Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 223 – Chaos in the Adventurer’s Association

Liam stood in the empty room, confused by what he meant. The advice the man gave him was cryptic as hell to Liam. Why would he need to be careful of insects that stand out? What did insects have to do with any of this?

Liam slowly started to walk out into the hall and make his way down the hall. Insects that stand out…What classifies as standing out? Compared to the insects back on my world, every insect stands out to me. Also why keep a careful eye on them? Are they some sort of bait? Are they dangerous? Liam let out a sigh of irritation as his mind started to dive into the message he was given.

He was suddenly taken out of the rabbit hole he had started to plunge as a familiar overstuffed backpack ran by the end of the hall. As Liam approached the end he peeked out in the direction he saw Gimmel at. As he looked over he felt his irritation grow even more as he heard Chad’s condescending voice reprimand the teenager.

“You’re late again boy,” Chad said with a sneer. “Seriously, is your only redeeming quality your ability to carry a pack like that? I thought you wanted to join our team? With how often you’re late that’s not going to happen.”

Gimmel opened his mouth to say something but stopped as Chad opened a hand and closed it in a way that said he wanted Gimmel to zip it.

“I don’t care about any excuse you have prepared,” Chad frowned. “In our group, punctuality is everything.”

Liam’s irritation started growing into anger the more he listened. He was about to step out and say something, but stopped as two new voices joined the conversation.

“Punctuality is everything in this group you say?” Knox question in a mocking tone.

“If that is true then you’re the least qualified person to spout that,” Waylon added with a snicker.

Chad narrowed his eyes as he looked at his two team members. “Seriously? Are you doing this in front of the boy?”

“It’s not us who started this,” Knox commented. “You’re the one spouting shit I don’t remember agreeing to.”

Liam felt his irritation calm down a bit. It was still there, but the anger it was turning into stopped boiling. He was still irritated with his two friends for not defending him, but he was glad that they were at least defending Gimmel. While Gimmel, too, annoyed him the last time they talked; he was still his Mentor’s nephew. He didn’t want anything happening to the teenager and having it bite him in the ass later.

If they have it handled then I don’t need to stick around here anymore. Liam thought as he started to leave the hallway. Before he fully emerged the hallway he stopped.

“Of course you don’t remember agreeing to it. I made that rule,” Chad scoffed. “I swear, if not for me any worthless piece of shit, like that crappy crafter friend of yours, would taint our group. They would mooch off our success without having any good qualities or merits to their name. This boy here hardly meets the requirements, but thanks to my magnanimity he has a chance.”

“Your so called magnanimity is just empty bravado if you ask me,” a voice commented with an accusatory tone of voice.

The four turned to the source to see Liam standing there. Knox, Waylon, and Gimmel looked shocked and surprised while Chad scowled.

Chad was about to retort back, but Waylon and Knox beat him as they said, “Liam!”

“Dude! Are you alright?” Knox questioned with some concern in his voice.

“We heard what happened and were worried when we couldn’t find you anywhere,” Waylon added as he looked his friend over.

Liam was no longer wearing the mask and the outfit he had on earlier. Before fully emerging from the hallway he switched into the armor set he wore when he was with Cindy. He made sure no one was around or looking at him before changing and leaving the hall.

“I’m fine,” Liam said, keeping a neutral face as he looked at both of his friends.

“Are you sure?” Knox asked again. “Seriously man. You have a non-combat class. You shouldn’t carelessly go into a dungeon and try to fight. You’ll end up dead with a single mistake.”

“Yeah man,” Waylon agreed. “Just join our group as a crafter. We will get you the materials you need to make all you can. It’s safer for…”

“Are you guys serious?” Chad suddenly butted in, no longer able to hold himself back. “This guy isn’t worthy of joining us. Not even as a crafter.”

Waylon and Knox swirled to stare at him.

“What the hell are you saying?” Knox questioned, irritation starting to stir within him.

“Weren’t you the one who suggested it last time we all talked,” Waylon commented.

Chad scoffed. “I wasn’t actually serious. I only said it to put him down a peg or two. Serious? Let this guy join us? I’d rather have the slow and late boy here than a worthless piece of crap like him.”

