Saharan Successor

Vol. 2 – Chapter 5 – The Farmer’s Son

Vol. 2 – Chapter 5 – The Farmer's Son

The sons and father looked at Mathias, who started milking the cow as if he did this all his life with the cow standing still calmly, allowing Mathias to touch her udders. Stroke by stroke, the bucket was filled and still on the wooden seat he had, he turned his head to ask Charles if it was good.

"Did I mess up anything, sir?"

"... No, you did decently. You passed the first check." responded the man after a blockage, not knowing how to tell Mathias he actually surpassed his expectations by a lot without seeming too flattering.


[Congratulations, you have cleared the quest  <Work for Arundell Farm - 1> earning the respective rewards.]

Not minding the notification window, he then heard Charles open a new challenge again for him at the farm, trying to put Mathias in a tough spot where he would have to ask for his help.

"Now, I want to see how you deal with cutting grass. Since the estate is decent in size and there's plenty of grass, I can't keep it to a fielded level by myself since the boys are too young to use the scythe. Yet you? You are at the age you could be the head of a household and even have children."


[Work for Arundell Farm - 2]

Charles wants to test you, his son-in-law, by placing you in tough situations believing you are a city boy who can't do farm work or any menial work. Prove him otherwise.

Quest Clear Conditions: Cut the grass on the specified zone Charles would assign you.

Quest Reward: 600 EXP


"I guess, do I even have a choice? I will try not to make a mess of myself, sir."

[You have accepted the quest]

After Mathias said that, he followed Charles along with the twins to where he kept his farm tools, and with Charles taking a scythe for himself, and with others being held on support, he took hold on the scythe, moving to a new location, and that being the greenfields were in the distance some cows grazed the field of vibrant green grass.

"Listen, Mathias, you will have to clean that section without messing up the grass since it will be turned into cows feed." said Charles as he stopped at pointing with his scythe the part of the greenfield he was supposed to clean.

Seeing the section of overgrown grass, he nodded his head, confirming to Charles, before walking in that direction.


Getting on his spot after arriving where the overgrown grass was, he grasped the scythe handle, and remembering his grandfather's teachings from his early years he would spend his summer vacation with him, he took the correct position of holding the scythe, which made Charles stare shocked.

Without waiting for any instructions from Charles, Mathias started to swipe at the grass the first minutes were slightly off for him not finding the right balance to the movement, until his muscle memories kicked in, and soon with each swiping movement, going in an arc swipe, the sons and father stared at Mathias work the field.

"Could it be that this boy is a farmer and he is embarrassed to tell us? What do you think, boys? I haven't even taught you how to use the scythe, yet this guy can do it without me even explaining."

"I don't know dad, but scything isn't really that hard from how you did it. Just follow that swiping movement, placing the scythe on the ground and follow along."

"If it was so easy. I will put you to a test after Mathias leaves the farm and you will understand it isn't so simple. Does he know how to sharpen the scythe?" asked Charles, curious about something.

Only after 30 minutes of grass cutting did Charles saw Mathias stop working and while supporting himself on the scythe and removing his sweat, he turned at him, asking for exactly what his curiosity surrounded.

"Sir, did you pick the sharpening stone from that tool room? I forgot about mine and you also didn't say anything. Was that on purpose?" inquired Mathias with a smile on his face, feeling a bit awkward with the situation he was.

"Here. Show me you know how to sharpen the scythe and I will leave you alone." replied Charles, taking a long river stone that he tossed to Mathias who caught it in his hand, giving it a look before remarking.

"I still haven't finished my work. Wouldn't the grass dry out?"

"Nay, it doesn't matter, but if you wish to do it. I'll let you show off."

"Hah, I am not. This place just brought me back to my childhood."

Saying that, Mathias cleared the notification windows that he started enjoying after his farm work, he put some strength on the scythe to hold it still, and with his right hand holding the blade sheath, he started to run the stone around the blade with dexterous movements.

"Decent speed. Whoever taught you this, for sure deserves some wine."

"Better not. That old man should stay off alcohol if we want to live more. He is only 70 years old, still in the youth of his life." mentioned Mathias about his grandfather with a chuckle, who had Charles awed by that age.

"My hats off to that Elder. To live such a long life, he must have his secrets."

Mathias shook his head and returning back to cutting the grass, but continuing talking with Charles about why he knew to cut grass, and it all started from one of his curiosities 9 years ago when he went to spend his summer with his grandfather, who secluded himself from the outside world after his grandmother's death.

He couldn't even hold the scythe properly at first, but slowly as the summer was high, he depicted the correct movement and even found it relaxing.

"Doing it on a small scale might be relaxing, but having such a large greenfield, it would take even days on end to finish the work."

