Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 51 – Cain vs Lucas

Vol. 1 - Chapter 51 - Cain vs Lucas




Walking down the 'Light's Cathedral' grounds, both Mathias and Jeanne hold their hands together, passing past the people who gave them a weird stare, as if they recognized Jeanne, while when passing the players, they would look with amazed eyes seeing someone walk with such beauty.

"Pst, is that a dude or a woman? I can't tell?"

"That's clearly a woman, you moron. Does anyone remember from when those guys tried to become members of Rebecca Church? Wasn't she the person to tell them to scram in a cold manner?"

"Ahh, yes, I remember that video. Who is that guy? Isn't he delusional sticking together with some NPC even if she is gorgeous?"

"Who cares? He is just one of those deranged people who believe those NPC hold any life."



Moving past those talking Saharan citizens and the vocal players, he wasn't bothered whatsoever by their comments. What he felt was real, and the same could be said for the inhabitants of this world who held emotions, real emotions. He had a brief stop when he arrived at the event grounds, where it looked like they were approaching the semifinals.

"What is happening there, Mat?" asked Jeanne, curious about the gathered players who were looking at a group of people fighting with one another.

"Something my brethren like to do, fight against one another to prove who is the best from the bunch." explained Mathias in a calm manner to Jeanne, who seemed to understand rather quickly what he meant.

"Then, why aren't you participating? Aren't you the strongest from this group of people?"

"Heh, I don't think I am the strongest from this group of people. There's a guy who can school me in a harsh manner with me not being able to do anything."

Jeanne held a dissatisfied expression as she looked at the group of people for the one who could prove a challenge for Mathias, and seeing her try to find his possible nemesis, he pointed at the fighting circle.

"Here, so you can understand what I mean by that. Watch the guy wearing the brass knuckles and see how he fights."


On the fighting circle, Karl went on a high platform and said to the group of citizens and players with an excited voice.

"I am pleased to announce to you the semifinal fights between "2Stoned2Care" and "Blazing Bros". Be sure to keep up with the protagonists of today and a round of applause for the fighters."

The public applauded the group of players while Karl jumped of the made-up platform, leaving Cain to stare at Blaze, the leader of 'Blazing Bros', before turning to his guild members, telling them in a relaxed way.

"Guys, let's shift strategy. I want you to keep busy that guy Blaze while I dispose of the others. Following that, we will gang on the last guy. Got it?"

"Ehhh, that's unexpected. I thought you wanted to fight against everyone on 1vs1 terms." asked one of his guild members, surprised by the strategy.

"I want to spice things a bit and also let you suffer a bit."



Settling down their strategy, when Karl gave the start of the fight, Blaze woke himself being surrounded by the Stoned members, who were wearing casual smiles unleashing their attacks in his direction, from swords to maces.

"Hmph, you think you bums can take me out? Is your leader so afraid of me that he doesn't want a 1vs1?"

"Ahem, not really." responded a guild member to Blaze, as he was the first one to be targeted by Blaze, whose sword caught fire, slashing it in his direction in a swift manner.

Cain, who dashed at the Blazing members, was like a beast unleashed on a group of sheep, as he connected combinations of jabs, from one-twos to thunderous uppercuts, and when they would try to counter, they would miss targets because of his marvelous footwork.

"Watch carefully. This is what fighting against one of my trained brethren is like. Those movements and attacks belong to my world."


"[Ruin Fist]" called out Cain, ending one Blazing member, dropping him on the ground, and removing him from the fight.


"Even that attack?" inquired Jeanne, curious about the fist who released a large pressure with some dark aura on the brass knuckles.

"That one … no, it belongs here."



It didn't take a long time for Cain to dispose of the Blazing members, but the same could be said for Blaze, who killed all the Stoned members apprehending him, tying his movements down. The only difference was that Blaze used more resources in killing the enemy while Cain was as fresh as when the fight started.

"Congratulations, you managed to wipe those beginners. I told them to stick to boxing or kick-boxing when choosing their path, but they ignored me, saying they wanted to try something new."

"Hah, you guys are really good. If more people like you join this place, it will turn really crazy. With so many people to fight against. Those so-called "gamers" who are just using their fingers on keyboards and hand for the mouse will have no chance."

"I can't say for certain since I heard levels here matter, and because of my real job, I might not be able to play as much as I want." responded Cain to Blaze's affirmation, letting him recover his resources to fight him on full HP.

"I see, then it will be sad to see those no-lifers take over the top charts." added Blaze, who strengthened his grip on his sword, which started emitting flames.

"It is just a game. No need to worry about us professional fighters."

