Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

16 That Didn’t Happen

I left school with a backpack full of mechanical parts, projects, and scrap metal. Mr. Simmons seemed to get a kick out of letting me go at it with the various machines in the shop and seeing what I could do. That I completed the current class project as an afterthought while going over the previous months of class projects, had him looking quite happy.

The best part? I had made the two metal brackets that I had skipped over when putting Mary's cabinet together the day before and the teacher complimented my finish work on them. CNC machines used for cutting metal were the best and it only took minutes to machine a part to specifications.

I rode the bus to the hardware store and grabbed the screws, extra finish nails, and a small panel that matched the cabinet Mary had. While there, I also looked at the bracket that the metal pole could use. It was almost twenty bucks and I needed two of them, so I was glad that I had cheaped out and drilled holes to hold the bar in place instead.

My homemade brackets would slip right into place without any fuss whatsoever, so Mary should be happy about that and that they would make my improvisation look professional. I had intentionally taken the bus route to arrive at her building after Mary would be arriving herself, just because I didn't want her thinking I was eager to get the cabinet finished, even though I was.

I chuckled at that thought and carried the panel piece off of the bus when it stopped and I walked down the street to Mary's building. I knew where to go and rode the elevator to her floor and walked over to her door. I knocked a couple of times and waited.

When the door opened, I was surprised to see a dishevelled Mary covered in sweat. She was also wearing workout clothes and was breathing heavy. She was a surprisingly fit woman that had been hiding under her conservative clothing.

“Okay, who are you and where is the calm and composed receptionist I know so well?” I asked.

Mary gave me an odd look for a moment, then she laughed. “Get in here.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and she stepped back to let me inside. I took off my backpack and my jacket to hang both up.

“You know where it is.” Mary said and waved towards her bedroom.

“Have you filled it yet?” I asked with a crooked smile.

“Mostly.” Mary said and her smile matched mine. “It's still away from the wall, so you won't have trouble attaching that.” She motioned to the panel I had stood beside the door. “I'm not even going to ask how you found a matching color and it's the right size to fill the open space.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the two metal brackets I had made. “The same way I recreated the extra brackets for the extra metal pole to hold your heavier clothes and dry cleaning bags.”

Mary took them from me and gave them a good look. She also rubbed her fingers along the sides and the edges, just to see if I had left them sharp. I hadn't. The smile on her face was genuine and not mocking as she handed the brackets back to me. She nodded and went back to the living room and I went to the bedroom.

I had to borrow her drill again to make the pilot holes for the new screws and to mount the new brackets. It went a lot faster than I expected to get the cabinet secured completely and then I applied the panel piece to the back of the cabinet to cover the hole left from the original panel. Mary had left the boot there for me and I used it as a hammer again. I also put extra nails into the original panel to use up what I had bought.

I moved the cabinet back against the wall and made sure it wouldn't wobble or shake, then I left the bedroom to tell Mary I was finished. I stopped at the entrance to the living room and stared at the quite shapely ass that was bent over in front of me. I knew intellectually that she was wearing tight clothing, since workout clothes were like that. I hadn't expected to almost see through them, however.

I stood there for a good fifteen minutes and watched as Mary worked through her tough yoga routine and I admired that she wasn't shy at all about doing those kinds of poses with me literally right there to watch her. It wasn't until she turned around to show me the huge teasing smirk she had on her face, that I realized she had let me ogle her like that on purpose.

“Thank you.” I said and stepped close to let her see the sincerity in my eyes. “Thank you very much.”

Mary opened her mouth to say something, probably a sarcastic remark, and she stared into my eyes.

“I would hug you if there wasn't a reason between us that says I shouldn't.” I said and glanced down.

Mary did as well and she saw the tent pole in my pants. She looked back up at my face and I let the desire I felt for her show on my face. Without saying anything, Mary took a step forward and put her arms around me to hug me close. She was a bit taller than I was and we both let out slight gasps as my tent pole slipped right into the space between her legs.

“B-Ben.” Mary whispered into my ear and her arms tightened slightly. “You really... an older woman like me...”

