RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Crow in the rain

Pov third person

On the street , flooded by rain up to the ankles , gathered a police cordon surrounding one alley on two sides . In the heavy rain and darkness illuminated only by the blue and red lights of police cars , many police officers in raincoats tried to protect the crime scene in front of and in the alley . Unfortunately , the amount of water flowing into the street made their efforts pointless .

While a few of the younger officers were looking for any evidence in the water , while trying not to trample any body or piece of it . The older ones were trying to take pictures of the bodies submerged in rainwater . Unfortunately in these conditions even taking pictures was difficult . The lenses of the cameras because of the rain and wind were covered with water all the time and because of the darkness even cameras with flash had trouble taking an accurate picture .

But even if some good photo was taken, it didn't matter as the water had probably already moved the bodies from their orinal place , the blood splatter had long since been washed away along with other evidence . Eventually a few police officers managed to take the weapons scattered at the scene of the crime but apart from that any evidence or valuable information was long gone due to the downpour .

When some police officers were dealing with the situation in the middle of the alley , a few experienced police officers gathered in front of the store in front of the alley , which was also cordoned off as a crime scene . In front of the broken window of this store stood two policemen with flashlights in their hands , their faces were pale , they looked like they were about to vomit . What made them look like that was illuminated by the light of their flashlights and reflected in their terrified eyes . 

The lower half of the human body lay in the water beneath the broken shop window . Everything above the chest disappeared allowing blood and internal organs to spill out onto the water flooded street . It was because of all that water , the whole mess became even worse . Intestines and other organs spilled out of the body and partially floated in the water stained with blood , shit and other fluids . Despite the rain , the stench of shit and blood was unbearable for these experienced police officers , by the shoes of which you could see the floating bits of tissue .

The store itself was not quiet either , through the broken window and bars behind it , you could see the interior of the store where two officers were standing , taking a picture of probably the only undestroyed evidence in this whole case . This evidence was the upper half of the body . Or rather , only the head , left arm and a mass of flesh and bones scattered all over the floor of the store .

Because of the bloody mess that the interior of the store had become , a senior officer with a notebook was forced to question a young man and an elderly lady in pajamas , deeper in the store . The woman was pale, frightened and shaken, she looked as if she would faint at any moment . The young man standing behind her didn't look any better, but he nevertheless assisted the woman as she struggled not to accidentally look in the direction of the bloody scene .

In all the chaos , at the border of the fenced off crime scene , stood a lone man with an umbrella in hand . His brown eyes covered with glasses stared at the failed and pointless efforts of the police . His eyes without disgust or the slightest twitch swept over the bodies on the ground , when on his scroll , held in his other hand , appeared files and profiles of the owners of the dead bodies lying in the street . Looking at the scroll , the man only sighed and turned his head to the side to see how a mysterious man clad in a black hooded cloak suddenly appeared there .

???: " I believe something very important happened since you snatched me from my day off in such a downpour , Ozpin . "

Said the mysterious man with a slight irritation . But he was not annoyed or displeased at the man named Ozpin standing next to him , rather he was frustrated with the weather itself .

Ozpin : " Sorry about that Qrow , you probably barely got home and I already called you back . Unfortunately this matter is a rather urgent one and I can not wait until tomorrow with it . "

Saying this , Ozpin handed the scroll he was holding to Qrow who was standing next to him . 

Qrow : " Don't worry I didn't even have time to get lazy after returning home , practically as soon as I got back I was drawn into the " conversation " between Tai and Yang ."

Says Qrow picking up the scroll . In doing so, he did not forget to take a sip of alcohol from his flask held in the other hand .

Ozpin : " Something serious ? "

Asked with curiosity Ozpin looking at Qrow reading the information from the scroll .

Qrow : " A night out without informing anyone , drinking heavily without permission , came back still with a hangover and apparently met someone she " likes" . "

Said Qrow shaking his head and wrinkling his eyebrows at what he read .

