Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 250 – A surprise talk with a Spider

Liam made his way over to the building known as Rhythmic Strings. This music store was a front for the Fiddler’s Spider Web. Inside the building was an actual business for those who were pursuing to learn the Violin or the Fiddle. Usually you’d find Bards or other musical type classes. While the items and the business was legit, many didn’t know that the employees inside were actually members of the association known as the Fiddler’s Spider Web. Behind it was a rune that, if found, could lead you to the hidden branch.

Liam used Veil of Shadows as he walked behind a pile of rubble that was taller than he was. He had to make sure no one saw him and when the coast was clear he used the ability to hide himself from prying eyes watching him go behind the building. After he activated the entrance to appear, Liam used his Spirit Weave ability to disguise himself and made his way inside. After he made his way down the stairs and into the entrance room, he closed the door and looked around.

It was just like Silky had said. There was no one around. The place was eerily quiet. Not that it was loud or busy each time he had visited before the incident. However, this time Liam felt uncomfortable. He made his way over to the desk and wondered how he would get Lady Arachne’s attention. He noticed the bell on the desk and decided to ring it.

Shortly after the chime of the bell echoed a door behind the desk opened. Lady Arachne stepped out and saw him. She gave him a smile and motioned for him to follow her through the door. He followed her, not saying a word.

After he walked through the door he entered a room that looked to be an office. This office space had a desk, dark red carpet, bookcases, filing cabinets, and other office like furniture and needs. On the desk was short stacks of paper, a small ink glass container, and a pure white feather acting like a quill. The room wasn’t fully lit as the Yooperlite stones that rested in a lamp on the desk and in lighting fixtures along the walls were dimmed quite a bit. Liam noticed thin spider webs that covered the corners of the ceiling. Small creatures skittered across them before stopping and staring at him.

After his trip into the Decaying Land Entrance of the Toxo Catacombs, Liam felt he could do without being around spiders. However, knowing who the First leg of this branch was, he knew he shouldn’t be too scared…unless she wanted to kill him. Then he had every right to be afraid. Seeing her abilities, dampened as they were due to it being a test, he knew that the shadowy eight legged creatures that lived in her shadow…at least he thought they lived in her shadow…could easily catch him and eat him without any issues.

He steeled himself as he approached the desk as Lady Arachne sat in the chair behind it. She rested her elbows on the desk and placed her chin on her interlocked hands. Her smile from earlier still remained on her face as she eyed him. There wasn’t a chair on his side, so he just stood there, waiting for her to speak.

After a few seconds had passed, she finally broke the silence and said, “Last night was one hell of a night wouldn’t you agree?”

Liam nodded. “Yes. One that I probably won’t forget for a while.”

Lady Arachne chuckled a bit. “Yes. I think I would agree. You’re still new to our world so having to experience something like that not too long after arriving here must have been quite the cultural shock.”

“You could say that,” Liam nodded in agreement. “We had some really big spiders back on my home world, but nothing quite as huge or as dangerous as what we faced last night.”

A twinkle shined in her eyes suddenly at Liam’s words. She then lifted her head up off her hands, leaned back in her chair and moved her hands to the arm rests. She looked like she was thinking something over. After a second she said, “The monsters that appeared were pretty big, however…I don’t recall seeing any huge spiders. Tell me, where did you encounter these creatures?”

Liam’s brows scrunched. He wasn’t sure what she had meant and was about to respond by saying he had encountered them inside the Black Dungeon, but before he said anything Eri sent him a message.

[Do not answer. That is a quick question. You and your team were the only ones who had entered the Dungeon. She might suspect that you were one of those people. – Eri.]

Eri’s message stunned him. She was right. He and the others were the only ones who had entered the dungeon. She shouldn’t know that, yet she asked a simple question that could have revealed that information.

That brought up another thing. The Fiddler’s Spider Web was a place that heavily emphasized secrecy on a member’s real identity. Why would she be asking something that would go against that?

Liam stared at her for a long moment. He thought about what he should say and when he decided on it he replied, “Are you sure you didn’t come across any? There were some that appeared around the Crafter’s Association.”

“Is that so?” Lady Arachne asked as she eyed him carefully. “If that is true then I wonder why Cryptic Wing and Midnight Claw didn’t mention anything about there being any. They were fighting against creatures around there and I would assume they would have spotted huge spider creatures if there were any.”

Liam mentally kicked himself. He had forgotten he had ran into them after leaving the Crafter’s Association. If this association was going to be a part of his life then he really needed to work on this subterfuge. However, even if he had to work on it how would he be better than someone who has worked in this field for so many more years than he?

