Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

42 Friends and Fun Continued

Here's the second chapter at a whopping 3,850 words! Happy Holiday!

The girls seemed to really like the movie and Gina looked especially happy. Max hopped up and went to choose a movie. I excused myself and went to the kitchen to grab a few of the containers from the freezer and put them into the prepped oven. I turned the heat down so that the food would be ready by the time the next movie was over.

Val came in to the kitchen and started cooking two more popcorn bags. “Thanks for inviting us over.”

“What you said was right. I want to keep my word that I don't want to split up your friendship. It's your last year at high school together and depending on the courses you choose, the colleges you attend might be completely different.”

Val took a deep breath and let it out. “Yeah, it's a little sad.”

“It doesn't have to be for another six months or so.” I said and she smiled and nodded. “I noticed you have your hair tied back today.”

“You did?” Val asked and one of her hands went to her hair. “What do you think?”

“I think you have cute earlobes.” I said with a smile and the microwave dinged.

Val blushed slightly and laughed a little as she took out the cooked bag and added another to cook. “You think so?”

“I would have to play with them a bit and suck on them a little to make sure.” I said with a chuckle.

“Would you really?” Val asked with an odd look on her face.

“I guess that's not something you like.” I guessed and she looked surprised. “If you need more butter, it's in the door of the fridge.”

“Thanks.” Val said and I left her in the kitchen.

“Where's Max?” I asked.

“Bathroom.” Liz said. She and Gina had switched places for some reason.

I nodded and went up the stairs, just to make sure that Max hadn't gone into my room instead. Max opened the bathroom door, saw me, and grabbed my hand and pulled me in before she closed the door. Her lips were on mine and she hugged me tightly for several moments, before her hand reached down and found me already hard.

Max moaned a little and broke the kiss. “I can't get that feeling out of my head, Ben.”

“We don't have time to do that. We need to get back downstairs.” I said.

“Can I... I want to see it.” Max whispered and blushed.

“Why else do you think I wore jogging pants?” I asked her and she looked surprised and happy.

Max stepped back and I pulled my pants and underwear down. “Oh, wow.”

“You can touch it if you want.” I suggested.

“Y-yeah... touch.” Max whispered and carefully knelt as she stared at it. “It looks oddly appealing.”

“It's the shape that makes it feel incredible when it's moving in and out of you.” I whispered back.

“In... and out.” Max whispered and looked up at my face.

“We really do need to get back.”

“Don't you want me to?” Max asked and moved forward a little.

“If we had more time...” I started to say and she kissed the tip. I caught my breath and Max looked pleased, then she gave me a lick. I throbbed for her and she looked even happier. “M-Max...”

“I'm sorry this is just a tease.” Max said and slipped most of the tip into her mouth as she kissed it, then she stood and looked into my eyes. She must have liked what she saw there, because she nodded and left the bathroom.

I looked down at myself. “Sorry, buddy. It looks like you're sticking around for a while.”

It bobbed as if in response and I pulled up my underwear and my jogging pants. I soon discovered the downside of having clothing that granted easy access, when I walked down the stairs to the living room. It provided almost no concealing ability. All four girls stared as my erect member bounced behind the loose boxers and jogging pants and all four of them blushed.

I didn't say anything as I sat down in my spot and Val had switched with Max to sit beside me, just like Gina had with Liz. I didn't ask what was going on and did the same yawn trick to put my arms on the back of the couch. I wasn't surprised that they didn't comment or laughed this time.

Max started the movie and it was a tragic love story. That was Val's choice and she cuddled into me a bit more than necessary. That wasn't the surprise, though. Gina had passed me a bowl of chips to hold and then her hand slipped down under the bowl and into my underwear. She gave me a few strokes, as if testing if it was real, then she... left her hand there and didn't do anything else.

I would occasionally glance at Gina as her other hand would take an occasional chip from the bowl, because she would grip me with the other one and jerk me a little. Her face didn't give anything away, either. I could feel myself getting close from the constant attention and I wasn't sure how I was going to excuse myself.

“I'm calling for a bathroom break.” Liz said and quickly stood. “First dibs!”

“Hey!” Val gasped as Liz ran up the stairs.

Max chuckled and paused the movie. “She always does that.”

Thank god. I thought as Gina's hand slid out of my underwear. “I'm next.” I said and stood before I realized that Gina's playing had shifted my position quite a lot.

