Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 215 – Waking up and Feeling Renewed

Liam stirred as his consciousness started to come back. As he tried moving his arms and legs to stretch he felt they ached and were sore. He tried to work through his mind why they felt that way. It took him a few seconds, but once he was able to remember, all the memories of what had happened flooded to him.

Liam snapped his eyes open and sat up. The sudden and quick movements sent a small ripple of pain throughout his body. He winced, but tried to push the feeling to the back of his mind as he scanned his surroundings.

To Liam’s surprise he was no longer in the forested area. He was in a plain comfy bed in a room that didn’t have much in it. A dresser, a nightstand next to the bed with a lamp, a window, a small circular rug on the floor, and a door were the only things in the room. He didn’t know how long he was asleep for, but the sun looked like it had risen not too long ago.

Liam looked at his internal clock and saw it was already eight ten in the morning. He felt shocked at first before panic started to fill him. Uncle Naro wasn’t in sight. As powerful as the man had shown himself during that fight, Liam wasn’t sure if anything bad had happened after he had gotten knocked out.

He was about to throw the blankets off of him, but stopped as the door opened, and a feminine slightly high pitch slightly weathered voice said with relief, “You’ve finally woken up have you?”

Liam’s brows scrunched as he stared at the one person he didn’t think he’d ever see. She was short with greyish white hair. A pair of goggles rested between her hair and concerned and relieved ocean blue eyes. Her wrinkled face looked to have gain a couple new wrinkles since the last time he saw her. Her outfit was the same as last time while her tail looked as fluffy as it was before.

Liam opened his mouth to speak and felt how dry it was as he croaked, “Milly?”

“Hold on and let me get you some water before you speak any more,” Milly stated as she ran to a different room. It wasn’t long before she reappeared with a glass of water, a pitcher, and a bowl of what looked like clear soup on a tray. As she approached the nightstand and placed the tray on it, she said while handing him the cup of water, “Drink this first before you eat.”

Liam received the cup of water and started drinking it. His throat felt like it was mixture of cottonmouth and he had gone through a day through a desert with no water. He felt the soothing crisp coldness of the water run down his dry throat. He didn’t realize how bad it was until he started drinking. What started as a slow sip turned into him gulping it down as fast as he could. Towards the end he started coughing.

“Hey, hey! Slow down!” Milly scolded as she took the cup away from him. She then started to pour more water into the cup. “I’ve got plenty of water here for you so just take your time and don’t choke.”

Liam coughed two more times before finally controlling himself. He grabbed the cup from Milly as she handed it back to him. “Sorry,” Liam started, already feeling the difference in the sound of his voice. “It felt like I went a whole day through a desert without water.”

“I don’t know about a desert, but you have been out for a day,” Milly nonchalantly stated.

Liam’s eyes widened after he heard her say that. He looked at her again and asked to make sure he heard her right, “I’m sorry what?”

Milly looked confused before understanding what he was asking and repeated, “You’ve been out for a whole day. I don’t know what happened, but you looked horrible when that idiot bear brought you here.”

“Idiot bear?” Liam quietly muttered to himself trying to think of who she was talking about. When the only person he could think of came to mind he asked, “Where is Uncle Naro? Is he alright?”

At first Milly gave Liam a puzzled expression. After realization settled she muttered, “So that crazy bastard is calling himself Naro huh? And he’s making this young man call him uncle nonetheless” She shook her head at that last part. She then looked at Liam and answered, “He is fine. That stupid man is a lot tougher and sturdier than you can imagine.”

Images of Uncle Naro’s fight played back in Liam’s head. She was right about that. He didn’t know exactly how strong the bear of a man was. Even after watching him fight so many people by himself, he still didn’t know since he looked like he wasn’t using all of his power. To Liam it looked like he was just using basic weapon techniques, no skills, just precise strikes with his War Hammer and two Meat Cleaver looking swords.

That magical ability was different though. What kind of field would allow someone to catch magical attacks like those into a cauldron without breaking it? Not just that, but to treat them like cooking ingredients that allowed him to drink the mixed concoction down and then being able to reverse what he drank back into the magical attacks towards the enemy?

Liam knew he was still ignorant about magic, but that spectacle really drove it home how diverse magic really was. He would need to ask Uncle Naro just what that was and see if it was something he could use. Liam thought about that last part. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was something that would mesh well with his fighting style, but if it was something that would greatly benefit him then he wouldn’t dismiss it.

Coming out from his thoughts he looked back at Milly and asked, “Do you know where he went? Is he here?”

Milly shook her head. “No, he left to take care of some business himself. Something about meeting up with an old colleague and informing him about some important information.”

Liam’s brows scrunched at that. What kind of information did he have that he needed to inform someone? Also, what colleague did he need to see to tell them this. As he thought about this a different important thing popped in his mind. He needed to go to the Fiddler’s Spider Web. He was supposed to go there yesterday, but he was unconscious.

They are probably pissed that I didn’t show. Liam thought to himself.


“Don’t fret. Silky informed the spider woman that you had been ambushed and were recovering. – Eri.”


