Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 237 – Calythtis the Lustful Succubus

Liam took in the new form of the woman standing so high up and looking down with a hungry expression. Even though he was  new to the world and was still getting to know all of the races, he knew he’d be an idiot to get her race wrong. Although there were some things that were different than what he knew of from back on Earth like where the wings were as well as the hot pink eyes, there was no mistaking it. She was a Succubus.

“Hello gorgeous,” Roman muttered under his breath as he took all of her in.

Blair’s eyes widened a bit as well as she looked at her. Artem’s face turned red with embarrassment as he slightly looked away from her. Liam couldn’t blame them. The way she was moving her hip in slightly lewd gestures, her hand placements, and that look of sexual hunger in her eyes made even Liam feel a bit uncomfortable.

“You’re a Succubus huh?” Liam stated.

“Oh? You know of my race?” Calythtis asked with an intrigued look. “Did you have my kind on your home world?”

“Kind of,” Liam replied. “We knew about them through things like holy scriptures, animes, mangas, D and D, fantasy stories and other outlets. However, no one had actually seen one in person…to my knowledge at least.”

“Interesting,” Calythtis mused. “And, pray tell, how were my kind perceived?”

“It depended on the outlet,” Liam stated. “Mostly they were described as evil demonic creatures who sucked the life force out of those who they had sexual exploits with. They would mesmerize or charm their prey with looks or temptations and once they had their prey locked they would do what they did through sex. It’s a little fuzzy on how it all worked though since there were so many different versions.”

Calythtis smiled wickedly. “That is an interesting way to view my race and what we do. Although it is somewhat true on certain aspects, not all of it is.” She eyed Liam for a good moment before asking, “I have to ask though, you didn’t seem too fazed when I revealed my real form. Did you know that other form wasn’t my true one?”

“I won’t lie,” Liam started. “I had some suspicions. There were things that just didn’t make sense. There are still some things that don’t, but I feel like after seeing your actual race they might now. Would you be willing to enlighten me on some things?”

Artem, Blair, and Roman eyed Liam with slightly puzzled looks.

“Dude, what are you doing?” Artem asked in a whisper.

“I want some answers,” Liam stated. “If we’re going to die I at least want those.”

Artem’s face paled a bit.

Calythtis let out a slightly crazed laugh. Liam noticed Roman’s attention fall upon something as she laughed making him sigh and shake his head a bit.

“I think I can allow you that much since you are right. None of you will make it out alive after this,” Calythtis responded. “I have some questions of my own. I’ll allow you the fortune to go first.”

Liam brought a hand to his chin as he thought over what he wanted to ask. There were plenty of things he wanted to know, but he felt that if he asked too many then she would get bored and attacked. He wanted to use this time to figure out what was going on and how to stop whatever was preventing them from leaving.

“I’ll start with this, since it kind of relates to me,” Liam finally started after a few seconds. “You were targeting Half-breeds. Half Beast-kins to be precise. Those who were newly arrived people that came here with no one. Why is that? Also why those who had an aptitude in multiple crafting areas?”

Calythtis raised a brow. “You do know more than you should. That questions have two reasons. We only targeted Half Beast-kins due to a request that someone made. Newly arrived people worked out best because of the fact no one knew who they were, which meant no one would come looking for them or question where they were. As for the reason why those with multiple crafting areas, well it is because once crafters get to a certain level in a few different crafts there is something they can do.”

That doesn’t really answer my question, but it does clear a few things. Liam thought. However, is the thing they can do related to capturing the Dungeon? Does capturing a dungeon rely on certain crafts? I guess I’ll have to try and see if I can get her to reveal that.

“Vague on both counts I see,” Liam commented. “Is the person you received that request from the mayor of this island or one of the noble folks you have as allies?”

Calythtis smiled. “Yes, on both counts. It was a request that we clean this island of what they called the filth of their race. They really don’t like the fact that there are Half Beast-kins alive. Even if their kingdom doesn’t like that attitude they still want to wipe the stains clean. Their words not mine.”

Liam scowled at that. “So are you saying that the mayor knew you were here and didn’t do anything to chase you out or capture you? Did you use any type of seduction on him to avoid that?”

Calythtis laughed loudly. “Oh heavens no. He knew of mine and my fellow believers existence on the island. However, instead of turning us in or trying to chase us out he allowed us to stay as long as we did as he requested. The stupid man even made me his secretary as well as the Head New Arrival Agent, so I had easier access to the fresh materials that came in. Not only that, but we have also captured and used other Half Beast-kins every now and then as fuel.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed as his scowl deepened a bit at what she said. “That’s another thing. How did you get passed the Illusion Security they have in the Teleportation Tower?”