Penis Parker stuck straight out and Gina and Val had open mouths as they stared at the biggest tent pole a man could produce, while Max looked happy.

She probably thinks I'm still hard because of her. I thought and put the bowl down on the coffee table and carefully walked over to the stairs and went up them.

Fate was fickle, it seemed, because Liz opened the bathroom door as I approached it and her eyes widened at my current state. Without hesitating, she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom and carefully shut the door so that no one would hear it.

“I'm sorry I've been so indecisive about you, Ben.” Liz said and sat me down on the toilet. “I made a huge mistake and now I'm even more indecisive about you.”


Liz pulled my pants and underwear down and saw Penis Parker in all his glory. “This could have been all mine.” She said as she knelt and started sucking. She didn't have a lot of experience with blowjobs, which showed, because she was only sucking and not doing anything else.

It didn't make any difference to Penis Parker, though. He had been prepped and ready for quite some time, thanks to Gina playing with him for so long.

“Liz, I'm gonna blow.”

Liz stopped sucking and looked surprised as she moved back. “Already? I thought it was supposed to take a while.”

“It usually does.” I said and stood, ignored the slight tingling of my spider-sense, and flipped up the toilet seat as I leaned over the toilet bowl and started jerking off. “I'm spending the day with four hot girls. You're all so sexy... wearing tight jeans and... cleavage and... cuddling me... it feels so nice and... Ohhhh!”

Liz stared in shock as I moaned pretty loudly and shot a long white stream into the toilet, then I did it again, and again. I panted as I gave myself a few more jerks to get the majority of the rest out, then I let my erection go. Some white stuff still dripped from the tip.

“Fuuuuck, that was such a relief!” I said.

“It sure looked like it.” Val commented and I turned my head to look and saw the bathroom door was open. A smug looking Val, a blushing Gina, and a surprised Max stood there and stared at us.

“This isn't exactly what it looks like.” I said.

The three girls looked at Liz and back at me. It was perfectly coordinated, as if they had practised it.

“I tried to do it.” Liz admitted. “I barely started when he said he was done.” She said, disappointed.

“Um, if we're all being honest here.” Gina said and her blush intensified. “That was kind of my fault.”

“How?” Liz, Max, and Val asked.

“I've been kind of playing with it since the second movie started.” Gina said.

“No way!” “You're kidding!” “That's how to take the initiative.” Liz, Max, and Val said, respectively.

“Actually, Max licked and kissed it earlier, so she had the initiative.” I corrected.

Max blushed as disbelieving words came from her friends. “What happened to our secret affair?”

“It's an open secret.” I said and smiled.

“You're still hanging out... and dripping.” Val said and motioned towards my erection.

“I have to wash it off before putting it away.” I said as an explanation.

“Why is it still hard?” Liz asked. “I thought it went away after... you know.”

I pointed to her, then to Max, Gina, and Val. “You are the hottest girls in school. Do I need to say more than that?”

They all blushed and seemed to exchange looks, then nodded slightly.

“Wash up, Ben.” Val said and waved for Liz to follow her. They shut the door behind them and I did as she asked.

I cleaned up and made sure my underwear wasn't all spotty from all the playing. It was, so it was discarded into the laundry basket. I grabbed a new pair of boxers from my room and put them on and my jogging pants again. I went downstairs and it was oddly quiet as the four girls stood near each other.

“Sit.” Val said and pointed at the couch.

It was eerily similar to last night with Black Widow ordering me to do the same thing. I sat down and looked at them without showing anything on my face, because my spider-sense wasn't tingling.

“I hope you're ready for this.” Val said and walked over to me.

“For what?” I asked her.

Val nodded to the others and she knelt in front of me as the other three girls gathered around me and knelt or sat beside me.

“Something that's never, ever going to happen again.” Liz said.

I looked at each of their faces and ended on Val's. She nodded and I was suddenly lifted and my jogging pants and underwear were taken off, once again revealing Penis Parker for them to admire.

“The only quadruple blowjob you will ever have.” Val said and dove for my still erect member.

“I can't believe we're doing this.” Liz said and leaned down to wait.

Val stopped sucking and licked down the shaft to start playing with my balls. “It's the best way to learn.” She said. “Remember what I said to do.”

Liz nodded and sucked me in, then she flicked me with her tongue and bobbed her head up and down.

