Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 208 – Gains and Increases

After Liam had left the Fiddler’s Spider Web, he made his way to the inn he had gotten a room with to take a shower. He snuck through the city using his Veil of Shadows. As he made his way over there he thought about whether he still needed to use the ability. It had been a day since the incident that had happened at the Green Dungeon, and he felt it was too soon for him to not sneak around. However, as he made his way to the room he noticed that there wasn’t any reaction from people about what had happened the day before.

He wasn’t entirely sure why that was but theorized that maybe it wasn’t a big deal to the citizens. Maybe people dying or possibly dying in the dungeons were a common thing. He decided to not think about it and give it another day before he stopped using Veil of the Shadows to sneak around the city.

After making it to the room he had gotten earlier in the day, he decided to take another shower. He had worked up quite the sweat from running the Yellow Dungeon and then taking on the three tests today. The warm water soothed his body as it washed over him. The soothing feeling he got from the warm water helped calm his mind and allowed him to think about the tests he had just done.

Thinking about them put him in a mixed mood. He had gotten a small peek at what higher leveled people were capable of. While they didn’t show their full strength and toned down their abilities enough for him to barely be able to handle them, it was still scary how strong they were.

He wasn’t stupid enough to think he was some genius and could easily pass each test. While it was his goal to try, he knew it was an impossible task. He was lucky to fully pass the first test and he understood the only way he was able to was because he caught them off guard with his Shadow Magic. Noxi and his snake were fast. If he didn’t have Viel of Shadows, Shadow Step, and Shadow Double he would have failed quickly.

While his Weak Crushing Dark Fog helped a bit, it had only held both of them back for a brief moment. The minute his Veil of Shadows was deactivated they knew exactly where he was. Even if his Agility, Speed, and Reflex sub-stats weren’t twenty-five percent sealed due to the Stat Shatter Debuff he still wouldn’t have been able to keep up with their sub-stats.

His practice using Shadow Step to get away from certain situations and the increase to Shadow abilities his Spirit Weave Form gave with his Shadow Moon Blades worked out well enough. But again, that was only because Noxi and his snake didn’t know he could use those abilities. If they had known ahead of time then he would have been caught.

The second test was another reminder of how weak he was. He was only able to get past Silent Saboteur and his parliament of owls thanks to his sly strategy. Since the man knew what he was capable of, he had banked on him thinking he would try something with his Shadow Step. It also helped his owls seemed young and not used to going against someone who could set up traps like that. His time against Lady Arachne and her wave of spiders though…

 A shiver ran down Liam’s body as he thought about those dark inky spiders. Sure, there were a lot of them, but they had reminded him of his time in that shadow-like world with the whispers back when he almost lost himself. The coldness those creatures exuded, their hunger, and the way they moved just felt…nightmarish.

Liam turned the temperature of the warm water up a bit to try and feel warmth. Thinking of trying to warm himself back up, his thoughts landed on Orchid and what she had done. Her ability had rekindled some memories he had been trying to lock away. While it was one thing to show the scene of his father and mother when he was a baby, it was another to show the two biggest moments of his life where the hell of the world became more of a reality.

The moment when he lost the trust of those people was one thing he didn’t want to rethink again. While it was hard on him to think about, it wasn’t as bad as the other memory. The memory of the people he hated with every fiber in his body.

He knew it was stupid to think about them. They were already dead so he should be other them by now. He wasn’t the one who had killed them. They died by someone else’s hand before he could reach them. Who was the one who got to them, he didn’t know. That was probably why he couldn’t get over it. He wasn’t the one to do it.

Liam shook his head before running a hand over his face and through his hair. With a hard yet quiet voice, Liam stated, “I need to get over it and move on.”

Liam washed his body and hair after that. As he washed the shampoo out of his hair he remembered he had received notifications earlier after the third test. He pulled them up to see what they contained. A smile formed over his face as he read the first notification.


“Congratulations! Veil of Shadows has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 87%!