“Watch what you say Chad,” Knox narrowed his eyes. “He might not be able to handle himself on a battlefield since he doesn’t have a combat class, but that doesn’t mean his Crafter class is worthless.”

“Yeah,” Waylon joined in. “His Crafter class may not have much value in a fight, but the items he can make for us will more than make up for it.”

Liam’s mouth slightly dropped as he looked at his two friends with dumbfound expression. He could understand that they were trying to defend him, but at the same time he felt they were also insulting him.

“I don’t give a shit if he can make some great items later on in the future,” Chad stated with much fervor. “He’s still new and low leveled. The resources needed to get him up to that level would lead to a sunk cost. It is worthless to invest into someone who is nowhere near our level. He will just drag us down, preventing us from reaching the top.”

“That won’t happen,” Waylon sneered as he stared at his teammate.

“Liam wouldn’t hold us back. I am sure he would…,” Knox started to say.

“But are you a hundred percent sure?” Chad stated as he started walking up to them. “Remember, we are trying to join a major guild. Trying to have him catch up will only hinder our progress and make that guild pass over us because they see we have a leech that should have been cut off from the start.”

“He’s not a leech,” Knox started to growl.

“He is,” Chad stood firmly on his view of Liam. “He is and I am not letting him into our party no matter what you say.”

“Good,” a new voice suddenly chimed in. “Because if he agreed to join you we’d have to kidnap him and set him straight on where he actually belongs.”

Everyone was confused by this new voice and were about to look around for it, until a person suddenly appeared right next to Liam’s right side. He stood a bit shorter than Liam. He wore loose fitted pants with short, spiked greaves covering his shins, a sleeveless leather shirt that looked like some sort of small scales were stitched into it, and a pair of silver colored gauntlets with sharp bone spikes protruding on each knuckles. He had foxlike ears that protruded from his wild blond hair that was trying to stay slicked back and a fox tail that swayed back and forth a bit.

“I mean I don’t mind causing some trouble that could lead to a fight. I’m kind of itching to punch someone,” Roman stated with a grin. “Especially that annoying elf. His voice alone makes me want to punch him just because.”

“As much as I agree with you on that. We have better things to do,” a cool yet stern feminine voice commented as she appeared on Liam’s left.

Lim turned to see a woman who was slightly taller than he was and lanky. Her short pixie cut black hair was covered by the skull mask she had resting on top of her head. Her silver chest plate armor adorned skulls on her shoulders and three pale white bones across her chest. The armor only covered her shoulders and chest revealing her six pack abs for all to see. To Liam’s surprise she allowed her scales to show some, making Liam understand why she didn’t opt to have any kind of shirt for protection. Those scales of hers were tough. Her legs were covered in metal plated pants that looked like they were modified for easier movements.

A hand suddenly fell down on Liam’s right shoulder. It wasn’t heavy nor was it light. However, Liam could feel like the owner of the hand was trying to hold himself back. He turned his head to see a man who stood much taller than him.

He had two short sharp looking tusks or teeth that came out from his lower lip. His greyish green skin stood out compared to the green lines on a cloth-like cloak that covered most of his body. His hand though showed he had some sort of plate armor on underneath the cloak.

In his eyes he could see that he was trying find stability to stop himself from shaking since out of all the old teammates he had, this one didn’t like confrontations. However, to Liam’s surprise when he spoke he did so with conviction.

“Liam’s no leech,” Artem started. “If you can’t see that then it’s your loss since you seem like the type who can’t see out of his own ass.”

Liam was shocked by his words. Roman grinned widely at hearing Artem. Blair shook her head while muttering something about being too influenced by Roman but didn’t chastise him.

Chad’s mouth dropped open as he looked at the three new comers with much disgust. “Did you really just say that to me? Me?!”

“Who else would we be talking to?” Roman questioned. “While these two are clearly blinded by something I couldn’t care to understand think Liam has no potential in a fight, but you have a much more hostile approach to our Control Tower.”

“Control Tower?” Knox questioned with some confusion on his face.

