Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 258 – Talking Path taking and making a plan

“Alright. Now that you have done some research into what your current class is, what they could evolve into and what evolutions are best suited for you with your affinities. I’d like to hear your thoughts on where you see yourself going down,” Uncle Naro announced as they sat around in the clearing. “If you don’t have a clear picture then that is okay. No one is expecting you to rush down a path. It is yours and yours alone.”

Uncle Naro looked everyone in the eyes as he waited for them to organize their thoughts. After a few he started back up, “First start with your current class and then your affinities. What Fields you have and the idea of what class evolution you are hoping for. Roman…We’ll start with you.”

“Well, Like I said my class is mage. However, when I got my Magical Examination back in the Tutorial Area I was told the Mage Class I have is called an Elementalist,” Roman informed.

“Elementalist, huh,” Uncle Naro muttered. “What was your highest elemental affinity and the second?”

“My highest was Lightning and the one that came in second was Earth,” Roman answered. “I have unlocked the Focus Points in Fire, Air, and Water as well though. Water is my weakest one currently.”

Uncle Naro nodded. “What about the Field of Illusions? As a Kitsune, that field would usually be a must. Especially if you attack with magic from afar.”

“I have it,” Roman affirmed. “However, it was also revealed that I have an affinity for close combat. Hand to hand specifically. So I don’t fight from afar but up close.”

Surprised by this, both Gimmel and Uncle Naro stared at Roman.

“I must say, that is a surprise. Sure you hear a rare few Kitsune fighting in the frontline of their groups, but not many do,” Uncle Naro stated as he started thinking. I am going to guess many of the traditional Elementalist Class evolutions weren’t to your liking?”

Roman shook his head. “No. They were too focused on attacking from the backline. With my affinity with close quarters combat I am thinking of going down the pugilist path with elemental abilities.”

“A wise choice. We’ll talk more on what you need to focus on in order to reach a good class that suits that idea,” Uncle Naro said before looking at Ariyana and asking, “And what of you little miss?”

“My mage class was revealed to be Charmer,” Ariyana started. “I have an affinity with Charm Magic and Plant Magic being my second.”

“An interesting mixture,” Uncle Naro smiled. “However, as a Nature Fae it doesn’t surprise me at all.”

Ariyana’s eyes widened at that. “You know my race? I thought I was hiding it pretty well.”

“I’ve been around a lot longer than you little missy. Of course I would be able to tell. Were you given a specific fighting style as well during your examination or were you just told you were a backline fighter?”

“I was told to look into the Dancer Fighting style,” Ariyana answered. “Back in the Tutorial Area I was acting like a backline fighter and used my spells because I couldn’t really find anything on the topic, but now I’d like to be a mixture of the two. As for what other Fields of magic I have…I got the Field of Illusions and Field of Taming.”

“Field of Taming?” Gimmel questioned sounding a bit bewildered.

“Yes…Why do you look so confused?” Ariyana asked.

“The only way to get that is if you have an affinity for it, you found it in a dungeon, or you bought it as a Knowledge Theory Book,” Uncle Naro replied. “The first option is out because it wasn’t on the list of affinities you mentioned. To be honest I want to rule out the last one as well since the price for that book isn’t small. However, I also don’t believe you would find it in a dungeon.”

“That’s exactly what we did though,” Ariyana stated. “We got it as loot from an E.F.M. I even got my first tamed creature from that same floor monster.”

Both the teenager and Bear-folk stared at her.

“What creature did you tame?” Gimmel asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

“An Albino Crocolisk named Bartholomule or Barty for short,” Ariyana smiled brightly. “I also have a cute little Echo Toad I found being bullied by other bigger toads in the forest I wound up in. her name is Tabitha.”

“An Echo Toad?” Liam asked, curious about the creature.

“Yeah,” Ariyana beamed. “Want to meet her?”

“We’ll have plenty of time for that later,” Uncle Naro interjected before she pulled out her creature. “I am quite amazed and fascinated that you found and were able to tame those creatures and that you have that field.”

Ariyana smiled. “Ah, that’s right. As for the ideas I had for the path I want to go down. Something I can utilize my Charm, Plant, and Illusion magics along with maybe the Dancer fighting style. My taming side doesn’t have to be fully incorporated, it’s more of something similar to a kind of hobby.”

