Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

60 Training Maximized

Second chapter for today and it's close to 3,500 words.

Luckily, there was no one in the gym I had chosen and I locked the door to stop anyone from coming in. The cameras seemed to be set up almost haphazardly, as if they wanted to get the most coverage for the least amount of cameras. I chuckled at that and took out my cell phone. Using the department head's computer access code, I changed the camera from a live feed to a static image.

I went over to the bench press and I was glad it was a standard one. It used round weight plates of 20 kilograms each, or 45 pounds, that had to be attached by hand onto a bar. That meant no electronic records to erase afterwards like a weight machine with an attached monitor would have. With no time to waste, I loaded four of the weights onto the bar, two on each side, and laid down on the bench.

Almost 200 pounds was a lot of weight for me, considering I was only 150 pounds myself. I braced myself and picked the bar up from the holders, brought it down and pushed it back up, and put it back on the holders again. I barely even felt it!

I went back to the racks of weights and added four more, doubling the weight, and laid down on the bench. I repeated the same motion and I still didn't feel anything more than a slight strain. So, I added four more, for a grand total of 240 kg, or 530 pounds, and I did it again with a bit more strain.

There were six weight plates on each side and it wasn't heavy enough for me to get a proper workout. The bar was also not long enough for me to add much more, so I added one more plate on each side and I would have to make due with low weight repetitions. With a total of 280 kg, or about 620 pounds, I started doing three sets of ten lifts.

My arms were burning a little at the end of the third set, so I was happy with that. I went to the leg press next and added the same amount of weights, to try and keep my body muscle mass balanced, and did three sets easily and barely felt any strain.

There goes my balance theory. I thought with a chuckle and doubled the weight to 560 kg, or 1,235 pounds, because the bars were much longer on the ends and could hold more weight plates. That did the trick for me and I started to sweat by the time I ended the third set and my legs burned nicely.

I stood up to go back to the bench press, then stopped and looked at the leg press. I chuckled again and instead of sitting down like I was supposed to in order to do my legs again, I turned around and braced with my hands instead.

Thanks to my wall sticking power, my hands didn't slip as I braced myself and used my arms to push the heavy weight up as far as my arms would allow me. My sweat poured off of me as I did three sets of ten reps and my arms shook a little when I was done. I wasn't discouraged, though. It felt great!

I took a short break and turned around and did my legs again for three sets of ten reps and I started feeling the burn. I had done a lot more prepping for this kind of workout while working construction than I had thought I did, which meant I would have to be careful when working tonight. My acting skills were going to have as much of a workout later as I was having right now.

I kept doing sets for the rest of the lunch period and stopped when the light buzzer sounded. I had to struggle a little removing the weights to put them back on the racks, because of my intense workout. I still felt great, because I knew it was building my muscles properly and would give my body a better chance to adapt to using even more weight.

My arms and legs shook slightly as I grabbed my gym bag and I walked over to the door of the gym. I unlocked it and stepped out just in time, because several men and women approached from down the hallway. I nodded to them and took out my cell phone to change the cameras back to a live feed.

I went to the nearest bathroom and took a quick shower and dressed in one of my suits, because I wasn't going to meet with Black Widow all sweaty and smelly. Not that I seemed to smell very much after that hard of a workout. It was a little odd, which meant I would have to push up my research to as soon as possible. I also had to look up those patents and trademarks.

Dammit, I'm really falling behind in my plans. I thought and went back to the training room that Clint and I had used all morning. I was only a little surprised to see Natasha there instead. Thanks for texting me with the details, Clint.

“I asked him not to contact you.” Natasha said when she saw my face. “Follow me.”

I didn't hesitate and did as she asked. We walked down several hallways to the wing that held spare rooms for agents and she entered the second one on the right. I wasn't sure what the significance of it was, except that there might be other agents staying in the first rooms on both sides.

Natasha made a bit of a show of it when she went to the table and turned off the microphone underneath it and then went to the corner of the room and covered the camera.

I took out my cell phone and checked myself, then turned off the feed from both that and the hidden camera in the air vent by the ceiling.

Natasha saw me typing on my phone and looked annoyed. “I brought you here to talk, not for you to text someone else.”

“I'm turning off the hidden camera in the air vent.” I said and showed her the feed links.

Natasha let out a sigh and sat down on one of the chairs at the table.

“I can't tell if that's a 'you caught me trying to record you' sigh or if you're sighing because you weren't thorough in your electronics sweep.” I said and sat down across from her at the table.

Natasha didn't say anything in response.

“A bit of both, is it?” I asked and tucked my cell phone back into my suit coat pocket. “It's okay, you know. Spy business and all that. I understand.”

Natasha stiffened slightly and then looked at me. “How? How can you understand?”

It was my turn to let out a sigh. “You're still hung up on how young I look? No, that you slept with my dad?” I asked and she stiffened slightly again. “I can stand up right now and I can yell and scream at you for completing the set. You've had the father and now you've had the son. It's quite the collection.”


“I'm going to break social convention and ask you a very personal and provocative question.” I said and Natasha closed her mouth. “How old are you?”

