RWBY – The madness of Lappland

First blood and first trauma 1

This is my promised one chapter per week . Well I will try to keep it that way , however if I don't have time or feel that the quality of the chapter will decline , unfortunately the chapter may not appear once a week . However, as I promised I will try to create one chapter a week .


Blake pov

Blake : " I'm going to the toilet ".

I said bypassing Lappland, who stood in the same place for a few seconds longer then moved behind me as if nothing had happened. Due to the lack of a coat , which our mother gave her to hide her animal-like features from the eyes of people . Lappland stood out among the crowds making her the target of many people's attention .

Some of them were visibly displeased , disgusted , surprised , wary or directly hostile in their gazes at the sight of Lappland's tail and ears . Lappland herself without worrying about it walked with her head held high , which allowed everyone to see the wide smile on her face . 

Being honest wanted to reprimand Lappdumb for her behavior . Her behavior and appearance attracted a lot of unwanted attention , which put the two of us at great risk . However, looking at the fact that she did not even have that coat with her, made me know that she must have left it somewhere or even directly threw it out . It also made it pointless to get Lappy to put it on .

 If at all she could be persuaded to do so in the first place . Lappland is simply too stubborn for that . She doesn't like having restrictions on her tail , which she is so proud of . She never lets anyone but , mom , me or Sienna touch it . Always after the bath , she comb it with the greatest care .

' Which is funny , knowing and seeing that to comb Lappland's hair , mom , dad and Sienna have to chase her around the house . '

I think to myself trying to distract myself from my need . While looking at the surroundings I see a few people counted as the second part of the onlookers . These few rare people and faunus look at Lappland with worry or amusement at the way she walked and presented herself . 

Without bending her knees Lappdumb lifted her legs high with every step like a soldier on parade . Her arms similarly to her legs waved freely high with every step she took . Just as her white tail waved behind her . With her cheerful expression , humming and curiously looking around the snowy scenery of the city , she was striking the eye like a poking finger . 

However , Lappy didn't look like she cared about the attention people were giving her . Or at least she hides it well, which is possible by looking at how every now and then she glances secretly at people looking at her with hostility . But I have no idea what she is thinking about and honestly despite my curiosity , I am a little afraid to know .

' After all, there is a saying that " it was curiosity that killed the cat ". '

I think to myself without slowing down. Of course I know that Lappland would never hurt me . I am just afraid of what is going on in that head .

Blake : " By the way , where have you been ? "

I asked Lappland reminding myself of her lack of presence just now at the protest . Lappy hearing my question stopped with her funny way of walking , then she took out of the pocket of her winter jacket a piece of dried meat , the origin of which I do not want to ask ? 

But looking that it had on it a few grains of sand and crumbs often found in the pockets of jackets , I am sure that she does not keep this food in a package but directly in her pocket .

Lappland: " Something caught my attention and I went to check it out ? "

Said Lappland scratching her head with her free hand , looking uncertain in the face of her own words . In the end , without thinking anything more about it , she shrugged her shoulders and bit a piece of dried meat , which she then offered me , putting it directly to my lips .

Blake : " No thanks . However, where did you get this from ? " 

 Despite Lappdumb's smile encouraging me to eat , I refused , looking at the fact that she took it directly out of her jacket pocket . 

Lappland : " I took from home because I thought I might be hungry . "

Said Lappland again shrugging her shoulders finishing the piece of dried meat .

Blake : " Wait , aside from the fact that mom or dad would buy you something if you asked . We have been here for two days ? Lappland have you been keeping food in your pocket for two days ? "

I asked in disgust as I watched Lappland pull out a second piece and eat it with relish without the slightest hesitation in her movements . 

Lappland: " Yes ? This is dried meat , it will not spoil so easily . "

Asked a discomfited Lappland , chewing slowly , clearly not seeing the problem . Looking into her eyes I can see that she really believes what she is saying . Her smile also won't let me explain or admonish her for her lack of hygiene .

Blake : " Never mind ....... Do you know what happened to our guardian ? "

I asked having a suspicion that Lappland had something to do with it .

Lappland: " When I left to look at what I was interested in , our guardian followed me . Luckily I lost her in the crowd . Hahaha "

Says Lappland with a proud smile and giggle , apparently happy with her behavior and achievement . Feeling the urge again, I couldn't find the strength to say anything, so I just kept walking until I finally arrived in front of the dust station.

 Without saying anything I went to the side of this one-story building where I saw a toilet attached to the building .Unfortunately, I found an unpleasant surprise in front of the door of the female toilet .

