Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 248 – Report and a Death Sentence

It had taken some time before Liam was satisfied with what he was able to harvest from not only the Toxo Brood Mother Queen, but also any of the variant Toxo spiders that either weren’t burnt to a crisp or flattened like a pancake. The useable materials he was able to get were several large flasks of the Toxo Venom, several large bundles of Orb Weaver Silk, spider legs of different sizes, and Toxo fangs. The amount of dead creatures he was able to harvest from gained him two levels in the Gathering Craft ability Harvest, making it now at level twenty-two.

Because it was in the twenties, and his increase in understanding how to harvest spider creatures, the quality of the materials he harvested was no longer just Crude or Poor. He was seeing some in the Average quality range. However, that was only possible after he gained a better understanding on how to harvest from the creatures.

This was especially noticed when he harvested the Toxo Brood Mother Queen. From her, he was able to get three massive Spider Leg Bones, a bit more lethal Toxo Raging Rabies Venom, a Toxo Queen Venom Sac, and a Poisonous Fog Sac. The last two he needed to be incredibly careful with since one wrong move and he would be infected once again. One thing he was told to try and harvest that made Liam feel a bit weirded out by was the Toxo Brood Mother Queen Heart.

Eri had informed him that he needed to harvest it in order to show proof that they had fought and defeated it. This was saved for last so he wouldn’t screw it up. As he was instructed on how to harvest it, Eri had explained the uses this material had. Apparently it was an extremely high leveled Poison material used for things like extremely lethal poisons. If one had an extremely high level in the Herbalism Craft then it could also be used to help grow or increase toxic or poisonous plants. Even if the quality was Crude, Poor, or Average it didn’t matter. You needed a certain amount of experience and levels in the Poison Craft in order to use it.

After Liam had finally finished harvesting all the creatures they were ready to leave this place. Roman had teased him about his need to harvest everything that was harvestable, but after Liam explained what he would be able to use the materials for he grew excited. While Roman didn’t use Poison on his gauntlets, Liam explained that once he was at a certain level in the sub-section Poison Craft as well as a certain level in the sub-section Weapon Craft in Blacksmithing, he would be able to make a weapon he could use that would inject poisons into his opponents without fear of it poisoning him.

Blair and Artem shook their heads at Roman’s sudden excitement. Gimmel assisted Liam with storing the materials he couldn’t. It had turned out that with his class as a Puppeteer he had a bigger inventory since he would need to store puppets of different sizes and types. As of right now all he had were the puppets that came inside the Arachnid Puppeteer Box.

As Liam harvested materials he had opened it to see what the puppets were. There were three inside the box. The smallest spider puppet was the size of Liam’s forearm. That one was called a Toxo Assassin Puppet. The next one was the size of a small dog and was called a Toxo Trapper Puppet. The last one was the biggest one and almost took the rest of the space of the box. It was the reason as for why the box was as big as it was. This one was called a Toxo Guardian Puppet.

Gimmel had to explain what each were capable of and why they were categorized the way they were. The Assassins were small and had a camouflage feature to allow them to make stealthy attacks and kills. They could shoot, spill, or even inject poisons thanks to section around the mouth. There you could attach up to three vials of poisons. However, the amount you could attach depended on the quality of the puppet.

The Trapper was exactly as the name implied. It was a puppet that allowed the user to trap targets with different types of material depending on what the user supplied it with. The higher the quality the more traps one could place in them.

The last puppet, the Toxo Guardian Puppet had thicker layers to it. While it wasn’t as agile or could move fast in long distances like the other two puppets it could take harder hits and not risk being destroyed as easily. Even though it couldn’t move fast while traveling long distances, it could move fast in short bursts. It could also be used as a shield on the puppeteers back or front depending on how it was used. Its main function was just like how the name implied. It was a guardian puppet.

Liam, Artem, Blair, Roman, and Gimmel stood in front of the exit portal and stared at it. They were ready to get out of this place and get some food, a shower, and some rest. Even though Artem had taken care of the fatigue in their bodies as he healed them with his Zodiac ability, Healer’s Territory – Absolute Restore, they were mentally tired.

“You guys ready to get the hell out of here?” Liam asked as he looked at each of them.

Roman stretched his arms out as he let out a groan. “Hell yeah I am. I’m ready for a shower and food.”

“I could go for some food,” Artem stated as he rubbed his stomach.

“I could use a shower and a nap,” Blair stated as she shook her head at the two guys.

“Sleep sounds good. All this craziness is starting to wear off and now I’m feeling the crash,” Gimmel said.

“Do you need to get anything from the room you were using? Or from…,” Liam started to ask.

