Saharan Successor

Chapter 152 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 17

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Chapter 152 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 17


As everything was happening inside Satisfy World, with things progressing naturally without a young man's who was sitting beside his laptop looking over some pictures and documents with great attention, not wishing to miss any details the picture he was looking contained.

An small map that he increased in size as he was looking for details while on another file on his laptop was a clear map of the Titan City and every single shop and location he explored to date, with a completion rate of 60% only missing the restricted areas of the city and the private residential areas of the wealthiest.

Nonetheless, the zone he was looking at was inside the Southern Zone of the city, going back and forth from his files.

'Where are you Clark? Where is your rat hole? This hideout map of yours leads me to your rathole, but I can't seem to find the entrance.  Clearly it is inside Southern City, around the Grand Market, but where?'

'That's the biggest question.'

He took a small break from his search, and turned to watch his younger brother who seemed to be watching some videos on a tablet, about Satisfy, and a lightbulb turned on in his mind, finding a solution to his stagnating search.

"Alex, can you look a bit at those maps on my laptop? Can you spot some connection between them?"

"What is wrong big brother, you really need my help?"

"Yea, I want your fresher perspective, since I turned into an old man lately."

"Mhmm, indeed. No problem, let me see." responded Alex, who paused his tablet and got closer to Mathias looking at the maps he found familiar.

"Wow, big brother you already have filled the map of Titan to this extent? I heard getting around Titan was really hard, especially entering the Inner City, or so the people on the forum mentioned."

"When you get to play the game I will tell you about my trick to get around those checkpoints in the city, but now don't get me started with your awe and questions. Look, my problem is rather simple. I got this treasure map, but I can't find it's location in the city."

"It must be worth a lot of money in that treasure chest. Okay, it is around this zone, but I am closer." mentioned Alex who pointed his finger around the zone Mathias already knew the Clark Syndicate was hiding in, South City, and the deeper location was lost in details.

"Alex, if you would ask me to guess, I would say those buildings would be my candidates, but I have a handful of them, but I have to be spot on." remarked Mathias who pointed his finger at five buildings closer to the Grand Market, mostly homes, slightly larger than his and Fayrene's.

"Wait, you are right, those make sense. If you would ask me to bet on something, I would go with this one, it seems the one that has more cover. I am sure people would want to hide their treasures inside a secluded zone of the city but that is also frequented by the people."

"Thanks a lot Alex, now I have one of my homeworks solved, I got some more to do."

"If you say so, big brother, I'll go to sleep soon. Some more videos until then, ohh, something reached the top page for feeds, a monster wave inside Saharan." said Alex as he settled back at his tablet and found a long video about the monster wave that happened in Silverpine Forest.

Finding the video too long, he went on to search for a highlight video, which he found plenty of, but before he could even process the entire information, Chris entered their room holding his laptop in his hand with a shocked face.

"Big brother, there's something you should watch."

"Shh, lower of your voice, do you wish to wake mom and dad?"

"Sorry. But you will not believe what I found, is about the recent monster wave inside Silverpine Forest of the Saharan Empire. It is a place where most high rankers of the game hunt."

"A monster wave? Give me the link to the video."

Nodding, Chris shared the video with Mathias, who played the video on his old laptop and it was a longer type highlight video that showed a large number of insectoid monsters of level 70-75, Endregas.

However he wasn't that impressed by the person who was fighting against the monsters, having made mistakes that made him shake his head like a nitpicking grandma.

"Uncoordinated movements. His sword techniques are atrocious, almost trash. But I guess he has some good skills and weapons to carry him.

Also those monsters just looking at them from my laptop I can see their weakness which makes me wonder how couldn't those guys not see it?

The easiest one to target their upper level exposure, like turtles they have no defense there, then you have their legs, targeting their tendons and even severing an small part of their legs would unbalance the creature, while the hardest pick is their heads.

Still if you attack there you risk getting wounded. So, the best weapon against them would be bows, spears, and arming sword with shield."

Mathias comment had both of his brothers stare at his with big eyes, and Chirs who saw the entire video, and how the fights progressed couldn't believe how easily his brother dissected the difficulty of those monsters, and didn't ask him how he knew about all this things, wanting to have him reach the middle part of the video where a certain someone showed up.

Yet, Mathias stopped the video before getting to where Chris wanted him to stop.

"Wait, that small creature with dual-daggers, isn't he little Vek?"

"Right, I wanted to ask you about this big brother, but do you know what creature is that small one that assisted those guys?"

"He? Heh, how couldn't I not know him? He is my cute, little disciple. He is a dragonwrought kobold from Gravelmark Heights.

He should be on his Adventurer's Guild Quests to destroy the monsters. Did he improve his technique or is he still the same reckless brat?"

