RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Pov 3 person

Four male silhouettes outlined by the street lap lights, are moving through one of the quiet streets of Vale .

One of the silhouettes leads the group when the other three look at a large, black mace, with a red dust crystal placed at the center, which the leading silhouette holds resting on his shoulder.

??? : " Quite nice is this new weapon of yours." 

Says the boy with green hair as he look at the mace which lay resting on his friend's shoulder. 

??? : " You're lucky that this arrived in Vale so quickly. After all, you placed your order a week ago and you already have it, some people have to wait a month before their weapons are assembled, not to mention the shipping for which you can wait up to a month . "

Blonde-haired boy says 

??? " After you lost the old mace you probably would have a problem in Becon. Because without this new one you would be left without a weapon ." 

Says the boy with dark blue hair. 

??? : " Will you shut up Sky or should I do it for you. I didn't lose the old one it just broke from my strength." 

Says Cardin with anger in his voice. 

??? : " Yeah yeah broken from your strength , brag already what you spent the fortune on because I won't believe you when you say you spent that much lien for a piece of shit ". 

Says the blond boy teasing, as he with his eyes close walk along with the group. 

Cardin " : Of course it was damn expensive. The whole thing is made of titanium, this weapon is capable of withstanding the explosion of the crystal inside and directing that explosion in the direction I choose ."

Says Cardni as he one-handedly holds the mace in front of him to look at the red crystal inside. 

Sky :" So it's a boom stik "

Says an amused Sky as he pokes with his elbow the blond-haired boy whose slightly closed eyes opened wide when he looked in one direction. 

??? " That's a good ten out of ten." 

Says blond-haired boy as he with his words he draws the attention of the rest of the boys . 

Sky : " That's a ten for you? Well, maybe she would be but without that scar on her eye ." 

Says Sky looking in the direction in which the blond-haired boy is looking. 

Cardin :" Are you guys really that turned on by a dog?"

Says Cardin looking in disgust at the wolf ears and tail belonging to the girl which is walking on the opposite side of the street. After these words a cruel smile appears on Cardin's face but when he is about to walk towards the girl he is stopped by a green-haired boy. 

??? :" Let it go, Cardin don'tmake a fuss today we have to go back, tommorow we heve to buy thinks before we go to Bicon . Besides, something is wrong with her " 

Says green-haired boy, watching the girl's movements .

Sky : " She looks like she's drunk ?" 

Says Sky when the blond-haired boy next to him nods in a confirmation. 

Cardin : "Does it even matter?". 

Says Cardin angrily after which he looks at the girl, sighs and walks away forgetting the matter.  

Sky : " All this time and he still can't deal with it ?" 

Ask. Sky

??? : " It's going to be about three years since that day. But I sill doubt if he'll ever recover from that." 

Says Blonde boy with sorrow in his voicea. 

Sky : "It is true that what happened was sudden and tragic  , however he can't be so anti faunus in the Academy. They may kick us out for this or even not accept us if they have information from our previous school."

Sky says.

??? :"You may be right however I will not leave Cardin anyway. We've all known each other long enough to know that Cardin has the character he has for a reason. "

??? :" So I don't know about you but I will stand with Cardin even if in the eyes of others I am an asshole. Without Cardin ,there is no our team and being a hunter in a broken team makes no sense to me.  "

Says green-haired boy. 

??? :"I honestly choose Cardin, over some feelings of random faunus which I don't even know  . Even if it meant it would get me in trouble." 

Says the blond-haired boy as he moves to catch up with Cardin

Sky : "That's not what..." 

Sky starts to speak but is interrupted by a green-haired boy. 

??? :" I know Sky, it's not easy with Cardin however it's up to us to make sure he doesn't cross any lines. After all, we promised... ." 

Sky : "That we become hunters" 

Sky says finishing the sentence. 

??? : "Even if Cardin will be difficult to control ."

Says the green-haired boy

Sky : " So what about the girl? Are we going to leave her alone at night ?" 

Asks once again concerned Sky.

??? : " Look closely Sky this defenseless girl is a wolf in sheep's clothing." 

Says the grean-haired boy completely unconcerned that the girl is literally a wolf faunus. And after saying that, he left to catch up with the rest.

Hearing these words Sky looks at the girl again. She was not drunk rather she was walking in a way as if she had lost the will to live, her eyes were distracted at the same time angry and just looking into those eyes said a lot about the owner . 

The girl was clearly not having a good day. Sky watched the girl until she walked into one of the alleys disappearing from his sight . 

Sky obviously understood what his friend was talking about. It's the feeling when you meet a suspicious person on the street. Always in such a situation you try to pass by as quietly as possible, preferably unnoticed and sometimes you completely change the direction in which you are walking.  

The same when in front of you stands someone larger and visibly stronger, because of common sense you do not try to make trouble with this person well unless you have balls of steel or a few friends standing behind you.

It's perfectly natural you don't need to have a sixth sense or anything, it's just feeling and common sense. This is what Sky felt when he looked at this girl, he felt uncomfortable. 

 In the end  Sky walked away, still with worried that something would happen to the girl but, his mother always told him that you can't judge a book by its cover, especially since the most beautiful things in nature are the most deadly.

However, despite the fact that the four young hunters know when to let go, the same cannot be said of the staunch racists from the extremist groups which attack faunus. 

It was easy to recognize them by their tattoos mostly filled with hatred for the so-called "animals". Their presence makes ordinary people retreat, to home or they changed the direction in which they were going only to avoid them by a wide margin, because even they could be considered "Animal" sympathizers. 

The police themselves did nothing with them because until they attacked anyone they were ordinary citizens. 

 And it was a bunch of such people who noticed a young wolf girl . And it was this wolf girl they chose as their target, as they slowly unhurriedly, moved with some distance behind her with smile on their faces and empty liquor bottles in their hands. 

 Not knowing that they were calling the wolf out of the woods, only to have the wolf show its fangs, especially since the wolf is having a very bad day .

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