Calythtis raised her left arm up to reveal an obsidian bracelet. A few multi-colored gems were engraved into it making it look extremely expensive. “This beautiful magical item can counter those kinds of magic. The specifics are too much for someone who is new here, but all you need to know is that highly leveled Artificers can really make interesting and very useful items. Now is that all you want to know? If so then I’d like to as…”

“There is something else I’d like to know,” Liam interrupted. “While I can piece some things together and make assumptions there is still a couple of things that I don’t understand. For example, those kidnapped Crafter Half Beast-kins are probably trying to capture this dungeon right? I can’t even begin to think why they would even agree to help you.”

Liam noticed Calythtis’ body twitch at that.

“You also have some magic circle collecting Soul Orbs, probably to summon something right?”

Another twitch.

“So what I’m trying to figure out is what you’re goal is? Why would you have a Lich, or a Necromancer use that kind of magic while you’re also trying to capture this dungeon? Not to mention the fact that you probably have the dungeon’s final Wave Boss still alive. What purpose is all of this?”

Calythtis’s eyes narrowed as her body straightened. It took a few seconds before a wicked grin formed on her face and she said, “You really are a mystery aren’t you Liam. I didn’t think anyone would have figured all of that out. While you do have something wrong in your assumptions, I guess I can correct that while filling in the final blanks.”

Liam stared at her as he waited for you to continue.

“Yes, we have some of the Crafter Half Beast-kins working on capturing this dungeon. It is a necessary thing to do for our plans. You see once the final boss is killed this dungeon will disappear. We were lucky with what type of monsters were in this dungeon when we were able to form it,” Calythtis started.

“Form it?” Liam muttered as he stared at her.

“Ah you didn’t know? While it is a mystery and is still being studied on how Portals to dungeons are formed there is a fact that has been proven. And that fact is Dungeon Portals that appear will always appear at places where there is a lot of the same element. For example, rivers and oceans will always have a Blue Dungeon Portal. Forests and jungles will always have a Green Dungeon Portal. Or, in this case…,” Calythtis paused for effect. “Where a bunch of death, bones, and corpses a Black Dungeon Portal will appear.”

Liam thought about what she was talking about. An image of what the room where this Dungeon Portal was located in popped in his mind. There were a lot of decaying bodies and bones within it.

“You mean…” Liam started to say.

“I knew you’d pick up on it. Yes, those are the bodies of random Half Beast-kins the mayor had captures or had us captured. We killed them there and used their dead bodies to have this dungeon portal created. It was an added bonus that a lot of spiders happened to be in the room, and we believed that’s what triggered this dungeon to come alive.” Calythtis smiled. “However, I’m digressing. We needed a Black Dungeon to appear on this island because we were informed that if one was made here then we would be one step away from finally being able to find them.”

“Find them? Find who? And who told you this?” Liam asked.

“You’re getting a bit ahead of yourself. I still told you there is something we need to correct,” Calythtis stated. “You said that we have a Lich or a Necromancer powering the magic summoning circle. That is not correct.”

Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman looked confused.

“While it is more affective if one is powering it, there are ways to activate a magic circle, especially one as dangerous as this one. Ways that consist of Knowledge Theory in specialized Portal Summoning Circles, specified materials, and an abundant amount of mana,” Calythtis stated as she looked at each of them one by one. “And if you couldn’t understand what I am imply then I’ll spell it out for you. There is no one powering the spell, just the Soul Orbs that we collect from killing the monsters in this dungeon…well that and those we have captured to kill.”

“Wait…that doesn’t make sense,” Artem blurted out. “If you activated using those means then how did you come about the knowledge? There shouldn’t be a way unless a Necromancer or a Lich has provided that information.”

“He’s right,” Liam agreed. “That kind of magic is only known by certain races and classes and last I heard there aren’t any Liches still around. Right?”

Calythtis laughed. “Well many would agree, and I am still astonished you, who haven’t been in this world for long, have knowledge of something as advanced as that. However, that is not true. You see there is an Order here in this world full of them. One that has even higher goals than us.”

“Order?” Liam repeated as the word triggered something in his mind. It was a memory of what happened back in the sixth floor when they were ambushed by Steve and Gary. Gary had betrayed Steve and during his last words he had mentioned something of an Order. However, before he could reveal the name Gary cut him off and killed him. “What is the Order?”

