Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 87: Face Slapping so Hard! Words can not describe! (a)

The owner of the Mystic Shop!

The powerful expert of the Mystic shop that is said to be a Magic being and has formed a Magic Body, has a relationship with his brother?

Fatty found himself in a state of disbelief. He couldn't believe that the owner of the famous and mysterious mystic shop shared relation with his bro, and he would have called it off as a bluff if he didn't know better, but he has seen how easily Marvin took down the bullies, and he as a rank-5 mana channel opening expert couldn't do the same.

Fatty believed that Marvin must have impressed her somehow.

Liam's eyes opened wide in disbelief for the second time as he looked at Marvin. "I heard she's extremely beautiful, no less than a Goddess that can mesmerize the soul. Did you see her figure? Is it really as mesmerizing as they say?"

Marvin immediately nodded his head. "She is a matchless beauty. Though don't think about her. It's not because she's way out of your league, but she's my wife and I will officially marry her one day!" He proudly said, praising Leilani and giving light to the truth of his relationship with the owner of the Mystic Shop.


"Believe it or not, it's true,"

Fatty Liam was impressed by his deeds!

To even conquer the mysterious and beautiful owner of the Mystic Shop.

His brother was handsome and glorious!

"Bro, be honest, did you meet an immortal and became his disciple? Or were you hiding your talent to amaze the world one day?" Liam asked with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Think what you may," Marvin replied before checking his watch.

It was already 7:50 am.

In ten minutes, the first period will begin.

"Only 10 minutes left before the class begins. I am going to the classroom."

Marvin said before walking away from Fatty Liam.

"I'll stay and pray to the heavens to send an immortal my way!" Fatty dropped to the floor and begged for a lucky encounter with his fat hands pressed and rubbing against each other.

The classroom door automatically opened before Marvin entered.




"Such a shame. The King and the rest of the gangs beat our toys so hard that they have stopped coming to school" Matrass spoke with a disheartened look.

The student called Jacksonville next to him shook his head with the same expression.

"I got the news that my pet even killed himself. Even the headstrong Marvin isn't coming to school and it has been a week since I last saw him, and what happened to Krillin and his gang? I haven't seen his gang bullying the weak ants for the past few days."

"Maybe we broke Marvin the last time we beat the shit out of him in the cafeteria. And yeah, I have seen it too. Something is indeed fishy. It seems as if Krillin and his groupies are too afraid to bully others!"

"Nah. Someone saw him beating Jayden in the bathroom, a day ago. By the way, if this situation continues then we will have to pay our group members with our own money!" Anthony intelligently added.

The bullying groups would beat students and get money out of their pocket, and hand it over to their allies. By using this method, the bullying group gathers loyal subordinates. The need of money was just that great in today's world.

However, the rank-10 Bullying Ring whose leader is called "King" has been going berserk with the bullying and the poor bullied school has stopped coming to school altogether. Well, most of them.

Anyways, Fatty Liam got bullied because Matrass considered him a good target to take money from.

"We must find a solution to this solution."

"Indeed," Jacksonville agreed with the other man Anthony.

"Che, I'm getting angry just thinking about the mess the King made.

Matrass felt irritation rising in his heart, and he wanted to release his anger on someone.

"I want to beat the shit out of someone here," Matrass said before scanning the classroom.

The powerful students in the classroom stared in his direction distastefully. No matter how they thought about it, Matrass wickedness had gone too far. It was unbelievable how he could so easily think of beating others to release his mere irritation. Even so, the powerful ability users of the 12-D class will not interfere with his business and defy him openly.


Because he was from a house of much higher status than them and his father is an Assemblyman of the lower-district council and could easily get rid of their parents' job with a single command!

This will destroy their livelihood!

Furthermore, Matrass has advanced to rank-10 ability user. Thus, these rank-7 and rank-10 students of the profession class were indifferent to what he's done and what he'll do. They will fight back if they are the ones targeted. Although some might move if Matrass's tried to murder someone in front of their eyes.

The rest of the weak students clumsily avoided Matrass gaze out of fear of being targeted.