“I believe the saying is a woman like you ages like a fine wine.” I whispered back and put my arms around her to hug her back. “You only get better over time and your fragrance enhances while your taste becomes even more delicious.”

“Oh... oh, god.” Mary whispered and she shivered a little. “Ben, we... I... I can't. Even joking about this is bad.” She said as she leaned back to look at my face. “For the both of us.”

“I think the only thing that wouldn't complain about this situation, is currently enjoying being nestled between your amazing thighs.” I whispered and she blushed. “You're right, though. I was teasing you and flirting like crazy and I never imagined even a little bit of my words were actually getting to you.”

“No woman can ignore a handsome young man's attention forever.” Mary said. “Even if she is old enough to be his mother.”

“I can say the same thing.” I said and glanced down at her sports bra and the nipples poking out and showing nice bumps through the thin cloth. “I don't believe I've ever seen such casual sexiness as I have from you today. I'm going to remember it for the rest of my life.”

“Now I know you're exaggerating.” Mary said and her blush didn't fade as she licked her lips.

“Kissing... would be bad.” I whispered and felt her arms tighten around me.

“Yes, very.” Mary whispered back. “Very, very bad.”

“I don't want you angry at me later.” I said, barely above a breath. “You control my future, after all.”

“I lied about that.” Mary said and leaned in and kissed me. Her hips started to rock on my tent pole as she kissed me and I had to kiss her back. She was taking an awfully huge risk with her job and career with this, as was I. I couldn't disappoint her, because I was sure that this was going to be it.

One passionate kiss and some dry humping was all she was ever going to try for or ask me for. My hips joined hers in rocking back and forth. She kissed me like she was starving and I was the first tasty meal she had ever eaten.

“MMMM!” Mary moaned and her body shivered as her hips stopped moving. She hugged me very tightly before she broke the kiss and dropped her head to my shoulder without looking at my face.

I didn't say anything while she tried to catch her breath. She had just had two intense workouts and it was going to take her a few minutes to recover.

When she did, Mary lifted her head to look into my eyes with a fierce intensity. “Ben...”

“That was quite the daydream, wasn't it?” I asked and she blinked her eyes at me several times. “That story you told me felt so real that I thought it had actually happened.”

Mary took the cue and ran with it. “Y-yes, that... was a great story. A really, really great story.”

“It's one that I will keep to myself, too. Something like that is a bit too racy for most people to hear.” I said and she nodded several times in agreement. “I should go. I have to get home and cook supper for May.”

Mary nodded again and she eased her grip on me as she stepped back. She shivered as she rubbed herself on me again. She looked down to see the damp spot on my dress pants and then she looked back at my face as she blushed.

“The traffic is horrible and a car even splashed me.” I said as an explanation and Mary looked relieved. I walked over to the door and put my jacket on and slipped on my backpack.

“Ben.” Mary said and I turned to look at her. “Thank you.”

“It was no trouble at all.” I said and smiled warmly at her. “I used my mechanical engineering skills in a practical setting, saw a couple of things that will stick in my new memory for years, and a quite beautiful woman shared a very important story with me.”

Mary gave me a significant look and didn't say anything.

“Who knows what the future will bring?” I asked, almost wistfully. “Perhaps some day there might be another story to be shared.”

Mary looked surprised at my words.

“Bye, Mary.” I said and left her apartment. I really did need to get home to cook supper. I also had a few chemical experiments to perform, too. I just had to figure out where I was going to do them safely without getting caught.

I was halfway home on the bus when the perfect spot came to mind and I smiled all the way home.


Adrian sat at his computer just before going to bed and checked the surveillance camera he had set up. It ran on a car battery and only turned on when motion was detected. It was the best and easiest way to monitor job sites and it let him call the police whenever he received an alert of movement that wasn't approved.

He brought up the footage it caught tonight with Ben working there and he watched as the kid worked like a machine. It was amazingly odd that he would work so hard when no one else was there. He knew the kid didn't know about the camera, because he wasn't told or even let in on the secret. He wouldn't be, until he was with the company for about a month.

