RWBY – The madness of Lappland

The dead who tell the story 2

( ten minutes earlier )

Roman pov

Feeling that the aura circulation has returned to normal , I look at Neo who without speaking ran ahead probably with the intention of finding Lappland . 

If this disturbance in the Aura , is really couse by Lappland which is highly probable , then looking for her makes no sense because her semblance works up to half a kilometer from its epicenter without any change in intensity caused by distance . 

Which means that it is impossible to determine the location of Lappland even after she used the semblance . However, the very idea that Neo mindlessly ran to Lappland , knowing well that both she and Lappland trying to kill each other makes me feel like questioning my partner's approach to this matter.

' I don't know their relationship , I would help her if she explained it to me . What is the point of running to Lappland now if the result will be the same ? You both tearing each other apart.'

I think as I watch Neo run in front of me . With exasperation and sigh I run after her knowing that I won't be able to stop her .

' I honestly hope they don't meet now because what Adam did to her probably messed up her brain even more . So without investigating her situation this is just plain stupid to go straight to her .'

I think while running with the cane in my hand , unluckily for me I am slower than Neo so I have to run with all my strength to catch up with her . Apparently Neo doesn't know where to run which makes me take a risk by catching her with my cane over her shoulder to stop her . And to my misfortune I succeeded .

Roman :" Stop for a moment Neo " .

I say looking into her eyes which makes shivers run down my back . If a look could hurt , I would already be lying in the hospital . My only good fortune is that Neo and I have known each other for years so I know that she will not kill me .

Roman :" Neo think . Even if it's Lappland what are you hoping for ? A friendly greeting ? Last time you almost killed each other , what do you think will happen now ?"

Roman ;" Lappland is in Vale knowing her she has her eye on Adam as her next toy . We don't know how much she knows , I don't want to risk her catching Adam's scent with her nose . We both know how this will end , I know you don't want to hurt her right ?"

I ask knowing the recent relationship dynamics of these two psychopaths. Looking at me Neo clasps her hand on my wrist and if I were a normal person , my hand would already be in a cast . 

Roman :" Besides how do you want to look for her here ? You know how her sembelance works there is no option that we ..."

I say with the intention of finishing the sentence when the tip of Neo's umbrella suddenly aims at my mouth when her gaze expects me to be silent . Without moving I obey her command when the sound of gunfire comes from the distance .

 Despite the noise of the neighborhood my ears which have heard the sound of gunfire many times have picked up this sound . However, before I can consult it with Neo I see her running on with even more speed .

'Fuck , I really don't want these two to meet now ... '

I think wondering what Neo's plan for this meeting is ? 

'She has no plan , she is running blindly driven by pure emotion .'

I think remembering her behavior and the fact that Neo and Lappland used to be close .

' Of course I'm not saying that I don't want them to ever meet , just not now . Lappland apparently is in a fight and the fact that she used sembelance means that she does not have the nerve to fight today , she went directly into killing mode instead of playing with food .''

'Which is still better than what happened when I first saw her and Neo meeting . The first time I saw something like that , they both even used their teeth to fight . '

Thinking about it I feel shivers running down my back .

' A lot of stitches and bandages I used then to glue Neo . Since that day I have known that Neo and Lappland are like eternal enemies but the aggression was generally more evident from Lappland's side .''

I think running with all my strength trying to catch up with Neo who has already disappeared from my sight .However, seeing where she is running I move to the place from where shots are coming from time to time . But even with this sound as an indicator it is hard to determine the direction because of the Echo . Sometimes the shots sound like they are coming from every direction. 

Eventually the sound of the gunshot goes completely deaf leaving me at the intersection with no idea where Neo is .  

' Why do I even bother ' .

I think, twisting the cane in my hand with the intention of leaving Neo with Lappland alone however remember the time spent with this hateful psychopath . I sigh knowing that the idea of intentionally leaving Neo in danger would already completely throw the rest of my already black heart out of me .

Fortunately two loud gunshots restore my sense of direction as I run quickly across the alley in the middle of which stands a fence over which I jump and running on I emerge into the main street . At that moment raindrops began to fall on my head which makes me only able to whimper under my breath .

' I was arranging my hair today ' .

I think annoyed seeing Neo nimbly run past me . '

Moving behind her , I feel the rain falling harder and harder on my head as my outfit gets completely soaked . However, Neo as if nothing ever happened, with an open umbrella covers herself from the rain .

' I honestly have no comment .

I think while looking at Neo who stares at something . Looking where she is looking , I see something unusual .

Roman :" This ... It looks like something Lappland would do ."

I say aloud looking at the lower part of the body lying under the destroyed store window . However, Neo goes on and looks into the Alley that is straight ahead to the corpse. Looking at her, I can see her face turn from twisted anticipation to disgruntled indifference.

' She has already escaped huh ? '

I think coming closer as my nose catches the smell .

' oh boy . This is something new '

I think while feeling that familiar smell of internal organs scattered on the floor combined with the smell of blood . 