It was then that the door of class 12-D opened.

A handsome man with piercing silver eyes entered the classroom, which quickly caught everyone's attention including Matrass and the leader of the other two gangs.

Marvin's handsome features and calm expression mesmerized the heart of the female students.

So handsome!

Who is this student???

A new student who transferred to our class to take Mister Bai Long's class lesson?

The Female students weren't even able to discern that it was Marvin. In the past, they have avoided him, as if he was a plague!


He was poor and although somewhat cute, had no power to defend their honor.

No girl will like a weak man in this era.

The rest of the students were also bewildered by Marvin. Most of them recognized who he was.

A poor bullied soul!

"Isn't that Marvin?" Matrass blurted out.

He also almost didn't recognize him if it weren't for his unique hair and grayish eyes that have brightened up and gave off a silver glow.


"That's Marvin, alright,"

Looking at each other, the bullied grinned.

"That's the best target you could hope for." They said to Matrass.

Marvin really was. This was not the first time he had bullied Marvin. Moreover, among the students he could bully, Marvin gave him the most satisfaction. Unlike others, he would at least try to put a fight and that made it colorful in the eyes of the Matrass

"It's as fatty said, students from other classes have joined the profession class to take teacher Bai Long lessons" Marvin looked around the classroom and noticed many new faces. He even made eye contact with Matrass but only for a short while, as if Matrass existence wasn't worthy for another look.

Matrass anger was boosted by his condescending gaze. At least, he thought that his silver gaze was condescending as if a monarch was looking down at an ant. He calmed himself, approached Marvin, and sneered.

"I'm glad to see you back in school. Man, words can't explain how much I missed you and you came at the perfect time."

Mattrass said in a friendly and passionate tone, but his expression was twisted, and Marvin could feel his murderous intent.

As he closed in for a hug, Marvin evaded it.

He smiled and replied politely, "Sorry, man. I am not into guys. You can go and look for a better guy who won't hesitate to top you! Kindly, move out of my way."

One thing he was good at was face slapping others with words.

It was extremely effective.

Anthony cackled but muffled them as he saw Matrass hardened face angrily staring at him.

"He called you a gay. Pufhahah!" Jacksonville exclaimed while pointing at Matrass, chuckling dumbfoundedly.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students either covered their mouths or laughed while looking away from Matrass gaze. They had seen Marvin's hard-headed nature dozens of times. He was the only student who would fight back against the bullies, even with the lack of Ability. However, they were surprised that Marvin taunted Matrass in front of a huge crowd.

Didn't he know Matrass is a rank-10 ability user?

Didn't he know that he will get beaten more ferociously?

Today's Marvin is acting totally different.

He was never the type to agitate the bullies!

Marvin was just going to walk past Matrass and sit on his seat, when Matrass blocked his way up and glared at him, right in the eyes.

Marvin calmly looked back. They made eye contact and Sparks flew by.

Matrass's face was already distorted. But it is further distorted because of Marvin's disdainful gaze.

"Lower your eyes, dumb bitch!" Matrass shouted.

Marvin would not have bothered to beat the shit out of Matrass.

A mere rank-10 critter… He wouldn't waste his precious time teaching an insect a lesson.

But the latter had provoked him and was blocking his way. Now, Marvin had no plans of letting matters rest.

"A good dog doesn't block its master way. A bad dog does. Tell me, how should I punish you?" Marvin said in a murderous voice.

In this world, Power determined everything.

In today's world, the strong ruled the weak.

If you are a powerful expert then everyone weaker than you is a dog!

You can own anyone if you're strong enough.

Moreover, Marvin was far stronger than Matrass. He could easily own Matrass.


Matrass started laughing.

It seemed as if he have lost his mind.

"A piece of trash dare to threaten me!"

Matrass gaze turned severe, "We haven't seen each other for just a few days, and now you've become brave enough to threaten me. Let me see what made you so confident!"

Marvin wasn't even looking at Matrass.

To everyone else in the classroom, it felt as if a bad dog was barking before its owner.

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