Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 5


“Are you saying to break all the tragedies that will occur and change the coming future… is that it?”

– Yes. Of course, it won’t be an easy task. The past me, the Red Dragon of the Apocalypse, as well as the Ends you will inevitably face in the future are formidable opponents.

However, it’s not entirely impossible. No, it is something that must be accomplished.

The reason she still clung to her lingering attachment to life despite being in such a miserable state was solely for that purpose.

Yet, Jin’s reaction to hearing such words from Erekaya was merely one of skepticism.

“Aren’t you overlooking one significant fact?”

– What do you mean?

“If you accessed my deep consciousness and read my information, don’t you know everything? That for me, regression is not the first time, but rather the ninth.”

As he said this, Jin let out a sigh, feeling embarrassed that he even had to say such a thing himself.

“It’s one thing to have met my end completely unaware during my first life, but despite dying nine times after, I’ve only been able to resolve the Ends twice.”

In fact, it felt a bit awkward to even use the word ‘resolve’ because it merely meant he forcefully suppressed the Ends before they could completely manifest.

If there had been a slight miscalculation in timing or even a small variable, Jin would have been left standing in the central plaza, listening to the concerned question of a kind-hearted middle-aged man.

“And when I faced you, the third End, I did nothing but die like a bug. To be honest, it’s a fight with no chance of victory. In such a situation, just one person helping me isn’t going to change anything.”

No matter how much he thought about it, considering how untrustworthy she seemed only amplified his doubts.

Jin thought this internally but refrained from voicing it. The question of her trustworthiness was something he would have to observe over time.

– Hm, so that’s what you meant.

However, Erekaya’s reaction was somewhat unusual. Instead of being disheartened, she seemed to expect his retort, smirking as she spoke.

– Don’t worry. I can assure you. If I am by your side, we can change many things in the future.

“Oh? You’re being quite assertive for someone who can do nothing but chatter in my head.”

Despite Jin’s jibe, Erekaya merely chuckled softly.

– Wouldn’t you find it more reassuring than a man who has gone through nine regressions yet hasn’t resolved anything?


For a moment, taking a precise stab at his vulnerabilities, Erekaya’s words left Jin speechless.

– Do you know what my initial impression was after looking into your memories? It’s how foolish and utterly dimwitted you are. You’ve lived for over a hundred years, and yet it belittles the fact that you have died nine times.

“…Why are you suddenly picking a fight?”

– I’m not picking a fight; I’m merely stating my feelings. You succeeded in fighting off the first and second Ends somehow, but you know well that it was a half-hearted victory. Until when do you plan to flounder about, preoccupied only with shutting down the Ends that come your way? If you continue to approach it that way, even if you die a hundred more times, there will be no conclusion.


Jin couldn’t muster a rebuttal to Erekaya’s sharp remarks, for what she said echoed the problem he deeply felt himself.

– Moreover, your mental strength has now reached its limit. You have mobilized every means and method at your disposal, yet you still tasted failure. After experiencing failure nine times, isn’t it worth considering trusting someone else at least once?

“…No matter how much you might say it, I doubt there’s a viable solution in this situation.”

Feeling as though she was implying he was a complete fool, Jin snapped back with a curt tone, to which Erekaya clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
– Truly, you are an exceedingly foolish man. Have you already forgotten the hints you gained from the very beginning of this regression until now?


At Erekaya’s words, Jin momentarily showed a puzzled expression but soon grasped what she was talking about.

“Are you referring to the words that suddenly appeared in my status window?”

– What else could it possibly be?

Jin looked again at the translucent holographic window floating in front of him.

-■End ■Status■-

■Are■ ■an■ ■result■, Erekaya ■ Pendragon was ■■■■■■. ■■to ■her■ happiness■■■■ the ■■■ to■ avoid■■. ■ ■to reach this ■ End ■in ■reference■.

“Well… it’s surprising that I’ve at least been able to glean a bit about what this damn status window is muttering, but isn’t it unnecessary to make a fuss over being able to read just a few words?”

– That is not the case. In my view, this is a crucial hint. It provides a rough guideline for how you should act in this round.


– Look, although there are countless invisible letters, the ones we can see intact allow us to infer which words might come before and after.

First and foremost, Erekaya ■ Pendragon is undoubtedly referring to the name ‘Erekaya Del Pendragon.’

This is because among the few words that can be read completely, the word ‘End’ appears.

If the content of the status window points to matters related to the End, it is not strange at all that her name will appear later when she awakens as an End. No, it can even be seen as rational.

– The remaining letters are so fragmented that we cannot even guess what they say. However, there is still one word we can discern.


As Jin muttered absentmindedly, Erekaya nodded in agreement with his words.

– Indeed. Although this is merely my speculation, I believe the word that precedes ‘happiness’ is ‘her.’ Even if it were not ‘her,’ contextually, that word likely refers to Erekaya Del Pendragon, meaning me.