Liam was surprised by this sudden message. What did she tell them and what did they say?


“You can ask her after the squirrel lady leaves the room. Just make sure not to talk too loud since she has very good hearing despite her age. – Eri.”


Alright…Thank you. Liam said as he looked back at Milly and asked, “Has anything happened while I was passed out?”

“Yes,” Milly stated as she took the cup from Liam after he finished drinking the last bit of liquid. “A lot has happened while you were out. After you were left here to recover, there was a commotion at the local authorities building. Apparently seven dead Demon-kins were dropped off on their front door along with eighteen dead Beast-kins. The town was in an uproar finding that before the authorities did. My guess, judging by how…Naro…” Milly said sounding like she was trying the name out, “had blood all over him and the bad state you looked…You guys must have had a run in with them. Still though, the crazy part was the faces of the Beast-kins’ faces looked like they exploded from the inside.”

Liam saw the older woman shudder.

“It was both terrifying and disgusting at the same time. Something you hear about in horror stories,” Milly commented. She gave Liam a stern look before adding, “I don’t know how bad the fight was, but the way their faces looked wasn’t something he, and especially not you, could do. It leaves the question as to what did that to them.”

Liam looked puzzled as he looked at her. Demon-kins? Faces exploded from the inside? What the hell happened after I passed out? This is just…this is just too much to process.

Milly shook her head before chastising herself, “What the hell is wrong with me. Here I am telling you about all that and you haven’t even put food in your stomach yet. Here…” Milly grabbed the tray and placed in on Liam’s lap. “I know you might be a bit squeamish after what I had just told you, but please try to eat as much as you can. It will help aid in your recovery. While your fatal wounds have been healed you’re probably still sore and achy. This soup will relax those muscles and you should be feeling better in a couple of hours.”

Liam then watched as the old woman stood up and started for the door. “I have some work to tend to right now, but if you need me just yell for me.” Not too long after that she closed the door and left Liam all by himself.

Liam waited for a minute before thinking he was in the clear. He then pulled out his Web Watch that took the form of a pocket watch, channeled a small bit of mana into it and watched it pop open. Silky quickly made her way to the blackened area and disappeared into the darkness. It didn’t take long for her to send a message to him.


“Good morning Phantom Cat. I am glad to see you have awakened. – Silky.”


“Hello Silky,” Liam started with a low whisper. “I am sorry if I had scared you in any way. I was informed that you had sent out a message to Lady Arachne. What were the contents of the message and was there any reply?"


“How did you know I had sent a message out? – Silky.”


Liam shook his head. It was a stupid slip up on his end, but with everything that had happened he wasn’t in the mood to try and figure out a believable lie. Instead, he ignored the question and said, “Never mind that for now. What were the contents of the message and the reply?”

Liam believed that she didn’t want to let the matter go, but acquiesced to his question.


“Lady Arachne had sent a message out yesterday to inform you to come to the Fiddler’s Spider Web for your reward…”

“Since you were still out and recovering from the attack that had happened I took it upon myself…”

“To inform the Lady about your conditions. She was naturally worried about what had happened…”

“I didn’t know the full details but had felt the powers of many and a battle of the strong happening. I had also felt the impact of the attack and your conditions after receiving the attack, so I had relayed that information…”

“The Lady was worried but asked for updates on your recovery every few hours yesterday. After it had seemed like you wouldn’t wake up any time soon after nightfall…”

“The Lady requested I tell you to come to the Fiddler’s Spider Web after you were able to move about. New developments have arisen, and she would like to inform you of them. – Silky.”


That bit of information brought some clarity about some things. First, he didn’t know Silky was able to feel powers, as she put it. He didn’t know what she could feel or if she could see or hear anything while in his pocket, but this confirmed a small bit of that. He wanted to know more on what she was able to perceive, but the other things she said made Liam curious.

“What new developments have been made to light? Did she say?” Liam asked.


“No. Only that you are to head to the Fiddler’s Spider Web branch here in this town as soon as you are able to. – Silky.”


Liam nodded. “Alright thank you Silky.”


“You’re welcome Phantom Cat. Also…”


Liam waited to see what else she had to say, but there was a pause. For a minute she didn’t say anything. Liam was about to ask what was up, but she finally sent another message.


“While you were recovering last night…I felt…It felt like you gained a lot of power all at once all of a sudden. – Silky.”


Gained a lot of power? Liam thought as he stared at the Web Watch. “What do you mean by gained a lot of power all at once all of a sudden? That doesn’t make much sense.”


“I, too, am unsure. I have never…felt anything like that before. It just…happened. No warning or reason for sudden gains. Just…power up. – Silky.”


He wasn’t sure what she meant. It didn’t make any sense at all. How does one suddenly gain power? The only way one would gain power was from leveling up…

Liam’s eyes suddenly widened as he noticed he had notifications awaiting him to see.


“Did you figure out what had happened? – Silky.”


Liam was cautious about looking at them while talking to Silky. He wasn’t sure if Silky would tell Lady Arachne or anyone who would be considered her superior if he mentioned what he believed had happened.