“Wait a minute,” Waylon started, shaking off his stupor. “Who are you guys? What would a Kitsune, an Orc, and a Dragon-kin like you want with Liam?”

“I could ask you the same,” Roman shot back. “I mean besides the fact you want him as a crafter for your party. Who are you and what is your relationship to our teammate?”

“Teammate?” Waylon repeated as he looked at Liam.

“These two guys,” Liam started as he pointed at Waylon and Knox, “Are my friends from my home world. They ended up coming to this world a lot sooner than us.” He then pointed at Gimmel and said, “That’s Nabal’s nephew.”

Artem, Blair, and Roman looked at Gimmel with a look of surprise as they all said, “Really?”

Liam then pointed at Chad and said, “That guy I don’t really know well besides him being a dick. I know he belongs to their team while extorting Gimmel as a pack mule.”

“Hey!” Chad started to protest but stopped as Roman chimed in, “That’s not good. I didn’t spend as much time with the man as you did, but even I could tell that if he caught wind of that he wouldn’t be too happy.

“You guys know my Uncle too?” Gimmel questioned as he stared at them with both awe and surprise.

“Yup,” Roman stated. He then hiked a thumb at Liam as he added, “Not as well as this guy though since he was his Mentor. He ran him ragged during their training. Also helped us out a couple of times during some sticky situations.”

Confused, Chad, Knox, and Waylon looked between the three new comers, Liam, and Gimmel. They understood something wasn’t being said. Chad didn’t like that.

Feeling annoyed and starting to get angry, Chad spouted, “I don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about, but I am sure your boring talks about some Crafting Mentor is not worth my time listening.”

Gimmel turned to look at Chad, some annoyance starting to show. He was about to argue that Nabal wasn’t a Crafting Mentor, but stopped as Liam but was stopped as Liam asked, “You seem a lot more irritable today than the last time we met Chad. What’s wrong? Did someone spit in your meal?”

This question took everyone by surprise, except for Artem, Blair, and Roman who only grinned a bit trying hard not to chuckle. Even Chad remained silent as he looked like he didn’t know what to say. His face spoke more than his mouth as it changed from his normal complexion to a few shades of red. Before he could retort Waylon stated, “His irritation started this morning when we tried to leave the island and were stopped.”

Liam turned to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“We aren’t entirely sure. All we have are rumors that have been circulating amongst the adventurers here,” Knox stated. “Apparently something is going on. Something about a cult that is up to something big. The people at the Teleportation Tree have cut off any travel going on and off the island. Says it’s a security measure they are trying to get fixed. Who fucking knows though.”

“We heard something along those lines as well,” Blair stated as she looked at Knox and Waylon.

“Speaking of rumors and things being said,” Roman started as he looked at Liam. “You don’t know how hard it’s been trying to find you. You would think that since this is an island we would have ran into each other sooner, but with what we’ve heard you’ve been up to, it makes sense why it was so hard. I don’t blame you for laying low. But come on man, if you’re up to some fun shit, at least let us know so we can join in on it.”

“Fun shit?” Knox questioned as he gave Roman a look of incredulity. “I don’t know what you have heard, but he could have been killed. He doesn’t have a combat class so he shouldn’t have had to come across the shit he had.”

Roman raised a brow as he looked back at the guy. “What does having a combat class have to do with shit? Liam here can take care of himself just fine even without one.”

Knox’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of nonsense are you spouting? Without a combat class he can’t do shit. His damage would be horrible, and his defense without adding equipment, wouldn’t be able to handle most monsters. You must be new to this world, but the kind of logic your spouting can get someone like Liam killed.”

Knox turned to look at Liam. “Seriously, who are these guys?”

“They are the friends I made in the Tutorial Area and the teammates I had taking on the difficulties we faced back there.”

“So you’re saying they are the ones who carried you through the tutorial?” Chad scoffed. “No wonder you are acting like an idiot. They filled your head with ideas that you could actually handle yourself in a fight.” He gave Liam an evil grin as he added, “Let me guess. They let you kill off some of the monsters they weakened so you could get some levels and it got to your head.” He then looked at Artem, Blair, and Roman and added with disgust, “Seriously. It’s because of idiots like you that you give trash like him worthless ideas like being useful in fights or able to hold themselves in fights.”

