Ruin World's

Chapter 27:Huo getting multiple body's

Huo also noticed but the aura was not that strong. That's why he didn't payed much attention.

Jade said with surprised and happiness "master your luck is so dawn awesome. Its a Royal Destroyer beast with state lord level cultivation."

Huo without wasting time performed blood drop blade picture level 7th with all force to kill it in one go. One sword was created with endless small blades. Then Huo went toward the beast with attack.

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Beast noticed and try to defend but the attack was too strong and fast because of Huo's law understanding. So that beast couldn’t defend the sword and it went through his body and smashed the beast's cultivation core. Huo also learn from the inheritance memory that 80% beast get critical injury by cultivation core damage. So he didn’t waste time and targeted the core. But the Beast didn’t died instantly. But get covered with blood and injures. Because of its size was around 10 kilometers long. So with injury's this serious he cannot fly any longer and fall into the ground.

Jade said "take the full body immediately after killing and leave someone is coming this way."

But it was too late. So after killing the beast and storing it in the ring Huo hided inside the corpse of warrior body's. After some minutes Huo saw a beautiful woman with two horn and one tail that divided into two and green scales in hand along with pure white color pale face along with serious injuries in here belly come to the area. Where the holy maiden supposed to seat she lie down. Huo didn’t make any move and remain clam at that moment.

After 2 hours later Jade suddenly said after seeing her condition "this warrior entered in slumber. She will take atleast 10000-1 million years to recover her godly body."

Huo asked "what is this godly body you are talking about?"

Jade said "when you became demi god level warrior. Your sea of consciousness and cultivation core merge with whole body. And that time universe give you limitless law power to absorb and that limitless power form your body with law power. We call that body a godly body. That time you didn’t need to rely on you cultivation core for power to much. Because your full body's every cell will got the same universe law powers. And it seems she must have used to much godly power and also lost a huge amount of godly body in a battle not too long ago. That's why she entered slumber or you can say soul exhausted condition."

Huo asked "then she possess no threat to me now….right."

Jade reply "yes, master she doesn’t possess any threats now. But those who attacked her will come soon. So we must leave this place. The sooner we leave the better it is."

Huo said "I also want to take her and all the dead body's here with me through."

There was around 5 dead body's with flesh and blood. They give of tremendous amount of mental pressure.

Jade said "well you can take the body's. After all it will help you to reach demi god level in a short period of time. But you want to take her too…right. Is it worth it …master."

Huo asked "what is her life gene level right now."

Jade reply "she has around 400 gene level. If it had been any normal knight level in the universe. Then they would have around 150 gene level. Also only after becoming law master/universe master one can evolve their gene level with universe law's help to between 500-1000. That's the limit universe set up for beings like original universe's special some genius. But special life form like you can gain 9999-10000 gene level after becoming law master/universe master."

Huo asked "If I enter the law level. Then can I bind her soul with soul binding technique?"

Jade reply with gleaming eye "yes, it might be possible. But you also have to breakthrough demigod level and have to enter knight level before she van enter law master level. If you can not become knight level warrior before her. Then she can easily kill you at that distant future. Well maybe she only entered knight level not to long ago. So that will be a piece of cake for genius like you. Anyways she will take atleast 100 billion to 1 trillion years to reach law master/universe master level. And you on the other hand with this much potential and gene level can enter knight level quite easily. You atmost need one million years to reach the knight level cultivation base."

Huo said with sigh of relief "that's good then. Let's get out of this place for now and make our way out of this miniature universe too as soon as possible."

Suddenly someone attacked the place where Huo standing with loge range attack. Huo used teleportation skill to teleport. He didn’t stopped and continued to teleport himself for 3 days without resting. After reaching his limit he find a cave and go in there. At that time to avoid chase he just teleportation randomly. After resting some times Huo went out to look around and find out that he is complete opposite direction from the universe Alliance entrance. But he didn’t panicked and investigate around the area. After some time Huo entered a blood world fragment and stayed in a small city. Huo then started investigation all the matter possible and cultivated there like any others normal blood world people.