Natasha kept her mouth closed and she didn't respond.

“Wow, you won't even give me that much?” I asked and she winced. “I'm not sure how we can sit down and have a heart to heart conversation about everything that's going on, when you can't even tell me your birthday is on December third, 1984.”

Natasha sucked in a sharp breath.

“Do you want me to tell you a few more things about you?” I asked her and her face closed down and went completely blank. “No? You don't want me to tell you about your adoptive parents or your sister, Yelena Belova, the other Black Widow?”

Natasha kept her face blank and only her eyes gave away her emotions. She almost looked scared.

“Look, I tried to hint at it before when I called you princess. You didn't get it, because you're too caught up in trying to figure out my angle.” I said and stood up and leaned on the table. “Since I don't have an angle, I'll just come right out and say it. I know. I know who you really are, Natalia Alianovna Romanova, heiress of the famous Russian Romanov Family.”

“Oh, my god.” Natasha whispered.

“I know about the Red Room, about Clint being assigned to assassinate you, and him sparing you. How you grew into a strong friendship and partnership with him. How you changed and how you have 'red in your ledger' that you are so desperate to make up for that you throw yourself almost recklessly into mission after mission.”

Natasha caught her breath and didn't speak as she stared at me.

“I didn't use any of that information against you and I easily could have, Natasha. How's that for an angle?” I asked and she didn't respond. “When you finally decide that you're tired of hiding all the goddamn time and never showing anyone how you really feel, give me a call.” I said and walked over to the room's door. “Are you teaching me this afternoon or are you letting Clint do your job again?”

Natasha looked conflicted for several moments. “Clint.”

I nodded and picked up my gym bag. “I'll see you tomorrow, if you've got the guts to face me.”

That was a pretty blatant challenge for her and Natasha opened her mouth to speak, only nothing came out. I nodded and shut the door before I walked back over to the training room we used that morning and I saw that Clint had waited there for me.

“How did it go?” Clint asked and looked at my well dressed state. “That well?”

“Even better. I shocked the hell out of her by telling her some things and I hope she can deal with it.”

“Do I want to know what you said?” Clint asked.

“I don't know how much she's told you about herself, so I shouldn't really say.” I said and he nodded. “What are we working on this afternoon?”

“How to break out of grapple holds.” Clint said. “You might want to lose the suit coat.”

I chuckled. “I was in the gym for most of lunch and soaked my workout clothes with sweat. I was sure neither Natasha nor you wanted to be anywhere near that, so I showered and changed.”

Clint chuckled, too. “Good choice.”

I took off the suit coat and laid it down on my gym bag before I went to the workout mat with the circle in it. “What's first?”

“Full Nelson, then we'll do the half and move on to grabs from behind, the sides, and maybe headlocks if we have time.”

“Sweet.” I said and Clint smiled, almost evilly.

What followed was three hours of experience on a medieval torture rack. At least, that's what it felt like. I had been twisted into a pretzel a few times, too. It was not a fun experience and I learned a lot about what was possible and what I was never to do to try and escape a hold. Talk about ouch!

I laid there on the mat when Clint was done teaching me. “I really didn't think my back could stretch like that. Thanks for enlightening me.”

Clint laughed and sat down next to me. “Trust me, after a few sessions like that one and you'll be limber enough to wiggle out of nearly everything someone can put you in.”

I nodded, because I could already feel my body adjusting to what I had just subjected it to. If I did things like this every day and used the gym like I had during lunch, I was sure I would benefit immensely by the time my three weeks was over and I had to go back to school.

“You can lay there for a few minutes and then you can call it a day.” Clint said and smacked my shoulder before he stood up. “Get some rest tonight because you're going to need it for tomorrow morning.”

“Why? What's tomorrow morning?” I asked.

“Melee weapons training.” Clint said and that slightly evil smile was back. “I'll even let you wear strike pads.”

I chuckled. “Wonderful.”

“See you then.” Clint said and left the training room.

I laid there and took deep breaths and let them out, one after another, and let my body relax. I wiggled my fingers and toes and then stretched like a cat. I sat up and went over to my gym bag, grabbed a change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower and dressed. I shoved my dirty clothes into the gym bag and left the training room.

I wasn't sure how I was getting home until I stepped into the elevator and Melinda May stood there beside the buttons. “Now I'm really glad that I showered and changed.”

Melinda gave me a stern look. “This doesn't mean what you think it means.”

“I need a ride home and you need someone to talk to. I have an hour to spare and then I'm cooking supper for my aunt while I clean the apartment.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “I wouldn't mind having company for all of that.”

“I couldn't impose...”

“You can also stay for supper.” I offered and her eyebrows almost disappeared under her wavy dark hair. “Do you have any preferences? I can pretty much make anything you want.”

Melinda's eyebrows dropped back to their normal positions. “That's quite the boast.”

“It's only a boast until I do it.” I said with a smile. “What do you like to eat?”

Melinda looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled. “Shredded pork stir-fry in garlic sauce, white rice, and ramen noodles on the side.”

