RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Emotional storm**

Sorry again for the delay , but life likes to throw me down the stairs under the train .


Blake pov 

My emotions had not yet cooled down. I don't know if it was the near death experience , the adrenaline , or my confession that ignited this feline need to make love with her . And this despite the fact that since we have been together in Vale , practically every night we had fun together , or she had fun with me . But feeling guilty or being drunk didn't allow me to get as much pleasure out of it as I feel now . 

With many conflicting thoughts in my head, I looked into her beautiful eyes . I could read everything from them . That's why I knew that she was laughing at me . I know what she wants to say . Yes , I am a perverted and submissive kitten . And yes , I always have been perverted . I will lie , if I say that I do not like doing it and that it does not interest me . Perhaps it is the fault of the lack of secretiveness of my parents as to their activities or dirty talk that sometimes could accidentally fall out of their mouths . Maybe this is just my natural instincts or books whose contents ...... Were not always polite and yet I read them .

Even my favorite books has a lot of ..... Dirty content , which I don't want to show Lappland , knowing that she will recreate scenes from the books for my pleasure or embarrassment. Perhaps because of this content , no matter how much I want to deny her sex , as long as we are alone with no plans for the next few hours , other than a few words of refusal I completely do not stop her physically when she starts playing with me . And I honestly don't want to change it , not anymore . If Lappland want it I will open to her proposal , as emotional closeness like we have now , is so addictive.

There is nothing to be surprised about , this situation sped up from zero to a hundred realy fast . I believe that like me , Lappland also has her emotional burden about this . I almost died and Lappland practically went into a rage in which she almost kill me . Perhaps this is what led to everything ...... Too many conflicting or similar emotions locked inside us to the boiling point . Only for this boiling emotions , to finally spilled over . And it's good that it finally happened  , I may have gotten burned , but I deserved it . Now there will be no lies , I will be honest as Lappdumb has always been for me .

Although I'm sure that our situation is not over yet and there is a serious conversation between me and her ahead . But right now , everything happened extremely fast for me . I don't even know when Lappland's hand , with which she had just play with my breast , tore off a few buttons from my shirt , which I borrowed from her , exposing my sensitive , sweaty and tense from her touch belly .

I felt every second when her cold hand, from my belly , slowly moved up to my chest, which was still hidden under shirt. Not being able or not wanting to do anything , I let her hand pull the bra off one of my breasts , letting it escape the cup , right into her hand . 

Blake : " mmmmmmm " .

I purred just like a cat , feeling her cold fingers on my nipple . I knew that only these hands could touch me like this . Feeling that I want to cry from the pleasure , sadness and irrational happiness of this moment , I put my arms around Lappland's neck . Dirtying her already blood-dirty hair , with my own blood . But to my suprise , my move caused Lappland to stop her playing with me , she even stop holding my neck . But even when she let go of my neck , I like an idiot could not behave , as  with every inhale and exhale , her scent came into my nose creating a hormonal storm in my body .

Even though my horny state is embarrassing , I did not try to hide it . I just watched as Lappy with her free hands grabbed my wrists , which were all the time wrapped around her neck . She then directed my hands in front of us , before I did something or asked what she was doing . Lappland stopped holding my healthy hand , leaving only the wrist of my injured hand in her grasp .

Then with her free hand , Lappy grabbed my face , pushing two fingers , which had a taste of blood and dirt in them , into my mouth and pressed my head against the soft bed . Losing contact with her neck , I caught , with my free hand , the wrist of her hand , which she pressed my head to the bed . Not hiding the fact that I enjoyed this. 

Instinctively and unconsciously I began to suck and bite gently her two fingers that fell into my mouth . That feline part of me really wanted to feel the warmth of her inside on my own fingers , that twitch when I hit her perfect spot . The bloody taste of her fingers made me want to taste the rest of her . Curling my toes I felt this urge to lick every part of her body . I just wanted to see her smile, I wanted to please . But again , despite the pleasure coursing through my mind , I could not forget about another matter that I will have to solve .

' Yang ...... I messed up again and Lappy still don't know about this. '

Recalling this eccentric and energetic blonde to who I lied , I felt terrible .

' I deceived her , saying that I feel nothing for Lappland ........ I also sold Lappland to her , quite like an object ........ Do I really see Lappland as a dog ? I let her chase after my Lappy . Even though I know that Lappland will not agree . It was I who gave this girl false hope , at the same time treating Lappland's feelings as something to give away to someone' 

Thinking about it I didn't even notice the moment when Lappland stopped pressing my head against the bed . Only then , I also feel the familiar warmth and wetness on my uncovered belly . I knew it was Lappland . Feeling her on more then one way , I looked at her. Although it was hard because of her hand , which was still held my face . I see her as she just seat on my belly , with my wounded hand in her cold hands . 

Thanks to the dress, which spread to the sides, her wet panties clung directly to my belly. That's why I could feel how with every breath she took, her warm crotch gave more steaming heat , from inside her , straight on my belly. Heat which by the way spread her hormonal smell throughout the room . I could also feel her scent-filled fluids running down my stomach , and only just by their warmth and smell I didn't mistake them for rainwater from her clothes .

However, I didn't say anything about it, because I myself felt my own fluids leaking out of me . Gathering my thoughts so as not to go crazy , I saw Lappy looking at my wound, which she had created herself . And I wanted to assure her that everything was all right. But to my surprise Lappy put my wound in her mouth and started sucking on it, causing me terrible pain, which almost made me curse. 