Ozpin : " Pretty normal for a girl her age . With her character I would be rather surprised if she was calm and polite . Well Tai has always been rather protective . And it's not like it will affect her admission process to the Academy in any way . Maybe not officially but I have already accepted her . "

Said Ozpin to which Qrow looked at him with raised eyebrows .

Qrow : " This is said by the serious director of Beacon Academy ? Accepting a student without first tracing his classification and in-depth tracing of his history and background ? What would Glynda say to that ? "

Said Qrow jokingly causing Ozpin to smile .

Ozpin : " Glynda would probably take away my coffee privileges . "

Said Ozpin with a smile on his face .

Ozpin : " Yang is young and she deserves normal youthful entertainment just like any other child . Once she enters the Academy she will no longer have as much time for it as she has now , let her play now while she can . After all , we don't know what the future holds , not when the " queen " is silent . "

Said Ozpin ending his initially positive answer with a slightly more serious tone . Making Qrow's gaze on the scroll harden .

Qrow : " After all , that's what I do it for . I will not stop them Yang or Ruby , not with their dreams . They both want to be hunters, I will not change their decision they are determined . I can only make sure they are ready and as prepared as possible for this path . But that doesn't change the fact that just like you , I am also of the opinion that Ruby as well as Yang should make the most of their youth . But as you said Tai is too protective of them .  And sometimes I don't know if it's good or bad ."

Said Qrow with conviction in his voice . Ozpin only listened to it , he has already said his opinion on the subject . As for Tai's overprotective behavior toward his daughters , he understands that too . After looking at the data and then at the police scene in front of him , Qrow looked back at Ozpin .

Qrow : " Someone has practically killed two teams of hunters from Atlas in the middle of Vale . And not just anyone , they may be racist bastards but you can not deny that they have skills . "

Saying this Qrow , looked at the scene where one of the younger officers , picked up from the water the lower jaw missing one of the bodies . The same young policeman vomited after realizing what he was holding .

Qrow : " Whoever or whatever did this to them is not a joke as long as we assume it was done by one being or person . Even if we are talking about a group , it sure doesn't look good for us , since it happened in the middle of Vale . But I don't believe that's the only reason you called me so urgently . A simple murder could be handled by the police , to me unless it was done by some " pawn " of the Queen , or suspect that it has something to do with her . "

Said quietly Qrow looking at Ozpin who shook his head in denial .

Ozpin : " Fortunately this is not about the queen , at least I hope she is not involved . "

Said Ozpin in a calm tone .

Qrow : " Looking at you I already know that you have a suspect , and this suspect is probably the reason for the urgency of this case . "

Said Qrow looking at the continued work of the police .

Ozpin : " You see , I got an interesting piece of information . A certain person apparently came back from the dead and appeared in a certain club for fanus . "

Having said that , Ozpin took the scroll from Qrow and then he pressed several things on the deviceit to then give it back to Qrow . 

Ozpin : " Something happened here , at some point a powerful jammer was used , which turned off all the dust within half a kilometer of this Alley . The lights directly in the alley , exploded due to a serious short circuit and dust discharge . "

Said Ozpin when a certain person had already appeared in Qrow's head , along with this also appeared his last conversation with Tai about Yang new friend. Qrow is not dumb , as a person accustomed to gathering information and associating facts , he quite quickly caught from this obvious information the profile of the person about whom Ozpin spoke . At this point Qrow sighed and with fatigue could only curse Yang's luck in his head . 

Qrow : "Lappy , the White Wolf of White Fang "

Said Qrow without even looking at the intelligence given on the scroll . Ozpin unsurprised by Qrow's answer just nod .

Ozpin : " Yes it is most likely her . The sources of information about her return are solid and do not show any mistake or fraud . Besides looking at you old friend , you don't seem that surprised by this which means you have some information too , am I right Qrow ? "

Said Ozpin looking at Qrow , catching him again drinking alcohol from his flask .