Starting their fight, which began balanced looking as if both had their chances at success, Cain still maintained the same intensity, and when a 'Ruin Fist' connected against Blaze, things turned downward for the Blazing Bro.

With a combination of Boxing techniques and Muay Thai kicks and elbows, Blaze dropped down, defeated, standing on his knees with his blazing sword dropped on the ground.

"Damn, are you a boxer or a mixed martial artist?" asked Blaze, accepting his defeat humbly yet wanting to confirm Cain's background.

"I am a boxer, but who says I can't learn other forms of martial arts? Right, you better watch the Olympics in November and tune in on the boxing competition."

"Heh, I will be sure to watch."




Mathias and Jeanne departed from the event grounds, and one could see that Jeanne was surprised by what she just saw when Cain fought Blaze.

"That person's movements are really weird and unexpected. Now I understand why you said you aren't the strongest of the group, but this doesn't change the fact that you can beat him. I saw you fight with my two eyes and can understand that you are the type to improve a lot as more time passes."

*Chuckling* "Who knows." answered Mathias chuckling a bit at Jeanne's affirmation, feeling happy that the image she was having of him was in such a way.

Departing from the event grounds, minutes later Jeanne with Mathias entered the district he was living which was something new for her, but seeing the people here greet Mathias warmly, with some drunkards laughing at him and making fun that he come back with a woman, asking for some booze to keep quiet.

She started giggling when she saw Mathias's expression when encountering these drunkards, as if he was some magnet for drunk people, their patron, giving them alcohol. Yet to get them away from him, he gave them some silver coins, solving the problem in an amicable manner without having to beat them.

"My apology for what you just saw and heard. Those guys are a nuisance even for me, but I can't kick them since I drank with them at one time."

"Don't worry, Mat. I kind of like this place's atmosphere, it feels more alive compared to the high part of the city." said Jeanne after laughing a bit with a bright expression.

"I can't deny this, but it also holds some nasty people here, which I try to avoid because it would make me want to kill them."

"Ahh! That's right, how could I forget that the periphery is the base for the gangs. Do you want me to help you in dealing with them? I can have my father order the Saintly Order to exterminate them." mentioned Jeanne with her face turning more serious while walking hand in hand with Mathias.

Shaking his head while patting her hand, he put this conversation down because it would break the balance Corvus talked about, and if they didn't disturb him, he wouldn't look to stir a wasps nest.

The couple stopped right in front of Fayrene's Shop, with Mathias taking a deep breath, entering inside, followed by Jeanne, who looked curiously around herself, taking in the smell of the tailoring studio.

She could see Fayrene at the front counter writing something on some pages while reading a book, and the first thing she noticed was that she was a beautiful woman.

'She is truly beautiful. No wonder this little devil didn't wish to upset her. I wonder what she is doing there? Is that her hobby similar to Mat, to write?'

As she thought those things, when looking at Fayrene, Jeanne heard Mathias say in a calm voice, sounding slightly awkward.

"Fayrene, I returned. Let me introduce you to Jeanne."

Raising her face to look at Mathias, she nodded at him before gazing at Jeanne with her eyes releasing white-purple lights as she stared at the newcomer. Getting from her seat, she walked toward them, and after caressing Mathias's face in the passing, she arrived in front of Jeanne, looking with a serious expression at her.

This gaze made Jeanne feel pressured, moving her fingers in a nervous manner, until she heard Fayrene again say in a serene voice.

"Mathias, can you go for a walk while the two of us talk?"

He instantly reacted like a good boy moving out of the house, nevertheless, before getting out, he moved to whisper to Jeanne in a nervous voice.

"Good luck, Jeanne."



After Mathias left the house, Fayrene, who kept her stern expression, suddenly revealed a small smile, starting to chuckle, making Jeanne feel even more nervous.

"Ease up. I will not kick you out of the house or grab your ears for trying to seduce Mathias. Well, most likely, it isn't your fault. Let me greet you properly, sister. I am Fay."

Hearing her say that, she reacted rapidly, introducing herself while extending her hand like a man from her lingering masculine instincts.

"Nice to meet you Fayrene, I am Jeanne. Ahh, sorry for the hand."

Fayrene didn't mind it and took Jeanne's hand doing a small handshake, before inviting her inside properly, as she let her get on her seat moving to prepare some tea, Jeanne who was reading the content of the paper Fayrene was writing, heard her say with a joking tone.

"Isn't he a foolish man? He was all nervous, not knowing how I would react when he mentioned you to me."

"Indeed, he is a foolish man, but this is what I like about him."

"So we are on the same page in this regard, that's good. Let me serve you some tea. Do you want it sweet or simple?"

"Sweet if it's not inconvenient for you."