“Congratulations! Blanket of Darkness had reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Grasp of Shadows has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 15%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Swarm has reached level 7! Progression to level 8: 2%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Step has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 65%!”

“Congratulations! Gravity Force Push has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 13%!”

“Congratulations! Static Grasp has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! 5% chance to cause Paralyze effect has increased to 10%. Mana cost and Cooldown has decreased by 2.”

“Congratulations! Field of Discord has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 17%!”

“Congratulations! Focus Point Discord Manipulation has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 17%!”

“Congratulations! Strife Inducement has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 17%!”


Liam was excited to see his Strife Inducement finally level. He wasn’t entirely sure how it would go when he decided to use it against the goblins. He was doubly unsure if he would be able to get away with it with Lady Arachne and the others so close by as well. Whether they couldn’t hear him, or they just didn’t care, he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t going to bring it up to them either.

All in all, he was happy with his gains after this last fight. He had finished up his shower and started to dry off when one last surprise notification appeared.


“Update! Congratulations! Your efforts to spread your Deity’s Chaotic Nature has earned you eight percent to the Performance Gauge. Performance Gauge is now at 92%!”


Liam blinked as he stared at the notification. This one came out of the blue and took him off guard. All this time he had not gotten a notification telling him about the Performance Gauge before. So why now? And why was it already ninety two percent?!

Was it because he successfully used Strife Inducement on the three goblins and had them attack the Hobgoblin? If that was the case then why didn’t he receive a notification before when he used it on that man when he first came across Chad? Deciding to ask the expert, Liam mentally questioned, Hey Eri…about this notification… Before he could finish asking, he received a message from her.


“You are probably wondering why you got that notification right? Well, it is because you were able to cause discord amongst the goblins. By enticing their strife with their leader, you were able to get them to attack him and with others watching as well as them not being able to understand how you were able to do it, you were able to create enough chaos to receive eight percent towards the Performance Gauge. – Eri.”


If that’s the case then why didn’t I get a notification when I successfully caused some strife between that one Beast-kin and Chad? Did I not get any points then? Also, how is it almost full already? I don’t think I have done enough to earn that much percentage.


“You did receive some percent from that, but it wasn’t enough to have a notification inform you. Usually anything under five percent does show up in a notification. As for why it has reached so high…while you have do some things that helped fill it, there are others who have done enough to fill the gauge. Speaking of which…there is something we need to discuss about the Performance Gauge. – Eri.”


Liam raised a brow at the message. He understood what she meant when she said there were others who were helping fill the gauge. She meant Avery and the others. Liam thought about them. He wondered what they did to accomplish so much percentage to the Performance Gauge.

His thoughts were interrupted as a new message from Eri popped up.


“You need to decide if you want to allow the others to experience the Chaotic Nature that fills everyone when you accept the Performance Gauge Rewards or have it all redirected towards you. – Eri.”


Liam’s brows scrunched at what she was saying. What are you talking about?


“I’m asking if you want the others to experience what you did back on the sixth floor of the Tutorial Dungeon or do you want to shoulder all of that for them? – Eri.”


Liam was taken aback by what she was asking. What he experienced back then was still a bit hazy, but he knew that it wasn’t the best. Regardless of all the other factors that helped intensify it. He knew the others wouldn’t have the exact experience he went through, but he wasn’t sure how bad it would be for them. At the same time, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to shoulder it all. That actually brought up a couple of questions.

Really quick. Liam started. What would be the difference between the two? Also, I think we had this conversation before, but would the effect be at the same level as it was last time?


“No, it will not be at that level…at least not any time soon. – Eri.”


Liam raised a brow at that.


“The level of the effect my nature creates over you will be a lot lower since the level is so low. The reason for this is because the amount of my Chaotic Nature that was spread wasn’t a lot. It doesn’t take a lot to fill during the lower levels. However, as the Performance Gauge levels the amount of Chaotic Nature needed to fill it increases. The more that is needed to increase it equals more that will wash out over you. – Eri.”