“What about a starter salad?” I asked.

“Chef's choice, as long as the vinaigrette doesn't clash on the palate with the stir-fry.” Melinda said.

“And for dessert?” I prompted.

“Mango flavored sticky rice balls.” Melinda said and she had a wistful look on her face. “Rolled in sweet coconut for added flavor.”

“That sounds really good.” I said and nodded. “We need to stop and pick up a few things on the way.”

Melinda smiled. “I know just the place to get the best ingredients.”

“It's a good thing you're driving, then.” I said just as the elevator opened on the ground level. “I'll text May and let her know we're having a guest over.”

“May?” Melinda asked as we left through the side door and walked over to the parking garage.

“Maybelle Parker, my aunt.” I said and she looked amused. “Ha, I get it. You can both be called May. I'm bringing May home to meet May.”

Melinda looked like she was trying to not laugh as she unlocked her car. We climbed in and drove away from the parking garage, then we started a conversation that would spark a mini shopping spree for Asian foods and spices.

Needless to say, we both had fun.


May felt a little trepidation as she approached her apartment door. She hadn't asked why Ben had invited someone over to eat supper and had accepted that it was probably someone he met at work. It was a huge step in a relationship, especially if they just met. She opened the door and had to clamp her mouth shut to stop her drool, because of all the delicious smells that assaulted her nose.

“Ha! You're kidding!” Ben said and put a large platter of stringy meat and vegetables on the middle of the table.

“No, she really did file it under 'idiot things not to do'.” A pretty Asian woman said as she put a large bowl of something beside the platter.

Ben laughed. “I'm glad your job's not boring.” He said and saw May. “Melinda, can you finish setting the table? I've got an aunt to take care of.”

“Of course.” Melinda said and put several other things on the table.

Ben walked over to May and smiled as he helped her take off her jacket. “I think you're really going to like the meal today.”

“It smells delicious.” May admitted and kicked off her shoes.

“Melinda shared an old family recipe that she swore me to secrecy over.” Ben said and then chuckled. “When we finished making it, she said and I quote, 'my ancestors would rise from the dead if they could taste this'.”

May couldn't help but laugh and they both went over to the kitchen table. “You have been getting exceptionally good at making normal things taste great. I can only imagine what you could do with already exotic foods.”

“It's a masterpiece.” Melinda said and held a hand out to her. “It's nice to meet you. I'm Melinda May.”

“May Parker.” May said and shook the offered hand.

“May, meet May! May, this is May!” Ben joked and laughed.

Both women lightly chuckled and then were only slightly surprised when Ben held May's chair for her and then he did the same for Melinda.

May looked at the table and she secretly admitted to herself that she was relieved that it wasn't done up for their normal date night. There was no tablecloth, no candles, and no soft music in the background.

The three of them ate and May heard about how they had met at work in the cafeteria and how Ben had introduced himself, bold as brass, then sat down and ate lunch with her. It was almost funny that he could start a friendship like that, with no preamble or beating around the bush.

“When I asked her what her favorite food was and she started telling me... well, I just had to try it!” Ben said and scooped some ramen noodles into his mouth. He swallowed before he spoke again. “I'm tempted to rush through the meal, just so we can get to the dessert.”

Melinda smiled. “They really did turn out well.”

May gave them both a questioning look.

“Mango flavored sticky rice balls rolled in coconut.” Ben said with a grin. “We made a whole cookie sheet full of them!”

“I'm still trying to tell him I can't take half of them home to eat all by myself.” Melinda said. “Maybe you can help distract him and I can sneak away with just a handful?”

May nodded. “If they taste as good as this does, I'll hold him back while you make a run for it.”

“Hey!” Ben gasped. “Help! I'm being ganged up on!”

Melinda chuckled and the three of them finished eating the main part of the meal. After they let the food sit for several minutes, Ben moved the dishes to the counter and then took out the cookie sheet from the refrigerator. The balls were about an inch or so in diameter and looked like little snowballs. They each took one and started to nibble them, then they shoved it all in and chewed on them happily.

“I changed... my mind.” Melinda said as she chewed. “I'm taking... half.”

“Nooo!” May fake yelled and tried to cover the cookie sheet with her hands without touching the balls and all three of them laughed.

After they ate a few more, Melinda's share was put into a ziplock bag and it was time for her to go and for Ben to go to work. Melinda bid them both a good night and left with a smile on her face and a promise to call whenever she felt like she wanted to talk. Ben quickly changed for work and kissed May's cheek, told her that the bath was ready for her, and left as well.

May went up the stairs and stripped off, climbed into the bath, and went over everything that happened during the meal. She had been surprised at how quickly her trepidation had disappeared, because there was no sexual tension between Ben and Melinda. She wasn't sure why there would be, considering they just met that day, then she remembered her thoughts about bringing someone home to meet her.

Her thoughts about feeling relief that it wasn't a date, stayed with her as she relaxed. She had enjoyed both the meal and the company, which was odd, because it had almost always been just her and Ben for a long time. Ben's joke about them both being 'May' and introducing them, had been pretty funny, too.


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