Liam stared at her for a long moment. He really didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what her angle was and what she wanted. He could try to figure out what it was, but without any facts that would lead to him making assumptions. Instead, he did the only he could. He waited for you to say what it was she wanted.

Lady Arachne eyed Liam. While she knew what she was doing and about to do were against the rules of the association, she felt that this young man was too naïve with certain things. At first she thought he was a pure blooded Cait Sith Beast-folk. However, during the fighting last night she ran into a young man who had the same eyes as he. At first she thought it was a coincidence. That proved to be wrong when she saw the earrings.

There was no mistaking the earrings since there was only one pair in the world. And after confirming with the man who gave them to him himself, she was able to put two and two together. He wasn’t a full blooded Cait Sith Beast-folk and was knee deep in everything that had happened. Some of the information he had provided during the meetings seemed to be too good. Now that she was able to see how he had gotten the information it all made sense.

She sighed internally. He was lucky she was the only one to catch all this and had ties to his Master. The others wouldn’t do anything amongst the Legs, but the other members? That leverage was worth the weight in gold. While she wanted to have faith in the members of this association she had heard about those outside of this place that sold out their comrades after getting caught and tortured.

After finding all this out she felt she needed to educate him a bit. That was the real reason as to why she wanted him to meet her while the others were still out. In turn for giving him this education she could lose his trust, but she made her decision that she would in turn give him something should show that he should trust her with the knowledge she had on him.

“You remaining silent is a wise decision,” Lady Arachne stated. “Remember every little detail that could lead back to what you were doing and where you were. If you cannot think of a way to divert, avert, misdirect, or lie then remain silent. It will neither confirm nor deny anything the person is trying to reveal about you.”

Liam’s body tense slightly before he forced himself to relax.

“You’ll have to work on your body language more as well. That slight tension, brief as it was, could easily be spotted by someone with a very high level of perception,” Lady Arachne stated. She looked into Liam’s eyes after that. She could see the confusion and caution in them as he listened. She decided to throw him a bone and reveal her hand a bit.

“The reason why I am asking you and telling you all this is because during the mess of last night there was a small group of low leveled individuals I ran into around the Dungeon Tower. Quite an interesting group at that as well. They consisted of a Half-Orc, a Kitsune Fox-folk Beast-kin, a Dragon-kin, and a Half Beast-kin.”

She paused to gauge his response. While his upper and lower body didn’t tense, she did notice his cheek bones above the shadowy mask tighten a bit. Not fully mastered, but better. She thought as she continued, “While I tried to instruct them to run away they did the exact opposite. Now…I’ll get straight to the point and be frank with you…I know you were the Half Beast-kin, Phantom Cat. Or should I say…Liam?”

Liam’s guard instantly went up as he narrowed his eyes.

Lady Arachne placed a hand up to stall him from saying anything. “I know this is a breach of protocols and rules, but I bring this up because I want you to be aware of how easy mistakes can be made. Especially when one has items given to them from someone who would never give them.”

Liam subconsciously touched his right ear with his right hand.

Lady Arachne nodded her head. “Yes, your earrings gave it away. I can assure you that no one else by I caught this detail.” Lady Arachne sighed. “I don’t know if I should be proud of you for keeping your identity a secret this long with items like that out in the open for anyone to see or that no one but I noticed it out there. While we don’t pay too much details in people who aren’t targets and we don’t actively try to search for members from the association I think it be wise for you to learn some things to help you better hide your identity.”

Liam felt awkward. He didn’t really think much about it. he was focused on other things that he didn’t think to question if his earrings could reveal his identity so easily. His first clue should have been when Gimmel mentioned then back at the Adventurer’s Association, but with what had happened he didn’t.  

“Now, I know that I have probably broken your trust by telling you that I know. However, I want to regain it by doing this,” Lady Arachne stated as she reached for her mask, slid it off and placed it on the table.

Liam stared at her as his eyes widened. She was right that he was slightly panicking internally on what she could do with knowing who he was, but all that was smashed as she revealed what she really looked like. His breath caught as he took in her beauty. He knew she was beautiful even with the mask on, but seeing her full face he was entranced. Her black hair with streaks of red really enhanced her pale skin. That combination made her scarlet eyes really stand out in an entrancing way.

Lady Arachne giggled a bit as she saw Liam’s reaction. “I am happy to know that my appearance can still make younger men entranced.”

Liam blushed after he processed her words.

“Like I have said earlier. I wish to regain your trust by showing you my face as well as giving you my trust as I reveal to you my real name,” Lady Arachne started back up. “I am Vesely. If you approve and can trust me again after me doing this then I please ask that you take off your disguise so we can talk face to face.”

