RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Only fairy tales have a happy ending 2

Pov ( third person / in Lappland psychosis ( mind )) 

When the laughter subsided there was silence again . The only sound in the entire room was the wheezing sound of the cold wind sweeping through the holes in the walls and broken windows . In this lonely and quiet space, Lappland waited silently , hanging inertly in the arms of the statues surrounding her body . Her hair pulled from behind by the hands of the statues , prevented her from letting her eyes down from the strange shattered mirror in front of her .

Lappland with fatigue on her face , watched her strange reflection in that mirror , whose lower left part now showed a wide smile . As if seeing the lack of response from Lappland, the smile disappeared . Suddenly a bloody hand pierced through the mirror and grabbed Lappland by the face . As for the mirror , it exploded into pieces . 

Blood from its cracks splashed around , staining with fresh blood , Lappland's face and snow , which instead of melting turned crimson . The blood-dirty shards of the mirror fell into the crimson puddle below . Large puddle , from which , around the broken pieces of mirrors on the ground , flowed many small streams of blood , coloring the snow covering the places around the streams crimson . 

Then on the calm surface of the bloody puddle , above which there was a mirror , appeared a pale , female foot , whose skin , despite two small scars on the hanger of the foot , was perfect without blemish . From the black-painted nails to the heels, it was obvious that the owner of the foot took care of her grooming or simply her genetics responsible for this part of the body was supernatural.

Which could explain why the toes of the foot were aligned in perfect shape and in perfect formation from the longest toe to the smallest toe , they formed a perfect line at an acute angle . Immediately next to the first foot appeared another similar foot , this time wrapped in bandages , it showed only black painted nails and toes , being a perfect reflection of the toes of the foot next to it . 

Looking up, one could see two long legs. One of them covered with bandages up to the foot made it impossible to see the beauty that the other uncovered leg showed .Perfect pale skin and delicate musculature hidden underneath . The only blemish that anyone could think of was the scars covering it . There were only a few of them and they were not large , but nevertheless they set off in beauty and perfection . 

Perfection , which was also the belly . Located above the hips wrapped in a bandages , from which protruded a downy , white wolf tail . Like the legs , the belly was also covered with pale and perfect skin disfigured only by a few scars . And unlike the legs , on the belly it is easier to see the outlines of the musculature hidden under the skin .

The chest wrapped in bandages was not absurd , nor was it small , it seemed ......... Strangely ideal in proportion as well as in shape , which could be fairly easily defined by the bandages tightly tied over it . Shoulders a little broader than a woman's , nevertheless integrally matching in proportion to slightly narrower hips . Exposed forearms and shoulders are similar to legs , perfect , pale skin covered with many scars and musculature gently visible through the skin .

On the pale skin of the wrists , only a pair of two scars that looked like a pair of bracelets stood out . Beautiful pale hands with long fingers and sharp black nails , were covered on the inside as well as the outside with a few scars . The hands just like the feet were perfect too . Both hands have symmetrically equal fingers . The skinny neck wrapped in bandages , was covered from the back and sides by long silky white hair .

The hair ware long and neat , it reached its length to the white wolf's tail , which slowly waved from side to side . At the end of the neck was a face , more beautiful and wilder than anyone had ever seen . The shape of the nose , eyebrows , mouth , chin . The dimensions of their position , the size of the forehead , the line of the jaw . Proportional and symmetrical beauty hard to achieve , and yet made only by genes . 

Even a single scar running through one of the eyes , thus destroying the symmetry did not destroy the beauty of the face itself , rather ...... It gave her a wild charm . Wild charm , which was further increased by a pair of white wolf ears with black tips . But despite all the beauty , charm , ideality , wildness described and encapsulated in human form , it is hard to believe that genes were able to create these eyes ...... 

The silver of the moon and the blue of the sky , hard to describe the beauty that was captured in perfectly shaped eyes , warped by madness and extremely misunderstood , empty thoughts . All this accentuated by beautiful , wild smile showing clearly sharp fangs .

It was Lappland....... wild beauty , or at least a perfect copy of her . A copy not of her current state , but a copy of her perfect , healthy state without all the dirt , fatigue , injury and disease that overwhelmed her body . The only thing that covered the perfect body of the copy was the bandages , which seemed to further enrich the " advantages " of the Lappland body .

Letting go of Lappland face , the copy left a bloody handprint there . Smiling charmingly , looking at her work , the copy took two steps back . Her bare feet stepped effortlessly on the broken mirrors on the floor . In spite of the whole situation Lappland was calm calm , she just looked into the eyes of the reflection , eyes just like hers . Despite the surface calmness and fatigue , in the depths of Lappland's eyes you could see the anger and hatred hidden in her . Two emotions that the reflection noticed , causing her pupils to contract like those of a snake .

Reflection : " Where does this hatred come from ? Maybe I don't see it on your face . But I see it in your gaze ....... I know that you want to kill me . But , from where does this hatred come from ? Is it because of what happened ? ......... " 

Reflection : " BUT WHAT HAVE I DONE ????!!! .......... Nothing !!!!!!!..... I have done absolutely nothing yet you treat me as the bad guy !!!!! I didn't force you to do anything !!!! Today , I just told you the painful truth . You're the one who went crazy and got carried away with your emotions ."