“A hobby?” Uncle Naro questioned.

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted a pet. After they gave me the Knowledge Theory Book on the Field of Taming, I feel like I can live out that want I had as a child with many different kinds,” Ariyana said sheepishly. “I know its childish…”

“Nonsense,” Uncle Naro interrupted. “That is not a childish thing to want. In fact you might be able to incorporate it into your path, but we can talk more about that later.”

Ariyana smiled deeply at that. Uncle Naro then turned to Mercer and asked, “What about you?”

“My Mage class was determined to be the Bard Class,” Mercer replied. “I had a high affinity for Bard, Ice, and Water. As for a weapon style, I use the Bow. I did unlock the Ice while I was in the Tutorial Area and then Water shortly after we left. I am thinking of incorporating Air into my repertoire, but I am unsure as of right now.”

“I think adding Air Magic would be good,” Uncle Naro nodded, agreeing with his judgement. “With it you can get the Field of Sound, and I believe you can do well with that.”

Mercer nodded.

Uncle Naro looked at Artem, who became timid upon the stare landing on him. “And you?”

“I have the Defender Starting Class,” Artem said. “My affinity is Healing Magic.”

“Healing Magic and…,” Uncle Naro pressed.

“Just Healing Magic,” Artem said. “I did get the Water Focus Point though. I feel like it could pair well with Healing Magic, but I’m not sure how accurate that feeling is. As a Defender I switched from sword to mace. I also use a shield.”

Uncle Naro stared at Artem. After a moment he said, “I find it strange that as an Orc…”

“Half Orc,” Liam interjected.

Uncle Naro turned to look at Liam and blinked a couple of times. After he blinked he said, “Half Orc huh…While that could be the reason that is still a very rare case.”

“What is?” Mercer asked.

“The Orc race, half or full, don’t have anyone who is a Healer. They use self-healing abilities, but none of them use Field of the Healer,” Gimmel jumped in. “It has been heavily speculated that they can’t unlock that field. We think this because any time anyone who has that field uses magic they get very…angry and look down on those who use magic from that field. They also have a motto that says, ‘The Strong have no use for magic that weakens the body’s strive to survive.”

“That’s a stupid motto,” Avery stated as Artem looked to the ground.

Liam and Uncle Naro watched him and the expression on his face. Liam had a feeling he had met some people who were Orcs and heard their opinion on the matter. He didn’t ask and believed he would say something if that was the case.

“It is, but that is their motto,” Uncle Naro said. “They revere the strong and look down on the weak. That is why they are known as the Blood Thirst Tribes. However, that will be something we will talk about another day. Artem, I have some ideas of what kind of paths you can go down if you choose to continue using Healing Magic.”

Artem quickly lifted his face to look at the Bear-folk.

“You were right to think Water Magic pairs well with Healing Magic,” Uncle Naro smiled. “However, that is not the only magic that can pair well with it. Air is another example.”

“Really?” Artem asked.

Uncle Naro nodded. He then looked at Blair after seeing the happy look on Artem’s face and said, “And what about you?”

   “I have the Defender class as well,” Blair started. “My affinity is with Gravity Magic. I switched from sword and shield to Battle Axe. I want to find a class evolution that uses Gravity Magic with frontline skills and abilities.”

“The Dragon-kins are well known for their strong defense and strength so it doesn’t surprise me,” Uncle Naro commented. “However, having an affinity for Gravity Magic is something that does. I don’t think I have ever come across one that has ever had that kind of affinity.”

Blair watched him as he looked to be deep in thought. At first she believed she wouldn’t get an answer. During her studying she couldn’t find anything on the Defender class using Gravity Magic. They used more Body Strengthening, Self-buffs, and even other elements, but nothing on anyone using Gravity.

“Yours is going to be tough, but I think I might have a couple ideas on what you can do,” Uncle Naro said before letting out a sigh. “I won’t lie to you. Your path will be tough and is new territory that I know of. However, I can look around and see what I can find if you’d like.”

“Please,” Blair said, feeling hopeful and grateful.

