Runeblade: Nani?!

Interlude 1: Voyeur

The figure paced over an endless void. Too-fine silk robes billowed in a non existent wind, pressing close to his body. With every step, a thin stone platform appeared beneath him. Vanishing as soon as his naked feet lost contact.

Swirling lights surrounded him. Dancing through the air in a silent symphony of movement. They trailed after him like a cloud.

He hadn’t felt this constrained in far too long. It was easy to languish in immobile solitude when there was nothing to hold his attention. It would still be tens of millennia until the safeguards kicked in and he was returned to the greater universe.

It still infuriated him.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

The chances of a world stabilising after the first stage were vanishingly small. Even for a world that had already had magic like this one. The whole integration, the creation of the Depths, was supposed to incite a ravenous desire for growth.

Supposed to push them.

Instead it seemed like they just stopped trying. As soon as the mana density stabilised, as legacy skills were found and Dynasties forged, they had just…stopped.

Space started to ripple, the very fabric of reality beginning to boil.

It was enraging. An affront to the system. Where were the people pushing themselves to the brink? Forcing themselves to adapt? They were supposed to advance to the second stage far before mana stabilised.

There were ELEVEN triggers. And not one, not ONE, had been activated in over twelve thousand years. Astounding.

It should have taken a millennium at most for the integration to run its course. At the very least they should have had the grace to fail and die, rather than leaving him trapped. Undue punishment is what it was. Bloody excessive for a non-violent crime. But now there was a chance. The boy just had to not die.

A cloud of lights drifted down from the greater swarm, circling his head. The figure looked at them with interest.


They streamed into his mind, knowledge absorbed instantly. A system notification pinged.

**Kaius Unterstern is under Observation.**

A wide grin split his face, individual jaw muscles rippling under translucent-white skin. With a thought he returned to his throne, falling back into it with languishing ease.

“Good. Let's have a look then.”

His mind pierced through the space out of time, surveying all of Vaastivar in its gaze. Focus zeroing in on one small section of the Great Depths.

“Oh? A natural treasure while unclassed? That's a lucky criteria to meet for Observation. I had my bet on three champions solo.” The figure said happily. It was a boon, something that would greatly assist the subject of his interest with his defeat of a Guardian. That was the key. He had to ensure it happened. It was a pity that the feat didn’t come with an Honour, but the fruit was reward enough in its own right.

“I probably can't swing you another one of those, but otherwise I'm sure I can … load the dice, so to speak.”

He wouldn't be able to influence the Guardian he was destined to face. Nor could he interfere with the depths-born. The construct had absolute control over its confines. A mere glorified supervisor such as himself had nowhere near the authority to influence the challenge of the trial.

The rewards? Now that was something he could affect. He couldn’t exactly choose what the boy received, but he would be able to lean on the overseer-mind to be a little more favourable and generous. Even if it cost him a thousand years of Psi accumulation, it would be worth it. After all, if the boy failed he would have nothing but time to cultivate it once more.

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