Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 63


It may seem a rather novel notion at this point, but Erekaya del Pendragon is akin to a lady of the court.

Here, the term “lady of the court” does not imply that she is unaware of worldly matters.

The common belief is that daughters from noble families are groomed to absorb only filtered, biased information when it comes to the world, and they are so busy learning the arts of being a bride that they are unaware of how the world truly operates. However, this is not the case when it comes to Erekaya.

That being said, it does not mean that Erekaya del Pendragon did not receive training in the arts of being a bride. It simply means that the education she received from the House of Pendragon extended beyond just that.

From a young age, Erekaya received instruction in various subjects, including Studies of Sovereignty, from the House of Pendragon.

The Pendragon family has long been known for its scarcity of heirs, and at present, Erekaya is the only one who can be considered the legitimate successor of the family line. Thus, she naturally had to acquire all the knowledge required of her as the future head of the House.

From the trivial traditions of the past to the various current events and situations happening within the empire, Erekaya has absorbed an immense wealth of knowledge about the world, and she has systematically cataloged it in her mind.

However, simultaneously, what she acquired was solely “knowledge.”

This statement is, in fact, quite evident. As a lady of the House of Pendragon and born into a noble status, Erekaya has always been surrounded by an innumerable entourage who would act as her hands and feet, meaning she never had to exert herself to do anything.

In other words, what this implies is that—

Erekaya del Pendragon has never had the experience of shopping with another man.


Erekaya has no experience with shopping to speak of. Having lived in a continually abundant environment, if she ever lacked anything, a mere “directive” to someone would immediately rectify that shortcoming.

Erekaya has never spent time with another man. It was already difficult to find someone of her “caliber,” and moreover, she has never been particularly curious about men.

However, this does not mean that she is completely naive or ignorant.

It is true that she is akin to a lady of the court, but she did not grow up like a princess in a fairy tale who is never allowed to leave her home, nurtured like a flower in some garden.

Rather… it’s just that all of this is too unfamiliar to her.

Acting together with someone else is a first for her. Shopping with another person is an unprecedented experience.

To walk shoulder to shoulder with another man in the streets… this is the very first time.

That is why she feels fluttered. Her heart races.

The fact that you are my first and that you, being you, are giving me my first experience.

Could all of this simply be emotions stemming from the fact that you are my family? Or perhaps it arises from feelings of guilt and remorse concerning you?

If it’s not that, then what is it—


Erekaya stands in front of the mirror in the room, reflecting on her appearance. There, she sees a beautiful young girl whom even she would describe as lovely.

Currently, Erekaya’s school uniform, which any student of Nineveh would wear, somehow emanates a beauty that makes it seem as if it were designed exclusively for her.

…Yet, inexplicably, she feels it is lacking. At the very least, Erekaya feels that there is something missing in her appearance.

Of course, in this state, she could make any ordinary man unable to take his eyes off her, as she is undeniably beautiful.

However, the person who will spend time with her shortly while wandering the shopping district is Jin, isn’t it?

For him, Erekaya’s uniformed appearance would be a sight he has grown accustomed to seeing.

Thus, at the very least, in front of Jin, Erekaya currently yearns to showcase a somewhat different side of herself that she has been unable to display in her usual demeanor.
“…Should I change into different clothes?”

Erekaya is well aware that she is beautiful. Yet, precisely because of this, she holds little interest in embellishing her appearance.

No matter how much a crow tries to adorn itself, it cannot transform into a swan; likewise, no matter how much a swan dirties itself, it cannot become a crow. She believes that possessing innate beauty is sufficient.

However… is that really enough?

The concept of beauty is absolute, yet it is also inherently relative.

Even if Erekaya perceives herself as more beautiful than Altina von Rudel Seryas or Claire Delphin Mascarena… it could very well be that in Jin’s eyes, she appears differently.

Erekaya, possessing synesthesia, knows all too well how ultimately meaningless and hollow appearances or self-decorations can be.

However, regardless of that, she harbors no desire to be overshadowed by foolish women who simply rely on their looks.

Glancing at the clock, she notices that only 15 minutes remain until her arranged meeting time with Jin at the front gate of Nineveh.

This is her first appointment, first outing, first shopping experience with him. Thus, to be even slightly late would be utterly unacceptable.


Though her deliberation has lasted quite a while, decisions are made in an instant.

Having made up her mind, Erekaya gently tossed her uniform jacket onto the bed.

In Nineveh, it is customary for nearly all classes to end before 3 PM, with very few exceptions.