"Sir, I don't deny this at all. My grandfather and I were cleaning around the garden, the pathway to his house, and only the surroundings. He didn't wish to expand his house into a farm, even though he has plenty of land."

"An elder of his age should just stay put and enjoy life. He must be proud of having such a grandson like you, lad."

"Thanks, sir. I don't know what to tell you about that since he is quite weird at times. Probably I will introduce you to him. I am sure you will be like his lost son or something."

The twins started laughing, making fun of their father after hearing what Mathias had to say, and soon, he too finished his workload, gazing at the grass.

"Leave it there. I will pick it up with my cart another day. You passed this test too."

Mathias cleared the notifications he gained from working the field, the dexterity stats and stamina stats were raised ever so slightly, a reason he wished to continue working. Yet this time, with the clearing of this quest from Charles, he gained enough experience to level up.

[Congratulations you have cleared the quest <Work for Arundell Farm - 2> gaining the respective rewards.]

[Ding!][You have leveled up]


Not moving to the status windows, still there with Charles on the moment, he heard the farmer ask him some casual questions about the activities he did with his grandfather.

"My intent was to have you work around the farm and let the boys relax a bit since they had some tough days not too long ago when they had to help me. But it will not be fun if I just see someone who knows how to work on the field without much fuss like the city people.

"Lets go to the garden and pick some vegetables, and after that we will have to butcher a chicken for dinner. Can you do it, lad?"


[Work for Arundell Farm - 3]

Charles wants to test you, his son-in-law, by placing you in tough situations believing you are a city boy who can't do farm work or any menial work. Prove him otherwise.

Quest Clear Conditions: Pick up the specified vegetables without missing one.

Quest Reward: 1000 EXP


[Work for Arundell Farm - 4]

Charles wants to test you, his son-in-law, by placing you in tough situations believing you are a city boy who can't do farm work or any menial work. Prove him otherwise.

Quest Clear Conditions: Kill a chicken without creating a scene, and also clean the chicken.

Quest Reward: 5000 EXP & Title: <Farmer Son>


"Sure, let them relax and enjoy their free time. That's what a kid should do, learn and relax. Where is the garden, sir and what vegetables do you think I can't find?" remarked Mathias before asking Charles with some sarcasm in his tone.

"Don't you dare. Wasn't it enough that my daughter was doing the same sarcastic response. Follow me, and pick whatever you see fit for a chicken broth."

"No problem. Do I also have to cook?"

"I wouldn't recommend it since this is what Jasmine likes to do."



Picking the vegetables he learned to use from his mother for broths, clearing another quest in the process. Then he later followed Charles in the chicken enclosure, where Charles and twins turned to spectators.

"Come here, you little bastards don't run from the start when I did nothing."

"Haha, they are quite sensitive, big brother. You have to pick them up fast." said Aendyr from the enclosure entrance as he watched Mathias encroach on the chicken.

Then at the moment he gathered about ten chickens in one corner, he busted to action with his hand catching one chicken and holding it tight in his arms, not allowing it to flap its wings around.

"Here or outside?"

"There's a woodblock outside, and the axe is there."


Moving outside with the chicken in his hand, arriving at the wooden block Charles mentioned and also seeing the axe, he asked the farmer, unsure.

"Is it sharp, correct?"

"Yes lad, one hit and the head is severed if you know where to hit."

"Not asking for that specific reason. Grandfather has this saying about this process "You shouldn't agonize the poor creature for more than they can handle."

"I guess he is correct. A dull blade might fail to sever the head, but you would get it on the second or third cut."

Nodding his head, Mathias turned his gaze at the twins who seemed to be fine watching on him preparing the chicken.

Placing the head of the chicken on the wooden block and still securing his grip on the farm animal, he took the axe with his right hand and after murmuring something, with an expressionless face, he gripped the axe tight then reaped down, cutting clean off the chicken's head.

Still holding the chicken in his left hand and placing it upside down while it moved from the muscle nerves still being alive, he gazed at Charles, who only nodded at him.

"Good approach. I really don't like when people in the village cut the head and later throw the poor animal just to see it move as if alive. Maybe I teach you the most humane manner one could put a chicken to sleep."

"I guess it is snapping his head?"

"So, you know?"

"Saw grandfather do it. The only time I did that, I ripped its head because I didn't know how much strength to put and splashed blood on me and my clothes. Bad experience I should say." commented Mathias, moving on with his activities inside the farm while clearing the notifications of him clearing the final quest to Charles' series of challenges.