While Fayrene was boiling the water for the tea, she went back to the studio to see Jeanne quietly read Mathias's book from the starting page and be silent for a while until she came back with a teapot steaming, she asked her calmly.

"Do you like the book?"

"Hmmm? It is interesting. Could it be, it is Mat's creation?"

"That's right, surprisingly, he is a writer. If you want, I can help you with a copy of the book so you can continue reading it because from what I heard from Mathias, he plans to give the book in a couple of days to His Majesty himself since it was something requested by him."

"Really?? His Majesty wants to read Mat's book?" inquired Jeanne, surprised by what information Fayrene shared.

Confirming this information, stating that Mathias had no reason to lie to her, especially knowing that he doesn't like to lie, she moved from subject to subject, trying to find more about Jeanne. At the same time, she too shared information about herself from her childhood situation in the countryside to her life in the city, the struggles she had to encounter, and the manner she was treated by the people.

When Fayrene heard about Jeanne's dark past, she went to embrace her, patting her back, in doing so making Jeanne tear up a bit.

"It must be hard for you, suffering all that pain and thinking of losing yourself, no longer recognizing yourself. Don't worry. You can always talk with Mathias and me of your hardship, never holding back those harsh memories that would eat at your soul."

"Hm, it was truly hard, but I can only live forward in this new identity." confessed Jeanne with some tears in her eyes, feeling the warmth and sincerity Fayrene showed her.

Moving past those dark memories, the girls went to other subjects that brightened up the atmosphere, from their hobbies to how their usual life went by. To even share about the moment they began sensing something for Mathias.

*Giggling* "You better keep it secret and don't share it with that jerk. He starts teasing us with that aspect." laughed Fayrene when she heard how Jeanne started to feel love for Mathias.

"I will keep it to myself, also I will not give you away, Fay." said Jeanne, holding hands with Fayrene as they chit-chatted like close sisters.

After other subjects, Jeanne, whose face turned a bit embarrassed, drew her courage to ask Fayrene something sensible.

"Fay, I have some problems for a while, where I suffer bleedings I can't heal with my divine powers. Mat explained to me that is something related to the womanly attributes, that being pregnancy. I need your advice on how to deal with this."

Fayrene looked with big eyes at Jeanne before nodding her head, patting her hand, saying with a calm voice.

"Don't worry, I can help you and teach you how to manage your periods."




Outside of the house, Mathias looked at the sky as he was talking to himself with a positive mindset.

"There's no quarreling inside, a good sign that things will turn harmonious with them. Having two lionesses talk it out between one another is most likely the best choice I made."

"Hmmm, I should prepare to finish the book for Lord Juander and spend my time with the girls to the best of my abilities."

While looking at the sky, he saw a notification coming from Maple, with a message bringing fresh news concerning the Guild Wars Event made by Karl, which had him interested.

&Maple Mist: Brother Mathias, the final of the event has been decided. It will be the Stoners vs. Smurfs.

"Ohh, that Bacon guy lost? Not reaching the finals to fight against Cain?"

&Mathias: What class does that Lucas have?

&Maple Mist: He is a Sword Dancer, a really weird class. He used a style of fighting that didn't allow Bacon to hit him at all, swinging his swords. Ahh, Red said it is similar to the Cossacks. What are those?

"Cossack? Really? Could it be that guy is Ukrainian?"

&Mathias: A cossack is a warrior tribesman from Ukraine or Russia, and they are really crazy about horse riding and sword fighting. They were the ones to have expanded the Russian Empire in 16th -17th century.

&Maple Mist: I see, so this means they are really skilled at fighting. This is why Red started laughing so much when that guy Lucas won. Anyway, I will notify you of who will win, brother. Or you can watch the live stream using the system, which allows you to connect to the streaming network.

&Mathias: Okay, I will tune in


With the girls still not giving him any signal, he searched around the streaming services, and it didn't take him long to find the streams which were broadcasting the event, being the most popular on the entire platform.

"Wow, such a big number of live people watching those streams. Is that 200.000 on just one stream?"

Entering that stream, he saw the two guilds staring off and Karl being in the center of attention, announcing the final fight and also showing the reward placed on the play, it was a longsword with a beautiful finish and decoration, an epic rated sword which caused a scene in that place.

Starting the fight, the guild leaders charged at one another, checking one another, and for the first time, Cain backed away when Lucas began his sword dancing, swinging around his sword like a madman.

The fight was tense, with both having equal chances of winning, with Lucas seeming the Dark Horse of this event. Cain tried some combinations, but all failed, even getting his hands slashed, making him suffer wounds.