Gimmel quickly shook his head. “I don’t have much so I carry everything I own on me at all times.”

“Alright,” Liam said. “I don’t know what to expect once we go out, but let’s report to either Brodie or Lyca and then find a place to eat, shower, and sleep.” Liam then placed a hand on the exit portal and waited for the notification that appeared.

[Completion of the Black Dungeon – Decaying Land Entrance of the Toxo Catacombs has been recorded in your Adventurer’s Identification card. All monsters defeated have been recorded in your Adventurer’s Identification card.]

[Would you like to leave the Black Dungeon – Decaying Land Entrance of the Toxo Catacombs? Yes No?]

Liam mentally accepted and walked through the portal.

A few seconds later, Liam and the others stepped out of the portal. Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman fought the urge that threatened to escape the bottom of their stomachs, but they were successfully able to fight it. Gimmel on the other hand wasn’t so lucky.

As the four stared at Gimmel vomit all over the spider webbed and bone filled floor, Liam chuckled and said with a grin, “Upchuck Roulette Strikes again!”

Gimmel moved his head just enough to both look confused and glare at him before throwing up once more. After he was finished Artem handed him a water bottle to clean his mouth and drink a bit. Once he was done with that he looked at Liam and asked, “What the hell was that about?”

Liam raised a brow. “What was what about?”

“The Up…Upchuck thing,” Gimmel asked.

“Oh, you mean Upchuck Roulette. It’s basically…,” Liam stared to say.

“Something you really don’t need to pay much attention to since it’s something he randomly says if someone throws up after stepping through a portal,” Artem explained cutting Liam off.

 Liam went to open his mouth and say something, but quickly shut it as he, Blair, and Roman heard footsteps. They turned to look at the stairway and heard someone shout out, “I heard voices down here! Someone’s finally come out!”

All five of them quickly took a defensive stance, weapons ready, in case it was more Demon-kin. Their muscles tightened as they heard the footsteps get louder and closer. Liam thought about if they needed to make a preemptive strike to surprise the people coming down. He lowered his stance and was about to rush but stopped as two familiar faces appeared at the other side of the room.

“Mr. Brodie? Mr. Lyca?” Liam asked, making sure that who he was seeing really was them.

“Liam?” Lyca questioned as he stared at him. Relief filled him as he let out a sigh of relief.

“What happened? Did you guys just come out of the Black Dungeon?” Brodie swiftly asked as he looked at each of them.

“Yes sir,” Liam started. “We just stepped out of it and were about to…,” Liam started to inform.

“What happened in there? What kind of monsters are still inside? Did you get a good look at the boss?” Brodie started questioning. “We weren’t able to step foot due to someone tampering with the rules inside. Are enemies still inside?”

Liam put his hands up and started to make a motion to calm him down. “I can’t answer anything if you keep shooting out more questions sir,” Liam responded.

Brodie let out a breath of air before he said, “I’m sorry. It’s just that we need to clear the dungeon before more monsters come out. The waves might have stopped for right now, but they could start back up again…”

“You don’t need to worry about that anymore,” Liam informed.

Brodie was about to say something until the words processed in his mind. He gave Liam a quizzical look before asking, “What do you mean?”

“We cleared the dungeon,” Liam answered.

Brodie and Lyca stared at Liam with a look of skepticism.

“This is no time to kid around. If you’re looking for a way to gain fame I assure you lying isn’t a way to do it,” Brodie frowned. “Just tell us…”

“Brodie look,” Lyca interjected as he pointed to the portal behind them.

Liam and the others turned around as well and watched as the Black Portal started to grow smaller and smaller until it finally fizzled out. Brodie and Lyca stared at the spot with wide eyes and their mouths wide open.

Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman looked at each other with a confused look. Roman was the first to break the silence as he asked, “What happened to the portal? Did we break it?”

Liam, Artem, Blair, and Gimmel stared at him.

“What?” Roman asked, sounding clueless. “I’m genuinely curious here.”

Blair sighed heavily as she muttered under her breath, “Sometimes I don’t know if you act like an idiot on purpose or if you really are just one.”

Roman glared at her. “What’s that…”

“You guys really did defeat the dungeon,” Lyca and Brodie suddenly stated.

Roman side eyed them before saying, “That’s what we said we did.”

The two men looked over everyone.

Brodie’s expression suddenly changed as he asked, “What about the proof of killing the final boss? I know you guys are New Arrivals to our world and I don’t think you have been fully informed about protocols when defeating a Temporary Dungeon.”

“We have it,” Liam stated. “Gimmel here isn’t a New Arrival and informed us of what we needed to do. Since I have the Harvest skill I was able to retrieve proof.”

