Seoul Object Story

Chapter 93: Pudding Factory (5)

Late in the evening, Golden Reaper secretly infiltrated the Research Institute through an open gap in the door and began stealthily moving down the deserted Research Institute corridor.

Carefully stepping one foot at a time on the neatly organized Research Institute tiled floor.

In the dimly lit corridor with lights on here and there, there was a space filled with bright light.

It was the management office that operated 24 hours.

Inside was a single night watchman nodding off with a tired look on his face.

The grandfather always gave it sweet Yanggaeng with a warm smile whenever he saw it.

The Yanggaeng didn't taste great, but it liked the grandfather because of the warmth it felt.

As a way to repay him, it would often jump on his shoulders and give him a massage, but having to sneak past like this made its heart ache.

Next time, I'll give him a double massage!

Making this small resolution, the Golden Reaper tiptoed past the management office.

Fortunately, the dozing grandfather didn't notice the small shadow crossing the floor.

But an even bigger obstacle appeared before the Golden Reaper.

It was a large room filled with humans that it had to pass through in order to reach its beloved human. Large objects making a humming noise.

In front of them, humans with dazed expressions sat crowded together.

Oh, so many tired and weary-looking humans.

We'll play a lot next time, so hang in there!

It wasn't sure what those Objects filling the room were.

But judging by the number of humans who become agitated when they approach, they must be important.

It hid behind those Objects and began slowly passing through.

Slowly, so as not to be noticed.

"Hey, look at this for a sec."

"What is it?"

A voice! If I'm not careful, I'll be caught!

It have to stop moving and wait until the human stops talking.

"Just come over here. You see that?"

"You don't think it's hiding, do you?"

The humans speaking in hushed tones.

Judging by their playful tones, it seems humans play pranks when bored, just like us!

"I've never seen a Reaper hiding before."

"We should probably pretend not to notice."

The humans are gathering closer and closer.

I can't let them catch me!

"Let's each take a picture and scatter! The Reaper can't move right now."

Click click.

Strange sounds kept coming, and the humans started to disperse.

Phew, that was close.

I barely avoided being caught.

But after hearing those 'click click' sounds, the humans seem healthier somehow. I wonder what that was?

I'll have to find out next time!


??? POV:


The residence of the eerie Trinity Research Institute 3rd Director always exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

Late at night, the 3rd Director was receiving a report from his butler.

"The two members of the Night Crow organization we hired have both died. It appears further operations are impossible."

"Is that so? How far did the Night Crows get?"

"They succeeded in shutting down the factory and stealing the briefcase. However, the sudden appearance of Gray Reaper caused them to lose the briefcase, so only the factory shutdown was successful."

After calmly setting down the wineglass in his hand, the Director stood up from his seat and spoke while looking at the Golden Horn decoration.

"A blessing in disguise, I suppose. At least we got the factory shut down. James' factory absolutely cannot be allowed to be established in Korea. We cannot allow 'alchemy' to spread to Korea."


"You have a look that says with Gray Reaper involved, even the factory shutdown will likely be undone."

heh heh heh

The Director let out a low laugh.

"For this factory, I've hidden an Object that even Gray Reaper cannot handle. A replica of the Object that Gray Reaper failed to deal with before."

With a satisfied smile, the Director sat back down and enjoyed his wine.


Deep inside the pudding factory.

The once lively factory was now enveloped in an eerie silence, with only the occasional piercing emergency bell ringing out.

Moreover, the rhythm of that bell was somehow broken, ringing irregularly and accentuating the chaos and confusion.

The red emergency lights, which began operating like an emergency bell, were casting long, distorted shadows and dyeing the cold steel structures an ominous crimson color.

At the center of these steel structures filled with ominousness, a huge, bizarre Object was roaming around.

A Lophiomus dripping black slime.

The Object resembled the Lophiomus, which had disappeared into a sinkhole in Songpa-gu, its whereabouts unknown.

The squirming tentacles and smooth, glossy skin were similar to the Lophiomus, but foul-smelling black slime was oozing out from its skin.

The black oil dripping from the skin of this Object was seeping into the factory floor, gradually spreading a foul odor and polluting the surrounding land.

This Object resembling Lophiomus would occasionally open its mouth wide, filled with sharp, threatening teeth, and randomly bite and tear at the surrounding steel structures.

There seemed to be no reason for this Object to remain in this desolate space with no humans or prey, but it was obsessed with a machine deep inside the factory, as if guarding a precious object.


