Ruin World's

Chapter 7: Disaster on Earth

So he with heavy heart went toward hall room where almost everyone gathered.

Huo directly go to Situ's side and said grandfather you guys killed 1 emperor level monster right.

After 13 day's of continuous battle they only manage to kill a emperor rank monster. So earth's all live broadcasting channel published the battles video. Those video's they got from satellite. So Huo also know about that matter.

That’s why Huo asked his grandfather can you get me its heart or maybe some important parts.

Situ didn’t asked anything and contacted the main figures of this battle and asked their opinion.

All the higher ups said to Situ you know emperor level monsters blood refining is almost impossible.

Because many scientists tried this before died in that process.

Situ then asked Huo how much confidence do you have in refining.

Huo replied I have 60 percent confident in refining.

Situ then said ok, I will get you the material. So you should prepare for the worst case scenario then left.

Huo also left toward his lab. After 5 hours later Situ also come to his lab with the materials.

Huo said don't worry. I will succeed you should go up and get some rest.

Situ then left the lab but didn't take rest and went toward his clans shelter.

Upon reaching Situ calmed his heart and start to talk with his family.

Meanwhile in the lab Huo started the process. It was very easy for Huo to just refine some emperor blood. What he wanted was emperor level monsters heart and it's heart's blood to breakthrough starry level.

So he refined potions and then start the process of absorption technique.

After absorbing the heart and it's heart's blood he also started to evolve. But the thing that almost made him lose his consciousness was emperor level monsters will power.

Because he mastered all the four absorption techniques levels and high purity of modified blood gene.

When he performed 4th level absorption techniques. Emperor rank monster's blood potion exceeded the limit of purity and made his gene level evolve 32 to 100. Even State lord level only get 78-80 gene level. But because of his refining technique the monster blood cell gene level rise to much.

It become hard for his body to handle but he didn’t lose hope and only can fight back with his will power. He tried his best to endure few minutes but for Huo every second was like tens of years. Huo couldn't hold back any longer and roar in pain. But thank to sound proof room the sound didn’t reach outside.

But the room almost got destroyed by his roar. Huo with full of desire wanting to live start endure all the pain and hold it in.

So just to live for 1 more day with his family members he continued to suffer and so time pass by.

But only after 20 minutes Huo reached his limit. Even so he somehow maintained his consciousness. After 9 hours of breaking and reforming his body structure this time he finally got some unexpected gift like monsters origin eye. With that monster origin eye he can see law of the universe.

Jade said with happy expression I didn’t thought that you are this crazy master. Even before you enter starry level you gain quite some gift. Huo then talk to Jade some time and went got side.

Then Huo called his grandfather and give him the potion.

later his grandfather left him alone to get some rest. But he didn't take rest and started his cultivation process to solidify his Foundation before reaching starry level.

It took him 2 days just to stabilize his cultivation. Then he prepared to breakthrough. This time he takes out 80 life force crystal from his storage ring and start to breakthrough. Inside his sea of consciousness the sun begun to get big and show ed some crack in then.

After some moments the sun got burst and created small star fragment. When his breakthrough process were still in mid way suddenly his beast origin eye opened. Those beast origin eye power he got from the emperor rank monsters heart blood. With those he could see the laws of the origin in his sea of consciousness's mini universe.

So he start to follow the origin law then created the small stars where origin law indicates. This progress took him 3 days to organize. The small fragment's of sun to a small stars.

Now with the help of origin eye he could easily absorb large amount of life force in the sea of consciousness and direct his cultivation core energy.

So he thought 80 life force stone would be enough but it takes him 220 Stones this time. Because understanding the origin law of his cultivation core and his evolved gene level.

After breakthrough to starry level Huo's gene level also went by 50 and become 150 gene level. So after absorbing the Stone force fully and creating the cultivation core and sea of consciousness following the law. He jump starry level 1 to starry level 6.