It was one of the lies they had prepared while he was harvesting the monsters inside the dungeon. That wasn’t the only thing they had prepared either. They knew a report of what happened inside the dungeon was going to be asked of them and they needed to come up with a story that didn’t reveal any of their abilities and skills that needed to be kept a secret. Gimmel had offered to be the one to make the report if it came down to it, but they all made sure to memorize everything they agreed to in case they all needed to make the report.

“Can we see it?” Brodie asked. “We need to know what the final boss was and the item you harvested will be the best evidence. Depending on the material you could receive a nice reward…” Brodie’s words trailed off as Liam pulled out a box with no lid on it. Both Brodie and Lyca stared inside to see the Toxo Brood Mother Queen Heart sitting there.

Both of their mouths dropped once more as they assessed the material. They then both looked at each other and then back at the five. Their expressions hardened as Brodie asked, “I know you guys just came out, but after seeing what this material is we need to ask you to tell us everything that had happened inside the dungeon. From the type of monsters you fought and the culprits that were inside the dungeon.”

Liam looked at the others. They each nodded, knowing this would happen. Gimmel stepped forward and told the two men what they had agreed upon earlier. Liam let Gimmel inform both men about what had happened. The only time he said anything was to explain the part about Lucy and her real identity. Artem and Blair chimed in when they had to explain what they had found while they were inside the catacombs and what happened to the missing people that were there. Unfortunately since the bodies weren’t in a condition where they could grab them, and they didn’t realize they could retrieve anything that dropped from their bodies they couldn’t identify who they were.

Brodie and Lyca were pissed after hearing that Lucy was really a Succubus in disguise. They were also concerned when they heard about the way she had bypassed the Illusion security they had. However, their concerns and anger weren’t as bad as when they heard about the mayor’s and the other accomplice’s involvement.

“Thank you for reporting all of this,” Brodie stated after Gimmel finished. “What you have reported is overly concerning and out right betrayal on those who were in on its  part. We need to report all this to someone higher up in the kingdom. However, we first need to arrest the mayor and his accomplices who are still on the island”

“Do you need our help?” Roman inquired as he pounded his fists together.

“No,” Lyca said. “You guys have done enough. More than enough really. We thank you for your cooperation in aiding those who needed it when the break happened as well as the destruction of the Black Portal used to cause all of this. A reward from the Adventurer’s Association will be given to you.”

“Yes,” Brodie agreed. “All those who helped will be rewarded. The rewards given will be based on merit, however we need a day or two to get things in order. So for now, why don’t you guys go get some rest? I believe there are a few inns still operational as well as people setting up food stalls to feed those who are hungry.”

A loud rumble escaped Artem’s stomach suddenly making everyone turn to look at him. Everyone laughed as he looked embarrassed.

“Alright we’ll head out now,” Liam stated as the five of them headed for the stairs.

After a few minutes had passed and the two men knew the young adventurers were out of ear shot, Brodie looked at Lyca and asked, “How much of that do you think was true?”

Lyca thought about it. He could understand why Brodie was skeptical about what they were told. It wasn’t that they thought the entire report was a lie. They had proof both in the form of materials, equipment, and their A.I.D.’s. It was what they were told about how they fought that made them a believe they were hiding something.

“I believe the interactions between them and the Demon-kins were true. Their means of fighting though…,” Lyca had started.

“It seems too good to be true to somehow find a way to release a Boss like that from capture and have both the Demon-kins and the Final boss fight to the death and then killing the survivor due to being weakened. However, the level discrepancy…” Brodie said

“That’s what makes the report given believable. Their levels aren’t high enough to be able to take on all those foes. It would be smart to try and have both sides fight and then take down the weakened winner,” Lyca agreed. He had a look of concern. He then shook his head. “There’s really not much we can do or speculate. We weren’t there. They survived and showed the credit they received for killing the Toxo Brood Mother Queen. All that proof shows they were telling the truth.”

Brodie nodded. “That is true.” He looked back at the stairway before letting out a long irritated sigh. “Cleanup is going to suck.”

Lyca looked at the spiderwebs and the corpses all around them. His nose scrunched a bit as he nodded in agreement. He then looked back at Brodie and asked, “So what are we going to do? Should we go arrest the Mayor?”

Brodie shook his head. “No. We don’t have to worry about that.”

“What do you mean?” Lyca questioned.

“What I mean I had received word earlier that there was someone already investigating things,” Brodie started to explain. “They had received a list of those who were in cahoots with the Demon-kins and were about to take care of them before all this happened. Now that the threat of the island being overwhelmed is averted. I am sure they are on their way to take care of the problems.”

