Runeblade: URK, It seems my Forbidden Lifeforce-Burning Technique is no match for you, Rising Stars Algorithm....

Chapter 18: Crouching Tiger

Kaius reacted instantly to the sound of something crashing through the undergrowth. Explorer's Toolkit screamed in his mind, but only an idiot needed a skill to tell them that unexpected movement in the Depths was dangerous.

He backpedalled as fast as he could into the open grass as he ripped his sword free from his scabbard. A mottled grey feline figure blurred out of the undergrowth, launching itself towards him with outstretched claws.

Kaius twisted, shifting to the side to avoid the pounce. One of the beasts paws scythed out to catch him, forcing him to pivot on his feet. He rolled his shoulder, preferring to take the blow on the thick leather that covered the joint.

The claws skittered on the pseudo-pauldron, cutting a deep line into the thickened material but saving his flesh from a worse wound. The force of the impact knocked him back, forcing him to adjust his footing lest he get knocked prone.

The beast landed softly. Quickly spinning as it hunched down, its muscles rippling under its fur as it readied itself for another confrontation.

Kaius brought his longsword up into a mid guard, ready for the beast's next charge as he quickly slung off his pack and tossed it to the side. He stared hard at the beast. It was far less twisted than he expected considering all the hellish seeming dire beasts he had seen so far. Roughly the size of a wolf, it was big enough to nearly reach his hips. A short mottled coat barely served to hide the thick muscle that stood out in stark relief under its skin. Almost like one of the mountain lions that he rarely saw in the forest above.

The lion's chops drew back, revealing sharpened canines as a deep threatening rumble echoed from deep in its chest.

In an instant it went from motionless to a dead sprint, claws driving deep into the earth to launch itself towards him. It reared up once more, batting towards him with lethal intent. Kaius brought his sword up, blocking the first swing with the edge of his sword. A thin line of red trickled down his blade as it cut deep into the beast's pad.

Its other paw hit him with the weight of a fully laden cart. Its claws tore across the leather of his chest, biting into the material and drawing blood. Kaius gasped, forcing himself to inhale after the weight of the blow drove the air from his chest.

Ignoring his aching ribs, he twisted into his block and carried his sword through to cut heavily into the beast's shoulder. His blade bit deep, the lion hissing in fury as it jumped back. The creature eyed him warily, padding around him in a circle that forced him to keep turning to match its pace.

The wound on the lion’s shoulder sealed shut, muscle and skin rippling as it forced itself back into position.

He missed fighting undead. It was so much more convenient when your opponents couldn't heal.

Kaius lunged towards the beast, pressuring it with a false charge. It leapt back with nimble grace, before slowly approaching to circle him once more when he failed to commit to the attack. As soon as its wound was fully healed it rushed in, this time its jaw yawning open in an effort to sink its fangs into his flesh.

Kaius sidestepped, returning the charge with a slash to the creatures' flank, it's dark grey fur staining a darkened red. Incensed, the lion hissed in fury before wheeling towards him once again. A claw ridden paw lashed out, Kaius turning the strike with a flick of his wrist.

**Ding! Parry has reached level 2!**

He was forced to abort his riposte, the first paw strike followed up as it tried to claw him with its other arm. Slamming his sword into the offending limb to block, Kaius was unable to react as its first paw returned to rake him across the thigh.

**Ding! Block has reached level 2!**

Claws scythed through the thickened leather that covered the front of his legs, digging through his fat to nick the surface of the muscle below. Hot blood flowed down his leg, quickly joined by the burn of Health as it started to seal the would.

Kaius roared in frustration, forcing the lion back with a stab that nicked its cheek. The lion stepped back, hissing at him threateningly before it charged into the fray once more.

He tried to manoeuvre around the beast's approach, but it's nimble agility allowed it to keep the pressure on him. Swinging his sword to meet muscle bound limbs, he tried his best to ward off the flurry of blows that sought to overwhelm his defence.

He got a series of parallel cuts across his shoulder and chest for his troubles.

The lion pounced at him, one leg batting away his sword as its jaws closed around his shoulder like a vice. Dagger like teeth sunk into the joint, and with a mighty crack it closed around his shoulder, the bone crunching like autumn leaves.

