RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Is this a happy ending ?

Pov 3rd person

Graveyard silence , no audible breath or sound . In this silence there was only a quiet and disturbing atmosphere , which intensified with each passing second . Blake's amber eyes silently looked for a moment at Lappland , who at that moment , holding the top of her head , lowered her head . Causing Lappland's white fringe to obscure most of Blake's view of her face . Preventing Blake from seeing Lappland's facial expression.

Seeing that after that Lappland did not move even a single muscle , Blake , again , slowly moved her gaze toward the room service girl , who stood frozen in place behind Lappland . Looking into the girl's frightened graphite eyes , Blake had already guessed what had happened . 

With complicated and impossible to read from her eyes emotions , Blake was not sure what to do with the unpredictable beast , her love , which was sitting in silence and in pain on her stomach . The worst part about it was that because of Lappland's lowered head, Blake was unable to see the expression on her partner's face . Unable to read Lappland's mood or thoughts, Blake knew only that this blow must have really hurt her Lappy. 

And that didn't bode well , especially because of the fact that just a few minutes ago , Lappland was in such a frenzy that it almost killed her . Thinking about a possible solution to the situation , Blake could only look into the eyes of the room service girl with the hope that whatever happened would not end in a Lappland rampage . 

At the time , Blake's only unintentional move was to instinctively cover , with her injured hand , her exposed breasts . Whose partial nudity seemed to have been noticed by the room service girl , adding to her graphite eyes even more clarity about the situation , understanding of what she had done and fear from the consequences of her actions . Not even to mention her apparent fear of the still silent Lappland , which was reflected in her graphite eyes .

Finally , in a room filled with a strange and stressful atmosphere for both parties , the first sound fell . The sound was a clear and loud swallowing of saliva coming from the stressed room service girl, who immediately afterwards let go of the broken broom handle which she to this point held in her trembling hands . Causing the wooden handle , after colliding with the wooden floor of the room , to made a loud sound , which caused Lappland's ear to twitched gently .

The poor , terrified girl with tears in her eyes took a step back , at the same time on her lips , there was a clear attempt to say something . In the end, however, her mouth just opened and closed in unsuccessful attempts . After taking a second step back , without even being able to make a sound , the girl covered her mouth with her hands . This was watched by Blake , who also being still too shocked , was unable to consider her next actions .

At that moment , Lappland moved . Letting out air through her nose , Lappland let out a soft hollow giggle , which was unable to come out of her still tight closed mouth . Taking her hands from the top of her head , Lappland slipped her hand under her still lowered head to looked at her hand , on which fresh red blood was clearly visible . 

Blood , which was noticed by both girls , who had been carefully watching Lappland's movements all this time . Seeing the blood on Lappland's hand , Blake's face turned even paler than it was before , becoming two complexions whiter . As the blood drained from her pale face , the pupils in Blake's amber eyes contracted . With a clear sweat running down her face , Blake let out an unconsciously held breath , as she looked at Lappland's face , which was partially covered because of her loose hair .

Despite these clear changes on Blake's face , there were also many other , small and normally imperceptible by the normal human eye microscopic changes in the muscles of her face . However, in Lappland's bloodshot eyes , which secretly , looked through the slits in her fringle , a clear reflection of Blake's face could be seen . Lappland's pupils seemed to focus on every minimal change in Blake's facial expression . 

Without making a sound , Lappland's head was gently lifted so that her eyes , could followed the single drop of sweat that slowly dripped down Blake's neck . Looking at her partner's neck , Lappland focused on the distinct movement of Blake's throat as she swallowed her saliva . If anyone in the room had such good hearing as Lappland , he would have heard clearly how Lappland's clenched teeth rubbed against each other .

With this gentle lift of the Lappland's head , Blake was finally able to see her partner's lips , which were  clenched so tight , whether from pain or anger , that the veins on Lappland's neck almost ripped out from under her skin . Blake's eyes, could clearly see a thin line of blood running down near Lappland's nose . Line which upon reaching Lappland's mouth it turned into a droplet of blood that fell onto her body .