All of the little things Ben needed to know about working with them, would be told to him by the guys by then. It was how it was always done and probably always would be. Informal on-the-job training was always the best way to break in someone new for the crew and the kid was already friends with a couple of the guys.

Adrian watched as Ben stopped working and ate a snack, then kept working. He skipped fast forward and the camera cut off when Ben left. Adrian nodded and turned off the laptop before he went to bed with his wife, who had been a bit more eager the last few times they had gone at it. He didn't ask why or complained, because he wasn't an idiot. If she wanted more attention, he was going to give it to her.


“YES!” I exclaimed and jumped around in the basement of the abandoned building. I had brought my junior high school chemistry set in my backpack and the vials of chemicals I had borrowed from the chemistry lab. It had taken two hours and six different attempts to get the chemicals to combine properly and to bind together into the lattice chain I had designed.

The key had been the temperature of the paraffin burner. I had to adjust it to ensure an even spread of heat across the mixing pot and bingo, I had the perfect goop that would become web fluid. I recorded everything and would need to recreate it in the chemistry lab when I had the chance. Secretly, of course. I wasn't sure how I would explain cooking up a huge pot of white snot.

I laughed and packed everything up before I climbed up through the elevator shaft to the top of the building and then hopped across to the next building and climbed down. I was wearing dark clothing and it was nighttime, so I didn't have to worry about being seen, not that my spider-sense would allow that, anyway.

I smiled about finding the hidden security camera and motion sensor without giving myself away. It was odd that I didn't sense it the night before, then I chuckled as I walked out of the alley behind the building. It probably wasn't there in that spot until today, so Mr. Toomes could keep an eye on me.

It was nice to have someone else besides May to care about me getting hurt, so I made sure I passed by that camera as much as possible while I worked. It would reassure him that I was maintaining the safety protocols he had set and I also showed him that I wasn't going to hurt myself.

I rode the bus home and May was asleep on the couch. I ran up the stairs quietly and showered quickly, dressed in pyjamas, and went back down to the living room. I carefully picked her up and she mumbled something about handsome construction workers and cuddled into my neck.

I held in my chuckle and carried her up the stairs and took her to her bedroom. I tucked her into bed and she told me she loved me. “I love you, too.” I whispered and gently kissed her cheek. I went to my room and unpacked my backpack, hid what I had to hide, and packed it for the next day of classes.


Thursday mornings sucked. The classes weren't that interesting and it didn't keep me in a good mood. That changed when I went to lunch and Liz brought my spirits up. She used her lips to kiss me, which was a great way to spend part of the lunch period.

“Are you doing anything this weekend on Sunday?” I asked.

“Sunday?” Liz asked back. “Why not Saturday?”

“I'm working.” I said and she looked sad. “I'm sorry if you had something in mind for us to do together. I just started work and I can't ask for time off, even if it's to spend it with the gorgeous daughter of my boss.” I chuckled. “In fact, that might be even more of a reason I can't ask for time off.”

Liz sighed. “He can be a little overbearing.”

“If you think that, then you should do what I do.” I said.

“What's that?” Liz asked, looking curious.

“Work so hard that he can't ever complain about it.” I said with a smile. “Just be the best daughter in the world and you'll be fine.”

Liz smiled back. “I'm pretty sure if we started dating, I will be losing a few points in the best daughter category.”

I barked a laugh. “Maybe.” I said and grinned at her. “How about I come over on Sunday to your place? We can make a whole day of it and I'll even cook supper for you.”

Liz blinked her eyes three times in a second. “Are you serious?”

“Sure. Just ask your mom to pick up whatever she wants cooked up for a meal and I'll handle the rest.”

Liz looked unsure. “She might not let you into her kitchen. That's her space.”

“That's so progressive of you!” I exclaimed and she looked surprised, then she laughed.

“Asshole.” Liz said and kissed me just as the bell rang to end the lunch period. “See you tomorrow.”

“You better believe it.” I said and picked up my backpack. I blew her a kiss and walked out of the cafeteria at a quick pace. I had robotics class to get to and hopefully a teacher that was going to let me play with all of the things I had catalogued as essential last week.

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