Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 99: The King and Marvin!

The students paled as they were stopped by the members of the King's circle.

As if they were mannequins, the students stopped in their tracks. They didn't dare defy the words of the King's men and every single student refused to take even a single step outside of the school.


The teachers also turned silent. Mostly, all of them acted ignorantly. They just ignored whatever was going on, continuing to do whatever they were doing, some hurriedly striding out of the school.

What a joke!

They weren't stupid to annoy or question the King.

The consequences of offending the King were horrifying!

The last teacher who dared to interfere in King's matter didn't breathe more than 27 years, as two days later, the teacher was found dead in the school's dustbin. Since then, the horrific memory of the mangled body of Teacher Zhang had been engraved on their soul.

Furthermore, Teacher Zhang was a peace loving man with little to no enmity with anyone. Except for the fact that he recently had beef with King. Thus, all the evidence pointed towards the King.

It was easily understandable that the King is the killer. However, the city guards didn't apprehend the King. Because the King was a mysterious man, and he had connections with the higher-ups of the society.

They wouldn't be provided Justice even if they die!

So why act like a hero?

Moreover, they had a family to take care of. Most of the teachers here were the sole breadwinner of their house. If they died how would their children survive?

The King and his gang members didn't bother to stop the teachers. Also, the drivers of the rich students silently stayed inside their car which was parked in the parking area outside the school gates.

None of them left their cars. As their masters have specifically informed them to stay clear of the King.

Marvin wasn't surprised by the ongoing event. He and the student council members already had an idea of what was going to happen. This was the chain reaction to his actions that disgraced the King's honor!

"Marvin! You asked for the King, so here he is, how about you come out from where ever you are hiding!" The King's man announced.

"Marvin! Isn't he the weakest person in school?"

"Please, show some respect, he is the trashiest ability user in the world!"

"Why is the King here for him?"

"Didn't you hear? Marvin Noah beat three leaders of the bullying gangs and promised to end the King's reign. He also promised to end all the bullying in the school."


"He dared to offend the king? He is asking to be killed!"

"That's not what you should be focusing on. How did the weakest become so strong that he defeated three leaders single-handedly!"

The students were shocked out of their wits. They whispered amongst themselves, and they felt shocked at the revelation of Marvin announcing the end of the bullying rings terrorizing reign!

"Bro, the most popular and powerful student in the school is here for you. From the looks of the murder in their eyes, it seems like they are here for your life. What did you do to offend him?" Fatty Liam nervously asked. He didn't hear the details of what happened in the morning, and he was unaware till now. Till now because he heard the whispering of the students in their surroundings.

As Liam said, the King was extremely popular. His infamy spread far and wide through not just the school but also the stronghold 69.

"Can't you hear the whispers? They are all true. Today, I am gonna humble him." Marvin flashed him a smile. Then, noticing Fatty trembling body, he said, "If you want to you can step away from me, I won't stop you."

Fatty Liam was a pushover but he had enough of chickening out of every dreadful situation.

"You saved my ass. Even invited me to become a part of a glorious future, and showed me the way to pass the stone wall test. This time I won't step back. Whatever it is, we will face together!" He said dramatically with clenched fists. "If I go all out then taking on some of the most powerful among them won't be a problem."

Hearing Fatty's words, a small smile appeared on Marvin's face.

He was finally not alone in this fight, maybe more will stand up to bullies in the future.

"We won't be doing something so dramatic. Besides, don't fall back and keep up with me."

Saying these words, Marvin started to make his way to the front of the students. Fatty Liam walked beside him.

"Make way for my bro, make way! Marvin Noah is coming to beat the shit out of King and his brats!"

The students heard the disdain filled shout and they moved to the side opening a winding path which Marvin and Liam took to walk towards the King.

Hearing Liam's taunt, the bullies' hearts were raging but they didn't do anything. Respectfully standing behind the King.

A moment later, Marvin and King stood face to face. The King had around a hundred members behind him, and Marvin only had himself and Fatty Liam, who was considering to make a run for it or go absolutely berserk.

Sparks fluttered about as Marvin and the King looked into each other eyes, each not budging a single inch. Marvin's silver gaze was piercing to the eyes but the King didn't blink even once. Rather he was surprised.

Ever since his birth, not even his mother had managed to keep on staring at him in the eyes for more than 3 seconds. Because of his King Ability no one could stare right into his eyes. Yet, this brat who has luckily undergone a second awakening was able to look at him in the eyes.


"How dare you look into the King's eyes!"

"Bastard, lower your gaze!"

"Let me send you to meet your maker!"