The room service girl could not see Lappland's face , but seeing clearly fresh blood on one of her hands , she unconsciously looked at the top of Lappland's head, where between her ears , despite Lappland's messy and discolored hair, fresh blood was clearly visible. Which made the poor girl cry on the spot .

Ebony : " I'm sorry......... I'm sorry ......... sorry , I thought .... "

The girl was clearly trying to defend herself but Lappland interrupted her . Opening her mouth , exposing her fangs , Lappland giggled . Giggling to herself like a maniac , Lappland turned her head to the side giving the room service girl the opportunity to see her terrifying , because of the blood , wounds and exposed fangs , profile from the side .

Lappland: " HaHaHAhAhaHAHA........ Hahahaha............. This , not even funny HaHaHAhAhaHAHAHA But .............. Good hit , you must have played something before , cricket ? Maybe tennis ? ........ you ....... bitch ........ This ......... hurt ."

Unable to keep it in , Lappland laughed like a madman making the girl's legs almost buckle under her . However, it was only her words that made the poor girl break down in tears . At this time Blake , feeling unsure of what Lappland would do , tried to change her position from lying down to sitting . 

Ebony : " I ....... sorry ....... I thought !! "

The weeping girl wanted to cry out ,  but she was again interrupted by a loud growl from Lappland who, clenching her teeth in anger, stared furiously at the girl , who under the gaze of Lappland's eyes, fell to the ground and crawled backwards , trying to get as far away from the sociopathic wolf as possible.

Lappland : " what were you thinking ? Maybe I will open your skull to see ..... Perhaps then I'll understand why I shouldn't rip your uterus out through your anus  !!! "

Shouted Lappland as several single veins popped out of her forehead . Seeing the urgency of the situation, Blake simply lifted herself off the bed, causing Lappland to fall backwards from lack of balance. But before anything could happen to her Blake , being in a sitting position at that moment , hugged Lappland to herself .

Firmly embracing Lappland with her arms , Blake rested her forehead on Lappland's shoulder , hoping that her calmness would calm her partner's anger . With their breasts  pressed tightly together , Blake could feel Lappland's heart beating chaotically , quickly pumping even more blood to that frantic and unstable head .

Lappland : " You know what ....... Fuck it ....... I deserved it ....... A blow to the head that literally let some pressure out of my head ." 

Lappland said to herself  quietly enough that only she should hear it . But Blake , who was resting her head on Lappland's shoulder, heard her words clearly . But not wanting to add fuel to the fire in this already tense and stressful situation Blake decided to temporarily keep quiet on the subject .

Lappland : " Get the fuck out of here ........ Don't tell anyone about what you saw or heard and I will do the same ."

Says Lappland turning her head away from the girl . No longer feeling Lappland's attention on her , the girl with confusion , fear and terror  written on her face , with uncertain and wobbly movements got up from the floor .

Ebony : " Sorry ........... I thought .......... I .......... I shouldn't have done what I did ......... but I was worried after hearing about ....... I Saw Blood ....... I didn't do it because you're a faunus ...... I "

Said the girl apparently feeling obliged to explain her behavior. However, Lappland , saying nothing combed one of her hands through the black hair of her Blake , who with closed eyes enjoying that Lppland apparently managed to calm down .

Lappland: " It is not important ......... Don't explain yourself ......... Just take this broken broom and get out of here while you have the chance . And you don't have to worry about me reporting it ...... Just leave and pretend that nothing happened here today . For that I will not tell anyone about how you broke the broom on my head . I hope at least that will be enough to make sure you keep your mouth shut . "

Says Lappland " calmly " , to the girl who , watching the two hugging each other faunus , picked up the broken broom handle . On her face was a clear picture of guilt . Which grew with every second as the image of the two lovers in front of her sank into her memory .