I think I’m missing something here. Liam started as he thought about it. You said the more Chaotic Nature that is needed to fill the Performance Gauge equals the more that it will wash over me. Why? Why would the amount of Chaotic Nature that is needed to fill the Performance Gauge need to wash over me?


“The Performance Gauge of a Deity is there to help their followers gain rewards. The nature of that Deity is collected and filled into a gauge and when it fills it is released to create those rewards. However, there is a price one must take in order for those rewards to be given to the follower. That price is someone must take in the nature of that Deity. Normally it is the Champion of that Deity. Albeit, going back to your earlier question and the reason why we are having this discussion now. The difference between everyone having my Chaotic Nature wash over them compared to you shouldering it as a whole is; if everyone receives it then the amount that washes out spread out evenly. – Eri.”


That’s not too bad… Liam started to say.


“I would normally agree with you, but since this would be their first time experiencing it, there could be…adverse effects we won’t know will happen. I know you like these people, so this is why I am asking you this now. – Eri.”


Liam was starting to understand what she meant and why she was asking him this now. If he chose to even it out to all of them and he accepted the rewards after it filled before he could find them all then they could have a similar experience where they lost their minds and did gods know what without anyone there to stop or hide them.

The fact that no one knows she is their Matron Goddess and if they went crazy like he did then the wrong people would catch wind and try to get answers from them. He didn’t want to put them into a situation like that.


“Another thing you must know is the higher the level and the more nature that washes over you the more intense the effect of my Chaotic Nature will be as you level the Performance Gauge. If you shoulder it all you must be prepared to fight against my Chaotic Nature each time and hope you don’t lose your mind. Like I said earlier, the lower levels won’t be horrible, but the later ones…- Eri.”


With that tid bit of information given, he now had the full picture as to why she wanted him to decide. Essentially, it came down to having them all share it and hoping they were around him when he accepted the rewards, or he endured all of it so he wouldn’t have to worry about their safety.

Is it possible to have it one way then switch the option later? Liam asked.


“It is possible to shoulder it all then switch to sharing it with the others, however, it is not possible to switch it back to you shouldering it all after you choose the sharing option. – Eri.”


Liam brought a hand up to his chin as he thought it over. As he thought it over he had another question. Why does the Nature of a Deity wash out of the Performance Gauge and onto the followers? I understand that the nature from the gauge creates the rewards for all the followers…well I don’t really understand how or why, but I digress. Why does it wash over the followers?


“It’s so the followers get a better understanding of their Deity. By having my Chaotic Nature wash over you, you become closer to me. It also makes me closer to you. Its all a faith and philosophical thing that I don’t really feel like getting into right now. We can talk more about this another time. I just need to know your answer before it fills up. While it is possible to wait to accept the rewards at the higher levels since there is so much Nature contained it can last for a while, the lower ones don’t have much time to wait. If you don’t accept the rewards in a certain amount of time then some of that Chaotic Nature will leak out and you will have to refill it again. Not from zero percent, but from a decent percentage. – Eri.”


Way to put on the pressure. Liam commented.


“I don’t make the rules. – Eri.”


That gave Liam pause. It made Liam think about how exactly all these rules came into play. He had assumed that the gods made the rules for things like that. Eri was a powerful Deity. If she didn’t make the rules then who did? He didn’t ask. He knew she would probably shrug it off and tell him that it was too soon for him to know that, or he would have to figure it out himself. Shifting his thought process back to the question at hand he made a decision.

I guess for now I’ll shoulder it all. After I find the others I’ll ask what they think and go from there. Liam replied.


“Alright. So, what are your plans now? – Eri.”


Leave here and see if Uncle Naro came back from whatever he was doing. Liam started. He was going to continue until Eri chimed in.


“Uncle Naro huh? Did the old man finally break you on that? – Eri.”


