RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Beast of the white fang ( Huntress of Hunters 1)

Pov 3 person 

Blindfold "Okay we'll make this quick. I'll hold her down by wrapping my arms around her shoulders, then I'll lift her off the ground. Then she should not be able to use all her strength . " 

Blindfold :" Then one of you will hold her legs and the youngster will put a collar on her neck, just in case "

Blindfold " If it comes out fast enough then the she won't even have time to defend herself. At most she will be hit on the head to keep her from wriggling too much. " 

Whispers the guy with the blindfold as he walks deeper into the dark alley without paying attention to the girl who continues talking to himself . 

Leather jacket " Here you go youngster , put it around her neck with this there will be no danger from her ". 

Says the lether jacket walking up to the youngster , while handing him a leather collar wrapped in barbed wire . 

Young man : " This... "

Blindfold : " An electric collar, it turns on when the person wearing it activates an aura. Normally this is how handcuffs are made for the police and military, and one shock can knock down or kill a hunter. And thanks to the barbed wire stuck in the neck.... Bzzzz bzzzz "

The man in the blindfold interrupts the young man, finishing his sentence with a funny face and a sound as if he were faking an electric shock. Looking at this, young man's face curves in discomfort. 

Young man : "Do we have to do this? " 

Asks the young man as the face of the man with the blindfold twists in anger .

Blindfold : " Do we have to .... ?" 

Asks the disgruntled man, tightening the grip of his hand on the young man's shoulder. 

Leatherneck : "Pardon him, there was a faunus in his previous team. He doesn't understand yet" 

Says the man, looking at his friend's blindfold. Just sighing, the Blindfold man lets go of the young man and walks over to the girl who is apparently in her own world. 

With a quick motion, the man grabs the girl's tail. But before he can pull her to him her bandaged hand catches his wrist with incredible speed. 

With a quick motion, the man grabs the girl's tail. But before he can pull her to him her bandaged hand catches his wrist with incredible speed. In a quick reaction he swung his other hand in which he holds the bottle with the intention of hitting the girl in the head. However, she tightened her grip on his wrist. Then, turning around, she struck him directly in the face with her other fist. 

At this time the bottle aimed at her head kept coming and the girl, without time to react, simply accepted the blow which smashed the bottle on her head which was protected by an aura. The blindfolded man, not expecting this move, allowed himself to be caught by the other hand. Which led to the girl pulling both of his arms towards her, allowing her to hit him with the top of her head on his chin, which almost knocked out his teeth.

Before the blindfolded man recovered he was kicked in the balls with the girl's knee, which, despite the existence of Aura, caused him to almost die on the spot. With this maneuver, the girl freed her tail from his grip after which she move away from him and herself tightened her grip on his wrists. 

Her long black nails pierced the material of his coat and dug deep into his right wrist, creating a large wound in it, leaving his left wrist slightly injur then she kicked him in the direction of Leatherjacket who was already behind the blindfold ready to stab in her direction aiming next to the side of the man with the blindfold . 

However, as if he was already ready for it Leather jacket caught his friend in mid-flight move two steps away from the girl. Unfortunately the kick caused a tear in the blindfold man right wrist making his wound bleed a lot .  

The disappearance of his allies from in front of the girl given the bearded man chances to moved at girl with an axe. He swung the two-handed axe to her left side aiming straight at her torso. But in a show of elegance and dexterity, the girl leaps up and lands her feet on the surprised man's axe, only to then kick out of his weapon with one leg while tilting her body backwards to perform a back flip

The weight and force of the her leap sent the axe downward causing man's entire posture to tilt forward making it easier to kick him with her other leg straight at his chin . However under his chin appears a green barrier which after contact with her foot neutralized girl attack, whose body was now actinally upside down ready to land .


Finally, before the girl landed on the ground, a cylindrical shaped object was shot out from the end of the axe shaft , which object the girl, protected by her aura, caught in her bandaged hands. However the force of the shot caused her to fly even further back. Landing on one hand, girl put her feet on the ground, thus halting her momentum. Stopping in place, the girl found herself at the other end of the alley

Lappland : "Smoke? I don't need eyesight to see you." 

Says girl in a strangely amused tone as she stares at the can from which more and more smoke is slowly coming out and which she is holding in her bandaged left hand. 

Looking at her they saw a pair of silver eyes glinting in the dark and a strange smile that widens as she crumples the can in her bandaged hands, causing it to spew a mass of smoke that spreads through the alley. Turning his head back bearded man see the leather jacket bandaging their friend's torn wrist. 

Bearded man : " It's not good, I need help. " 

Bearded man said looking alternately between his colleagues and the girl who slowly was starting to become invisible through the cloud of smoke covering her, allowing only her silhouette to be seen. 

 Blindfold :" Fuck..... Oh fuck, I fuck..... It hurts . "

Leather jacket : "I can't now this idiot will bleed to death if I let go of this wounded. " 

Says the leather jacket holding his torn shirt over his friend's huge wound. Seeing this the bearded man turns to the young man who is standing still behind the bearded man holding a straight sword in his hands .