“What does that mean?” Lyca asked.

“It means that the Royal family has already been informed and they should have already sent the order,” Brodie cryptically said.



“Their plan has failed Mr. Jinkalin,” Morshire stated as he wiped away the sweat that was rolled down his forehead as he stood in a wide office room. Several Lion and Tiger-folk stood along the walls, bacs straight and waiting for orders.

A fist suddenly slammed down on the desk that separated the two Weasel-folks. A stack of papers wobbled from the force of the blow before toppling over and falling to the ground. “Do you think I don’t have eyes you idiotic fool,” George growled. “All that support I gave that tramp. I made her my secretary as well as the Head of the New Arrival Agent Department. I basically gave her the materials she needed to get her plan to work. The hush money to get the guards to look the other way when more of her kind tried to sneak their way in. The things I had to do to make sure the Royal Family wouldn’t notice. All that fucking work and for what? For them to stumble at the finish line?!”

Morshire trembled as he listened to all the things George, the mayor of Cashat Post, had done. While the man had recruited him due to their beliefs aligning he didn’t know the exact extent the man and the Demon-kins went to nor what exactly their plan was. He was only told that the Demon-kins were there to help cull the raff he believed didn’t deserve to live.

“We need to get out of here as fast as we can,” Morshire stated. Fear and panic of the Royal Family hearing and finding out his involvement of this plan quickly taking over his body.

“I have some men taking care of our escape right now,” George stated. “We just need to wait until they come ba…”

A knock suddenly filled the room making both men quickly look at the door.

George grew a smile. “That must be them now. Come in!”

The door slowly opened. After it had completely opened up, both Weasel-folk men’s eyes widened. The person who was standing there wasn’t who they were expecting. Instead of it being a Lion-folk or a Tiger-folk under their payroll, an older gentleman with long black hair tied into a ponytail. He had on a pair of rounded black lensed glasses covering his eyes. He wore a navy blue button up shirt, burgundy vest with intricate designs, and an opened black jacket. He also wore navy blue dress pants that covered the tanned boots over his feet. His right hand gripped a well-crafted cat’s head cane.

“Xander!” Morshire shouted. “What are you doing here?!”

“Good evening gentlemen,” Xander greeted. “I am here to inform you that your treachery and betrayal to the Arcadian Empire has reached the ears of the Emperor.”

“What?!” both of the Weasel-folk exclaimed.

“He has sent me to deliver a message to you,” Xander continued, ignoring their outburst. “Both you and your families have been stripped of your nobility and duties. All of those who you have under your pay roll have either been killed or detained depending on their reaction to the news.”

Xander turned his gaze on Morshire, “Morshire, while there is no evidence of you knowing the full extent of what was going on you are to be escorted back to the main island and receive judgement from the Emperor himself.”

Morshire’s blood ran cold as he heard the news. He fell to his knees as they gave out under him.

“George Jinkalin…you are to receive your sentence from another,” Xander stated in a cold like tone devoid of any emotions.

George sneered as he stared at the man while making his way around the desk. “Are you seriously telling me that you came all this way just to tell us all this? What proof is there that will make us believe that what you said is really what the Emperor has decreed? I know you hate Morshire and have been scheming to get rid of him. Not only that, but you have also viewed me, as his benefactor, as a thorn in your side due to different values and ideals. How do I not know that you made all that up just to scare us?”

Morshire heard the words George was saying and grabbed on to the hope that this was all a lie set up for him to confess. He quickly got back on his feet and said, “That’s right. This could all be a lie, and you are just scheming to get rid of us. Well that won’t work. You’re here by yourself and we have plenty of people that can take you on. In fact, after we capture you we can tell the Emperor this was all your doing.” He then pointed a finger at Xander and order, “Guards! Arrest that man!”

All the Lion and Tiger-folk that stood at attention along the two walls suddenly rushed towards Xander. George and Morshire smirked as they watched their guards rush over to capture the older man. They didn’t think to wonder why he looked so calm and didn’t make a run for it.

Instead they watched as a hammer suddenly swung from the side of the door and slammed into the closest Beast-kin. The force of the blow sent him flying backwards and knocking into some of the guards. Needles flew through the air and pierced the necks of the remaining guards, causing them to stumble and fall to the ground. Their legs twitched as they laid there.

“What the…,” Morshire started as two people appeared to stand next to Xander.

Issac placed the hammer over his shoulder as he stared menacingly into the room while Amelia looked sharp and cold.

“Kind of stupid of you Morshire to think the old man would be alone,” Issac stated.