He resumed the video, watching from the perspective of the high ranker who took this recording, and could only see some brief moments of Vek's attacking sequence that looked exactly as what he drilled with him, perking up a small smile, and as the fight continued, it seems that the player couldn't keep up with Vek's high agility, and lost his track.

But soon enough, the player got to a specific part where he retreated a bit, and was in buffing area zone that boosted his mana recovery, making it a big sensation in the players circles, but what made the biggest mark apart from the buff given by a woman playing her mandolin and singing, was a raven-haired woman casting her spells in an confident way, pulverizing monster after monster.

"Big brother, isn't she Fayrene?"

"Well, well, this is a surprise even I didn't expect. I knew she was a reckless girl, but to be such a showoff like this, no." mentioned Mathias calming his mind from having to see Fayrene fight so many of those monsters, even worrying deep down about her safety.

'Fay, what are you doing, girl? Winter isn't the right time to adventure around. Haven't I told you so many times? The reason I don't want to go around fighting monsters in the winter was because of how unforeseeable the whole situation was.'

"Big brother, I never expected that your girlfriend would be so awesome. Look at her carrying the entire raid, even that Fang guy who is in top 10, barely keeps up with Fayrene."

"Ahem, well of course, she has her own talents and when she wants to shine, there's no one taking her spotlight. This is what you wanted to show me?"

"Yea, aren't you surprised?"

"I am, anyway let's lower our voices a bit, and see how this video ends."

'Probably with Fay annihilating those insects, but who am I kidding there are a couple of spells she didn't show me at all, was she planning to take me unprepared and defeat me in a sparring? Maybe.'

The video ended as he thought, not placing too much stress on him, but deep down he had some trepidations about the whole fight that was centered around Fayrene, and getting to watch some of the comments, he could see a large army of simps being created just for Fayrene.

¶ My god, our Goddess has been born my friends. What Yura? What Jishuka? What Laela? What Vivian? What Paula? We discovered the true Goddess! ¶

¶ Who is she? An hidden ranker? ¶

¶ The one above, are you an idiot? Can you see her name on the ranking ledger? Obviously she is the shy one.¶

Not lingering much on the comments that were mainly from horny teens, he saw some decent and normal comments discussing the entire fight and even the role Fayrene and Maryden had on the Raid Party.

'When I see her I should tell her about such dangers, and I told her to not make a scene, but she is stubborn not listening to me. Hah, at least you found yourself an interesting friend, a Bard with a unique skill? Who would have thought my little gosling would be so charming and lucky.'

'Right, in a couple of minutes she would receive the letter I prepared to be sent to her in advance. My Fay, be careful of yourself and don't be too reckless.'


Moving past the incident where he had to watch the monster wave fight, he resumed his activities such as starting to read again the letter he gained from killing one of Clark Syndicate high members, which specifically addressed Clark in a respectful way, filling him with some information.

[Based on what I gathered from the situation inside Titan because of the outlanders disturbances, we can no longer deal so easily in slaves. The black skinned, the beast women, even mermaids, those annoying zombies made the entire trade harder on our end.

We require a strategy for the following months or even years because it will lead to an escalation. I lost a decent number from my boys, and it is hard to part with the idea of them dying without a cause.

I will await your meeting letter by the time the Masquerade begins. You know why, the best time to act in the underworld system since the nobles are all excited in getting fucked.

If until then things get bad, I might even suggest summoning the entire Syndicates.

Signed, your loyal friend, Ademir]


Processing the information in his mind, he then moved to a document where he wrote down the main points of this letter, and later on was left staring at the key words, Outlander, Disturbance, Slave Trade, Meeting, Masquerade, Syndicates Gathered, which left him stroke his chin that already started growing the beard, making his face rather rough and stingy to touch.

'Those guys intended to have a meeting at the Masquerade to discuss the strategy of how to handle the players' interference in their underground business. So, if I think about it, the Masquerade didn't happen in the Beta Phase for various reasons I am not aware. Even the winter was far warmer than this one.'

'It will be interesting dealing with this Clark guy, however I have to get to level 100+ to even entertain the thought of fighting them who should be similar in level with Michael, the adventurer who gave some great information about the Saharan Empire and even outside.'

'I was silly thinking I could do something against them in the past where I was just a scrub to those important Syndicate Heads.'

'Getting myself killed, and endangering Fayrene or even Jeanne for all that matters, just for my ego?'

'So stupid of me. '

The plan needs to be reformulated, either I test the waters when I reach that level threshold since I heard you get some bonuses for reaching level 100, or wait until I become a Red Knight which might happen around the same time I achieve that goal. Hitting two rabbits with one stone. Aren't I efficient?'

Ending his plans for Clark and the Syndicates, he went to open the most important file that he saved and left untouched since taking the saves, it was the content of a dark binded notebook, belonging to Black Spades Syndicate leader Irenaeus, who ambushed Fayrene after the chariot races.

[Irenaeus Notebook]


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