Lappland : " [Toilet for customers only] . Well that's unlucky . "

Said Lappland without comforting me one bit .

Lappland : " After eating I want to drink a little . So I can buy something to drink and get a key for you . "

Said Lappy , pulling from the same pocket from which she had taken the food , a few Lien . After slowly counting them on her hand , she looked at me again .

I honestly did not have the strength to say anything . I stood leaning against the wall with tears in my eyes because I really couldn't stand it anymore . The very behavior of Lappdumb did not help , because she annoyed me with this slow doing things . 

Blake : " Go get that key already . "

I said quietly feeling that in a moment something will leak . Lappland saying nothing more went to get the key to my deliverance . But to my growing concern it took her a while . Although due to my situation , time might have flowed differently in my mind. Eventually, after waiting a while longer, Lappy appeared in my sight .

Unfortunately to my growing annoyance she seemed to consciously walk in slow steps . Well she could have walked norlamally , but again the situation may have changed the way I feel time . Nevertheless , looking at her expectantly , I saw her carrying two bottles of water by their caps in one hand , in the other hand she was carrying the keys . Which I immediately snatched from her hands as soon as she was close enough to me .

Hastily opening the restroom , I walked inside a room resembling a typical restroom with multiple stalls on one side and multiple sinks on the other . I immediately ran to the last fifth stall at the end to do my business .

After unbuttoning my jacket and pulling down those annoying pants , I began to do my business . Unfortunately hearing someone humming right outside the door . I realized that Lappland , was here with me and she was standing right outside the stall door hearing everything . This made me stop what I was doing , completely embarrassed and blocked . 

Blake: " Can you ....... Can you open the water in the tap ? "

I Ask Lappdumb , who after what I said , did as I told her  , without any unnecessary question . Now , in the toilet I heard the distinct sound of water flowing from the tap into the sink . This noise reduced my embarrassment and removed the blockade allowing me to continue.

Lappland: " You know I can hear you anyway ? I clearly hear you peeing ."

Lappland said directly , without any major reason , making me embarrassed and nervous again . Feeling my cheeks heating up , probably bringing the color of a tomato I decided to change the plan and drown myself in conversation .

Blake : " What took you so long ? "

I asked rather loudly , trying to drown out the sound of the waterfall , which I could no longer stop despite my embarrassment . The dam had already burst , so I could only bite back the embarrassment and hide my pride .

Lappland : " The asshole in the store refused to sell me water because of my " race " . He didn't say it directly of course , he insisted that it was because the water I wanted to buy was not yet in the system making the cash register not work . Due to the fact that I had limited funds I could not afford another option . But fortunately there was a nice manager in the store and he took care of it . I even got a second bottle for free as an apology . "

Said Lappy sounding happy and pleased to receive free water . In her voice , when she talked about the situation at the store , I didn't hear any change or break , which blatantly showed that she didn't care that she faced discrimination .

Also , fortunately for me , Lappdumb did not seem to want to take advantage of my situation to tease me , which improved my mood a bit and allowed me to finish my business in peace . Once I had finished and cleaned up , I was about to put on pants however Lappland unexpectedly entered the stall , which due to haste I did not close .

Blake : " Lapp......... "

I wanted to say in obvious surprise and nervousness, but Lappland bumping into me , covered my mouth with her hand . Just as I was about to push her away I heard the toilet door open. Immediately after , I heard a lot of footsteps coming inside .

??? : " Don't let anyone in " .

Said a deep male voice , immediately after which the sound of single footsteps rang through the toilet . Not knowing what was happening , I just felt Lappland pushing me on the toilet bowl again . I didn't know what she meant , this whole situation was disorients me all the more . I just stood in the toilet with my panties and pants down !!!

??? " : Lappland and the daughter of Ghira and Khali Belladonn . We know that you guys are here . We do not want to kill you . We are on a mission to take you alive , so come out and don't cause problems . "

Said the same deep male voice . As for what is going on here , I already understood that they were some people who came to take us away . Probably Lappland heard them before they came in hence her behavior .

??? : " ........ Sigh ......... Can you kids cooperate a little . If you don't come out in three seconds , I'll drag you out of here by your tail and hair if you force me to . "

Said the deep male voice again  , when in the meantime, footsteps rang around the room . Finally the footsteps stopped , and the water still running in the tap finally stopped . At that moment Lappland push me again in this time , planting me on the toilet .Immediately after that she stood on the toilet bowl between my legs . In the understanding of what she was doing , I quickly lift my legs from the ground .


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