Liam paused for a moment. What she was doing was essentially giving him her real appearance and real name. If that was really true that is. This was a gamble. She could be giving him an alias and could be using Illusion Magic to hid her real appearance. He really couldn’t tell. However, he knew someone who could tell.

Hey Eri…what do you think? Liam internally asked. Do you feel any Illusion Magic being used on her to hid her appearance?

[Always the cautious one. However, you have every right to be cautious. When dealing with associations like this one, your real identity and looks should always be safe guarded. As for your question…No. She is not using any Illusion Magic. As for the name…I don’t know. – Eri.]

Liam thought as much when it came to the name. He couldn’t assess her to see if she really was telling the truth since his assess only dealt with monsters, items, and materials. He was torn. While she hadn’t been hostile or the like while he has been here and she did make sure no one was around when they had this talk, he really couldn’t understand her motive. Why was she doing this? She could have not told him she knew everything…well almost everything about him. She knew his name and part of his race. He guessed if he really wanted to return her trust he needed to ask.

“What do you gain from this?” Liam questioned.

“Pardon?” Vesely asked, a bit taken aback by the question.

“I mean why go through all this? You could have not told me that you knew information, but instead you made sure that we were alone and even revealed your face and name. Why?” Liam reiterated.

“If I’m being honest, part of it is good will towards you seeing as to you are a New Arrival and were sent here way earlier than you should have. Another part is because you are connected to someone I have feelings for. While I wouldn’t do this for anyone, I feel that by helping you understand the mistakes you had made I could get some points with him and maybe he could return some of that favor my way,” Vesely explained. Her pale cheeks redden a bit.

Liam almost choked after hearing that last part. What did she mean by he was connected to someone who she has feelings for? He didn’t know many people here in this world. Was it someone from his family? If that was true then she knew more than he thought. Liam shook his head. No, that couldn’t be right. To know someone from his family she would need his last name. No one in this world besides his old friends and family knew that. Last names were coveted more than people’s first names here in the association. Since that was the case then it had to be…

A light bulb shone in Liam’s mind as the only person she could be talking about appeared. She had to be talking about Nabal. She did have a weird look when his Web Name was mentioned the first time he came here. So that was what it was.

Liam chuckled a bit as he thought about it more. Vesely stared at Liam, her embarrassment gone, now replaced with a look of concern. She was about to ask him what was so funny, but Liam raised a hand to stop her. After he got his chuckle under control he said, “I’m sorry. I think I just realized who you were referring to. If what you say is true then I have to say, me showing you trust is something I don’t normally do. Especially after all the Demon-kins using Illusion Magic to change their appearance. However, I will return the trust I hope you really are giving me and do this.”

Liam released his Spirit Weaver ability. The shadows that covered him and manifested as a cloak dispersed. He looked her straight in the eyes and gave her an awkward smile.

Vesely took in Liam’s appearance after the cloak disappeared. The ears that looked to have been poking up from inside the cloak weren’t there. The same was with the tail. Everything about him looked human, except for his eyes. they still had the Cat-folk look to them. “Oh my,” she said after taking in all the details. “You really aren’t a full blooded Cat-folk.”

Liam shook his head. “Nope. I am a bona fide. Half Beast-kin.”

Vesely stared at him. She felt this next question was pushing it, but she still asked, “And the other half?”

“Human,” Liam quickly stated.

Vesely slowly nodded. She had an inkling that he wasn’t, but she wouldn’t push it. there was probably a reason as to why he insisted he was half human. It didn’t really matter. He was growing on her. Now she just needed to teach him how to properly hide the items that could make him stand out.

“Moving on pass that. I have to ask. When your master made you his apprentice did he ever explain about the function the earrings have to make them invisible?” Vesely asked.

 Liam laughed. “No. He just left them in a box and said it was my choice if I wanted to become his apprentice and if I did want to accept to place them on. If I were take them off then they would be destroyed.”

Vesely let out an irritated breath as she muttered, “Of course he did.”

“However, I did find out about the function this morning. It probably would have been nice if he mentioned it in the letter, but what can you do?” Liam shrugged.

“I’ll have to have some choice words with him next time I see him,” Vesely pointedly said as she looked away from him.

Liam wasn’t sure if he saw it right, but it looked like she was glaring at a spot in the room. He was about to ask what she was doing but she looked back at him and said, “Since you have already figured it out then I guess, if you’d like I can help you with some other stuff.”

“Other stuff?” Liam asked.