Reflection : " You made the decision ........ I'm not even real !!!!! I am nothing more than your own , inner thoughts , that you don't want to express out loud . Yes I have my voice .........however , what I really am ?????............ Mental illness , I am nothing else ...... I am not the " person " you can blame ....... You are the one who wanted to kill Blake ........Yes , I was the one who mostly talked about it and encouraged you to do it , but I am you !!!! "

Reflection : " I don't make any decisions. These are your thoughts and your actions ...... I never had any control over you . Simply , you can act based on emotion or instinct , however neither of us have physical control over you ...... I am merely the personification of your instincts and the desires associated with it !!!!"

Shouts the reflection as she walks closer to Lappland . Facing Lappland the reflection leaned her forehead against the dirty forehead of Lappland , who could see the shrunken snake-like pupils in the eyes of her copy . And in them what surprised Lappland herself , one could now see the emotional weight in them . Sadness , fear , anger , misery , helplessness , loneliness and desire , which quite like fuel fueled other emotions quite like flames . 

Lappland : " What do you want from me ? Why don't you leave me alone ? "

Asks Lappland, looking impassively at the despair of her own self .

Reflection : " You ask me why ????? Do you want me to leave you alone ???? I am your instinct , I am something that every living being is born with . It's was because of me that you could suck your mother's tits for milk . It was because of me , you started to walk . Over the years I've made decisions thanks to which you are still alive . I am the one who warned you of danger and helped you make decisions . I am the most integral part of you , you can say that I am your most trusted partner . "

Reflection : " However, now all I know is that we are DEAD !!!!! There is no escape and we may not have time to finish our unfinished busines from the past . But you keep going after Blake ......... She , hurt us , and I warned you , your instinct keeping you alive for so many years warned you more than once ........ I only care about our happiness . I am your instinct !!!!! My whole existence is based on your well-being and survival ."

So tell me . Why ????? Just...... why do you keep doing this ????? Why didn't you finish this treacherous whore ? I know you felt this satisfaction of revenge .......... Then why ?????...... why you continued to let her go ? What do I have to do , for you to finally understand ????......... What others must do ??? What must happen ???? ......... I do not understand ?......."

Says the reflection in a breaking tone of voice , catching the sides of Lappland's head , on the reflection's face show signs of mental breakdown . The reflection's pupils dilated and the tone of her voice became brittle and filled with inner disbelief , mockery and pain .

Reflection :" It is because of me that we lived so many years ........ I want to help you . I want to help us !!!!! You're dying you don't have time for a whore like Blake ........ How old are you ??? to keep believing it will end well ????? It's not a fairy tale it's life . If you believe that a monster like you deserves a happy ending then you are wrong and the world itself is showing you that ........ "

Reflection : " We will die. And yet , instead of worrying about yourself , our own affairs and a miserable future , you think about Blake , that traitorous bitch . By protecting her , we will leave only the name of the monster in this world . And despite all this you do for her , she poisoned us and took advantage of our feelings , trust and weakness . Because of her we lost a year of our life . A year of mental and psychological torture . A year of pain and loneliness in your own thoughts ."

Said the reflection , when her one shaking hand , with the outer part of her palm began to stroke Lappland's cheek . Full of madness eyes staring at Lappland , were at that moment broken and shattered , tears flowed from their corner .

Reflection : "Adam left us naked for others to see and laugh at . He did it to humiliate us and equate us to a dog . It was because of Blake that we ended up there . And now knowing that you are dying , you still decide to go after her and waste your remaining time . You want to secure her future by breaking your own morals , just like in white fang . In exchange for her happiness , you have become monster ."

Listening to the words of her reflection , which did not even seem to be able to convey half of her thoughts , Lappland's face showed an internal struggle , quite as if the words of reflection had a deeper psychological impact . Unable to do anything more than fight whatever was happening now, Lappland closed her eyes . Her action was overtly aimed at focusing , quieting herself , and most likely , closing one of the senses through which her twisted mind was affecting her . Seeing this the reflection retreated from Lappland leaving her some space .

Reflection : " AInstead of consciously choosing freedom , you chose to fight for something we don't believe in . You chose submission .You fought the battle not for our interests , you fought and risked your life for Blake . You fought for the people who stabbed you in the back at the first opportunity . You killed so many people for a cause that wasn't even ours in the first place . You made all the decisions that gave you the title of monster . "

Reflection : " How many people have you tied up and left in the woods for grimm. And funnily enoug , I did nothing then ......... You did it fully awere ........... Even without my existence , you are a psychychopath , a horrible monster with no empathy for others. You are a murderer ...... However, I was always the horrible one . I was this monster ..... always suppressed and silenced....... Despite the fact that I have always been right .... "

Saying this reflection stared at Lappland, who immediately after the statues let go of her hair , lowered her head , whether from fatigue or the realization that it's all true . Reflection standing in front of Lappland, seeing Lappland behavior clenched her teeth in anger . Disgust and a grimace of displeasure could be seen on her face . Stretching her arms out to the sides , the copy that was a mirror image of Lappland , let the shards of mirrors rise from the snowy ground and then fall into her hands already formed into the form of two , fragmented mirror blades .

 Then both blades were aimed at Lappland, one at her side and the other at her neck . But again Lappland did not seem to be moved by this , which made the reflection , with a cold smile moved the blade from Lappland's neck , under her chin . Turning the blade so that its blunt side touched Lappland's chin, the reflection used some force to lift Lappland's head .

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