Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 645 618-All Factions’ Plans Fall Through

Chapter 645 Chapter618-All Factions' Plans Fall Through

In the central area of Storm City, right outside the entrance of Genesis Guild, guild leader Adam from Genesis Guild was discussing a crucial matter with Blue Sea, the guild leader of Blue Sea Guild.

"John has already said he's willing to sell his weapons to us. We're all aware of the extensive arsenal he possesses, and we must seize this opportunity to acquire the majority of the weapons we need," Adam outlined his plan with clarity.

Although Blue Sea's strength was comparable to Adam's, he lacked Adam's clear strategic vision.

Blue Sea could only nod in admiration, marveling at the vast differences between individuals.

"Perhaps our two guilds don't have enough gold coins, but we can collaborate with other guilds who are surely eager to obtain weapons. We might even profit from this transaction by securing additional gold coins from these other guilds. And they will undoubtedly be grateful to us, as they can't acquire such weapons elsewhere," Adam reasoned.

Blue Sea was taken aback by Adam's shrewd calculations.

"Are you sure this won't anger John? He clearly wants to exchange his weapons for magical materials to repair South Harbor. If we profit from this intermediary position, might he become upset?"

"I don't think he'll be angry because I can tell from his message that he seems quite relaxed right now. It appears he has successfully dealt with the Mystery Saint."

Adam was unaware that John's plan had not actually succeeded.

In fact, the plans of various factions had almost all failed.

On the side of the Order Faction, the legendary warrior had hoped to collaborate with John and Duke Arsena to eliminate the Mystery Saint.

However, not only did their efforts fail to defeat the Mystery Saint, but the legendary warrior Aike also lost an opportunity for resurrection.

This setback left both John and Duke Arsena apprehensive about their next moves, feeling that the power of the Mystery Saint might have been underestimated.

The Mystery Saint's plans hadn't fared any better.

The initial hope was for Darklord and Mystery Protector's actions to completely devastate John's territory, South Harbor.

While their efforts were partially successful, John managed to seal away the Mystery Protector.

This left the Mystery Saint reliant solely on Darklord to operate within the territories of the Order Faction, though Darklord's strength was not as formidable as that of the Mystery Protector.

Moreover, Darklord's loyalty to the Mystery Saint was questionable, as, being an adventurer, Darklord was keen on obtaining the divine status held by the Mystery Saint.

Additionally, the Mystery Saint's plan to eliminate all Devils within the Dark Realm was thwarted by the actions of the legendary warrior Aike.

Although Aike didn't interfere with the elimination of the corruptors, other Devils took the opportunity to escape during the chaos.

These Devils hid in the depths of the Dark Realm, a place even the Mystery Saint dared not venture lightly, for fear of awakening the embodiment of dark power, the Dark Emperor.

The Mystery Saint's progress towards full resurrection was once again stalled.

Although resurrected within the Dark Realm, the extent of his power remained limited.

As long as he couldn't leave the Dark Realm, the threat he posed to the Order Faction was minimal.

The Dark Faction's plans were the most thoroughly defeated.

They had hoped for the Mystery and Order Factions to annihilate each other, which would have allowed the Dark Faction to emerge as the ultimate victor in the faction war.

However, they hadn't anticipated the resurrection of the Mystery Saint in the Dark Realm, which led to a significant blow to the Dark Faction's Devils.

With many Devils either dead or in hiding, they were incapable of posing any threat to either the Order Faction or the Mystery Faction in the short term.

More importantly, after a series of setbacks, the Dark Faction's power had been greatly diminished.

Within the Order Faction, very few of the Dark Faction's pawns remained.

Among the players, Kingserp was the only high-ranking power from the Dark Faction still in hiding.

Recently, Kingserp had been keeping a low profile, well aware that John's strength far surpassed his own and that any ostentation on his part would attract John's attention.

With the plans of all factions failing, each needed to reassess and re-strategize from scratch.

John's decision to visit the Naga tribe was aimed at clarifying matters with the Naga Queen.

He was no longer willing to accept the Naga Queen's ambivalence in their cooperation.

His face-to-face battle with the Mystery Saint made him acutely aware of the terrifying gap in strength between them and the Mystery Saint.

At the entrance to the Naga tribe, John and Shatras entered without a word, swiftly making their way to the Naga Queen's palace.

At the entrance to the palace, John finally broke the silence.

"I suppose I'm of no further use to Her Majesty? She doesn't even intend to meet me in person. Is it because the Naga tribe has become the most powerful force within the Order Faction?"

John's question left Shatras uncertain how to respond.

She wanted to offer an explanation on behalf of the Naga Queen but ultimately chose to remain silent.

Upon entering the queen's palace, the Naga Queen looked at John with a calm demeanor.

"It seems you have many grievances against me. Are you resentful because I didn't provide support to your territory?"

"How could I dare to be dissatisfied with Her Majesty? After all, the Naga tribe is now the most powerful force within the Order Faction. If I were to express any dissatisfaction, would you then consider allying with another faction?"

John's words did not anger the Naga Queen, but they did infuriate the other Naga nobles present in the palace.

The nobles began to voice their complaints against John, but a single look from him silenced them all.

"I came here to ask Her Majesty one thing. Are you still willing to cooperate with us? Is our previous agreement still valid?"

The Naga Queen maintained her calm gaze upon John.

"Of course, we will continue our cooperation, and we have always adhered to our agreement with you. Did I not send Shatras to provide support to South Harbor?"

"But you kept a considerable force within the Naga tribe, a force that could have easily defeated the Mystery Protector and the Darklord. You should be very familiar with these two, as they have both cooperated with you in the past. Perhaps you also wish to collaborate with the Mystery Saint like they did."

John's dissatisfaction with the Naga Queen grew increasingly evident.

He sensed that the Naga Queen was merely beating around the bush, showing no intention of explaining why she hadn't sent reinforcements to South Harbor.

Hearing John's words, the Naga Queen sighed.

The Naga Queen, using her magical abilities, conjured an illusory map that vividly depicted South Harbor and the Naga tribe.

Between these two locations, a region was entirely shrouded in darkness, within which John could sense the presence of malevolent entities.

"The reason I didn't dispatch all our forces to South Harbor was to ensure the safety of the Naga tribe. You must sense the multitude of monsters dwelling within this darkened area," the Queen explained.

John nodded in understanding.

"When did these monsters appear? I'm not certain. All I know is that they emerged around the same time you ventured into the Dark Realm to confront the Mystery Saint. Perhaps these creatures are significantly linked to the Mystery Saint? We must first eliminate these monsters to ensure smooth cooperation between South Harbor and the Naga tribe in the future."

John responded, "In that case, let's not waste any more time. I don't have any more pressing plans at the moment, so let's take action immediately! Your Majesty, will you be deploying all available forces this time? After all, eradicating these monsters is crucial for the safety of the Naga tribe."

The Naga Queen nodded without hesitation.

"After we eliminate these monsters, I will also construct an underwater passage directly connecting the Naga tribe to South Harbor. This will facilitate mutual support between our two sides."

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