Everyone looked at Avery next. Without being prompted she said, “My class is Swordswoman with an affinity for Fire. I use a Rapier as my weapon, and I was told I could go down the Magic Swordswoman path. I do have the Focus Point Air as well as Water, but the Water Focus Point I recently got so I haven’t leveled it up as much.”

Liam eyed Avery. Like him she was hiding a Field of hers and he was curious as to why she was hiding it. From the looks Ariyana, Artem, Mercer, and Roman had for the briefest of moments, it looked like they were curious as well. That field was the Field of Blood. The way she had used the Blood Magic from that field told him she could excel in it and maybe Uncle Naro could help her with that, but he felt there was a reason as to why she was withholding that information.

“A Magic Swordswoman is one path you could go down, but I think there might be others you could be interested in as well. Variants of that class style at least,” Uncle Naro stated.

“Really?” Avery asked, her interest piqued.

“Yes,” Uncle Naro nodded. He then looked at Liam and stated, “Have you read the books I asked you to?”

With a boyish grin on his face he answered, “I got lost in the one you gave me. I have a lot of questions to ask you that I either was confused on or had a lot of interest in. Like that bar specific to Crafters.”

Uncle Naro smiled as Mercer’s attention fell upon Liam. The look on his face told him he wanted to know more about this new bar. “I knew you would be curious about that. However, it is a bit too soon for you to learn about that. Let’s take things one step at a time before trying to jump forward.”

Liam looked slightly dejected but understood why he was telling him this. He then paid attention as Uncle Naro started back up. “Alright from the sounds of it I have an idea on a starting point with your training. It’s not as bad I thought it would be, but also not close to where you could be.”

Roman scrunched his face as he listened. Confused he asked, “I don’t understand. We only just arrived to this world not too long ago. How could we be both not as bad and not as close where we could be?”

Uncle Naro smiled at him. “While you may have just arrived to this world recently majority of the people here haven’t. they have either been here longer than you by a few months to years. The world isn’t going to hold you newly arrived standards for long. You have a couple of months to get used to how things work, or you get left behind. If you don’t work hard to get to a proper understanding like we natives then you will be treated badly. There are a few things I wish to have you do to get used to the world as we travel.”

Everyone didn’t like what he had just said. However, they didn’t try to fight it either. Liam got to experience firsthand how somethings worked in the Arkadian Empire. He wasn’t sure if the others had close to a similar  experience, but their silence spoke they had experienced something during their time apart.

“As we travel through the seas with my friend we will be making stops at islands that either have wild Dungeons that need to be conquered or have you take on Dungeons that are known in port cities. This should help you to get used to different types of dungeons and creatures. You will also be taking on quests you will grab from each Adventurer’s Association we pass through,” Uncle Naro informed.

Everyone looked excited for that.

Not waiting for questions, Uncle Naro continued, “During this time I will have you all evolve your classes and get you further on your path. I will be having you do this for the next few months to prepare for the Tournament in the Blood Thirst Plains. There you will test yourselves against other Newly Arrived people that decide to participate. They have singles, doubles, and teams.”

Artem’s excitement dimmed a bit at that.

“If you do not wish to participate I will not force you, but I would like you all to think about it,” Uncle Naro stated before looking at Liam and Gimmel. “Liam, your participation is mandatory. Gimmel You will be taking on the league for the natives version of the Newly Arrivals.”

Liam and Gimmel both nodded their heads.

“After that we will be traveling by land towards a certain tower called the Tower of Fable,” Uncle Naro informed waiting to see their reaction. Gimmel was the only one who looked awestruck.

  “What’s the Tower of Fable?” Roman asked.

Gimmel whirled on him and replied before Uncle Naro could respond, “It is a tower full of challenges. Each dungeon is a multi-colored one based on fables we have here. The monsters are tough and unique to those dungeons, but the rewards are worth it.”

“The rewards can range to one of a kind weapons, armor, Knowledge Thery books that can give rare magic, or even items that can evolve class based abilities or skills,” Uncle Naro stated. He then looked at Liam and said, “There is a certain item I hope you can get from there that can evolve your Mobile Crafter ability.”

Liam’s eyes widened at that. “What item is that?”