Amelia glared at Issac and corrected, “You mean Mr. Xander you muscle brained…”

“Now is not the time you two,” Mr. Xander stated calmly. His calm tone made both the male Blacksmith, and the female Alchemist stop and look forward.

“Yes sir!” they both said in unison as all three of them entered the room.

“I don’t get it,” Morshire started up, bringing all three of their attention onto him. “If you really are here on the Emperor’s behalf then how were you so quick to react? How did you get wind of all this so fast?”

“Morshire,” Xander started, giving the Weasel-folk a disappointed look. “I think it would be best that you don’t say anything more and just come with us. Stupid as you have been, you are still a good craftsman. I am sure the Emperor would…”

“That is no longer the case for him,” someone suddenly proclaimed.

Amelia and Issac stiffened as they heard the voice. Morshire and George looked around the room as the voice they had heard didn’t come from any particular place. Xander let out a long sigh and shook his head.

“So there is more evidence of his betrayal worse than what we believed that has been discovered?” Xander asked as he closed his eyes and looked down.

“Yes,” the voice responded.

Xander opened his eyes and stared at Morshire for a long moment. With resolve he stated, “Very well. He has made this bed. It is only right that he now lays in it.” Xander then turned around and started to walk away. “Come along you two. We do not want to be here to see what’s about to happen.”

“Yes sir!” Amelia and Issac shouted before they headed out of the room. Issac grabbed the door handle and closed it.

After the door closed, George and Morshire looked at each other with confusion. They weren’t sure what was going on, but they believed themselves to be out of danger. That was until a chilling voice stated, “I have you both to thank for showing someone dear to me how cruel this world can really be.”

Both men jumped at the voice and spun around as they took a few steps back. Their eyes looked around the room for the source. It didn’t take long for them to find it and what they saw chilled them to the bone.

Standing on the desk was an inky shadowy bird. This bird was a crow. Shadowy material wisped off its body like smoke. Its red beady eyes stared at them. Morshire and George knew what this bird was. Not what, but who this bird really was. There were many people that used bird familiars as a part of their ability set. However, there weren’t many who used this type of bird. Let alone one that was made of pure umbral power.

This was an umbral familiar that many feared. Whenever this umbral familiar appeared that meant he was close by. An assassin that everyone feared. An assassin that went by the name Abyssveil Crow. If he was here in front of them that meant he was hired to kill them.

“What are you doing here?” Morshire sputtered as he stared at the creature.

 “Why would the Royal Family send you of all people? You have no ties to our Empire,” George questioned.

“You’re right,” the voice agreed through the familiar. The shadowy creature then started to change its form. The shadowy wisps still covering the now human appearance of a man who looked to be middle aged and extremely fit. He wore no smile on his face. “Normally I wouldn’t be hired to take care of trash like you, but I made an exception this time round you see.”

Morshire noticed a calm anger brewing within the eyes of the man as he stared down at them.

“Wha…What do you mean by that?” George asked.

“You see, I was in the area for a different matter. And when I arrived I received news that you and a majority of your collaborators had given a certain person a hard time,” the man started. “At first I thought it should be fine. It would help toughen him up. However, my thoughts changed after I found out he was ambushed…twice…and almost died…twice.”

Morshire tried to think about who he was referring to. He had messed with a lot of people over the years and even recently. The fear and panic that was swallowing him from the inside didn’t help as his thoughts became jumbled.

“While I am fine with this certain person getting to know how cruel this world is compared to our old one,” the man continued. “I am not as callus to stand by when someone tries to kill him. Many tried with his two younger brothers and while those two kind of caused the issues, this one hadn’t gone out of his way to seek problems with either of you.”

Something tickled the edge of Morshire’s mind as the man spoke. He didn’t know if the person he was talking about was who he was starting to think it was. George on the other hand had no clue who he was talking about, nor did he think he could pinpoint whoever it was.

“George, your hatred for half-breeds is what caused your downfall. You were warned by your Emperor plenty of times,” the man stated before looking at Morshire. “As for you Morshire…did you really have to go out of your way to cause a scene and try to ruin a new crafter’s reputation? I mean how petty can you be really? Not to mention you had to cause a scene big enough to make him almost lose one of the first few friends he had made when coming to a brand new world?”

It then clicked in Morshire’s mind who he was talking about. It was that Half-breed with the Cat-folk eyes. He felt his heart sink into his stomach as he stumbled on his words. “Tha…tha…that young man is related to you?”

The man’s eyes flashed for a brief moment. “That young man is my eldest son.”

Morshire let out a gasp, however that was all he was able to do right before a murder of crows flew out of the shadowy man’s chest and descended upon not just the two men, but the guards within the room as well, ending all of their lives.


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