Artem’s, Blair’s, and Roman’s faces turned to scowls as they glared at Chad.

Before anyone could say anything Gimmel asked, “My uncle really did train you right?”

Everyone looked at him. He looked a bit intimidated as Chad glowered at him, but he continued, “I know that item he gave you must mean that he did. However, I don’t understand why. You have a Crafter Class, why would he…”

“Look,” Chad rudely interrupted. “I don’t know what your babbling about, but it’s only natural a Crafting mentor would take on a Crafting apprentice. As worthless and wasteful it is, but that’s that. Theres no need to question it.”

“But he’s not a…,” Gimmel tried to interject.

“Why are you arguing with me about this?” Chad glowered. “If you keep on doing that then you can kiss your chances of joining us goodbye.”

Gimmel looked conflicted as Chad’s words were said. Liam could understand why. For some reason, unknown to him, the teenager wanted to join this party. Chad’s threats of not allowing him to join if he continued to talk wared with his feelings of correcting the misunderstanding Chad had of his uncle. While Liam didn’t care for Chad misunderstanding what Nabal really was, he also didn’t like how he was treating Gimmel.

Liam looked at Roman who glanced back. They both smiled understanding what to do.

“Geez,” Roman started to say as he shook his head feigning a look of disappointment. “If a party as great as this stoops to threats like that, then is it as great as you claim it to be?”

Chad’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the Kitsune-folk. “What was that fox boy?”

Roman grinned as he shot back, “You heard me you power tripping elf. Or, what? Are your ears for show? Did you actually not hear me? What reason does a fool like you have to act so high and mighty?”

Chad’s ears and face turned a deep shade of red. He then said with clipped words, “Not like a worthless brawling looking fox boy like you would understand, but I am a healer. Healers are much needed in a group, and we are higher above ruffians like you who look like their only worth is to punch things silly.”

Roman nodded his head, feigning like he was agreeing with Chad. He then said as he looked at Artem, “While I can’t argue that a Healer’s worth is tremendous, but that doesn’t necessarily put you above everyone else. Our healer has way more humility than you and I bet he is better at healing than you. Isn’t that right Artem?”

 Artem, looking a bit surprised being put on the spot, rubbed the back of his head as he muttered, “I don’t think I am the best at healing, but I try my best to make sure I do a good job and I’m still learning more as I go.”

Waylon, Knox, and Gimmel looked surprised as they stared at Artem. The last thing they were expecting to hear was that the Orc was a healer. Chad on the other hand looked both disgusted and appalled by what he heard.

“You’re joking right?” Chad questioned. “There is no way a fucking orc from the Blood Thirst Plains can be a Healer. Your muscle fused minds can’t handle the proper intricacies needed to understand how to properly heal a wound let alone understand that you are wounded.”

“Wow, racist much?” Roman commented.

“What does that even mean?” Chad questioned as he glared at Roman.

“It means…,” Roman started to say until he was cut off by Chad as he said with an even haughtier tone than usual, “You know what. Never mind. I don’t care to understand your feeble ignorant mind.”

“If anyone has a feeble mind it’s you,” Liam whispered, causing Roman and Blair to snicker a bit.

“What was that?” Chad swiftly demanded as he glared at Liam.

“Nothing, not worth the wasted time,” Liam stated as he waved a hand in front of them. “However, you should probably stop interrupting people when they speak. Gimmel was trying to help you understand something you misunderstood and could probably save your life one day…”

“My life isn’t in any danger when it comes to foolish crafters,” Chad interjected. “Nor was there anything I misunderstood. You are the one who keeps misunderstanding his place and his abilities….

Liam’s attention was suddenly brought out from Chad’s droning and self-righteous speech as he heard a familiar voice close by. It was familiar, but at the same time he couldn’t think where he heard it before.

Liam looked around for the source. This prompted annoyed exclamations from Chad, who Liam tuned out as he kept looking around.