'Add to that the rain and we have a place I really don't want to be ' .

I think without revealing these thoughts out loud knowing that Neo is already barely holding it together since meeting Adam . So sitting quietly I look at her and say .

Roman :" As I say , even if it's her , you won't have time to find her before she finishes . Now let's go back , In a moment all the cops in the area will be here ."

I say looking again at the corpse behind me . However Neo does not listen to me as she enters the alley which leaves me with no choice but to follow her . Looking at the scene in the alley I lift my legs high to avoid stepping on the body . 

Including that guy outside there are seven bodies . Looking at the weapons they are all looks like hunters . Broken light bulbs mean that sembelanc Lappland caused a short circuit in this alley . 

There is an unwashed layer of smoke on the ground and the smell of burnt cartridges is in the air . 

' It was a lot of fun here .

I think looking at the guy pierced like a shashlik . This sight itself is not so surprising to me in the end Lappland defeated Neo and I know the skills of my partner so I know that there is no joke with this wolf girl. 

Thinking about it , I return to Neo which at this moment approach a legless body which suddenly after Neo approached it grabbed her leg .

Young man : " Help , help me it hurts ."

Says young man , his voice was so weak that I can barely hear it through the rain . But hearing his voice , looking at his " legs " and pale skin I can say that he is dying , he will not live long . 

But in response to his words the unsatisfied Neo pulls out a blade from her umbrella then she shoves it into his mouth silencing him . Looking into his eyes I see how hope turned into stronger despair when Neo's smiling face was reflected in his eyes . Looking at the situation I know what to do , walking up to him I crouch in front of his face .

" You tell me who did this to you ? Maybe it was a girl with white hair , she had ears and a tail hard to miss ."

I ask him, to wihch he only weakly mumbled under his breath and nodd weakly making Neo to pull the blade from his mouth .

" Yes ... Monster ... Help me I beg she is here. "

He says the boy so quietly that I have to turn up my ears to hear him, not helped by the fact that he has started to cry and from the smell I can conclude that he has shit his pants or other corpses smell so bad. But despite this from his words I can confirm that it is our Lappland behind this .

I'm about to ask him another question however he has practically completely lost his rationality as he feelt that he is close to the end . Which leaves me with his last gasps and no answers .

Roman : "This Bastard has lost too much blood .Finish him off or let him bleed out , he doesn't look capable of speaking at most he will cause trouble for Lappland as a witness . As long as he lives to see the arrival of the ambulance "

I say just in case as I myself watching the rain wash away the rest of the evidence such as Lappland's fingerprints . I generally wouldn't care but I do it for Neo and who knows maybe the more rational part of Lappland will return the favor .

' But I doubt it ' .

I think looking at Neo who is ready to finish off this poor bastard . But before her blade hits his throat , Neo stopped and looked at something lying near young man's body  .

' And that explains a lot .'

I think looking at the collar wrapped in barbed wire . Upon closer inspection I see that it is the technology used in police handcuffs adapted for hunters .

' So these bastards are this type of people . What a day , just now I met a bastard who hates people.''

I think while recalling the horned idiot . 

' Looking at their weapons they are hunters and by their outfits they are probably from Atlas .'

I think while looking at them carefully . At that time Neo looked back at the dying man . Her eyes were different such full of malice , even though these people had no chance of hurting Lappland it was clear from Neo's face that the very idea of what they wanted to do to her made something inside her crack .

With a blank expression Neo directly stabbed dying man in the eye gouging it out in the process . And before he could make a sound Neo with a savage smile on her face with a single cut cut both of his cheeks along with his tongue .

Then cutting off his hands which he hold her leg ,Neo lifted her now free leg after which she stepped on his skull driving heel od her boots into his other eye socket which finally killed the last survivor . However , not caring about Neo who continued to trample the skull of the corpse out of anger and fluster , I walk over to the collar and pull it out of the bloody water .

' I'll keep it'

I think ,turning again to Neo which entire shoe dipped into the skull of the young poor man . With her next blow the skull sank into itself as the gray matter mixed with water .

Looking at this I put the collar in my pocket . Then I bend over the corpse whith crumpled chest becouse I noticed fragments of cloth in his hands , most likely a piece of Lappland's clothes . Taking it out of his hands I once again look around the alley .

'If there are still parts of the clothes somewhere then the rain should wash them away .'

I think as I turn to Neo by the face I can tell she is not happy with today's result .

Roman :" Do you want to look further for Lappland or ..."

I say even though I don't want their reunion to happen now but I can't let her be so distracted , but I am offhandedly interrupted by the sound of police sirens .

Roman : " It's time to get out of here quickly " .

I say hurriedly as Neo and I flee the scene in time for the red and blue lighting to illuminate the entire street.

' When we return to the hideout I will have a serious discussion with Neo about her relationship with Lappland . Only after I understand her attitude and goals toward Lappland I will be able to help her with it .'

With this last thought I and Neo disappear to finally control the chaos that this day has caused today in my perception of the world .

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