are more than two people.... There are other high school students as well!".

Main court.

The dust gradually cleared.

Byodoin Phoenix's face was a little gloomy.

"Hmph, that's the only way it's worth sinking you, Onijujiro!".

With that, he took a tennis ball out of his pocket again and tossed it high.


The loud roar rang out again, and the tennis ball let out a hissing explosion and exploded.

Oni Jujiro sneered, the muscles in his arms kept squirming, and the terrifying momentum was condensing.

"Bang ——!


A banging sound exploded in the ears of the surrounding high school students.


The raging air currents tore the dust from Onijujiro's feet once more, filling the entire stadium.


Immediately after, Onijujiro's other hand was also on the handle.

Suddenly, the power on the racket increased dramatically again!


The air currents continued to sweep wildly, condensing into an incomparably terrifying momentum in the air, and the tennis ball kept compressing under this air pressure, and then released instantly.

"Whoosh ——!


The shrill voice carried a terrifying wave of air, as if it was about to pierce everything.


The Phoenix of Byodoin stepped out, and its figure instantly burst out, as fast as a cheetah.

The raised arm slammed into the tennis ball.

"Bang ——!


The tennis ball entered the racket, and suddenly a terrifying force swept through the arm of the Phoenix of Byodoin.


The racket began to tremble violently, and the terrifying power made the face of the Phoenix of Byodoin even more hideous.

"Bang dang!".


Byodoin Phoenix's racket flew out, and the tennis ball slammed into the barbed wire behind it.

The tennis ball was like a wild horse on the loose, raging constantly, and then directly broke through the barbed wire and flew out.


At this moment, the court became extremely quiet.

It's so quiet that you can hear swallowing saliva.

"It's horrible. "

Some of the high school students wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on their foreheads and looked at Onijujiro in horror.

Although they know that Onijujiro is powerful, but today....

"Now the power of Oni Jujiro has definitely reached 4 in the fifth dimension, or .... 5!"

Yu Shen's blazing eyes subconsciously contracted.

"Ghost score, 30:0!".

The referee also looked in horror at the hole in the barbed wire that had been torn by a tennis ball.

"I don't see it, the strength is good. "

Byodoin Phoenix picked up the racket and looked at Onijujiro with a cold expression.

"But, today's loser is destined to be you!".

"Bang ——!


There was another loud bang, and the Phoenix served again.

Everyone watched intently on the pitch.

"Bang ——!


"Bang ——!


"Bang ——!


For a moment, all that was left on the court was the terrifying sound of the ball.

"Ghost score, 40:0!".

"Byodoin scores, 40:15!".

"Game, Onijujiro, 1:0!".

"Game, Byodoin Phoenix, score 1:1!".



At this time, except for some high school students, the rest of the U-17 high school students were no longer able to express their feelings at this moment in words.

The entire stadium was filled with dust, and there were only two faint shadows.

Holes of various sizes appeared in the walls opposite both sides, and even the barbed wire had several holes.

and the pitch floor.

The pitch-black ball marks almost covered the bottom line.


At this time, a slight majestic wind blew, and the dust on the court slowly receded.

Some high school students couldn't help but shiver when they felt the breeze.

At this time, they found out that their backs had been beaten in a cold sweat.

After a long time, the referee came to his senses until the dust cleared.

"The two sides exchange courts, and the oni Jujiro serves!".

The referee shouted loudly.

Onijujiro and Byodoin Phoenix stood opposite each other, and the momentum on their bodies attacked each other.

There were more or less scars on his body, and his clothes were covered with dust.

Jujiro Oni stood in the tee area, tennis ball in his hand, and then tossed it high.

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