Liam ignored her and continued on. I figured I’d try and get him to help me shore up some of my blacksmithing techniques to help me with armor crafting. Maybe try to level up the Repair Section so I can finally repair armor better than just spot repairs.


“Good idea. Maybe you can ask him some questions about Enchanting or Rune Crafting as well. – Eri.”


Liam nodded his head as he threw the towel he had over his lower body onto the bed and changed into some clothes. I figured I’d also ask him the best way to wash armor too. I don’t want mine smelling like a ripe gym bag. Liam grimaced at the thought.

Eri’s next message was just her laughing at his comment. After he finished up with the room he activated Veil of Shadows and disappeared into the dark night of the city.



The city was full of people still walking about. While the sun was no longer in sight, the night was still young. The groups of people weren’t too rowdy as they made their way around. Some celebrated their success in a dungeon run or finally completing a project they were working on. Others walked about with their families either heading home from some shopping spree or looking for a restaurant to eat at.

One particular person was walking through the crowd with purpose. She wore a business suit dress with her blond hair wrapped up in a bun. Horns poked out from her hair and arched up a bit. A pair of glasses rested on her nose allowing her green eyes to see clearer. Resting in her right hand, hugged against her chest, was a group of folders.

Lucy had caught wind of some interesting news and was making her way to a specific building before they closed for the day. She received the information not too long ago and was irritated that she hadn’t gotten it sooner. Many who worked in the city didn’t answer their door to no one after a certain time.

She looked at her internal clock as she made her way through the sea of people. She was cutting it close with the time they usually closed. Luckily for her, her legs were able to move fast without tiring quickly thanks to both her Speed and Stamina Endurance Sub-stats.

After turning the corner, the sight of the one story wooden building with a sign of a cauldron with smoke rising from with the words Cat’s Paw-ldron on it came into view. The lights were still on with the open sign sitting against the window.

Lucy let out a sigh of relief as she made her way over to the building. As she opened the door, a young Tabby Cat-folk wearing the uniform for the business stopped walking and gave Lucy a surprised look. It looked like she was on her way to lock the door and flip the sign to say Closed.

“I’m sorry little one,” Lucy stated as she gave her a warm smile. “Were you just about to close?”

Abby straightened her posture and gave Lucy a very business-like smile as she replied, “We were, but there is still enough time for any customer who is in need of Medicinal Creation or Potion supplies. Whether that is in materials or fully created.” Abby scanned the woman over quickly before adding, “You don’t look like the crafting type so I will assume you are in need of fully crafted items. If we don’t have what you are looking for you can leave a request and we will do our best to make sure to make or find whatever you need.”

Lucy was impressed with the little girl and her sale’s pitch. Even though she didn’t need anything from the store in particular, she felt like she needed to buy something now. She gave her an even bigger smile as she informed, “I am not here to buy anything, but rather to speak to someone.”

Abby’s body tensed a bit for the briefest of moments before returning back to how she was before. “May I ask who it is you are looking to speak to? There are only three of us here and I do not believe we know you.” Abby brought a hand to her mouth and gave her a shocked look before adding, “I don’t mean that in a bad way. I just mean that we aren’t a someone as professional and beautiful as you.”

Oh, she is good. Lucy thought. I’m definitely going to need to buy something now. “We have met for a brief moment a couple of days ago, but you’re right in the fact you wouldn’t know who I am. The gentleman who runs this store would though.”

“Abby,” Farry called out from the back. “Is everything alright out there?”

Abby slightly turned her head in a way that she could respond to her uncle without taking her eyes off of Lucy and replied, “Yes, Uncle Farry. There is someone here who claims they know you.”

“Oh?” Farry replied. “Who would claim that, that you don’t know?”

“Are you sure it’s not someone saying that so they can get some last minute shopping done?” Cindy asked as she and Farry appeared from the back room.

Both of them stopped as they saw Lucy standing in front of Abby.