Uncle Naro brought a finger up and waved it back and forth before saying, “I won’t tell you. Half the fun is knowing there is something you could get and finding out for yourself once you do…if it drops. There will always be an item at the end of each dungeon in that Tower that will help someone in the group you are in. However, you can only attempt this tower once and your sub-stats have to be at least around level thirty but lower than forty to forty nine to be able to take on the tower.”

“How come? Why that specific range of levels?” Mercer inquired.

“Because after you hit level fifty in any of your sub-stats then you will be in the Advanced range,” Gimmel answered.

“Advanced ranged?” Artem asked.

“Yes,” Uncle Naro started back up. “From level one to twenty nine you are considered beginners and are still learning how your class works and considering the path you want to tread on. From level thirty to forty nine you are within the Intermediate range. Here you have grown and are working on polishing the abilities and skills you received from either having one or two evolved classes. At level fifty you have found your path and only have three more class evolutions left till you reach a class that you have forged and made.”

“Interesting,” Mercer muttered as he wrote this down. As he wrote this he stopped and looked like a question had formed. After thinking it out he finally asked, “What about Personal Levels? What do they represent?”

“That is an excellent question,” Uncle Naro replied. “At first many people thought that it was the Personal Levels that created the caps and requirements for special dungeons and areas, but we found out that was wrong when someone with a Personal Level of thirty one and a sub-stat at fifty tried to take on the Tower of Fable.”

“What happened?” Ariyana asked.

“The tower rejected him,” Uncle Naro stated bluntly.

“Rejected him? How?” Roman questioned.

“It created a barrier that refused to let him in,” Uncle Naro said. “This man decided to try and level his Strength Sub-stat so he could hit harder to help his team. He trained it as he waited for them to reach a respectable level for the tower. He stopped raising his Personal Level by training his sub-stat as he waited for them thinking if he had that specific one that high then they would be able to get through each dungeon easier. That had been his folly in the end unfortunately.”

“That’s interesting and all, but that doesn’t really answer my question about what Personal Levels represent,” Mercer stated.

“Ah, you’re right. Personal Levels are just another means to help get you stronger,” Uncle Naro stated.

“That’s it?” Mercer questioned.

“That’s all you should know…for now,” Uncle Naro said as a smile slowly grew on his face.

Liam and the others groaned.

“It’s one of those you will find out when you need to sort of things isn’t it?” Liam asked sounding exasperated.

Uncle Naro let out a belly laugh. “Yes. Yes it is.”

Liam shook his head as he waited for Uncle Naro to finish laughing. Once the man did he started back up. “Okay, getting back to what I was saying. For now those are the things I have planned for you all. And to get started you all will need to have at least one of your fields along with a Weapon Skill reach level twenty before we leave this place. So pick between a field of magic or a weapon skill you want to work on and get it to it.”

“Huh?” they all said, looking confused.

“You heard me…oh and one more thing,” Uncle Naro started again. I have a rule. For today if any of you don’t level at least once or twice before I finish making dinner then you will not receive dinner from me. You will either have to make it yourself or go back into town and find a place to eat.”

Liam’s and Artem’s bodies tensed as their eyes widened. While they, Roman, Blair, and Gimmel had gotten to enjoy Uncle Naro’s dinners and fell in love with it, the others did not fully grasp the threat there.

Avery was about to say something as she gave the man a that’s not really a punishment kind of look, but was stopped as Artem yelled out, “Let’s go everyone. We got work to do.”

Ariyana, Avery, and Mercer looked shock at Artem. Normally he wasn’t the first one to jump at the prospect of training. For him to be the one to say something and try to get everyone else to get to work, they knew they were missing something. Not wanting to argue they all got up and started planning out what they wanted to work on.

As they started walking away, Uncle Naro suddenly said, “Not you Liam. I have something else planned for you.”

Confused, Liam turned around and looked at the man. Before he could ask what he had planned, Uncle Naro suddenly pulled out a massive War Hammer, a giant cleaver that looked suspiciously like a Meat Cleaver, and a War Axe. Still confused on what Uncle Naro was getting at, Liam waited to see what he would say.

Liam regretted waiting to hear what the man had to say. With a wide grin, Uncle Naro said, “You and I are going to go over some techniques before we have a nice little spar.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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