Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 50


After school, in the training grounds exclusive to Class A.

As always, Jin and Altina were engrossed in their training, clashing swords with each other, teaching Altina in the process.

Well, truth be told, Jin’s role as a teacher was merely a misconception on her part; in reality, he was just an observer watching her grow by leaps and bounds.


As they exchanged blows for quite some time, a cheerful sound echoed throughout the training grounds, signaling that a practice sword had been flung aside.

Surprisingly, the one who lost grip on the sword was Altina, and the one who pointed his practice sword at her neck was none other than Jin.

…Of course, this was a half-hearted duel, as they had agreed not to use their auras—though it’s needless to say, Altina was unaware that Jin could not use aura. Still, a victory was a victory.

Up until now, she had been so lacking in stamina that she had the energy to clash swords with him for only a few dozen exchanges at most.

Altina gazed at the practice sword pressed against her neck, then smiled brightly and spoke.

“Once again, I’ve lost today. I’ve felt this way for a long time, but pure swordsmanship alone simply cannot match you.”

Despite having been defeated, Altina showed not the slightest hint of displeasure, instead praising her opponent.

And in that moment, Jin felt acutely how admirable her character was.

If he were in Altina’s position, he would have pouted, sulking over losing to such a noob, yet she could compliment her opponent without any ulterior motives. What kind of person is she?

“If we were to use aura, the story might be different, so I don’t find it all that remarkable.”

If Altina had enveloped herself in aura and clashed swords with him, Jin likely wouldn’t have been able to withstand even a single hit and would have been flung into a corner of the training ground.

“After all, we agreed not to use aura. And what I’m talking about is purely swordsmanship itself. This is just my personal opinion, but if we’re only looking at swordsmanship, you might be at an even higher level than my father.”

Altina’s father, Theodore von Rudel Seryas, was a master swordsman and known as one of the legendary swordsmen of the Empire.

In other words, Altina was effectively saying that, in terms of swordsmanship, she held Jin in higher regard than her own father, who is among the top ten swordsmen in the Empire.

—Oh, have you heard? She respects you more than her own father. Doesn’t it stir something in you to hear such words from an ex-girlfriend?

‘Stir something? Why on earth should I feel excited about something that’s obvious?’

Despite appearances, Jin was a person who had lived in this world for more than a hundred years, quite the old-timer.

Well, he could excuse himself for having lived normally like everyone else during his first life, but he had spent over ninety years honing his sword skills.

Not only that, Jin hadn’t simply secluded himself in a beautiful valley for those ninety years; he had been under the tutelage of numerous masters from various sword schools.

Starting with his ex-girlfriend Altina, there were also great figures like Count Seryas (her father), Lisitia von Edelstein, the chairwoman of Nineveh, and down to the now-legendary Seven Heroes.

Even if others offered a fortune, these individuals were unlikely to teach just anyone, yet he had consistently received their mentorship. At this point, it would be strange if he couldn’t defeat a mere teenager in swordsmanship.

…Though, it might ironically be called a legend that after more than a hundred years, he still hadn’t awakened his aura.

“Honestly, I’m really happy.”

“Happy about what?”

“About losing to you. The fact that no matter how much effort I put in, I cannot reach you.”

Saying this, Altina looked at Jin with a bright smile, truly seeming pleased.

“I discovered this after my duel with Kaya. Understanding how important it is to have a goal to strive for, and acknowledging that following in someone’s footsteps is not necessarily a misfortune.”

The strong are often lonely. It’s because they find it difficult to encounter people who are their equals or who surpass them.

Thus, the strong always feel isolated and desolate. They might become stranded somewhere unknown, having lost sight of the direction they must head in, their driving force, and the reason they need to become stronger.

Much like Erekaya, who, due to her overwhelming strength, cannot place herself on the same level as other students and ends up shouldering everything alone.

But Altina was different. While she too was strong, there were currently individuals around her that she simply could not surpass.

In some ways, she might still be considered in a weaker position, yet conversely, she also possessed the potential to become much stronger than she is now.
Because before her stood a goal she must surpass, Altina would continuously train herself without losing her initial enthusiasm, determined to one day greatly exceed them.

“You are my teacher, my idol, and the target I must surpass. That’s why I am truly happy. The stronger you are, the stronger I will become when I eventually surpass you after receiving your teachings.”

As she spoke, there was not a hint of doubt on Altina’s face, causing Jin to gaze at her absently.

To be honest, it was simply fascinating. Even now, he couldn’t fathom the reason for it, but how had the past him managed to maintain a romantic relationship with such a wonderful woman for a time?

She was bright, honest, and possessed a flawless character, along with a prestigious background and a beauty that could rival Erekaya.

Yet, why did someone like her care for him, nurture him, and even come to like him?

If she set her mind to it, she could have any man in the world, making herself loved by anyone—so why had she given so much love to him?


Feeling miserable just thinking about it, Jin decided to drop the subject.

If Erekaya found out he was indulging in such pointless thoughts, it was evident that she would tease him without restraint for days on end.

“By the way, don’t you know anything about the Student Council?”

“The Student Council? Why bring that up all of a sudden?”

Even though Jin had abruptly shifted the topic, Altina didn’t question it but instead responded earnestly to his inquiry.

“Well… it’s just that I’ve been hearing various talks about the Student Council recently. And since Erekaya from our class is the president. As you know, I didn’t attend Nineveh from a young age like you all did. So I have no one to ask about it, and I’m just curious.”