Excitement started to fill him as an excited smile tried to form on his face. He fought really hard not to show any signs of his excitement. Instead, with as much calm and evenness as he could muster he stated, “Please inform Lady Arachne that I will make my way over to her in a couple of hours.”


“As you wish Phantom Cat. – Silky.”


Without waiting, Liam closed the Web Watch and placed it in his pocket. He took in a few breaths, trying to hold back his excitement in case what he was thinking was wrong. After he calmed his beating heart, he opened the notifications that awaited him and was surprised by how many suddenly appeared.

So many notifications popped up. So many level ups, so much change from how he was. He needed to consolidate them in order to make it easier to go through. However there was one notification that really made him happy to see. It was the first one he brought up.


“Debuff - Stat Shatter has been lifted. All stats have returned to normal.”


Seeing that one notification almost brought a tear to his eye. He didn’t allow one to form though. He had a lot to go through. The next notification explained why he had gained all the notifications that came after.


“Any and all experience that were gained while Debuff- Stat Shatter have been released into their respected areas.”

“Congratulations! Your Personal Level has reached level 8! Progression to Level 9: 100%! Increase HP, MP, Stam, and Spirit Pool. You have gained 4 free Attribute Points.”

 “Congratulations! Your Personal Level has reached level 9! Progression to Level 9: 5%! Increase HP, MP, Stam, and Spirit Pool. You have gained 4 free Attribute Points.”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Resilience has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Resilience has reached level 20! Progression to level 21: 57%! Your body has become sturdier. You can now withstand 5% more physical attacks and magical attacks when struck against your body.”

“Congratulations! Vitality has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Vitality has reached level 20! Progression to level 21: 10%! Health Pool has increased!”

“Congratulations! Agility has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Agility has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 11%!”

“Congratulations! Fine Motor has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Fine Motor has reached Level 24! Progression to level 25: 41%!”

“Congratulations! Reflex has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Reflex has reached Level 26! Progression to level 27: 5%!”

“Congratulations! Speed has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Speed has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 39%!”

“Congratulations! Stamina Endurance has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Stamina Endurance has reached Level 24! Progression to level 25: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Body Endurance has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Body Endurance has reached Level 24! Progression to level 25: 15%!”

“Congratulations! Crafter Endurance has reached Level 18! Progression to level 19: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Crafter Endurance has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 16%! 5% Stamina Reduction while crafting!”

“Congratulations! Power has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 100%! Damage caused from physical attacks has increased by 5%!”


“Congratulations! Power has reached Level 23! Progression to level 24: 12%!”

“Congratulations! Body Strength has reached Level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Body Strength has reached Level 19! Progression to level 20: 87%!”

“Congratulations! Cognition Perseverance has reached Level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Cognition Perseverance has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 97%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience has reached Level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Mental Resilience has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 19%!”

“Congratulations! Perception has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Perception has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 19%!”

“Congratulations! Magic Practicality has reached Level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Magic Practicality has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 15%! Understanding your magical abilities has increase 5%. Magical ability effectiveness has increased by 5%!”

“Congratulations! Physical Practicality has reached Level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Physical Practicality has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 15%! Understanding your Physical skills has increase 5%. Physical skill effectiveness has increased by 5%!”

“Congratulations! Craft Practicality has reached Level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Magic Practicality has reached Level 20! Progression to level 21: 15%! Understanding your crafts has increase 5%. All Crafting effectiveness has increased by 5%!”

“Congratulations! Common Sense has reached Level 11! Progression to level 12: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Common Sense has reached Level 13! Progression to level 14: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Lucky Break has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Lucky Break has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 21%!”

“Congratulations! Lucky Soul has reached Level 12! Progression to level 13: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Lucky Soul has reached Level 18! Progression to level 19: 21%!”

“Congratulations! HP Recovery has reached Level 19! Progression to level 20: 100%!”


“Congratulations! HP Recovery has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 34%!”

“Congratulations! MP Recovery has reached Level 18! Progression to level 19: 100%!”


“Congratulations! MP Recovery has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 27%!”

“Congratulations! Stamina Recovery has reached Level 19! Progression to level 20: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Stamina Recovery has reached Level 25! Progression to level 26: 34%!”

“Congratulations! Will Power has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Will Power has reached Level 26! Progression to level 27: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Zen has reached Level 21! Progression to level 22: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Zen has reached Level 24! Progression to level 25: 3%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience - Teleportation Sickness has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience - Teleportation Sickness has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 12%!”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance – Stellar Affliction From Within has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance – Stellar Affliction From Within has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 19%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Whispers From Beyond has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Whispers From Beyond has reached level 20! Progression to level 21: 19%!”

“Congratulations! You have received Mental Resilience - Chaotic Meltdown. Mental Resilience - Chaotic Meltdown has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”


“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Chaotic Meltdown has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 5%!”


Liam stared at all of the level ups he had received after having the Debuff finally disappear. His mouth slowly opened with each notification he read. As soon as he reached the final notification all he could say in an almost inaudible volume, “Holy shit.”


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