Bearded man : "Young how many more barriers can you create . ? ". 

Young man : " Depends on the strength of this girl but six for sure . . " 

Says terrified boy without taking his eyes off the silhouette in the smoke. 

Bearded man : " Well in that case you protect and I attack ."

Says the bearded man exhaling the air from his lungs .

Young man : " Is it that bad, didn't you say you could handle it ?" 

Asks boy looking at the back of his senior at whose feet the smoke is slowly approaching as he puts the bullets into a special place on the handle. 

Bearded man : " I certainly can't handle her myself .Something is very wrong with this girl ." 

Says the Bearded man aiming his two-handed axe at the cloud of smoke from which only a giggle can be heard. 

Blindfold: " I can handle my wound myself so go help him I'll be fine but watch out on her eyes. Before I flew away I had a chance to look at her face to face. Something is wrong with her eyes they are filled with energy and despite the fact that at first glance it resembles an aura but its is not aura.  This energy is all over her body, so watch out for her eyes it could be some semblance . "

Says the blindfolded man loudly. Hearing this, the Bearded man and the leather jacket simultaneously look at the beautiful pair of silver-blue eyes from which a strange silver glow is emitted. 

Bearded Man :" Here it comes! "

Shouts the bearded man firing the first shot from his axe at the girl which like a bullet shot out of the clouds of smoke. The first shot easily missed the girl, and seeing the speed of the girl, like an experienced hunter he is , he start shooting in front of the girl and not at her.

Each bullet hitting the floor caused a small explosion making it impossible for the girl to run straight. Despite the girl's animal-like speed due to the slalom, she had to slow down. But she still quickly reached the bearded man who, grasping the axe in both hands, prepared for a hand-to-hand fight. 

Bearded Man : "Young one I trust you " 

Shouts the Bearded Man as he swing his axe at girl who is raning straight at him. And to the man's surprise, girl dived under his horizontal axe sweep. Performing a forward roll between his legs, the girl without losing speed bypassed the bearded man who did not have time to react .

Bearded : "She's coming at you! " 

Shouts the bearded man as he sees the girl leap at full speed towards the wounded member of the group held by the man in the leather jacket. Before the bearded man's shout reached the ears of the people behind him the girl's hands were already dangerously close to the blindfold man face . 

But the reappearance of  barrier blocked girl atack, whose ears began to twitch. Apparently sensing the danger, girl used the barrier to break out into the air again, just in time for several shots to land where she was before, but none of them were exploding.

 After bursting from the barrier that finally burst after fulfilling its task, girl landed on the side wall from which she burst out again gaining distance from the grup. As girl lands on the ground, she stirs up a cloud of smoke from the ground spreading it throughout the alley, and all of this with cold irritation  on her beautiful face.

Leather jacket : "Thanks kid." 

Says a Leather jacket looking at a young man who is holding a sword in a rifle-like manner. 

Leather jacket : "Are you all right ? "

Asks Leather jacket again looking at the young man's tired and sweaty face. 

Young man : "What was that the barrier almost broke?" 

Says the young boy stumbling backwards as he falls on his butt. 

Bearded man : "Were you not able to stop the beowolf with that shield? " 

Asks the bearded man looking at the boy who takes a few deep breaths. 

 Leather jacket : " There is no time to talk, we can't retreat now not with her on our backs, the police are unlikely to help us either because we ourselves may have problems, if we live to see them arrive at all. The only thing left is to fight however, I don't see it with just the two of us and a tired youngster."

Leathe jacket: " I have to help them, Grey can you get out of here and call the guys ?" 

Asks the man in the leather jacket, looking at his injured friend. 

Blindfold :" Don't die until backup comes. "

Says Blindfold man as he with visible effort gets up from the ground with the help of his friend. But when ,he was about to let go of the Leather jacket who helped him stand up they both heard gunshots which drew their attention to the bearded man firing at the girl who nimbly dodged the bullets. 

And it didn't take the girl long to run and throw herself at the bearded man. But something was wrong this time their whole troupe felt it, years of experience and survival instinct switched on when the bearded man pointed the barrel of the axe at the belly of the girl flying towards him.

Then, in everyone's eyes, it was as if the world slowed down when the green barrier materialized again in front of the bearded man and the process of the trigger mechanism could be heard from his axe. 

However, despite this, the three experienced hunters felt that something was wrong , when they looked at that smile on the girl face as she was looking not at the bearded man but at the young man ?

Blindfold : "EMP!"

Shouts Blindfold watching as the girl's smile widened showing her white fangs. At the moment when the axe was about to fire and the shout of the blindfold man hit everyone's ears . A pale blue energy exploded from the girl making a sound similar to the howl of a wolfs which, after coming into contact with the light bulbs in the alley, caused them to explode making the already dark alley completely black. 

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