Knox, Waylon, and Gimmel were confused by Liam’s sudden behavior that they stared at him with puzzlement. Artem, Blair, and Roman, who had some experience with Liam suddenly doing something weird looked at each other and understood something was up.

“What’s wrong?” Blair questioned.

Liam raised a hand up indicating for her to give him a minute as he kept looking around. There wasn’t anyone in the lines that lead to an employee over the counter. He then looked around the seating area. It took him a minute as he slowly scanned the area, but finally his eyes fell on someone.

It was the man who he had saved from having a Toxo Corpse Controller from entering his body. Liam shuddered at the thought of that creature trying to enter a body. After seeing the man, he quickly understood why he didn’t automatically remember him. Their meeting was only brief, and the man ended up running away quickly screaming for help.

“I’m telling you,” the man sobbed. “There were Undead Goblins in that damn forest dungeon.”

“No one was able to find any proof of Undead Goblins,” someone let out a sigh full of annoyance. “We sent three different groups, and no one was able to find any sightings of them.”

“Are you sure you weren’t just scared of those weak creatures and your mind just made them out to be worse than they were?” another person asked, also sounding annoyed. “You won’t be made fun of if that was the case.”

The other person gave the one the who said that an eye roll. “Forget about that man. Come on. You need to eat something. You look like you’re about to croak. Are you sure you’re alright?”

The sobbing man lifted his head up and waved a hand out. “I have a nasty Debuff that won’t go away for some reason. I think I need to find a specialized healer or a high quality antidote or something.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t found one yet,” one of the people stated.

“I would have, but it seems like all the high quality stuff was mass purchased throughout the island for some reason,” the human male responded. “Something strange is happening. I can feel it.”

“Maybe,” someone slightly agreed. “For now just eat something.”

 “Maybe after a quick nap,” the human man stated as the tears stopped flowing and yawned. “I don’t know why, but I feel so drained all of a sudden.”

Liam was glad to see that the man was able to get away safely after all that. However, hearing him mention all the high quality potions that were massed purchased made him wince a bit. He was about to look back at the people around him until weird movements caught his attention.

His focus shifted to something scurrying upside down on the ceiling. It looked like some sort of black spider. He was about to ignore it but stopped as the creature stopped right above the sleeping human male. Sleight’s word of advice suddenly rang in his mind as he pulled out his goggles and slipped them over his eyes and zoomed his sight in closer to get a better look at the spider.

“If you see any insects that stand out, keep a careful eye on them.”

 Liam’s eyes widened as he watched the spider suddenly change its form. A whole upper body and a creepy looking head suddenly grew as arms extended from the newly form upper body.

Liam didn’t need to assess it to know what it was. He wouldn’t mistake that form for something else nor would he forget it. He knew what he had to do as he watched the creature slowly attach a string of web to the ceiling and started to slowly go down towards the sleeping man.

Knox, Gimmel, and Waylon were extremely confused by Liam’s sudden behavior. What made it worse was the fact he wasn’t answering their questions. It made Chad even more pissed off as he understood Liam was completely ignoring him.

Artem, Blair, and Roman stood there patiently. They knew something was up and trying to get any information from Liam while he was like this was impossible. Instead, they waited for him to figure out and process whatever was running through that brain of his.

It was Liam’s next actions that caused a stir. Blair summoned her Battle Axe while Artem pulled his mace from his side and Roman brought his hands up ready for an attack.  Chad let out a shout as he brought his hands up to protect his face. Waylon and Knox shouted something along the lines of requesting Liam not to do anything stupid. Gimmel’s eyes widened as he watched Liam pull out a Taloned shaped Bone Throwing Dagger, and with a smooth and quick motion, brought his arm back, aimed and threw the weapon.

Gimmel’s eyes followed the weapon as it flew through the air over the heads of everyone in the resting area of the Adventurer’s Association. He then saw it sink into its intended target.

The thrown weapon was thrown with enough power that it tore the Toxo Corpse Controller right off the web it was using to lower itself. As fast as it took the weapon to fly and pierce right through its chest, it was even faster for it to crash and pin the body right into the wall.

Chaos filled the building as the weapon let out a loud thunk as it hit the wall.

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