[Congratulations you have cleared the quest <Work for Arundell Farm - 4> gaining the following rewards: 3500 EXP and the Title: Farmer's Son + 50 points Affinity with Charles]

[Ding!] [You have leveled up]


[Farmer's Son]

You reached the point where Farmer Charles sees you as one of his sons. While his role in society isn't big, he is filled with pride for what he was able to achieve in his life as a farmer, and looks forward to his new son's achievements.

* All stats increased by 15 points

* Stamina Regenerates Faster by 50%


'That's really an unexpected reward that would also look after me with some of my concerns.'

Walking to the front of the courtyard where Jasmine was preparing the hot bath in order to pluck the feathers of the chicken as efficiently as possible, he was the only one standing beside her to help with this process, while the boys entered inside the house.

"Son, this is enough. I can take it over from here. Thank you for the vegetables and ending this poor creature. Sigh, I will never be able to understand how you can be fine after cutting the heads off those chickens." said Jasmine feeling bad but at the same time thankful for having someone care about how the food was made, and what it required.

"Mother, the reason humans domesticated chicken is for the sole reason of eating them. I don't see anything wrong in this, being more of a natural act. The only problem you might find is seeing the blood, am I right, mother?"

"Che, can you not talk about that?" asked Jasmine, slightly disgusted.

Giving her a small smile as he told her in a joking manner. "Mother, by now you should have gotten used to those menial things."

"I guess you might be able to bring a city girl to the village, but some things will not be changed until death."

*Chuckle* "Indeed, you are 100% right. The same would apply to a village person. He would struggle updating to the city environment and how its untold rules work."

Taking his time to talk with Jasmine, asking about Grenhaler while she asked him about his world, to which he had to be careful what he would tell her not wishing to make things uncomfortable between the two, clearly having his speech ready since he had to train it with Fayrene and Jeanne.

"Impressive. So you outlanders aren't much different from us."

"That's indeed correct. Apart from this curse that keeps up undying, we aren't that strange. We bleed just like you. In fact because we are undying the pain we feel from certain actions might be draconic at times. We have that to balance it out I guess. The creator had it fair for everyone."

"You call the Goddess like that?"

"Hm? Yes, we aren't that respectful with the pantheon of Gods here. But we have to get used to living alongside you."

"Tell me more, dear. When I went to the market I could see a lot of those youngsters rushing in the village, from the market to the Elder's mansion, back and forth, should I be worried?"

"Nothing to worry about, mother. Once my brethren settle down and adventure in the world, this place will return to its original calm. I guess this is what you dislike, people who destroy this calm and peaceful environment."

"How can you tell?"

"Because I also have my fair share of thoughts about them, not just you, someone inhabiting this land."

Checking his timer, he could see that outside it was already 23:50 and as he remained for the dinner with the family, thanking them for their warmth, he explained to them his circumstances and for the fact he also had to enter another dimension to keep his balance. A way of saying to them, he required sleep too, just like them.

By the time he checked his Status Window and clock, it showed 00:42, and in 5 minutes he pondered hard which stats he should prioritize.

'I guess, this time I shall move with INT in order to prepare for 'Arcane Awakening' and if my speculation is right, I might profit from it. Or regret it even harder.'

'Heh, knowing the tricks of the game, sure can be helpful. My stats look better than inside the beta stage thanks to Charles and his jobs he asked me to do and my spear drills.'





Name : Mathias  /  Class :Beginner

Level : 6 (600/2700)  / Title : Farmer's Son / Item Creator

Health : 645/645  / Mana: 92/92


Strength : 40  / Stamina : 38

Agility : 22  / Intelligence: 46 / Dexterity: 174



'It will be enough. This time, I will not mess around because I only have this character. My Fayrene's dreams and also my targets aside from writing about, I want to see them achieved. Tomorrow after I wake up, I should complete the Victorian Set and spend one week around Cidarian before journeying to Gravelmark and going to Titan.

There's also the Elder, I guess I should visit him and see what quests he has for me. Maybe kill some wild beasts or defeat some mountain bandits. Either way, it will be good for me and Ragnius's recovery.'

Finishing his planning while pressing the (+) adding the points on his Status Window, once he finished working on his stats, he walked outside of the house, and seated on a wooden block, he logged out, afterwards preparing for a new day to arrive, a new Saturday that was bound to be exciting even by his standards.



[A/N: I don't have much to say in this note of mine, just that things will progress, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. However, for now, I feel the Cidarian mini-arc will be good, having a nice balanced. I will ask you when we reach the end of Cidarian mini-arc for what you think of it.


With the ending of the note, I ask you a question. How many of you have ever done farm work? Milk cows, clean their manure, clean gardens, pick up vegetables, fruits, those types of activities? Reply in this paragraph comment


[If you want advanced chapters, check my p@treon. P.S: Once I get them, I will also immediately update that page (9 advanced chapters).]


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