Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 642 615-The Treasure Left by Ocean Sage

Chapter 642 615-The Treasure Left by Ocean Sage

As John sealed the Mystery Protector using his formidable Space Authority, the latter became acutely aware of the grave danger he was in.

Despite transforming into a sphere entirely composed of Arcane energy, the Mystery Protector found himself unable to break the spatial seal with his potent Arcane power.

Left with no other choice, the Mystery Protector resorted to his final ace, a Sacred Relic in his possession.

It was a gem imbued with boundless Mystery power, acquired in exchange from Darklord.

"John, you've forced my hand! I'll show you that I have far more tricks up my sleeve than you do!" the Mystery Protector declared.

As his words fell, he crushed the infinitely powerful Mystery gem, unleashing a torrent of Mystery power that merged with the Arcane energy.

The white sphere was instantly tainted brown by the power of Mystery, breaking through the Abyssal Prison's space seal crafted by John.

Seizing this opportunity, the Mystery Protector escaped the seal and attempted to flee using a Teleport Spell.

However, he was immediately intercepted by Shatras at the seaside.

"Don't forget that I, too, am your foe. Did you really think escaping from John would grant you freedom?"

Shatras, exhibiting the prowess of a Legend Magus, unleashed two oceanic Divine Skills that commanded the surrounding seawater to surge towards the Mystery Protector at great speed.

Faced with the sudden tsunami, the Mystery Protector had no choice but to flee in the opposite direction, fully aware that John was lying in wait.

Now devoid of any divine scrolls or Sacred Relics, the Mystery Protector could only rely on his Legend Magus powers to devise an escape.

Utilizing his potent Teleport Spell, the Mystery Protector transported himself between various locations, successfully evading a direct seal by John.

However, this tactic led to a rapid depletion of his magical reserves.

Following the current trajectory, he would be incapable of casting any spells in just over ten minutes.

This meant that he would be directly eliminated by John. In a moment of sheer desperation, the Mystery Protector finally recalled the secret pact between him and the Ocean Sage.

He swiftly moved towards South Harbor, seemingly intent on breaking into it.

This action slightly surprised both John and Shatras.

John had not originally planned to eliminate the Mystery Protector directly, believing that it was crucial to weaken him sufficiently before doing so.

John now regretted not acting more swiftly to eliminate his opponent if he had known that the Mystery Protector had other aces up his sleeve.

The moment the Mystery Protector made a dash for South Harbor, John and Shatras immediately followed suit.

The NPCs within South Harbor took cover, terrified of the impending battle among the three powerhouses.

Although John was their lord, he could not provide absolute protection during the conflict.

While Twilight and Hammer were no longer under threat from the Mystery Protector, it was unrealistic to expect them to hinder his actions.

Thus, unimpeded, the Mystery Protector reached the heart of South Harbor, where the magus tower once inhabited by the Ocean Sage stood.

He scanned the area and quickly located the agreed-upon mark with the Ocean Sage, etched at the base of the magus tower.

Utilizing an Arcane spell, the Mystery Protector deciphered the content of the mark at the tower's base.

"The treasure is hidden right beneath the magus tower!"

After deciphering the mark, the Mystery Protector immediately used a Teleport Spell to move towards the very bottom of the magus tower.

Although John and Shatras could not interpret the mark, they possessed sufficient capabilities to track the Mystery Protector's movements.

Without hesitation, they followed him towards the base of the magus tower.

"Why do you think the Mystery Protector is heading towards the top of the Ocean Sage's magus tower?"

John discussed the Mystery Protector's motives with Shatras while tracking him.

Shatras shook her head.

Even as a Legend Magus, she didn't have much knowledge about the Mystery Protector and the Ocean Sage.

By the time she rose to prominence as a Legend Magus, both the Ocean Sage and the Mystery Protector were legends from a much earlier era.

"I'm not very familiar with these two Legend Magi. They ascended to their legendary status much earlier than I did. Perhaps there are secrets of the Ocean Sage that only the Mystery Protector is aware of."

John nodded in agreement with Shatras's remarks.

They eventually stopped before a sealed door.

John sensed that the Mystery Protector had likely already entered through the door.

The door was inscribed with numerous marks, the meanings of which neither John nor Shatras could decipher.

"It seems that what lies beyond this door is something left behind by the Ocean Sage. The Mystery Protector must have come here in pursuit of something the Ocean Sage left behind," John surmised, looking around.

"I can't interpret the content of these marks on the door. We might have to resort to brute force to open it."

Shatras, leveraging her wisdom as a Legend Magus, attempted to decipher the markings on the door.

However, their complexity far exceeded her abilities.

"In that case, step back!" John instructed.

After Shatras retreated a few steps, John drew his weapon and activated the Mystery Pupil Gem.

Empowered by formidable forces, he used the Sacred Relic to smash the door open.

The moment the door burst open, a twisted creature appeared before John and Shatras.

The creature, with a vaguely human silhouette, had no discernible facial features, replaced instead by numerous gaping holes from which strange and terrifying powers emanated.

Its limbs had almost completely vanished, substituted by twisted, insect-like appendages surrounded by eyes that blinked open and closed.

"You can no longer defeat me! I have become the most powerful Legend Magus!"

The creature's hoarse voice was unmistakably that of the Mystery Protector.

The monster confronting John and Shatras was none other than the transformed Mystery Protector, who seemed to have received a blessing of even greater power beyond the door.

"I must admit, my previous disdain for you might have been somewhat excessive. Had I known you would transform into this, my disgust for your former self wouldn't have been as strong! You are truly revolting now," John remarked, looking at the monstrosity the Mystery Protector had become.

The creature was more repulsive than any beast John had encountered, making even the dark power-twisted demons of the Dark Realm seem less grotesque.

"Your words are meaningless! I have obtained the treasure of the Ocean Sage! You cannot defeat me now, and I can easily annihilate you!"

As the Mystery Protector's voice faded, highly intricate forces began to manifest around it, seemingly infused with the powers of the Sea God and the sanctity of the Mystery.

These forces materialized, further augmenting the twisted creature's already imposing stature.

A vast chasm suddenly formed on the creature's head, filled with countless sharp teeth, amidst which eyes continuously rotated.

The Mystery Protector's assault was squarely aimed at John.

After all, John had been the principal target the Mystery Protector sought to eliminate, convinced that without John, Shatras would stand no chance against him.

Confident in his strategic positioning, John made no move to evade the incoming onslaught, convinced that his foe wouldn't breach the threshold of the doorway.

From his vantage point at the entrance, he observed with a composed demeanor as the contorted figure of the Mystery Protector hurtled towards him, a calm resolve etched on his face amidst the unfolding chaos.

Shatras, eyes widened in disbelief, exclaimed, "John, what are you doing?! Why aren't you evading the attack?"

Amidst Shatras's astonished cries, John remained composed, his gaze fixed on the Mystery Protector.

As the creature reached the doorway, a loud clang resounded.

The Mystery Protector was abruptly halted by the barrier of the door.

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