Second Life Paradise

The Eye of a God.

While preparing food in the kitchen, Clive saw a dragon in a maid outfit. She was smiling brightly, radiating an aura of sunshine around her. It was Luna, not long after the bath. Clive looked at the woman with a look of disgust.

Did that woman take advantage of the young master?

Clive glanced over at Luna and called out, "Luna, did you take advantage of the young master?"

She continued smiling ear to ear. "Of course not, you fool."

Clive's irritation grew at her dismissive tone, but he paid it no mind. "If you did, I'll have to bring it up to the master."

"I said I didn't, you old man."

Clive's eyebrow twitched at her cheekiness. Who was Luna kidding? She was definitely no youth.

"Luna, you ar—"

"I'm 20 years old," she interrupted instantly, not wanting her young master to think of her as a decrepit old woman. It didn’t matter; he already knew her age and didn’t care either way.


"Young master just loves me that much, probably a lot more than an old man like yourself."

I'll have to ask the young master if that's true.

Clive doubted her words. Like Luna, he had also raised the young master and had grown fond of him. While Clive sorted his thoughts, they were interrupted by a deafening scream.


Both Luna and Clive exchanged worried glances; they recognized that scream. They knew Lady Veylnn tortured Asher often, so much so that pain had become a non-issue for him. Without a second thought, they dashed to their young master's location.


Asher was screaming, his blood boiling. It felt as if his skin was being slashed repeatedly with a cruel edge. The space around him warped and distorted as his scream grew louder. His left eye was bleeding and throbbing as if it would explode. The intensity of his cry shook the entire building. If their home had not been protected by runes, it surely would have disappeared without a trace.

Not even three seconds later, the space around him cracked, as if the world itself was an illusion. From the crack emerged a beautiful woman, her charm unmatched by any mortal, wearing an indifferent expression. However, if one looked closely, they could see the worry in her eyes.

What's happening to him?

Taking a closer look, she saw his eye bleeding and couldn't hide her surprise. She examined his pitch-black left eye and noticed a spinning golden clock within it.

That woman is crazy.

Why would she give a child such power? It was too much for his body to handle. Then she saw something even more shocking: the god seal she had placed fifteen years ago was beginning to break. She knew this was impossible; no matter how much talent he had, Asher was still only at the Master Realm.

It's too early for it to be breaking!

Wasting no time, she attempted to tighten the seal, but it rejected her. The god rune could no longer contain that sinister power, and soon enough, it would be unleashed, devouring everything in its path. Veylnn had to set that aside for now; she had never seen Asher scream like this before.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the air, flowing directly into Asher's body.


[Pain Reduction Max]

Veylnn had used her runes to calm Asher down, and it seemed to have worked—for now. Just moments later, two figures appeared in the room: Clive and Luna, both wearing worried expressions. Before they could even speak, Veylnn motioned for them to leave.

In a dimension far from Asher's location, a woman with beauty rivaling, perhaps even surpassing, Veylnn's sat upon a throne. She had pitch-black hair, pitch-black eyes, and two white horns on either side of her head. Four wings adorned her back—two black and two white. She was seated on a pitch-black throne embedded with golden jewels.

Screams echoed throughout the dimension, voices of despair calling for help all around. The woman’s face distorted into a wide smile as she felt her son's aura for the first time in fifteen years.


Her laughter rang out, crazed and echoing throughout the dimension, distorting space itself.

My son, have you finally awakened?

Soon, she thought, her son would free her from this place. Even if it took a few hundred more years, it didn’t matter. To her, a few thousand years were just months.


Lying on a bed was a teen with pitch-black hair and eyes stirring awake from his slumber. It was Asher, waking up without remembering when he had fallen asleep.


[Host was forcibly put to sleep.]
[Eye of the Time God was integrated successfully.]

Asher stood up and approached a mirror against the wall. The reflection revealed a teen of otherworldly, striking beauty. His pale, flawless skin glowed faintly, contrasting with his tousled pitch-black hair that fell just above his ears. His eyes were pure black, seemingly endless voids shimmering with a cosmic energy that drew people in with their mysterious allure. His sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and subtle, enigmatic smile gave him a commanding presence, making him feel both ancient and ageless.

When he looked at his left eye, he saw it glow faintly with a time symbol before settling back down to its normal color.


I need to test this ability immediately. I should call my master for a sparring session.

Not long after, while Asher was examining himself, a charming woman walked into his room. It was Veylnn. She glanced at Asher and, seeing that he seemed fine, sighed inwardly. Though Veylnn rarely displayed much reaction, deep down, she truly cared about Asher.

Looking over his shoulder, Asher saw his master staring at him with her usual indifferent gaze. He smiled and called out, "Master!"

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