Ebony : " Thank you and sorry again ....... Have a good evening ....... and I .....I hope that my mistake in judgment today will not affect your stay at our hotel . "

 Saying this the girl tried to hide her frightened and weeping posture , which in the end would have looked good if not for the makeup that melted down her face . Backing out of the room girl turn around for the last time she looked at the two girls hugging each other . With a complicated expression on her face she watched as Blake's amber eyes lifted from over Lappland's shoulder, looked toward her , causing a strange sense of jealousy to build up in her heart . The jealousy that returned to her after realizing that perhaps the wolf is not as terrible as she is painted .

After slamming the door , Blake with Lappland sitting on her thighs , moved gently away from her to look with her amber eyes into Lappland's silver blue eyes . Looking into Blake's eyes , Lappland did not stop stroking her partner's black hair and cat ears  .

Blake : " Are you all right? "

Asks worried Blake looking at the top of Lappland's head . Instead of answering her, Lappland broke eye contact, then collecting a strand of Blake's black hair in her hands, she slid it under her sensitive nose to sniff it. Blake didn't mind , because overtly , by their close bodily contact , she could feel how Lappland's pulse and breathing seemed to calm down by doing so .

Blake : " Lappy , you should go and take a bath or at least rinse your body in water alone . In the meantime I will call the doctor to see us ."

Says Blake closing her eyes , while at the time she rested her sweaty forehead against Lappland's dirty forehead . 

Blake : " Lappy ? "

Receiving no response from Lappland , Blake asks again . Unfortunately , Lappland seemed to be engrossed in sniffing her black hair . 

Blake : " ..... my ...... Love . "

Said shy and unsure of her own words Blake , causing Lappland to freeze . Letting go of Blake's hair , Lappland moved her forehead away from Blake , who because of this opened her eyes to look at her Lappy again . Looking at the face of her strong wolf girl , Blake did not find anything to worry about . As long as the thin , dried , line of blood flowing from under Lappland's fringe was nothing to worry about .

Looking at the blushing , charming and beautiful , despite the wounds and dirt  face , Blake could not help but make the first move . Taking the cheek of her wolf , without any unnecessary words Blake kissed Lappland on the lips . Closing her eyes because of the happiness of the moment , Blake wrapped her arm around Lappland's waist , when Lappland at that time threw her arms around Blake's neck .

Despite the state of their clothes and Blake's partial nudity , this kiss did not seem anything kinky . It was just a short and quick kiss , which , however , in the privacy of their room seemed to say everything about their feelings . It was a happy moment for the two , especially for Lappland whose still wet tail in its rapid movements resembled more a rotor than an actual tail . 

Lappland: " I'm going to the bathroom and you should come with me , you are also dirty .  We can call from the bathroom . "

Says Lappland to Blake immediately after the separation of their lips .

 Blake : " No need , compared to you I am clean . Besides , shared bath with my hand , it will be dangerous , because ....... Well , you are dirty enough that it will not be difficult to infect the wounds by the dirt in the water . You , after getting soaked in the rain , with your face wounds and dirty hair you are much more susceptible to disease and infection , so go first ."

Blake : " Also , is your head all right  ? " 

Asks worried Blake , when by this time Lappland already stood with her feet on the ground . 

Blake : " It's just a scratch ..... It only hurt because I didn't prepare for it ...... Besides , between the ears it hurts the most because of the sensitivity of that place . "

Says Lappland pulling from the pocket of her tattered coat a scroll , which by a quick pass was in Blake's hands .

Lappland: " Call from my ..... "

Saying this Lappland waving her tail went towards the bathroom . However , even though Lappland looked happy , Blake clearly saw that Lappland uncharacteristically fast and unsteady went towards the bathroom , signaling that something was wrong . Assuming this to be the result of fatigue and visible injury , Blake decided to not bagatilize it . Especially since she promised herself that she would take care of Lappland . Thus with quick movements using the Lappland scroll , Blake dialed the right number .

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