Vesely nodded. “First, your rewards for the job you did as well as your contributions to last night’s incident. One is your pick of a certain amount of items from the Dark Nest. You can’t pick materials above your ability as well as too many materials. We still need them to sell so we can make a profit.”

Liam’s eyes sparkled at that. He had his eye on a certain alchemy set that he spotted last time he was in the Dark Nest. He also had that favor he could use while procuring other materials.

“I also have a couple of items I’d like to give you,” Vesely added as she placed a pair of raven black boots and pitch black pants.

Liam assessed them.

[Umbral Arachnid Boots. Item Type – Armor (Feet). Item Rarity – Unusual. Item – Quality – Average. + 10% to Sub-stat Speed and Agility when covered in Shadows. Effects – Spider Walking. Spider Walking – Allows the wearer to walk up walls, trees, as well as walk upside down on a ceiling of any surface. Stamina usage will slightly increase depending on the surface wearer is walking on. +5% Stamina drainage if standing still while upside down.]

[Umbral Arachnid Silk Pants. Item Type – Armor (Legs). Item Rarity – Unusual. Item Quality – Average. +5% increase to all Shadow or Spider Spells. Effect - Magical Absorption. Magical Absorption – Due to the material and quality of the Silk of an Umbral Arachnid any magical attacks that strike the wearer will be absorbed and lessened by 10%.]

 Liam’s mouth slightly hung open as he read the description of each item. He had seen Common, Uncommon, and even a Rare item before, but never an Unusual Rarity before. He didn’t know where it stood on the list. He needed to know that. He would ask Uncle Naro later about that. For now, while he liked the items and wanted to accept them right away he also wanted to make sure it was right for him to take them.

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful or anything, but Unusual Rarity and Well Above Quality items? Aren’t these a bit much as a reward?” Liam asked.

Vesely looked puzzled at first but then understood why he was hesitant to accept them and why the question. She gave him a warm smile as she answered, “While it is unheard of for someone of your level to receive a reward like this, I have to argue that it is unheard of for someone of your level to enter a Dungeon that is as dangerous as the one you entered and conquered it. Usually a reward matches the level of the dungeon however, I took your level into account and made it as high as I believed was right.”

Liam listened to the answer. What she said had some merit to it. Another thought came to mind as he thought more about it. He didn’t go in there alone nor did he take care of the dungeon by himself. Does this situation still apply if that were the case?

“Really quick. I didn’t take care of this dungeon by myself. Does this still apply to the reward? If it doesn’t then what about the…,” Liam started to say until Vesely raised a hand up.

“This reward only applies to you. While I appreciate that you were looking out for those who went into the dungeon with you, they are not a part of the Fiddler’s Spider Web. You are. So this reward is yours,” Vesely stated.

Liam stared at her for a long moment. After understanding what she was saying he gratefully accepted the gifts and placed them in his inventory. He was about to ask a question until Vesely started back up again.

“Another thing I want to talk to you about is what we discussed the other day,” she said.

Liam looked at her with a puzzled expression. “What are you…” He then remembered a conversation he had had with her before he left the branch to take care of a task she had given him. She had offered to help him with understanding his Field of the Shadows more. She even went out of her way to gift him a Knowledge Theory book called Ways to Better Control the Shadows.

He hadn’t had the chance to really think about it. Hell, he didn’t have any time to read the book yet. He gave it some thought. As he thought about it he decided he could use some help. Eri had apparently thought the same as she messaged him.

[Take her up on the offer. She might have some insight that could potentially help you. No sense in wasting a helping hand. – Eri.]

Liam smiled as he thought that it was funny how they were always in agreement when it came to things like this. He looked at Vesely and said, “I appreciate your offer and would like to take some time in getting as much help as I can before I leave this island.”

Vesely raised a brow. “Oh? You plan on leaving the island? Do you know when?”

“I don’t have an exact time frame, but it will be soon. There is someone I’m waiting to get back to me,” Liam explained.

“What do you plan on doing after you leave here?” Vesely asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I plan on finding the rest of my team that I formed while in the Tutorial Area. The three you saw last night were half of them,” Liam answered.

“Interesting,” she said as she brought a hand to her chin. After taking a moment she waved a hand in the air. Liam heard the door click, making him look at it before giving her a concerned look.

“I locked the door so no one would come in while we have this chat. If you don’t know the time frame then we need to start as soon as possible. Wouldn’t you agree?” she asked.

Liam nodded. “I do. Then by all means. Where do we begin?”

“We begin by you telling me what the shadows mean to you,” Vesely smiled.

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