Although Nineveh serves as an educational institution for students, it is not a place that pressures or oppresses them like a military would.

Every type of class is centered around the students, meaning the curriculum is tailored to their individuality and talents. Consequently, students have ample free time outside of classes, as they do not have to attend lessons that they deem unbeneficial.

How to spend that “free time” is entirely a matter of the student’s personal choice.

Whether Erekaya engages in Student Council activities, or Altina spends her time wielding a sword in the training yard, or even if someone simply dozes off during the day, Nineveh does not interfere with such “choices.”

After all, it is precisely through the report cards at the end of the term that it becomes clear how students have spent the past year.

Therefore, it poses no issue for Erekaya and Jin to venture outside Nineveh during this free time.

Truth be told, their reason for going outside is not for leisure but to purchase supplies necessary for Student Council activities…

“Well, why is he taking so long? I’m bored to death, really.”

Unable to endure the tedium any longer, Jin gapes and glances at the clock installed at the front gate, noticing that there are still about 10 minutes left until the agreed meeting time with Erekaya.

If he had known it would turn out this way, he should have timed his arrival to coincide precisely with the appointment!

In fact, his arrival 20 minutes early was all because Erekaya had been drilling him about “men’s manners” and such in his mind!

Jin knows well that, traditionally, women prepare to go out two hours before an appointment and refuse to show their bare faces to anyone, even if the world were to end.

Altina, being a Warlord, showed similar traits, focusing more on her own training and skill enhancement rather than embellishing herself. Thus, it would be safe to say that Erekaya is likely no different.

Though she is the Lady of the House and the future Duchess of Pendragon, Erekaya del Pendragon is merely a girl in her late teens.

After about 10 minutes passed…

“…Sorry for being late. Did you wait long?”
“No, I just arrived myself. Not much.”

Jin, having answered reflexively as a result of Erekaya’s typical indoctrination, glanced over to her.


There she stood—Erekaya, appearing to be just as she had when they parted at the Student Council not long ago.

He had anticipated she would change into casual wear after saying she needed to prepare something in her room, yet her attire remained her usual school uniform.

— No, wait.


— First, she has changed the shirt she wears underneath her uniform. Additionally, her hairstyle has been slightly altered, styled up just a bit, and though minor, her nails have been tidied as well. And most crucially…

‘Crucially, what?’

— She has put on perfume. Not overwhelming, but a subtle fragrance that blends with her natural scent. Judging by the scent, it seems to be a middle note jasmine.

‘…How did you figure all that out in such a short time?’

Well, it’s understandable that Erekaya would want to look presentable for their outing, but was it acceptable to mention all of this directly to her?

Jin is aware that women tend to enjoy it when men notice their efforts in dressing up.

For instance, he knows that if his girlfriend were to ask, “Hey, do you notice anything different about me today?” and he failed to respond correctly, she would sulk about it until death itself.

However, that’s a situation involving someone he holds affection for.

If an unrelated guy were to bring up her fashion choices—pointing out that her outfit was different or her hairstyle had changed—such comments would undoubtedly ruin any goodwill he had painstakingly built up.

In fact, since Erekaya was merely dressing up to go out, if Jin were to point that out, she might understandably feel offended.

‘Moreover, directly mentioning her scent is just…’

While the fragrance emanating from Erekaya is sweet and pleasant, no matter how much he thinks it over, commenting on it when they aren’t even dating seems a bit, well, creepy.

If he were to casually hint at “I see you’ve changed your scent today, did you switch up your perfume?” only for her to respond with a genuinely disgusted expression, it would spell—

‘The worst scenario.’

There would be no doubt that he would socially perish that day.

– I think that’s a bit much. Besides, you’re not even in a romantic relationship yet. The line of conversation is far too early for you two. Don’t carelessly sabotage the rapport you’ve built; just focus on being the reliable companion.

‘Yes, yes. Understood.’

Sure, following Erekaya’s advice, he wouldn’t unnecessarily chatter about things. After all, if Erekaya hadn’t pointed it out, he might never have noticed any changes she’d made.

For today, it would be best to stroll around the streets with Erekaya, appearing steadfast and building a bit of rapport and fondness…

“Hey, Jin.”

“Hmm? What’s up?”

As Jin tilted his head at Erekaya’s sudden remark, she seemed to awkwardly divert her gaze from him and hesitated before posing her question.

“I… have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Is there… anything different about me today?”


He didn’t know why it arrived, but the moment had come for every man—a question akin to a ticking time bomb, a perilous dilemma.

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