After some times he find out that holy maiden's disciple are searching for her whereabouts. So Huo become even more cautious and changed his location every month. Time pass by and it's been 110 years Huo entered the blood world miniature universe. Huo deicide to go back to ancient battle field. Because after spending 110 years on the blood world Huo discovered that all the things have become normal. Now nobody is searching holy maiden and all the warriors under holy maiden started to clam down a bit too. So Huo went toward the blood world's ancient battle field again. After some days Huo arrived outside the blood world's ancient battle field and dive in. Huo with utmost carefulness went toward the first place where he saw four Demi god level warriors before. But in his way he sensed something very familiar and unknowingly started to went there by following his instinct. After 8 hours later Huo reached his destination.

Huo saw below his feet there is a huge hole. From that hole Huo felt tremendous amount of pressure. Even so Huo went in by cultivating his mental power. The deeper Huo go the more pressure he felt. At some point Huo also began to think it's might be better if I just give up now. Because the pressure was so much that it becoming to hard to handle by his current mental and will power. His soul power also almost hitting it's limit.

Jade said "you should start your cultivation on soul, will, and mental power here. This pressure will help you with killing intent resistance. This will also help you gaining resistance. If you gain the same resistance. After training here your presence will look like a Demi god level warrior or maybe even higher level warriors."

Huo than start his cultivation. Therefore his will, mental and soul power also enhance greatly. The killing intent's pressure not only help Huo to gain resistance. But also the blood mist there was very thick that's why blood that was floating in the air also get absorb by Huo's body at some point. So his life gene level also started to rise from 600 to 800… 850… 900… 950… 991… 992… 996… 998… 999....... then finally reached 1000 life gene level. When Huo's life gene reach 1000. Huo opened his eyes and saw a Royal destroyer beast was in front of his eye. That beast also giving a very tough and thick killing intent pressure. Even though its just a dead body it has been giving of tremendous amount of pressure.

Jade reply "master nobody can enter here. So you can cultivate here without fear of other's. You should also perform absorption technic and try absorb to your heart content here this beast. Its giving very strong aura. The moment I saw this beast body I realize it's a real true God's body. With immenseness power even if you try absorb this body fully you cannot fully absorbed it. You can at most absorb 1/10000th of its body because of your gene level. If it were the previous master then he atmost could have absorb 1/100000000000th of it's body's spiritual power. But you are different. This royal destroyer is also seems like a real royal bloodline. It can enhance your all power by many folds. This is the feeling I gained the moment I saw this huge beast."

Huo nodded and start his breakthrough to Law level.

When Huo first try he cannot even get close to its main body. So he first try to make his mental and soul power sharp enough to withstand the pressure. It took Huo 300 years to just hone his will power to knight level warrior. After that he start to breakthrough to law level warrior. In his sea of consciousness he saw the stars were born and rumbling and the pressure he previously feeling become very smooth and Huo saw 36 stars and a world in his sea of consciousness. After that sometimes later a new star began to born from the huge universe power that Huo was absorbing. After the appearance of 37 star Huo immediately start his stabilizing process by direct drinking the true gods blood. Huo didn’t understand why but when he was drinking the blood there was no pressure from the blood.

Jade said "you should start producing your one more body clone by this true gods body part. The more you can take its body part in this process the best."

Huo then start absorbing its eye, heart, horn, shattered spiritual power storing area and blood along with full body of the previous one royal destroyer beast that he killed. In his inner world's middle all the materials gathered and form a egg shape. Then surrounding the egg appeared universe law power.

Jade said "it will take your royal destroyer beast body atleast 500-50000 years to born from this egg shell. In the main time why don’t you try promote your minor levels along with that also try to make some fighting techniques now. Or maybe you can just master the heaven breaker technique. If this technique suit your power than you can atleast have a decent battle power in the battles."

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