The King's aids were angered by Marvin's disrespectful stare. One even pulled out curved knives to kill him in public.

"Silence! The King will make a decision. No one is to interfere. Joker pull your weapons back!" The Queen said.

The person attempting to attack Marvin hasn't even stepped up before the Queen shoots him down with a sharp glare.

The King didn't even bother himself with the action of his subordinates and continued to stare right into Marvin's eyes.

"Impressive! You are the first one to not lower his gaze after looking me in the eyes." The King spoke in an imperial manner, and he then stated his true purpose, "Marvin Noah, consider yourself lucky. I will forgive you for your earlier offense. Because I have seen many who suddenly became powerful and came to believe that they're the strongest being alive until reality slapped them hard on the face. I hope you won't make a fool out of yourself and join my organization."

The King extended his hand towards Marvin, who slapped it away without hesitation.

"You too are the first person I met who barks more than a dog!" Marvin's powerful shout resounded throughout the school.

His voice amplified by Magic Power was so powerful that the students felt their ears ringing continuously.

Hearing his words, the King was speechless for a moment.

"As I've heard, you're really bold to not show any respect to me."

"Well, what can I say, you are not worthy of my respect. Besides, there aren't any rules that said I need to respect a delusional person who claims to be a king."

"You're making a wrong choice. My organization isn't like the other rings. You don't know the people I deal with and things I deal in. Each one of them can shake your view of the world. Because of your talents, I will give you one last chance. Consider–"

"Is your skin so thick that you can't stand human speech? Can you stop barking?"

The King didn't even finish his words before Marvin insulted him once again.

The students and the gang's members were shocked to see that the King was declined two times by the same person, and it wasn't a mere declination but a hardcore insult.

Hearing Marvin's words, the King was already on the verge of exploding from sheer anger but he kept a straight face; However, he couldn't hide his face which was quickly turning red.

‹The Gamer has face slapped the King so hard that he nearly puked out blood. Gained 99 credits›

Whereas, the notification of face slaps ringing in Marvin's head explained how badly he was mentally damaged.

"Good! I gave you a chance because of your talents but since you choose this then don't regret your decision. Marvin Noah! I challenge you to an official death match! Tonight, in the school's arena we will battle to the death!"

The King straightforwardly announced. Also, this announcement was a signal to start the kidnapping operation. The members stationed near Marvin's home instantly stepped out of their cars with metallic poles and various other weapons before making their way towards Marvin's house.

"It's not like you can refuse anyway, the safety of your family depends on your answer." The Queen added.

'My choice was correct,' Marvin inwardly thought and smirked. He was correct to ask Leilni for help and move his family to a secure place.

"I accept your challenge to the death!" Marvin spoke in a carefree voice as if he didn't care about being killed, and he continued a moment later, "However, unlike you, I am a busy man with little to no time to waste. Why wait for night, when we can immediately head to the Life and Death arena and battle to the desth. Or is it, are you afraid?"

"Right now? Did I hear it correctly? He challenged the king to an immediate death fight!"

"What a fool! He could have lived till tonight and now he is gonna die in some moments."

"He wants to fight right now?" The King's Aid from the Queen to the Ace couldn't believe what they heard.

Just what was the reason for his overconfidence?

The King was itching to beat Marvin to death, now that he got a chance to do so earlier, he felt immensely happy.

"Then so be it! We will head immediately to the Life and Death arena!" The King replied. Then, he announced that all the students must come to witness the match.

Marvin, Liam, King, and the rest of the students moved to a separate area of the school. Catering to the student's needs the school was split into different areas. Each area had different purposes. The Life and Death arena was located in the backside building of the school. Its main purpose was for the students to settle their beef. But, killing was also official in this place.

Before Marvin step onto the stage, he looked around.

"There are a lot of onlookers. Literally everyone from the bullying gangs to the students who came school today, is present here,"

The King had ordered the presence of every single gangs and their members. Furthermore, there were also a lot of other students who had to comply with the King's wishes as some couldn't offend him, while the others were excited to see the death match.

"Today I will show you all what happens when you disrespect me." The king shout resounded throughout the place, even reaching the student sitting in the stadium before he swiped his Student ID Card on the arena's card slot, signifying that no legals actions are to be taken against Marvin, in case he were to die.

Fatty Liam easily determined that the king wants to disgrace Marvin in front of the school body.

Marvin did not say anything, his time to make an announcement will come after the deathmatch. He swiped his card and also entered the board and wide Life and Death arena.


Immediately after a round almost transparent barrier made out of magic power surrounded the srena.

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