Yerin POV:


After experiencing Bearboy's grand entrance and exit, the Reaper who had suddenly disappeared handed me a strange briefcase.

It was an antique, stylish briefcase.

It looked expensive, I wonder where it picked it up from?

Since Reaper probably didn't bring it properly, I'll have to return it if the owner shows up later.

tak tak tak~

Walking slightly ahead of me, Reaper seemed a bit bored and was playing alone on the asphalt inside the factory.

We rely on your support! read at

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Hopping from line to line on the white lines drawn on the asphalt.

It seemed to be moving its steps indifferently, not even glancing at the asphalt, as if completely uninterested. But Reaper's small feet were only stepping on the white lines.

Heh heh.

If it realizes I've noticed, it'll get embarrassed, so I'll pretend not to notice.

I inwardly cheered on Reaper's asphalt adventure, wondering how far it would go.


Reaper (MC) POV:


I walked along the asphalt laid inside the factory together with Yerin.

Continuing to walk in the direction where human emotions were felt, we eventually arrived at a certain building.

A large building with <7> written on the wall.

Upon entering that building, I felt an enormous number of Objects surrounding Yerin.

Pink rabbit-shaped dolls.

They were Objects wearing chef hats and holding cooking utensils.



Objects wearing chef hats, holding cooking utensils, and shouting [Pudding!].

Anyone could tell they were Objects for making pudding.

I finally found them.

The Objects for making pudding.

If I can get these Objects back to work, the delicious 'Ninja Pudding' will be made.

However, there were a few issues.

The rabbit dolls' eyes looked rather insolent.

If I wasn't there, they seemed like they'd pounce right away.

They gave off more of a murderous doll vibe than a pastry doll.

Another issue was the foul stench coming from the rabbit dolls' bodies.

The smell of black slime.

If these dolls made pudding, the pudding would reek with that stench.

Should I destroy them despite the ability degradation?

Or should I tame them like 'Cute Puppy'?

As I was deep in thought, a desperate voice rang out.

"Rescue team? Please save me!"

It was the shrill voice of a skinny man who sounded like he was about to pass out.

Looks like there's no time for taming, I'll have to go with obtaining the degraded ability.


3rd Person POV:


The interpreter was nearing his limit.

"Please save me! Please save me!"

It was hard to breathe, he felt like he was going to pass out.

And the ominous sound of the murderous rabbits swinging their cooking utensils was closing in right behind him.

"Run a bit faster, or in 5 seconds your butt will get stabbed in that state!"

In contrast, James running ahead seemed quite relaxed, even looking back.

Upon hearing those words, I turned around only to find a large whisk thrusting towards me.

'Ah, this is really the end. I must never accept a request like this again.'

As the interpreter saw his life flash before his eyes, a golden light flickered in front of him.

A tiny golden light.

Even under the ominous red lighting, a brilliant golden wave began mowing down the rabbits.

'I'm alive.'

Overwhelmed with relief, the interpreter collapsed to the floor and sobbed.


Reaper (MC) POV:


Leaving the people rejoicing their survival, I hurriedly began observing the Golden Reaper Garden.

"Reaper? Why are you like that?"

Seeing me suddenly close my eyes, Yerin looked puzzled and poked my cheeks.

But I had something more important.


In the middle of the Golden Reaper Garden, I saw unfamiliar facilities.

A chef's hat glowing golden.

Golden Reaper-scale cooking utensils.

And a fitting cooking station.

In the worst case, I thought rabbit-shaped puddings might appear, but I'm really relieved.

The Golden Reapers, with curious expressions, approached the suddenly appeared cooking facilities.

Each claimed a chef's hat, which when worn upside down made rabbit ears sprout, and they skillfully began cooking pudding.

But the Golden Reapers' cooking process was a bit peculiar.

Not ordinary pudding making, but a division-of-labor production line with each assigned a role.

One Golden Reaper poured in lots of sugar to dissolve, licked their finger to taste, then flapped their newly sprouted rabbit ears happily.

Some Reapers laughed happily as they mixed the eggs, while another sneakily ate sugar while moving ingredients around.

Though each did different tasks, there was a sense of unity.

The sounds of boiling water, whisking eggs, cheerfully setting down glass cups.

All these sounds came together like a performance.

The cooking process progressed with a set speed and rhythm, like choreographed dancing, containing a magic that compelled watching.


I could feel it without even tasting.

The Ninja Pudding will definitely be completed.

Hehe, I should try it once it's done.

Having achieved my goal, I felt inexplicably happy.

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