“Miss Lucy,” Farry started as he made his way around the counter. “Good evening and Welcome to the Cat’s Paw-ldron. How can we help you?”

Lucy gave Farry a nod. “I came here with some official business, but after talking with your cute little assistant, I feel like I need to buy something while I’m here.”

A victorious smile grew on Abby’s face for a split second before returning to a neutral one.

Farry gave Abby an impressed look as he looked at her.

“I’m sure we can find something that suits your needs. However, what is this about official business?” Farry asked.

Lucy looked at Cindy who was still behind the counter and stated, “I have some questions I’d like to ask Miss Cindy regarding the incident that happened the other day.”

Abby, Cindy, and Farry tensed at her words.

Lucy mentally noted that down in her mind. To ease their tension she added, “I’m not here to interrogate or demand information. I’m just here to ask some questions. You see the person who was involved in the matter, a Mr. Liam…I was his New Arrival liaison of sorts. From what the reports said that I have was given that day, he…” She then pointed a finger towards Cindy, “And you, were supposedly dead.”

Abby’s, Farry’s, and Cindy’s stiffened bodies slightly jerked.

Lucy raised a brow at that movement. They looked like they were afraid to say anything. Did someone say something to them? Did someone threaten them? To help ease them a bit she raised both hands up. One still griping the folder. “I’m not here to bring any troubles to your business or doors. I am just here to ask your side of the story. I hope that, after seeing you alive, that also means Mr. Liam is as well.”

Cindy looked like she was internally arguing with herself about something. After a couple of minutes, Cindy let out a long breath and said, “Fine. I will tell you everything I know. However, I want your promise that what I tell you doesn’t bring harm to my family or their business.”

Lucy was visibly shocked at this. She was right about someone doing something, but as for what that was she was about to find out.

Lucy closed the door to the Cat’s Paw-ldron after finishing up talking with the family of three. After spending around forty-five minutes hearing Cindy’s side of the story she was now fully convinced that idiot Morshire sent his hired goons after them. Not only that, but also had more threaten this family.

While she knew the Weasel-folk didn’t like Farry, she didn’t expect the moron to jeopardize her boss’ plan. If she and her boss’ suspicion about the man’s species of Cat-folk was right, then they would have the perfect crafter for their project. All the others didn’t have the drive like the race they were hoping Liam was.

After listening to Cindy talk it also became clear that the scouts report from last night was accurate. The scout did see someone that looked almost identical to Liam. Except it wasn’t someone identical but the actual person. It was quite puzzling when her scout stated they had lost him after he turned down an alley. It spoke volumes about the man. That he was hiding stuff they didn’t know about.

    This made her want him more for their project. Maybe, what he was hiding was something even better than what they were hoping for. Although, to be fair, what they were hoping for was already something big.

Lucy shook her head. She couldn’t get ahead of herself. She needed to find out where the man was. No one at the Teleportation Tree had mentioned seeing him going through one of the portals. None of the docks reported seeing him leave on a boat either. That means he was hiding here, somewhere on the island.

Thinking about having to try and find the man turned her thoughts into annoyance back towards the main reason why Liam was probably hiding in the first place. Morshire. She was going to need to find a way to punish the insolent man for making her job twice as hard.

Her annoyance faded a bit as she felt her hand grip something that wasn’t the folders in her hands. It was a circular container of a Medical Creation soothing cream for cuts. The little Tabby Cat-folk, Abby, had convinced her to buy it. Her sweet words convinced her that she would regret not getting it before they sold out.

“Abby, huh,” Lucy muttered as she started walking away. “Once she is older I might have to take her under my wing. She has a special talent for convincing people to buy or get things they didn’t know they needed.”

Lucy let out a chuckle. She then thought about if she could get the little girl to convince Liam to cooperate with them. If she could get Abby to do that then it would make her work so much easier.

Lucy let out a long sigh before saying, “Oh well. Time to figure out where that pesky cat disappeared to.”

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