“Ah, ah , ah,” Calythtis said as she shook a finger. “Even if you’re going to die soon I won’t reveal that bit of information. “However, I will say that they and us Seven Immoral Vice believers had formed an alliance. We are to help them with certain…tasks and they help us locate or find a way to create a path to find our missing…”

“Oi, Lucy! Who the hell are you yapping to out there?” A gruff voice called out from the entrance in front of Liam and the others.

Four individuals slowly emerged from the entrance and got a look at Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” a Wolf-folk man questioned as he gave the four a wicked toothy grin. His hair and ears were grey, and he wore leather armor while having a sword sheathed to his side.

The other three males were a Lion-folk that looked exactly like one of the Lion-folks that worked as security at the Crafter’s Association, a Tiger-folk, and a Weasel-folk. Each had a weapon of their own resting wither by their side or on their back.

The Wolf-folk turned his head to look up at Calythtis and noticed she was now in her Succubus form. “Oi, are we done playing make believe now?”

“No one was ever playing make believer Fazil,” Calythtis sneered. “And what are you doing? The next wave of Toxo creatures should be being birthed soon.”

“Don’t worry about that. There are still plenty in there to take care of…,” Fazil started to say until a loud painful scream filled the air.

Moments after that five Soul Orbs started flying out of the entrance and made their way towards the magic calling it.

Liam, not wanting to allow that magic circle to complete, pulled out his Spectral Lantern, muttered the ability name and pulled four of the five Soul Orbs towards his lantern. Calythtis’ and Fazil’s eyes widened a bit as they watched this happen. After the glass door closed and he released it to disappear again, Fazil uttered out, “I think you have your answer to your question earlier Caly.”

“I think you’re right Fazil,” Calythtis muttered. She then added as she stared at Liam with wonderment, “However, now I have even more questions.”

“So what shall we do?” Fazil asked. “If we kill them you won’t get your answers. And I know how you are when you’re hungry for answers. Which begs to me ask why you aren’t a follower of Gluttony.”

Calythtis sneered at the mention of the sin. “You’re kidding me right? Have you seen those pigheads?” Her body shook with revulsion at the thought. “Besides, the current Immoral Vice of Lust suits my tastes both physically and mentally.” Her eyes looked off in the distance as a smile with her tongue hanging out in lewd gesture appeared on her face.

Fazil shook his head as he let out a cough and stated, “I don’t really care what your preferences are. However, I want the loot they have once you figure out what to do with them…”

Liam glanced at the others, trying to subtly get them to pay attention to him.

Once he had their attention, he whispered as quietly as he could, “We need to stop the people in the opening on the second floor on the left. They are trying to capture this dungeon, and I think that’s what is interfering with us being able to leave.”

“That’s easy to say and all, but how do you expect us to pull that off?” Roman questioned back in a whisper.

Liam thought about that. He really didn’t have much that could get their attention. If he had something that could cause them to focus on him solely then maybe they could…That’s when he remembered about how they reacted when he used his Hubris Aura. The way those other cultists focused only on him. He could use it and cause them to get angry enough to attack him, but he wasn’t sure how fast they were. He looked around the area as subtly as he could and noticed that the place had plenty of shadows he could use.

A plan slowly formulated in his mind as the enemies bantered back and forth to each other. After he finalized it he said, “I have a way. Once I have all of their attention they will be focused on me. When that happens sprint for that place I mentioned.”

The others didn’t say anything for a long moment. It was Blair who finally broke the silence between them as she asked with some concern, “Are you sure? I don’t want to undermine your abilities but even I can tell they are a lot more powerful than us.”

Liam slowly nodded his head. “I can understand your concern, but for moments like these all we need to do is believe.”

The other three gave him a concerned and confused look. One that told Liam they believed he had gone completely insane.

“Did you forget something?” Liam asked. “While they have something that gives them the power they have…we too have someone who has given us power.”

Realization dawned on them as they understood what he meant.

“Now get ready. This will be a bit tricky, but run the moment they start to move,” Liam stated before taking a step forward.

His three companions stared at him as the five people before them finally stopped talking and turned to look at him.

“Oi, what’s this now? Are you stepping up to die?” Fazil asked. “Mighty smart of ya, but also a bit stupid if you ask me.”

“Fazil, we just agreed that we are keeping him alive,” Calythtis snarled.

Before Fazil could object Liam replied, “As much as I would love to stay alive, I don’t think you’ll do so once I reveal something I know you’re going to hate.”

“Oh yeah?” Fazil questioned as he eyed Liam. “And what do you think you have that will get us to hate you so much?”

“This,” Liam stated as he activated his Hubris Aura at full blast.

All five of the Seven Immoral Vices cultist dropped any humor or smiles they had. Anger suddenly filled them as screams and shouts escaped their lips right before they charged for him.

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