“Much... better.” I said and Liz made a pleased sound. She soon stopped and moved to lick the side of me and Gina took the main position.

That kind of surprised me, because I didn't think she would have done anything like this. She sucked on me for a bit and then moved off to lick the side like Liz was, then Max gave me an odd look.

“There's no room below or on the sides, so you'll have to sit on my face to reach me with your mouth.” I said and Liz, Val, and Gina stopped licking and stared at me.

Max didn't hesitate at all as she yanked off her jeans and panties, stepped onto the couch to straddle my face, and she crawled down my body to slip her mouth over me. I braced her hips for her so she wouldn't go down too far, and I held her steady as I licked her.

“Now I wish I chose to go last.” Liz said, a bit sadly.

“Switch when... Max finishes.” I said and Penis Parker suddenly had some very enthusiastic licking on the left side. “Gina... next.”

“Yes!” Gina exclaimed and the licking on the right side picked up, too.

Val took the opportunity to show me her appreciation for leaving her until last as she sucked one of my balls into her mouth and gently played with it, then she did the other one.


May came home at suppertime with a bag of take-out and barely stepped into the apartment when she stopped, turned around, and went right back out as she slammed the door. Her mind had refused to see the sight it had just seen of four naked girls wrapped tightly around her nephew. The used condoms had been a bit much, especially because she had seen a bit of red on a couple of them.

“Ben is buying me a new couch.” May said and rode the elevator back down to the lobby. She went off to the side and sat down, took out the food she had bought, and ate a nice meal all by herself. She waited for an appropriate amount of time, or so she assumed, and packed up the food and went back into the elevator. She rode it up to her floor, went to the door, and knocked before she entered using her key.

“Hi, May!” Ben said and waved. “The food's ready if you're hungry.”

“No, thanks.” May said and walked across the living room, past four blushing girls, and went to the kitchen. “You can add this to your buffet.” She said and handed him the bags of fast food she had bought.

“That's great. Thank you.” Ben said and took the bags to put on the kitchen table. “May...”

“I don't want to hear it.” May whispered. “At least you were responsible.”

“You tried to warn me and I thought I knew what to expect.” Ben whispered back. “I was careful and it seemed like that wasn't enough. Things kind of snowballed and... well...”

“You're buying a new couch tomorrow when we cash your voucher.” May said. “It's not worth dry cleaning the cushions.”

“Of course.” Ben said and took a deep breath and let it out. “I'm sorry I disappointed you.”

May stepped close and looked at his face. “I'm sorry I didn't stick around like you wanted me to.”

Ben looked surprised for a moment, then he grinned. “Yes! It's all your fault!”

“Wh-wh-what?” May asked, surprised.

“Did you hear that, everyone? May said it was all her fault for not being here!” Ben exclaimed.

“Hey, you're right!” “We were unsupervised!” “It's not our fault!” “I had fun.” Liz, Max, Gina, and Val said, respectively.

“SHH!” Three of them said and Val shrugged.

“Thank you, May.” Ben whispered and May saw that he was being sincere. “They were feeling a little awkward afterwards.”

May sighed. “All right, I'll be the bad guy that forced you all together.”

“I knew you would understand.” Ben said and took out a piece of cobbler that he had saved for her. “Really, thank you.”

May quickly ate the piece of cobbler and left the kitchen. She went up the stairs without looking at the four happy girls on the couch. It wasn't until she was in her bedroom and undressing that she realized that her nephew just had an orgy on her living room couch. An actual orgy. One boy and four girls had just had sex on her couch and looked like they had a lot of fun.

She was either going to toss the couch out over the fire escape or burn the thing to ash. Or both. It would depend on how she felt in the morning when she woke up. For now, she wasn't sure what to feel as she dressed for bed and climbed under the covers.

May's mind went back to that instant when she first walked in and had taken in the entire scene. Ben's happy face and the four girls happily cuddled up to him, really stuck in her mind. Whatever they had done, they were all happy with it. Very, very happy.

She sighed and hugged her pillow tightly and tried her best to not think about how Ben always carried her up to bed and tucked her in. Sunday was always the odd day and she was in bed much earlier than she normally was. Like she had told Ben, she didn't want to deal with four hormonal teenage girls, even if they had been calmed down after having sex. With her nephew. With Ben. With her Ben.