Looking at his teammates, he saw that the fight between the rest turned into 2vs3, him losing 2 members, but the 'Smurfs' losing their healer, which boosted the morale of the guys who began pressing, ending one by one the competitors.

Mathias nodded his head at how smooth they transitioned and also applauded when seeing Cain pin Lucas's movements, not allowing him to intervene in assisting his guild members.

"Good one. But he will keep you guys at bey using his sword dance. I wonder what will you do."


Back to the center of the fight, Cain sends his message using the party chat, giving them a decisive order which might seem lousy.

&Cain: Guys, I want each of you to start harassing this guy, taking his attention off me, while I will take him by surprise and disarm him. It is fine even if you get yourself done. Front the pain like the men we are, otherwise, I will tell the coaches you got scared of some pain.

&Vulcan: Aren't you asking too much of us, brother. But I guess winning this event will be nice since I am a swordsman. You better hand me that item.

&Cain: Sure, just do it before he finds out our plan.

Lucas, who was swinging his swords using a defensive sword dance, looked left and right as Vulcan and Apis charged at him, one swordsman while the other one was something akin to a monk.

Getting his hands occupied with those two, he lowered his attention on Cain, and when he did that, he lost his sight of Cain, who seemingly disappeared.

He tried to look around himself, but Vulcan and Apis kept him busy harassing him, and when he killed Apis and Vulcan and stopped in place, he felt a thunderous hit on his back.

"How? What happened? Does he have assassination skills?" asked the players, confused on how Cain appeared behind Lucas.

"Most likely."


Cain dashed with top speed after Lucas and hit his hands before he could swing his swords at him, dropping his swords on the ground, and followed by a flurry of hits, Lucas grunted, kicking Cain away from his with his leg.

Cain looked at the debuffs he applied to Lucas and could see that he still had 2 seconds of a chance of ending the cossack warrior in front of him, which fought as if he was on the real battlefield.

In one second, he stepped inside using his 'Ruin Fist' to nail a thunderous strike on Lucas's chest which made the latter puke blood, and with a rugged breath, he sent another 'Ruin Fist' putting an end to Lucas fighting spirit.

"Блядь!! That cursed debuff, I wanted to equip a new series of swords in my inventory, and I simply couldn't. Hah, good fight, man. You took this first win, but we will see each other in the future."



Mathias, who watched the stream, saw everything with interest, focusing on the movements of the two, and could only comment thinking about his skills.

"I am lacking so much compared to those two. I shall work more on my basic skills of fighting with the spear and sword compared to training and synchronizing the skills. Skills are just a helping hand to us, and only if you have the skills to put them to use will you dominate against the rest."

With a deep breath, he planted his back once again on the greenfield, and minutes later, he heard from Maple, who shared the news excited. After talking for another brief moment with him, he heard the calm and sweet voices of his partners calling to him.

"Mat, you can come home."

"Finally, I thought you forgot about me and made up together, throwing me aside."

*Chuckling* "You know, maybe it isn't a bad idea. Isn't that right, sister?" said Fayrene in a joking tone, to which Jeanne also tagged in, nodding her head while gazing at Mathias lying on the green field.

"That's harsh. So have you two girls been getting along well? Have I done well for bringing you two together in this manner?" asked Mathias arriving in front of them, giving them a warm smile as he tried to take both of them in his arms.

"My, my, aren't you pushing your luck, little imp?" replied Fayrene as she got into his arms, settling on the part of his chest, while Jeanne remained shy yet accepting the warm hug.

"Just a bit. It will not hurt anyone. Right, Fay, have you shown Jeanne the work we are doing for that lady? Or your sketchbook?"

"Yea, you are late on that. You will have to tailor one for both of us alone. At least if you still want to get in bed with the two of us."

"Arghh, but I know only to sew my underwear." said Mathias with a pathetic voice, to which the two girls in his arms began laughing.

"Don't worry, I will try to help you, dear. While I don't know about tailoring, I will give you all my support." said Jeanne, encouraging him.

Entering inside the house and arranging some chairs to be linked together, Mathias started to probe the waters to see how lucky he could be with the two girls, but the two noticed his shrewd, devilish side and kept sending him on mental walks while taking back from their talks.

Slowly, he also returned to his writing while the girls were chit-chatting. It was a harmonious atmosphere that he began enjoying. Hearing those two beauties talk about random things made him feel at peace, boosting his creative side even more and increasing the progress in finishing copying the book for Juander.




[A/N: We got some interesting players on our hand in my story. Who do you guys bet would win if Mathias would fight against Cain?]

[Also, the Council of Wifes has been formed. Let us all gather to pray for the soul of our unfortunate MC.]

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