“Oh, I see.”

Despite Jin’s rather pathetic excuse, Altina tilted her head slightly but willingly answered.

“Honestly, I don’t know much about the Student Council. I’m aware it exists, but that’s about it. Of course, I know they handle a lot of activities on behalf of the student body.”

Generally, the Student Council is an organization representing all students in a school and holds the only legitimate authority to intervene in the school’s operations.

However, even though the Student Council is somewhat allowed to interfere in school operations, there are limitations.

If students could dictate school management freely, what would be the need for the chairperson of Nineveh or its staff? They could just go ahead and do whatever they wanted.

Yet, even if there are limitations, the Student Council of Nineveh holds significant power.

Nineveh is a public educational institution operated by the Empire and boasts a scale larger than that of most small to medium cities.

Despite its limitations, the power they wield, albeit in a small capacity, hints at the magnitude of their authority.

“For example, they allocate budgets to various clubs, organize student-led events like festivals, and handle various matters that wouldn’t typically reach the staff. Honestly, I’m not too well-informed. I just… learned a bit here and there since Kaya is the president.”

From Altina’s response, it seemed Jin had anticipated her answer and nodded his head.

Well, that was predictable enough. Honestly, how many students among the general populace would be interested in the Student Council?

Unless they were ambitious enough to aim for the lofty position of Student Council president.

“By the way, Jin. Be honest with me. Are you hiding something?”

“…Hiding something?”

Altina’s sudden assault on his thoughts caused Jin to flinch, and noticing his reaction, she pressed further.

“No matter how I think about it, you don’t seem like the type to take an interest in such things. You haven’t even memorized all our classmates’ names yet, merely because you find it bothersome. I can’t help but think you wouldn’t have an interest in the Student Council without any particular reason.”


It hadn’t even been a month since he met Altina, yet she already understood him too well.

The Student Council? Why? Just pure curiosity? You? With no one to ask? Yet you’ve been roughing up other kids without hesitation?

Ah, you must be hiding something. Am I right? I’m not wrong, am I?

It seemed she had gone through this deductive reasoning process, and indeed, her inference was correct.

Because Jin was not the type to be nosy or passionately interested in matters unrelated to him.
“Hmm… I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it might be better not to get too involved. At least I’m against it.”


In response to Altina’s words, Jin displayed a momentary look of intrigue.

Could it be that Altina, at this point, had been building feelings for him while spending time together? Perhaps she was feeling ‘jealous’ at the thought of him joining the Student Council and stealing time away from her?

Ah… this is the plight of a popular guy; it seems rather troublesome.

Is this what the life of alpha males is like, as I’ve only heard about…?

Indeed, even being a popular guy comes with its own difficulties… Even if I want to pursue my own interests, there always seems to be some sort of ‘opposition’ coming my way…

However, unfortunately, Altina wasn’t referring to such matters.

“Well, we have midterms coming up soon, don’t we? You obviously look like you haven’t studied at all, and if you fail the exam, I won’t be responsible for it.”


Midterms. Exams.

Right, that’s true. A school isn’t merely a place for kids to joyfully run around and savor their youth; it’s actually an institution set up for studying.

And now, Jin found himself in a situation where he had to study alongside those children.

…But, do I really have to study? At this age, am I expected to study again? I’ve already spent twelve years studying back in Korea, and now I have to grapple with textbooks again?

Jin had studied diligently in Korea and even managed to get into a university that many had heard of. So, he was confident that if he applied himself, he wouldn’t score badly.

Why? Because aside from that, he had no other talents. Or rather, to put it more accurately, if he couldn’t study, he wouldn’t have a means to earn a living in the future!

He was often told that with a handsome face, he could try being a celebrity, and if he had good athletic abilities, he could aim for the Olympics, but the sole advice he ever received in his youth was to “study hard!”

Yet, he didn’t want to do it. No, he truly loathed it. Being dragged into another world just because he mistakenly started playing a game was already infuriating enough, let alone having to study here!

—“I’m sorry, but you must achieve a good grade in midterms. An exceptionally high grade at that.”


—“The Student Council has a rule that prevents anyone scoring below a certain threshold from being appointed as an officer.”

Erekaya continued, speaking in a tone that suggested she was unable to contain her delight at Jin’s suffering.

—“In fact, this is quite obvious with a little thought. Schools exist for students to study, not to handle petty tasks. The fundamental duty of a student is study; therefore, any deviation from that is absolutely unacceptable.”

—“Besides, those in the Student Council must set an example for other students. Even if such a rule didn’t exist, it is only natural for them to maintain better grades than regular students, don’t you think?”


How unfair. No, it’s just plain awful. Did I sell an entire country in my past life? Why have I ended up in a situation where I have to study all the way here? Why me?

As Jin stood there, at a loss for words, Altina tilted her head slightly as she observed him, and then her face turned a bit red.

“Um… actually, I have something to discuss with you regarding that as well…”

“…Discuss? What is it?”

“Tonight… could you come to my room?”

“Your room? Why?”

The instant he heard those words, Jin’s heart began to race. Though he knew perfectly well that Altina’s intent was far from what he was imagining, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to strange thoughts.

“No, it’s not that significant…”

Altina lowered her gaze shyly, speaking in a very quiet voice.

“I was just wondering if you’d like to study with me until the midterms.”

“I’ll help you. With studying.”

Ah… Well, I guess that makes sense.

I must have been too much of a fool. How could I entertain such thoughts while looking at a teenage girl?

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