May shook that thought out of her head and laid there for quite some time. She was unable to sleep, even though it had been a long day. Maybe it was because she was in bed several hours before she was used to? All of those nights she had waited up for Ben had kind of locked her into a pattern.

There was a soft knock on her bedroom door and Ben peered in. May didn't try to pretend to be asleep and he came in and shut the door. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it.

“You really are the best.” Ben said and lightly petted her hair. “I didn't expect what happened to happen. It was... well, several things happened and... we ended up on the couch and we all had fun. It started as just oral on me, quickly became a mutual exchange, and then... I'm sure it was Max that was the first to say she couldn't wait anymore.”

May sighed. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I wanted to make sure you knew that you were right to warn me. Even though Max was a virgin, we used a condom, just in case. All it takes is once, even if we hadn't had sex before.” Ben said and smiled at her. “It really got out of hand after that. Max's reactions were... she really enjoyed it and it got the other three going and... well... condoms all around.”

May covered her face with a hand. “I didn't want to know that!”

Ben chuckled. “Then you showed up and became our convenient excuse to explain everything that happened. It made us all feel okay about it and even though I thanked you already for it, I came in here to tell you that it was only going to happen this once and never again.”

“Oh, thank god.” May said and dropped her hand. “Do you know how I felt when I walked in and saw four naked girls cuddled up to you?”

“I'm very, very tempted to make a joke.” Ben said and placed a hand on her cheek. “I won't cheapen it by doing that, though. You saw five friends after they had enjoyed themselves. I can only assume that once you got over the shock of it, you realized we were happy.”

May gave him a pointed look, then she sighed. “Yes, Ben. I saw that you were all happy.”

“I'm glad, because even though it hadn't started out that way, we did end up giving each other a lot of pleasure. None of us regret it, not even Liz.”

“Liz!” May gasped. “What am I going to tell Doris?!?”

Ben looked thoughtful and then smirked. “It depends on if you want her to be horny or angry.”

“Ben!” May gasped again and Ben laughed.

“You don't have to tell her anything. If she is half as observant as I think she is, she'll know Liz got up to something.”

“You mean you.” May said.

Ben shrugged. “We might not have an epic romance; but, she was pretty great about the whole first time having sex thing. That she also had her friends right there to encourage her and to give her advice, just seemed to make it that much better.”

May let out a groan and covered her face again. “I really didn't want to know that!”

“May.” Ben said in a serious voice and she uncovered her face. “We were responsible, as you already know. We had fun, we took precautions, and we were careful. No one was forced into it and no one regrets it. Especially Max.”

May gave him a surprised look. “Don't tell me! I don't want to know!”

Ben chuckled. “I was glad to have someone else around to hold her mouth shut, because she's a screamer. Like, bloody murder screams when she has an orgasm.”

May groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. “Stop! Don't talk anymore!”

“I have to tell someone, because it's awesomely scary. She likes slasher movies and her screams are the same as some of the great screamers from her favorite movies.” Ben said. “We were all laughing after she came the third time, even though the first time scared the hell out of the other girls.”

May gave him a stern look. “You had sex with four girls! FOUR! At the SAME TIME!”

“That's my limit. I only have one erection, two hands, and one mouth. I had all four going at once and it sure was something.” Ben said and May looked shocked. “I guess that was too much information.”

“YOU THINK?!?” May yelled.

Ben leaned down and cupped both sides of her face. “May, relax. It's okay. This was the only time it was going to happen and we all agreed to it beforehand. It was supposed to only be a quadruple blowjob, the first and only one, and things quickly evolved from there. Or devolved, depending on how you look at it.”

May stared at him and she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do with all of the information she now had. It was information that she never thought she would ever have, so it was difficult for her to deal with it.

“I wanted to apologize for doing things like that here in the apartment and I'm sorry you became a scapegoat to explain us just having fun.” Ben said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, May. Thank you.”

May sighed. “Just... go to bed.”

“It's still early. I thought you might want to...”

“Go. To. Bed.” May ordered.

Ben opened his mouth to say something, then closed it and nodded. He stood up and walked over to the bedroom door, looked back at her, and quietly shut the door behind him as he left.

May sighed again and rolled over to face away from the door. She had been shocked at the sight of Ben with those girls and it would stay with her for a very long time. She would never admit that the happy looks on their faces would also stay with her for just as long.

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