Qrow : " You see , Yang new friend that she " like " , very much resembles the description of our white wolf . Ears and tail , hair , eyes . "

Said Qrow sighing with helplessness . On the other hand , Ozpin listening to Qrow , raised his eyebrows in genuine surprise . 

 Ozpin : " .......... Well ........ It seems that young Yang has a special kind of luck . "

Said Ozpin wondering what else to say .

Ozpin : " What do you think about this situation Qrow ? I am talking about the white wolf and Yang . "

Asked Ozpin looking at Qrow , who was reading various data on the scroll .

Qrow : " It's hard for me to say anything , Yang clearly likes her and doesn't seem intimidated or hurt in any way . She talks about the White Wolf like any girl about her crush . I've heard a lot of bad things about the White Wolf but I personally refrain from making any judgments about her because of her age and my lack of knowledge about her past . In fact the only thing I know about her with certainty , is that she is just a talented kid with mental problems and a heavy past . And that is enough for me personally to give her a chance to convert . "

Qrow : " I've already told Tai that if her disappearance is a way of escaping her past, I'm very much in favor of not closing off her future because of her past. Even more so if she is seeking redemption . Of course, I'm also not stupid enough to let her do what she want with Yang . So my approach to this situation is caution . Understand her situation , understand her purpose and finally make a decision . " 

Said Qrow giving Ozpin his full opinion . Ozpin fully acknowledged this opinion but did not forget to add something from himself .

Ozpin : " Well , in that case I leave this task to you Qrow. Thanks to Yang you will get the first good contact and confirmation that it is indeed White Wolf . Once that happens and you are sure that it is Lappy , try to determine what kind of person she is and what her goals are . Then find out the reason behind her disappearance to make sure she has nothing to do with the queen or worse , that Lappy has become her pawn . As I said , with Yang approaching White Wolf will be easier and less aggressive ."

Said Ozpin , making an expression of hidden discomfort and petty displeasure appear on Qrow's face . Ozpin of course quickly see his mistake .

Ozpin : " I'm sorry Qrow . I know that in this situation I'm using your niece and her emotions as a tool , but believe me that is not my intention . I don't want you to force Yang to do anything in any way . I just want you to follow Yang when she goes out to meet the white wolf , I know with your nature you would do it anyway to chase Yang from potential harm . "

Ozpin : " You only have to do it once to dwell on whether it is her , if it is , you will know her identity and where she is hiding . If something goes wrong , like the last time on the island where she noticed your presence , back off and don't do it again . Then wait and perhaps Yang or Tai will invite her to your house , then you will have the best possible opportunity to strike up a conversation without arousing any suspicion . "

As Ozpin discussed his plan , Qrow could only sigh and rub his face with his hand . Massaging the root of his nose , Qrow looked at Ozpin , who had already finished speaking .

Qrow : " Don't worry . You're right , I've already promised Tai that I'll watch so that Yang doesn't get hurt . I will do as you say , this is the best idea for this situation . We don't want to hound the girl . I will find out what I can and when Yang brings her , I will talk to our Wolf . "

Said Qrow then looked at the scene in front of him .

Qrow : " But what are you going to do about it ? "

Asked Qrow , knowing what kind of panic in the midst of people can cause the loud death of so many Atlas hunters in the middle of the Vale .

Ozpin : " Nothing , there is nothing I can do . There is no evidence . So I will leave this case to the police to keep this matter quiet . If it does not work out , I will give a statement and ask some teams of hunters to strengthen the protection of the Vale so that people do not panic when the case leaks . "

Said Ozpin with seriousness despite the fact that Qrow knew that he played dumb.

Qrow : " No evidence ? So I assume that this footage , which you gave me to look at was never found ? Just like the drunken hunter left by his , now dead buddies in one of the alleys ? "

Asked Qrow not out of a sense of justice , but out of sheer curiosity as to how Ozpin would handle the case .

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