Since there were no logical flaws in her reasoning, Jin merely nodded vacantly while listening to her explanation.

– One more thing. You refer to that translucent screen visible only to your eyes as a ‘status window.’ I do not know why you use such a peculiar term, but I personally speculate that it results from your instinctively seeing the essence of things.

…No, it’s probably because you’ve read too many novels or played too many games, so you unconsciously named it that.

– Among magic, there are spells that produce effects similar to that status window. They quantify the current status of objects and visualize it to present it before our eyes. I believe that the status window bears a striking resemblance to the essence of that magic.

– What is a status window? It is, quite literally, something that expresses the state of an object. Who is the subject that this status window indicates the current state of? Naturally, it would represent you, the owner of the status window.

– Furthermore, I believe it also serves the dual role of guiding you toward the goals you must achieve. Because you are a regressor, an anomalous existence that repetitively cycles through the same timeframe. For someone like you, the ‘current state’ holds little significance, making it inevitable that what the status window indicates will be the ‘future goals.’ Isn’t that so?


To be honest, he couldn’t quite grasp what she was saying. However, he did agree on one point: the status window represented the goals he needed to achieve.

“Because if this world truly is a game-like realm, it’s a bit strange that there’s no quest indicator in the status window.”

Though he couldn’t assert anything for certain due to being pulled into this place before getting to actually play the game, as far as Jin knew, the game [Ragnarok] featured a sort of ‘main quest’ system where the story progressed by clearing main quests.

And the Ends could also be presumed to be part of the story, so Erekaya’s guess that relevant information about the main quest would be inscribed in the status window wasn’t entirely absurd.
– Considering the status window that presumably presents the goals you need to pursue, Erekaya Del Pendragon, who is set to become part of the End, and the word ‘happiness,’ if we combine all these clues, there is only one action you must attempt in this life.

– Regressor Jin. Make the past version of me, the current Erekaya Del Pendragon, happy. And in doing so, prevent any potential for her to awaken as a part of the End. That alone is the only method to avert the tragedy that is fast approaching.

“Are you suggesting I should make the current you happy?”

– Indeed. Of course, the letters in the status window are fragmented, so there is a possibility that my interpretation could be wrong, but as a regressor, it wouldn’t be a complete loss to choose a different option than before. Besides, if this does turn out to be incorrect, you can simply attempt a different approach in the next round, can’t you?

“That’s true. As long as I don’t run out of my short patience beforehand.”

Though he grumbled in that manner, Jin secretly agreed with Erekaya’s perspective.

Having faced a string of failures, his mental state was on the verge of depletion.

There were no hints to defeat the End, yet the adversaries he had to face were overwhelmingly powerful.

To put it metaphorically, he felt like drifting in the midst of an endless ocean with just a small sailboat, without any sight of the end. No matter how hard he tried to stay hopeful, Jin’s heart was slowly collapsing under the weight of despair.

In fact, he was subconsciously thinking that this round might be the last chance he had to maintain his sanity.

During the nine previous regressions, various variables that had never existed before emerged, and although it was vague, a goal had been presented for him to pursue, culminating in newfound hope that perhaps he could resolve the End.

If things went well, perhaps this time, something could truly change.

So much so that Jin found himself harboring feelings of expectation he hadn’t felt in a long time.

“But how exactly do you plan to make your past self happy? From what I know, the Pendragon Duke House is one of the most powerful families in this country, second only to the Emperor, isn’t it? And you are the sole heir of that house.”

– That’s correct. There are many Duke Houses within the Empire, but compared to the Pendragon Duke House, they are nothing but nobodies. Throughout the Empire, if not the entire continent, there wouldn’t be a family of higher stature than the Pendragons.

“And I’ve heard that you’re also rumored to be a prodigy with exceptional innate talents.”

– That is indeed true. It’s not a boast, but I was one of the top five talents in the history of the Pendragon Duke House. Oh, and I should also mention that I was considered one of the most beautiful brides in the Empire.

Seeing her readily agree with such self-aggrandizement made Jin feel inexplicably nauseated.

Damn it, a noble’s daughter with such a background has a personality like that.

“So, how do you intend to make the world’s most affluent woman, who possesses ample power and is also exceptionally beautiful, happy? Should I put you on the throne or something?”

Jin asked incredulously, and Erekaya responded.

– No, there’s no need for such an extravagant method. I am Erekaya Del Pendragon, after all. Who else would know what I wished for in the past and how I would feel happiness better than myself?

Erekaya, who had been speaking loudly, then whispered to Jin in a small voice.

– Making my past self happy is quite simple. I can assure you it’s much easier compared to fighting against the End.

“So, what exactly is that method?”

Feeling intrigued, Jin pressed for more, and Erekaya answered in a devious tone.

– You need to seduce me. And make me fall in love with you.


In that moment, Jin doubted whether he had misheard.

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