**Ding! Toughened Physique has reached level 2!**

A ragged scream left Kaius’s mouth.

Stunned, his sword slipped through his fingers.

With a heaving yank, it used all of the muscles in its neck and back to pull him to the ground. The sudden pressure and movement caused another explosion of pain through his shoulder, his rough impact driving the air from his lungs.

**Ding! Toughened Physique has reached level 3!**

**Ding! General Skill Available! Would you like to learn: Light Armour Mastery (Uncommon)?**

The notification went completely unnoticed, Kaius entirely focused on his mortal struggle against looming death.

Mounting him, the lion's bloody maw pulled back from his shoulder to go for his throat. Reacting more on instinct than conscious thought, Kaius ripped his hunting knife free from his belt with his still good arm. He drove the blade point first into the beast's chest.

With a yell of pained fury he pulled the blade free, hot blood squirting from the wound to cover his face. Ignoring the metallic tang that flooded his mouth, he plunged his knife down once more, burying it in the thick muscle that lined the lion's neck.

Red flowed like a fountain.

It yowled at the sudden wounds it had taken. Leaping backwards, it tore his knife free from its grasp, leaving the blade buried deep in its flesh.

Adrenaline surged through him, washing away the all consuming agony of his shoulder. He rolled, diving for his sword and wrapping bloodstained fingers around his hilt. He tried to push himself up, screaming in agony as his crushed and bleeding joint tried to take his weight.

With a moaning heave he pushed into the ground with his sword hand, stumbling upwards to train his sword on the cat with a trembling arm.

He could feel his Health streaming into the grievous wound on his shoulder, flooding the site with as much revitalising energy as it could muster. He knew it wouldn't be enough. The joint was completely gone, that alone would probably take more than his entire Health pool. It was the blood. The blood that streamed down his arm and chest, soaking through his garments to stain the grass below. Too much of it. Too fast.

The cat had done him in.

It had fucking killed him.

A roar of fury left his throat as he stared at the beast that even now scratched at the knife lodged in its throat as its own life blood poured free. Only serving to widen the wound, draining away what was left of its Health as it continuously reopened the injury.

A staggering run brought him forward, pain and blood loss making him feel weak. The lion's eyes widened as it saw him approaching. It tried to hiss, a wet gurgle escaping its throat as it batted at him weakly in an attempt to ward him off.

A shaky step took him around the limb, bringing him closer to the beast. He bared his bloody teeth, before spitting at the creature to rid himself of the viscera that coated his mouth. It scrambled. Trying to pull itself away from him as its legs collapsed under its weight. Kaius drove his blade home with a scream, the movement sending agony sharding out from his ruined shoulder.

**Ding! level 19 Shadow Stalker slain**

He left his sword embedded in the cat's skull, gasping as he stumbled free. He reached up to touch his shoulder, eyes scrunching shut as he felt the mess of torn flesh and bone. He pulled his hand back, looking at the blood that covered his hand.

Why now? He’d gotten so close. Managed to merge a skill faster than he ever thought possible. Just a month or two and he would have had a defensive skill. Would have been safe. It wasn't supposed to go like this. He was going to surge through the Depths, get his class, and return victorious. He was supposed to find Father. He wanted to see the look of surprise and joy on his face when he saw his boy still lived.

He didn't want to die.

He felt his Health finally peter out, his shoulder still leaking a steady stream of blood. He wavered, vertigo rolling over him as the ground seemed to sway beneath his feet. His eyes slipped to his pack, lying dishevelled on the ground.

Shouldn’t have left the fucking medkit behind. He was an Idiot! He brought enough jerky for several days and didn't have enough room for medical supplies? In the bloody Depths? Fuck!

He screamed in outrage, stomping his foot into the ground repetitively as his frustration and fear washed over him. The movement jostled his ruined arm causing it to scorch with agony as it smacked the reinforced exterior of his potion bag.

Kaius’s eyes widened.

The potions! It might just be enough.

A manic laugh bubbled from his lips as he scrambled at the clasp sealing the box tight, ignoring the waves of pain that protested at his movement. Ripping the container open, he fumbled for one of the rectangular vials, smearing blood over their glass exteriors.

He pulled one free, quickly uncorking it with his teeth before emptying the burnt orange fluid down his waiting throat.