The pain was so powerful and sudden that I unknowingly bit Lappland's fingers. Only the taste and warmth of fresh blood in my mouth made me realize what I had done . But before I could do anything about it, Lappland again using force pressed my head against the bed . Looking through Lappy  fingers , which were on my face , I saw no sign of pain or anger . What I saw was a bright blush on her broadly smiling face , as she continued to suck my wound .

Seeing no anger on Lappland face , I decided to focus on something else  to divert attention from the pain coming from my wound , thus easing it . Not having too many options I decided to go back to sucking Lappland's finger hoping that her interest in my wound would pass . Even so , that her fingers taste like a blood and dirt, I was not discouraged . I just looked into her amused and frantic eyes , which look into mine , as I continued to suck her fingers .

 At some point I began to feel ashamed , knowing that I was probably doing it more out of horniness than pain relief . Fortunately , Lappland after a secund stopped sucking my wound . But even though I no longer felt the pain it was bringing me , I did not let go of her fingers .

Lappland: " You're bleeding too much Blake , you didn't even notice it . And can you stop sucking my fingers ? If you need it I can give you a breast to suck on or something ? "

Lappland said, causing me to blush . As I had completely forgotten about it .I forgot how badly damaged my hand was . As I focus on it now , I can not even move the little and ring finger , and the pain in the hand itself , without touching it , does not bother me because I practically can not feel my hand !!

Feeling the panic attack associated with this , I let go of Lappland fingers , only to see them sticky from her blood and my saliva , which further connects them to my mouth . Not discouraged by this Lappland , looking into my eyes and licked my saliva and blood from her fingers , with her long , agile and strong tongue .

' Is she doing it on purpose ? '

With that realization , I realized that Lappland use my pleasure to distract me from the state of my hand .

Lappland: " Don't worry Blake , you will be fine . And Don't look at me like that . Believe me , I also want to continue our game . But we need to take care of your hand . I will call Dr. Linzi to patch you up . She should still be at the clinic "

Lappland seys , as I felt the warm liquid , with a gentle spasm flow out of her groin onto my belly . 

' Lappy also has her high libido . ' 

Meanwhile , I mention her libido , which I literally feel it in the air and which also affecting me , Lappland suddenly and unexpectedly tear off a huge piece of my white shirt . Thus exposing my , also borrowed from her , black bra from the cup of which she herself pulled one of my breast out . I didn't say anything about it because it's her shirt . I simply watched in silence as she uses this white cloth , to wrap my wound with it . However , feeling how tightly she tightens the fabric on the wound , I again almost cursed . 

Lappland : " This should work until the doctor comes . Saliva works well as a temporary antiseptic , and the shirt should handle the bleeding . I don't know how it will look with the nerves in your hand , but doctor with her sembelance should be able to fix it on the spot . I didn't ripped off your finger or meat , nevertheless you have crushed all the bones of your hand just below the little finger . "

Says Lappland putting my injured hand aside . 

Blake : " Lappland , during our fight , you restrained yourself ? Right? "

I asked , knowing that Lappland could easily bite my hand off . And according to my intuition Lappland did not answer . Looking at her cut lip and bleeding eyebrow , I couldn't resist to again , with a healthy hand , stroke her pale bloody cheek . Looking at me , Lappy pupils contracted , and her face was again coverd by a gentle blush . Then her cold fingers touched my exposed , through the lack of shirt , rib . 

The coolness of her fingers moved slowly from my ribs all the way up to my sternum , where one of her hands moved back to my chest, while the other remained in place. Keeping her hand on my breast . Lappland with her other hand, with a single finger nail , pulled a line perfectly in the middle of my belly, stopping only at the navel ,which at that moment was filled with her fluids.

As she was doing this . I , feeling the chill of her finger nail gliding over the skin of my sensitive and sweaty belly , clenched my teeth to keep myslef from long moan. However, even this was very difficult , because of her hand , which gently play with my breast . As my hips instinctively moved slightly up and down , my belly began to tighten . However, despite the pleasant tension in my crotch muscles , I did not let myself finish . 

We had not even finished the foreplay and I was already all sweaty , ready and wet . But I asked Lappland a question ..... And I want to know the answer . I don't want to get distracted right now . Unfortunately before Lappland had time to say anything to me , an indistinct shadow appeared behind her back . I wanted to warn Lappland , but the blurry shadow moved too fast . Lappland's ear twitched , but it was too late , as with a sweep from behind it's head , the shadow smashed something on Lappland's head . 

The object broke upon impact , causing the shrapnel to almost hit me in the face . Fortunately, by moving my head to the side, I avoided the shrapnel, allowing it to land next to my head.

' A broom brush ? '

I thought surprised , looking at the object that almost hit me in the face . Then in further surprise , I looked at Lappland . Who with both her hands , was clutching the top of her head , above which hung a long stick from which the broom brush had broken off . Lappland was just looking ahead with a blank expression on her face . I do not know how much it hurt her , but I am sure that the person who did this is in serious trouble . I myself was not sure what to do , but I can not let Lappland kill someone in the hotel . However , the first thing I did , was to look at who hit Lappland . And to my surprise I saw a girl from the room service , who once warned me about Lappland's strange behavior .

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