Because of gene evaluation and transformation of body Huo become very charming. It's all because of his sudden gene level outburst and reforming his bones by absorbing the emperor rank monster.

So after settling all of that he went to see his family members. When he entered all of his family members get shocked by his looks and his body constitution. Even his sister Sihu who didn't find anyone handsome to fall in love after seeing him started to blush.

Sihu tease him if you weren't my brother I would have definitely propose to you.

Edie with also with shock shocked expression asked what happen to you.

Huo reply when I was researching the bloods of monsters some of them entered my body as well. So you guys can say this is the after effect and changed my body a bit.

Jade smirk and said master you become a special life from but your family member's have no idea.

Huo asked what is special life form.

Jade reply special life forms are those beings who born with life gene level 100 or above. Also when they breakthrough to the new major levels they gain absolute power in his levels.

Jade continued if you specialize in soul power. Then nobody in you level can win against you. Even If you specialize in fighting techniques no one can win against you at your level.

Huo asked so if give birth to children with this high gene level. What will happen to them.

Jade joked him and said are you still thinking of marrying someone and will be living a normal life.

Jade continued well if you want to get a spouse. then those who has no cultivation level can give birth to your children. that's will also help them in changing their own gene levels too and the children's who you will give birth through her will also gain best physical constitution. But if you marry a warrior spouse then she won't be able to bear your gene level and will die after give birth to a children with healthy body atmost.

Huo understand that those who have no gene level can bear it because of very low gene levels but warriors won't because they already have high gene level compare to normal people.

Huo asked jade how much gene level normal people and warriors has in earth.

Jade replied normal people have atmost 6-8 gene levels and warriors with normal potential have 17-20 gene level, average potential like your grandfather has 22-25 gene level.

Huo with shocked expression said but my gene level is 150 right now.

Jade replied you cannot increase your gene level from now. Because when people are at a planet level they get new physics and start their evaluation towards warrior path's. So changes happen in only in planet level but when they become starry level warrior they cannot give their specific small stars in their sea of consciousness life force to evolve them. So increasing gene level is out of question and might die in the process. There is only 0.00000001 % chances of survival if you try to increases your gene level.

Huo understand to some extent.

Jade continued when you are in planet level in your sea of consciousness you only has a sun type cultivation core. That absorb the life force's alone. So you didn’t have to specifically focus on other matter and just go though the gene level process.

After hearing those word's Huo asked jade then will I be able to perform the absorption technic.

Jade replied obviously, why do you think you can't perform the techqnic. This technique will help you in minor level along with soul and spiritual power breakthrough but not gene levels anymore. When you performed the technic previously you did many modification's in monster blood potion that's why its hurts your bone and cell's and also helps you increasing your gene level hehehe. But in the future you cannot just do the same things anymore. You will have to refine the blood normally or maybe directly absorb them.

Huo with complex expression nodded but understand that if he do the same things recklessly then in the future he might die for sure.

Then Huo again enter in his training room and start his training.

Not long after those things progress the battle between the humans and monsters almost come to an end. After almost one and half month later with many king level and few emperor level monsters get killed in the hand of humans and retreat to the their territory's.

But Huo with his starry level 6 cultivation went to monsters territory and killed all high ranking monster secretly.

After killing half of the king level monster he collected their body into storage ring.

Humanity suffered huge amount losses of resources and warriors in this battle. But time didn't stopped for anyone and pass by with that Humanity try their very best to restore the land's as much as possible.

In the other side Huo started his training. Huo only focused on his craftsmanship training manuals and practice. It took him 7 years to reach him level 3 Craftsmanship.

At that time Huo didn’t go to outside of his research lab and only focus on training. In the mean time Cao and Ellis got married and also have two children's.

But Huo didn’t attended the marriage ceremony . Huo told his grandfather that because of refining process of the emperor level monster his body hurts time to time and he needs time to research about this matter. So he cannot go to outside world and might affect other by his body conditions.

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