A floral scented heat flowed free of the bottle, tasting of berries and an impossible note of the setting sun. It ignited within him, continuous waves of energy wafting through his body, bolstering the natural welling of his health and stamina that seeped from his soul.

**Ding! You have Imbibed a Tonic: Solar Revitalisation**

He gasped, the welling energy immediately diverting to work on sealing the ravaged wound on his shoulder.

With wide eyes, he brought up his resources.


Health - 0/200 (2/min +15/min)

Stamina - 163/200 (2/min +15/min)

Mana - 120/120 (2/min)

A brew of regeneration, not the best for his current situation, but a significant one. It might just be enough. He’d need to help it along though, and stem his bleeding that served the worst risk. He sat down heavily, scrambling at his buckled and laced boots with his single good arm. Ripping them free, he unbuckled his belt before tearing off his pants.

Wadding up a section of exposed heavy duty canvas, he pressed it over his wound. The pressure brought starbursts to his eyes, tears welling up at the agony. He simply gritted his teeth and pushed harder. He had no idea how long the potion would last and he needed to stem the bleeding before it wore off.

He sat there, huddled on the ground. Eyes scrunched up shut against the agony of his shoulder, feeling his flesh slowly writhe and undulate under the canvas of his pants. Hot blood soaking through the fabric, staining his hand red.

For the first time in years he prayed. To Ellyntir, Goddess of the lost. That it was enough, that he had the luck needed to pass through this trial. He was a traveller, damn well lost, and most likely an orphan. It had to be enough for a little bit of luck. He pleaded that it was enough.

He felt heavy. Far, far too heavy.

A ragged gasp fell out of him, his body betraying him as he fought to keep down the rising panic. It would be enough, he reassured himself. He had survived a fight against a champion, he could survive a brawl with a glorified housecat.

His breath started to steady. Kaius forced himself to breathe in deep through his nose, extending the inhalation over a number of seconds. He paused. After a slow breath out, he repeated the cycle, helping to pull himself together.

Shit happened, he needed to get over it. The lion died, and he would most likely live now that he had consumed a tonic. It was a reminder that just because everything had gone in his favour so far, it didn't mean it always would. He was in the Depths, he had to be bloody careful if he wanted to make it out of here. Literally everything down here would have a stat advantage on him, and so far he had only just barely been bridging the gap with his skills.

That trend would continue, he would make it so. He had no other option. As he grew his skills, he would be safer, be able to push himself harder. But until that point? No more stupid mistakes.

As his breathing slowed, and his panic slowly withdrew its claws from his chest, his heartbeat steadied to a measured pace. Slowing the pace of his bleed.

After nearly ten minutes of quiet contemplation Kaius stopped feeling the slowly stemming stream of blood that had been leaking free of his wounded shoulder. His attention dipped inside of himself, quickly seeing the bolstering energy of the potion of solar revitalisation still burning away happily. That was good, hopefully it would have enough juice left to at least knit his shoulder back together, if not top up his health pool once it was done.

He really should look at the wound.

A sharp burst of air between pursed lips steadied him as lightning strikes of pain scattered through his shoulder as he withdrew his makeshift gauze. The blood had soaked deep into the fabric, helping the rough fibres to adhere to exposed innervated flesh. He stared dutifully ahead, placing his pants on the ground as he avoided looking at his shoulder.

A slight turn of the head and a flick of his eyes let him know all he needed. His face blanched, flicking away from the wound. He’d somehow missed it in the struggle, but the lion hadn't just crushed his shoulder, it had torn a chunk out.

A thick mass of congealed blood was the only thing that stopped him from seeing the frayed muscle and broken bone that now made up the joint. Thick shards of white pierced the mass. He could even see his fat layer. Nauseating.

The world seemed to sway once more, the tree line in front of him seeming to wave as if a mirage.

He needed something to distract him from the wound. If he physically watched his flesh and bone writhe and reknit itself he was pretty sure he would throw up. He’d had some pretty bad wounds before, but never had his insides revealed to him in such depth.

It was… confronting.

He searched his mind for a distraction, quickly finding the system notification blaring in the background.

“Well, at least I got something out of that.” he muttered to himself.

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